An Avenger's Nemesis

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Yelena pays her respect to the women that made her.
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This story is set after the events of the Black Widow movie and features the characters Yelena Belova and Maria Hill from the MCU.


Grumbling to a halt the battered truck reached its final resting place. Stepping out the driver brusquely opened the passenger door; her fluffy pooch bounding out into the wilderness:

"Come on Fanny!"

Dappled light shone through the foliage as they walked amongst the trees; illuminating her way through the thick brush. Contrasting greatly with her natural surroundings, the blonde's chequered yellow ensemble emphasised her newfound freedom.

Watching the dog skitter onward and disappear into the bushes however, Yelena Belova couldn't bring herself to smile; emotionally preparing herself for her next mission.

Reaching the clearing Yelena stepped gingerly between gravestones to reach the small memorial:



Suppressing the feelings that threatened to swell within her, Yelena knelt by the stone; distracting herself by tidying up trinkets.

Bending over to adjust a teddy bear, the blonde's chequered pants stretched over her plump behind; fabric straining around her full cheeks. Eyes on the ground, Yelena was oblivious to the eyes resting on her rear.

Of course Natasha would never be buried; the Black Widow's resting place remained a mystery. This shallow marker was just for those left behind. Of course such indulgences made no difference to the dead: Yelena was Russian and sentimentality was more of a Western philosophy. At least, that was what she told herself...

Leaning against the stone Yelena paused; resting her forehead against the cold hard granite.

Closing her eyes Yelena whistled three discordant notes; a greeting signal that would never be reciprocated.

Blinking back tears she suppressed her feelings once more; quickly standing to face the headstone. Experiencing this loss had definitely made Yelena a harsher person. But what else could she do? Beyond this feeble gesture how could she honour a loved one with Natasha's very particular set of skills??

Accept for a few minor slip ups Yelena had tried to avoid triggering sexual situations, mainly keeping to small reconnaissance missions. Of course things with the Bishop girl had gotten a little out of hand... sometimes you aim to miss and inevitably hit the Bullseye.

Yelena sighed, brushing the dirty from her hands as she stood over the fake grave: of course she was trying to be the woman Natasha had wanted her to be. But in reality there was always a harsher mistress... ghosts that would never stay buried.

Hearing the crunch of footsteps through the leaves behind her Yelena shook her head; the Widow's true opponent had finally arrived.

Approaching the memorial the woman stood beside her, taking only a moment before announcing herself:

"Uh-hmph! My condolences."

Not bothering to look at her would-be owner, Yelena growled:

"Vaut are you doing here??"

Raising an eyebrow, the statuesque brunette smirked down at the girl beside her:

"Paying my respects. Trust me I didn't come to the Midwest for sightseeing."

"You never respected my sister."

"True. But she had her uses... just like you."

Gritting her teeth Yelena turned to glare at the intruder: Maria Hill returning her gaze with an icy smile. Dressed in all black, the Dom's dark wardrobe was just as sinister and unreadable as you would expect from the former Director of SHIELD.

"I don't do that."

"Don't you?" Maria clucked doubtfully: "I heard about that little mission in New York Belova; Seducing an heiress on behalf of her own mother? Just to get the Mob off their back?! What would Natasha think??"

Yelena scowled guiltily:

"Dat vaus for her own good! And I needed the money-"

"-Then work at 7-11!" Maria exclaimed, "Unless... maybe you like the skillset I gave you?"

Scoffing at the sardonic brunette's brazen implication, Yelena shook her head:

"Everything I hate about myself came from you."

"Actions speak louder than words Belova. Either way; you stepped into MY territory in New York. Didn't you think there would be consequences??"

Glaring down at her Yelena held her ground against Maria. After all this sociopathic brunette didn't own sex! Faced with that dominant resolve that had broken so many however, the blonde bit her tongue; a mastermind like Hill definitely had a trick up her sleeve:

"Not here..."

"Here's as good a place as any. If anything it seems fitting that your sub-missions should start where hers... ended."

"Suka!" Yelena growled, doubling down on bravado. Squaring off against the vicious woman, the blonde cracked her knuckles: "Counter-offer; I kick your stuck up ass?!"

Shaking her head Maria chuckled; genuinely amused by the stubborn girl's impudent response. As if Belova alone could change what she had been planning? Maria made her! Moulded her into the perfect tool for sex. And now finally she would show this girl her purpose:

Bracing herself Yelena was on edge; Natasha and Milena had shown her a different path! Taught her to resist the same tricks that had subjugated them. So why did Maria think she could just convince her to submit?!

"Its time Yelena."

"Time for vaut?!"

"Time for you to join your sisters..."

"My sestra??"

Hearing a rustling from the forest Yelena balked, wide green eyes searching the dark foliage.

One by one her fellow Widows began to emerge from the tree line; branches snapping all around them.

Spinning on the spot Yelena counted out her new opponents as they sauntered forward to encircle them; realising she was vastly outnumbered.

Leaning against the nearest headstone, Maria smirked at the bewildered blonde; confronted with all the members of her new Sexual Espionage program:

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Of course, either way I'm going to enjoy myself..."

Looking between the beautiful blank faces, Yelena recognised all the girls she had trained with; of course now they were just puppets for Hill's new regime. Clearing her throat, Yelena tried to address them directly:

"Vaut is this?! Sasha?? Daria?! Talk to me!!"

Gaining no response from the other Widow's, Yelena took in their glazed eyes and placid expressions; Maria having transformed the elite guard into her personal harem of super-powered sex dolls:

"Your initiation..."

Speaking curtly Maria raised her hands; clapping once:

"Vdovy! Direktiva chetyre!"

Commanding her harem in perfective Russian, the Widows responded in unison:


Automatically following the brunette's directive, the girls moved in perfect synchronicity. Each unzipping their tight black suits; the Widows revealed the smooth skin of their taught, youthful bodies, costumes splitting open down to the navel.

A series of bountiful breasts bouncing into view all around her Yelena swallowed; caught between lust and terror as her sisters unveiled themselves to both her eyes and the cool air of the forest. But what was the purpose of this sordid display? Some messed up power move by Maria?? Or something more sinister...

Of course Yelena couldn't fail to notice the beautifully augmented bodies of all her sensual sisters; Widow made to be the perfect sexual prospect. Gaze dancing from one girl's curves to another, Yelena wanted to respect her found family. Attempting to turn away however Yelena whined: North, east, south and west, the blonde was surrounded by boobs of every shape and size.

One by one the Widows each slipped a hand into the tight confines of their suits. Circled tightly around their Mistress, each kept their dull vision on Yelena herself; as if judging their rebellious sibling for her betrayal.

Seeing their eyes flash red, immediately Yelena knew what they were in for; stimulation activating each Widow's enhanced libido, the demands of raw desire ensuring they would follow every their twisted Mistress.

Stirring their nethers the girls formed a panopticon of masturbation; getting off on each other and themselves.

Quickly becoming flushed as they delved between their own primed pussy lips, Yelena found herself in the centre of this orgy of orgasmic desire. Twisting to look at each sister in turn; Yelena could only empathise with her girls; all too aware of how the chemistry of the body could enslave the mind.

Along with this erotic sight was the incredible sound of lust; magnified by their numbers. Between every breath was the loud squelch of wet skin being stimulated by many hands. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, the nervous blonde could smell her sisters' arousal on the air.

Becoming more insistent the Widows all began panting harder and harder; arms pistoning as they worked their pussies into a slick frenzy; filling the cool forest air with the strong aroma of sex. Several tongues lolling out, some girls even flexed and undulated in place, oblivious to the madness of their own actions as they did what felt so wonderful; what they were made to do.

"You thought I wouldn't have an ace in the hole?"

Hearing Maria's sarcastic drawl, Yelena inhaled the scent of juices all around her, the young Blonde Widow helpless to resist the powerful arousal. Gasping Yelena's bright green eyes flooded a deep lustful red:

"I-I don't understand..."

Shuddering in place Yelena felt her own nethers moisten, heat radiating up through her belly.

"Didn't Natasha tell you?" Maria chuckled: "Your enhanced sex-drive is still active... a slight increase of pheromonal activity would make you susceptible..."

Gasping the blonde desperately covered her mouth and nose but it was already too late; the blonde crossing her legs to hide the moisture spreading at her apex.

"... And I'm supplying A LOT more juice than that!"

Grasping her own chest, Yelena moaned as she felt her nipples quickly engorge into hard points. Confronted with all this arousal the Widow was programmed to respond; Maria's orgy of masturbation guaranteeing the girl's own heightened reaction.

Eyes hooding over the blonde swayed in place as Maria grinned delightedly:

"Ohhh, poor baby. Did Vostokoff coddle you? Or did you just forget that you were made to be my slut??"

Overwhelmed by the enhanced arousal that flooded her senses, Yelena clutched the headstone behind her; desperately attempting to suppress her own desire whilst grappling with this terrible revelation:

"Buh, but I thought?-"

"-That Mommy cured you!? Ha! Sorry Belova but there's no cure for being my whore."

Shoulders slumping Yelena felt the fight drain out of her, the blonde's vision blurring into a pink haze. All this time she had thought she was in control! Had it all just been a lie? Striding into the girl's personal space Maria beamed; no longer concerned that the blonde would attempt anything stupid.

Inspecting her property, Maria was impressed with the the expensive investment; full curves, long golden blonde hair and that beautiful round face. Of course that terrible outfit would have to go... but given time and a little more moulding Yelena could be as useful as her Natasha! And while the Belova girl had gone off the reservation for some time, the brunette was confident she could bring the blonde back into the fold... After all she had broken THE Black Widow and all members of this new harem single-handedly! Yelena was just another carbon copy.

Grasping the blonde's chest Yelena shuddered as Maria weighed her firm globes; biting her lips as the insidious woman tweaked tense flesh. Eliciting a strangled moan, Yelena knew that Maria now had her; body and soul held in this mastermind's cruel hands. But was it science that had made her this way? Or was it just in Yelena's nature??

As if to make her own position clearer, Maria ran her hands over the girl's body before finally squeezing Yelena's plump round ass. Clapping her palms against the girl's thick flesh the Widows all around finally reached climax:




Cumming on cue the girls shivered; filling the air with a cacophony of moans and the sweet smell of sex. Forced to breath this concentrated scent, Yelena's own body was now fully ensnared; just as Maria had planned.


Eyelids fluttering Yelena succumbed; orgasming quietly under the Don's insistent pressure. Creasing her brown, the blonde bit her lip; suppressing her reaction to protect what was left of her dignity whilst holding the woman's eye.

Music to the dominant woman's ears, Maria grinned at the hapless blonde: Yelena having transformed from cocksure assassin to a weakened babe without a single fist being thrown, and all before the brunette's cold blue gaze:

"Made to measure; your mother must be so proud!"

Whimpering Yelena held her tongue; the girl's eyes watering as she came to realise how screwed she truly was; Maria knew everything about her and could play the blonde like a fiddle! Milena had engineered her this way and without Natasha... the young Widow was powerless to resist such a target assault on her senses. But Yelena refused to give up that easily:

"I-I am not just another of your brainless sluts!!"

"Ohh.. you can lie to yourself but not to me Belova."

Maria's fingers slithered up Yelena's thigh, the brunette stretching the hem of the girl's crop top:

"I know your kind; you think you're hot shit because you put on bright colours and flounce around like big bird? A costume doesn't hide your insecurity any better than it hides your boobs!"

As if to make her point Maria plucked Yelena's hard buds through her too; eliciting a hiss from the tense blonde. Then sliding her hand down the front of Yelena's yellow pants, the young assassin gasped; too aroused to resist the older woman's advances.

"Such a curvaceous little body," Maria whispered into the blonde's ear.


Tugging at Maria's wrist, Yelena was no longer sure what she was even asking for. With Maria tightening her grip Yelena only succeeded in pulling her own blonde pubes:


"Go ahead then," Maria replied, driving a confident finger up and down the cleft of the young woman's sex as the brunette continued on calmly:

"Call for back up. Oh wait; you're a free agent now right Belova?? Nobody tells this 'Queen' what to do!!"

"Ugh!" Struggling with her own desires Yelena choked; for once the mouthy blonde couldn't respond as Maria continued:

"No more Mommy, no more big sis... tell me does poor little Yelena miss having a family?? Cos I just happen to have one right here that misses her..."

"No!" Yelena groaned dryly even as her body responded, aware she losing the battle of wits with this vicious woman:

"You can't deny it," Maria stated curtly, "Shhhh- just listen to that pussy. Listen to those hungry wet sounds. You know you want to be my Widow once more!"

"I don't know!!" Replying honestly, Yelena's response was even less self-assured:

Part of the Russian girl knew she could stop this at any time, that Natasha had warned her about this contemptible Dom. And yet Yelena's hips were moving of their own accord, back and forth, back and forth: fucking the fingers embedded in her hot slit. And raw pleasure was hard to resist, no matter where it came from...

More than that Maria wasn't wrong; why else would Yelena have walked into this trap? Come to this feeble memorial all alone? The Blonde Widow craved reunion with her family, many of whom stood around her right now. And then there was that unconscious desire; that itch in the back of her brain... who else could even satisfy that??

Finally tugging away her wet fingers, Maria preceded to wipe them on the girl's jacket:

"Now; bend over and show me that pretty ass of yours."

Staring back at each other for a several long seconds, the true battle was not between the women but within the blonde herself. Command ringing in her ears, Yelena fought her own desire. Struggling with her principles and her chemically infused need for sex, Yelena swore in frustration:

"Fuck me!" Yelena swore in Russian, slumping against Natasha's stone; defeated by her body's own depraved desires.

A cold, satisfied smile curled the brunette's lip:

"Maybe after."

Quietly enjoying the stubborn girl's last stand, the Dom waited patiently for her to give way; embarrassment really made the bad ass blonde look adorable, and the powerful woman couldn't get enough of it.

Muscles screaming against her rational brain, Yelena turned slowly on the spot to face her sister's headstone. Stepping slowly over to it the blonde moved almost robotically as the incessant chemical cocktail within took over her higher functions.

Watching the pronounced wiggle in the blonde's every step Maria followed. Loving her control over the petulant girl, Maria's eyes sparkled with dark delight as she drank in this submissive retreat; the elegant brunette practically salivating as Yelena bent over the waiting stone; sacrificing body and soul to her new God.

For a few long seconds Maria took in this incredible sight; the blonde's big round butt straining the chequered seat of her hideous yellow pants as she arched over the only support available. Waiting impatiently, Yelena turned back to glare at her new Mistress:

"Keep your eyes on the dirt Belova!"

Gritting her teeth Yelena swallowed a nasty retort. After a few more long seconds of internal debate the blonde turned back to face the ground; lowering her head in a deliberate sign of submission.

Circle of widows enclosing around her, Yelena closed her eyes as the evil woman grabbed her butt; beginning to squeeze and fondling her like a piece of meat, Maria grinning with sadistic satisfaction as she took ownership of the girl once more.

After a few long seconds of possessive butt groping Maria quipped, "So was all this just childish denial?! A bid for attention?!? After all in tight-fitting pants like these, mmmmm... Its like you're just begging to be turned into a bottom!!"

Maria laughed scornfully: "Well Thank god I came back for you! Someone to top the 'untoppable' Yelena Belova. Being the woman that tamed your sister you figured I was the only one who could huh??"

Blushing again Yelena slapped stone with her palm, refusing to take the bait:

"Just shut up and get it over with!!"

"You know, that's exactly what Natasha said when I first took her ass..."

Laughing, Maria was genuinely impressed that the Blonde Widow could control herself; even to this meagre extent. The other Widows were practically husks filled with lust but little Yelena still had strength; no doubt instilled by her troublesome big sister... Admiral qualities, just not in a whore. This kind of impudence would not be tolerated:

Feeling a hand come down hard on her exposed rear Yelena hissed; sucking her lips as the cruel brunette began to beat her ass.

Taking slap after slap on her vulnerable butt Yelena bit her tongue, eyes watering as she was punished for all of her indiscretions. Spanking the blonde again and again, each harsh thwack echoed through the woods echoed through the woods as the other Widow's watched on blankly, all of their resistance long since removed by Maria herself.

Desperate not to be further weakened, Yelena clung onto the headstone beneath her; knuckles turning white as the brunette landed blow after blown.

Stopping momentarily Maria turned away to shake out her sore palm.

Nodding to another Widow, immediately the aroused puppet stepped forward to carry out the Mistress' wish:

Feeling another set of hands on her sore ass Yelena whined as sympathetic fingers squeezer her rump. Feeling those digits reach around her belly the blonde mewled as they undid her pants before tugging on the tight yellow fabric.

Clinging on to the stone Yelena felt two sets of hands peel the cloth over her hips and down to her ankles before the Widows finally backed away; leaving Yelena in just her panties.