An Interview with an Alien


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We stayed locked together for what seemed like an eternity but was actually a little more than a couple of minutes, then she pulled my head gentle off her body, far enough to allow her to stand and pull me up to my feet. Eve wrapped her arms around my chest locking my arms firmly to my body and kissed me until my legs grew weak from lack of oxygen.

"I am never going to let you out of my sight. No one has ever made me cum like that. Let's dry off, get dressed and go back upstairs. We can grab a beer or two and I'll continue with my story."

Chapter Three:

An ice cold beer was just what I needed to shock my system back to life. I flipped through my notes, refreshing myself as to where we left off.

"You had just reached the part where you realized that you were all alone."

"The first thing I did the next morning was to build a funeral pyre in a small clearing next to the house. I couldn't just bury the bodies, suppose someone came looking for those people and they found three freshly dug graves. They would have discovered two things; one, they would have found Adam; I didn't know how advanced your planet was medically, but I was pretty sure that they could have figured out that he was not human and two; someone had buried the bodies and they would have begun a search for that someone. I stood in front of that fire, mourning for Adam and cursing him for destroying our civilization's last chance at starting over."

"I had spent much of the previous night listening to the recording that Adam had found, so I knew that the A.I. had discovered our plans. I knew that from that point on we would be systematically destroyed by the very machines that we had built. The other thing I did that night was to read over and over again the only book that I could find in the house; the Holy Bible."

"Why did you do that?"

"If I was going to survive on this planet I knew I would have to be able to communicate. I had only been able to pick up a rudimentary understanding of the language from the mind of the man that I had killed. I needed to learn more, so I read and re-read the book until I had picked up a lot more of a vocabulary. I'm sure I must have sounded strange when I first began talking to others, but at least it was a start. It was also how I got my name and why I gave Adam his name. We were going to be the first of our species on this planet and from us would come all of our civilization. Just like the story of Adam and Eve."

"That's what I don't understand, how were your scientists planning on creating a new civilization here with only twenty four individuals."

"We were eighteen females and six males. It was the male's primary function to keep each of the females pregnant. Remember we had all the time in the world. A female on our planet is fertile for over half of her life. They figured that on earth that would be four to five hundred years. Even allowing for carrying a fetus the normal way; an average female could become pregnant over five hundred times in her life time. Multiply that by eighteen and that gives you an idea as to how many children could be born just to the original landing party. Now imagine that on average at least half of those children would be female and that they each could have five hundred kids. Our population would grow geometrically and with our superior intellect and advanced technological knowledge we would soon be able to take over the earth either peaceably or, if necessary, by force."

"What about inter-species relationships? Wouldn't that contaminate your gene pool?"

"Although it is possible that a male of my species could impregnate a human female, you've already heard how that joining would most likely work out. As for the females, I'm afraid we have a different problem. You see the human sperm is very fragile; it can only survive in a specific range of pH. My specie's pH is too acidic for your sperm to survive in; and if in the unlikelihood of one or more of those little guys making its way up to one of our eggs, our scientists said there's almost no chance that it could penetrate its outer shell. I'm living proof that their theory is correct, I've been here for hundreds of years and have been sexually active that entire time and I've never gotten pregnant."

"Ok, so you can't get pregnant. What did you do next?"

"I took whatever clothes and supplies I could carry and began walking. Luckily I chose the correct direction because after several days I came to a large river. Assuming that it would lead eventually to a port city, I followed it downstream. After several weeks I was standing on a cliff overlooking what I would later find out was the city of New York. It was 1762, the city was made up of mostly immigrants from England, but there were also many black slaves and other nationalities all trying to make a living. Most were farmers or merchants. I took up the oldest profession. I became a prostitute. It was what I was bred for; to have and enjoy sex; what better way to make a living."

"What was it like in New York at that time?"

"When I first got there, I thought it was a dump. It was dirty and smelly. Most of the streets were just dirt roads. It was crowded and noisy. Remember I came from an ultra-advanced society, everything was modern and clean; and when things started getting old they tore them down and built anew. It took a lot of getting used to, but I finally was able to make lower Manhattan my home. The house I worked for was situated above a tavern at the corner of Pearl and Broad Streets. When I first started, the clientele was often drunk and rowdy; but over time the Madame was able to weed out the undesirables and soon we were one of the best whore houses in the city."

"Weren't you afraid of getting arrested?"

"No, of course not; we always took extra good care of the New York's Finest. A blow job or a quickie was all it took to keep the police away. Besides the last thing they wanted to do was raid our place. They never knew who they might find. Occasionally we would have to get the police because a customer was causing trouble.

"I had one really bad problem about two years after I started. I was entertaining an English sailor. He was a big guy, even bigger than me. We were having a good time. I was on my back and he was kneeling between my legs, really sticking it to me, when suddenly he starts slapping me and calling me all sorts of vulgar names. I tried to calm him down but when he tried to punch me I had had enough. I caught his right fist in my hand and began squeezing. The look on his face was priceless as the bones in his hand began to break. He must have been a really tough guy because instead of backing down he hit me with his left. It was only a glancing blow but it got me angry and I responded by hitting him with my free right fist. I'm afraid I hit him a lot harder than I would have liked because his head spun sharply to the side and hung at a weird angle.

"I had killed him and I had to think fast if I wanted to stay out of trouble. I got up and pulled a wooden chair close to the side of the bed. Then I lifted him off the bed and dropped him face first onto the seat of the chair. The chair broke under him and I tangled one of his legs into the bed blanket. Then I got back into bed and began to scream. When our enforcer entered the room he found me still crying, lying naked on the bed, and the sailor lying dead on the floor. When he asked what happened I told him that the guy tried to get out of bed, got tangled up in the blanket and fell on the chair."

"Did he believe you?"

"Of course he did. I also took care of him from time to time. He sent for the police and when they got there he repeated my story to them. When several sailors from the ship came the police told them the same story. The sailors picked his body up off the floor and carried him back to the ship. The next day a representative from the English Governor stopped in to ask me a few questions. Satisfied with my story he apologized for the disturbance and left; but not before he sampled some of my assets; on the house, of course."

"What was life like in a city controlled by the English so close to the war?"

"Actually it wasn't all that close. Remember the war didn't start until 1775 and around there we didn't see any action until 1776. We were a very English town back then; I'd say less than half of the folks even supported the revolution. We were beginning to feel the effects of the French and English War. England had defeated the French, but had seriously drained its treasury. As a result we started seeing new taxes being placed on us by King George. We had the Sugar act, the Stamp Act, and finally the Townshend Acts; all of which were taxes placed on us colonists without our consent. All of the taxes were a nuisance; but the straw that broke the camel's back was the tax levied on tea. We English love our tea."

"What do you mean 'We English'; you weren't even from this planet."

"I had to assimilate into your world and the English seemed to be the side that was in power at the time. It wasn't until later when I began to read the writings of Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry that I began to see the English as the enemy. During 1775, we heard about the battles at Lexington and Concorde and Bunker Hill, but it didn't really mean that much to us until the beginning of 1776 when the English were forced to withdraw from Boston. It was a really joyous occasion for me when George Washington moved his Continental Army from Boston to New York in the spring of 1776. I remember when I first met him. He was a tall man, about my height and looked very dashing in his uniform."

"Wait, you met George Washington. Please tell me he wasn't one of your customers."

"No he was never one of my customers; but several of his aides were, including a brash young man named Alexander Hamilton, although if I remember correctly that wasn't until much later in the war. Everything changed during the summer when the English Navy, along with 30,000 troops, sailed into New York Harbor and retook the city. After losing several key battles, Washington was forced to flee with his troops across New Jersey into Pennsylvania. Later, Washington would lead his men back into New Jersey and hand the surprised British several major defeats forcing them to retreat back to New York.

"New York City was occupied by the British for the rest of the war. For six long years the British maintained their headquarters in the colonies in New York, which was great for my business, having taken over the house at the untimely death of the former Madame. All during the winter of 1777, the bulk of the British force was stationed in New York with nothing to do but drink and party. They spent a lot of their money in my establishment. I ran a very classy house and was becoming a very rich woman.

"The British troops left New York on November 25, 1783, following the signing of the Peace Treaty of Paris. The next day George Washington led his troops back into the city. For the next week, I saw quit a few of his officers as they were regulars, both in the tavern and later upstairs with me and my girls. I stood in the doorway of the tavern's long room on December 4, when General Washington bade farewell to his troops.

"During 1784, even though he was married at the time, I was seeing quite a lot of Alexander Hamilton. Apparently he wasn't getting everything he wanted at home and I was more than willing to step in. We both knew our places so there was never any romance involved; it was just good old fashioned sex. It was fortunate for me that we were just good friends because he told me that he was thinking about starting a new bank and asked me if I wanted to invest in his venture. Not really needing much of the money I had accumulated I made a rather sizeable investment in his fledgling bank, The Bank of New York."

"I can't believe I'm actually talking to someone who met some of our founding fathers."

"I also met Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and even Benjamin Franklin."

"Ok Let's take a break; I'm getting hungry. We can drive into Scottsdale grab a bite to eat and recharge for an afternoon session. If you don't mind, first I'd like to swing over to my place and get a change of clothes."

Chapter Four:

Over lunch Eve and I talked about her relationship with Hamilton.

"It was an on again off again thing. I wouldn't see him for a year or longer and then he would get in contact with me and he and I would have a grand time together over a span of several months and then he would disappear from my life again. I realized much later that his visits were timed around the births of his eight children. Apparently he couldn't take being celibate even for a couple of months and I guess his wife wasn't into oral sex; too much of a lady I guess."

We both had a good laugh over that one and I could feel my pants getting a little snug.

"What about the famous duel?" I asked

Eve turned suddenly quiet. I felt that I had touched upon a sore subject and was about to ask a different question, when she began to speak.

"Everyone back then thought they knew the reason for the duel and why Alex accepted Arron's challenge. They all assumed that it was political in nature. That Alex had insulted and impugned Arron's character during Arron's failed attempt to become the Governor of New York. That Alex was opposed to Arron in both his bid for the presidency and during his run for Governor was true, but he never insulted him and would have issued a retraction of the never uttered insults were it not for the fact that somehow Arron found out about us during our last meetings in 1802 and threatened to expose the affair to the papers. Alex adored his wife and children and would never allow that to happen; so he accepted the duel and, as a penance for his betrayal of his wife, he purposely fired high over Arron's head. I've always felt that I was the ultimate cause of Alex's death. Our actions do have consequences."

We eat the rest of our meal in silence.

Upon our return to the house we returned to our comfortable living room chairs and Eve continued her story.

"After his death, I buried my guilt in my work. I improved the living conditions of the girls I had working for me and redecorated the entire house. I made a pledge to myself that I would never become the other woman again. It was alright if a husband stopped in to my establishment from time to time for a little variety, that was the spice of life, but I would never again encourage an ongoing affair with a married man. It would be twenty years before I would meet a man and fall in love for the first time. It would happen late one Friday evening. I was in my office doing some paper work when I heard a booming voice coming from the parlor next door. I walked over to the spy hole I had put in so I could observe the customers without being seen; there in the middle of room towering over several of my best girls was this gorgeous hunk. He was at least six and half feet tall, with long blond hair tied in a ponytail and an arm around two of my girls. His laughter was infectious and I decided that I might have to pull rank and sample what he had to offer.

"Before I entered the parlor I took the time to read his mind. He was the Captain of a merchant ship, just in from the Caribbean with a short stopover in Charleston. He was looking for a good time and best of all he was single. I planted an image of me in his head which would make me unrecognizable to him later. I introduced myself and escorted him to my private bedchamber. Let me tell you, that night was a night neither of us would ever forget. He was a big man, well over eight inches in length and at least 2 inches wide. I would later discover that it was nearly seven inches in circumference. I could barely get my hand around it. It was a good thing that I was built as sturdily as I am because he pounded me all night long. I think he was amazed that I could handle him and keep coming back for more. Sometime around five in the morning we both collapsed on the bed from sheer exhaustion. Later that morning as I let him out of the house, I made sure to find out where he lived.

"I waited until Sunday afternoon to make my move. I had my driver drop me off along the East River near what is now Second Street. The water front was lined with fashionable two story houses with great views of the river traffic, just the place a sea going man would delight in. With my parasol over my shoulder to shield myself form the bright afternoon sun, I strolled first up the block and then down the block in front of his house. I have to admit that I used my power of mind reading to implant the desire to go for a stroll as I was approaching his house for the third time. I'm sure when he approached me he had no idea who I was and had no inclination to enter into conversation, until that is, I pretended to twist my ankle directly in front of him, falling into his muscular arms."

'Are you alright right dear? You didn't hurt yourself did you?'

'No, clumsy me, I just twisted my ankle and lost my balance. It's a good thing you were there to catch me or otherwise I might have fallen.'

"I made an attempt to resume my walk but flinched with the pain."

'Please let me help you up to the house, you can rest there.'

"And before I could do anything to stop him, he stooped over and swept me into his arms. I'm sure he wasn't expecting me to weigh as much as I did, but he was a gentleman and never said a word."

'Here please sit here, I'll get you some cool water; by the way my name is Samuel Weston.'

"I spent the rest of the afternoon on his front porch. We talked and got to know each other. He told me he was a ship's captain. His father had started an import company before the war and had left him the business after he returned to England. He couldn't stand being cooped up in an office, so he hired a manager to run the business and took over one of the company's ships. He was the Captain of the ship Ocean Voyager which sailed from New York to San Francisco; makings stops in Charleston and Kinston, Jamaica, before reaching San Francisco. Manufactured goods from the northern colonies, along with goods imported from Europe would be loaded on board in New York and delivered to Charleston, Kingston and San Francisco. Goods would be loaded and unloaded at each port along the trip. The trip itself would take close to nine months and then the ship would return by the same route with goods from the Far East; picking up raw materials and goods for delivery to New York.

"I saw him regularly for about a month. He would pick me up at my home near Trinity Church and take me on picnics, to shows, and out for dinner. He was a true gentleman; but all I wanted was for him to screw my brains out again. Finally he asked me to marry him. We were married in a short ceremony at the church and then settled into married life. The honeymoon lasted about two weeks. We spent most of that time in bed. I think he was a little taken aback that I could take all he was giving me and kept coming back for more. After a particularly lively love making session, Samuel announced that he would be heading back out to sea at the end of the week. He told me that he had arranged for Mary, our cook and house keeper, to move in with me. I tried to protest but he insisted that he didn't want me to be living here alone. I think he was planning on Mary keeping an eye on me in his absence.

"At the end of the week, Mary and I stood at the pier as the Ocean Voyager sailed out of New York harbor. During the carriage ride back to the house I promised Mary that I would be a good wife to the Capitan and that I would give her no trouble.

'I don't care what you do,' she said. 'Just be careful. I don't know what's in that mind of his. How can he just leave his beautiful young wife alone for a year and a half and expect her to be here waiting for him when he returns.'
