An Invitation Ch. 01


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"Yes, Samuel, I do. I am yours fully."

We entered and walked over to the booth that Jochen occupied.

I had come from the park and grabbed a back booth. I was drinking German Helles beer and waiting for my wife and her lover to join me. It had been the most amazing few hours. I felt more uncertainty and pain than I had anticipated, but I also felt deeper arousal and desire than I had ever imagined. I didn't know what was next, but I knew that I wanted this journey to continue.

I saw them approaching the booth. They were holding hands. They slid into the other side of the booth. Amanda reached over and grabbed my hand. She just held my hand but said nothing. It was Samuel that broke the silence.

"Jochen, I will be blunt. Your wife and I just had mind-blowing sex." He then turned towards my wife and said, "isn't that right Amanda?"

She looked sheepish, but she said "Yes." She squeezed my hand as she said it.

"She is being shy and trying not to hurt you, but Jochen, she will never be fully satisfied with just you anymore. She has experienced better sex, rawer sex, more passionate sex, and she will continue to desire and need that. Isn't that right, Amanda."

"I am sorry baby, but he is right. It is not something I can explain, but I also can't deny it."

"Don't worry, because if you look at the expression on your hubby's face, he is happy to hear this. You want her to continue, don't you Jochen?"

It was my turn to answer sheepishly, "Yes."

"And there we have it, you two have made a breakthrough. I am going to leave you both to have an evening of honest conversation and nice sex. But tomorrow, at 6pm, I will meet you back here, in this very booth, and I am going to take Amanda again. I am going to take her out to dinner, we will go dancing, and then she will spend the night at my place. It will be a night to remember. I will text you more details later."

With that, I watched him turn to Amanda and kiss her gently. "It is OK, baby. Be with your husband tonight, you will be mine again tomorrow." Amanda was crying. He gently wiped her tears away, kissed her again, and said, "Be honest with your husband, and he will be honest with you. You both need a night together to make peace with this. But make no mistake, tomorrow night, you are mine, and you are going to love it." He kissed her one last time, pulled himself out of the booth, looked at me and said, "You know she needs more, be smart and give her that and you will have a 25th and 30th anniversary, deny her, and you won't have a 21st. Bring her back to me at 6pm. Understood."

I simply nodded and Samuel departed.

I looked at Amanda, smiled and thought to myself that I could not love a woman any more than her. "I love you baby. Happy anniversary. I think we go back to our room and do as Samuel suggested, we talk, and we make love, because I could not love you any more than I do right now."

Amanda squeezed my hand and said, "I love you too."

We didn't leave right away; I think we both were in a bit too much of shock to face our new reality right away. Jochen and I sat in that booth for a little while and we drank his full beer together. It was something we used to do when we dated and had so little money that we would share a drink to make it intimate and cheap. As I sat there, I realized so much of who I am as a person is actually who I am as part of the Amanda-Jochen couple. This was not a sad thought, I loved that part of my life, but I did wonder how what just happened fit into that. Was this now another part of Amanda and Jochen. I look back now and realize the answer was yes, but at the time it was a very raw and scary thought.

We did go back to the room and we talked, and we made love. I told him that I would probably just need to get it out of my system, but I was absolutely going back to Samuel. I admitted to him that I had told Samuel he was better, and that I had been speaking the truth. I told him I needed to pursue this new path. I needed to experience what sex could be.

He confessed that he wanted me to continue. He said that both my happiness and his hunger, as he called it, were more important than his ego. He told me he loved me completely and was genuinely happy I was getting to experience a new level of sex. He told me he had walked around that evening and found peace with the idea that while he couldn't deliver that level of sex directly, he could step aside for a man like Samuel to do so.

We made love again in the morning and talked more. Amazingly, we were on the same page. We both needed what Samuel provided. We had a wonderful time together visiting an art museum and having lunch. Jochen even took me shopping for a new outfit for my date. We decided that if we were going to do this, we would do it together. I found a very sexy scoop top and got a new pair of jeans. I picked out a sexy bra and panty set, but denied Jochen a chance to see it. I told him somethings would be between my lover and me. He literally moaned when I told him that.

Looking back, that was the first of many times where my denial of Jochen was the spark to our arousal and often led to great sex. Although that afternoon I also denied him sex. I think he was glad I did as it was all part of the experience he craved. We were winging that day, just trying to somehow make it work for both of us, and amazingly enough, we got most of it right. We both were glad I denied him. I was craving the sex that Samuel would give me, and didn't want to put my focus elsewhere, and he told me that when I informed him that I was saving myself for Samuel, he almost came from the arousal. Not a typical Saturday afternoon for a married couple, but we had left typical back at the restaurant the previous night.

I took her shopping to buy a new outfit special for her date. One of my favorite cuckold stories that I had read many times involved this scenario and I was living it. A normal man, a normal couple would not be doing this, but Amanda and I were having an authentically fun and meaningful day together. We were embracing this experience together and that meant the world to me. As we talked, she seemed to gain a real understanding of the power of my angst and hunger and how it was a state I wanted to be in, a state I needed to be in. She learned she was not hurting me by sleeping with another man, instead she was delivering me the experience I desperately craved and one that brought me pleasure.

I knew she totally got it when she wouldn't let me see the bra and panties she bought. It was so amazingly arousing to be denied that. She told me that those were for her lover's eyes only and I literally moaned. When we got back to the hotel, I wanted to make love to her, but she also denied me that. She said she was saving herself for her lover. It was so hot. I practically came from the jolt of arousal her denial gave me. But because of the denial, my angst and hunger swirled so deliciously that my pleasure was almost as good as if I had cum.

She got ready and when she emerged from the bathroom, she looked beautiful. She kissed me on the cheek so she wouldn't mess up her lipstick and confidently said to me, "take me to my lover." And that is what I did. When we arrived, Samuel was already there and he got out of the booth and he and Amanda kissed strongly, her lipstick was not at all a concern. The sensation that gave me was intense. She sat on his side of the booth and Samuel asked me to sit opposite.

"Thank you for bringing your wife to me. I am going to show her a wonderful time and provide her with great pleasure. We were texting earlier, and we decided that instead of me dropping her back off to you tomorrow at the hotel, you should just head home, and I will drive her down tomorrow when we have finished our date. I would guess early evening. That way we do not need to rush our morning to get her back to the hotel by checkout."

I looked at Amanda and she simply nodded in agreement. It hurt that she had been texting with her lover while we had our day together, but I accepted it as part of our new journey.

"I understand."

"Great, then, please be on your way, Amanda and I are excited about starting our date." He was direct and the request was harsh, but he said it without malice in his voice and as he said it, he squeezed Amanda's hand and she smiled. It might have been a direct and harsh request, but it was an honest one, and based on Amanda's reaction, it was one that Amanda agreed with. I reminded myself that my job was to allow my wife pleasure and happiness, so I started to exit the booth without complaint.

My wife addressed me, "I love you. Remember, win-win."

"I love you too, Amanda, yes, win-win."

I left and did not see or hear from Amanda until late afternoon the next day. She told me later that she had a wonderful date and that they had made love multiple times. It was absolutely a win for her. I spent the time in full angst and hunger mode. I would be lying if I didn't confess to masturbating multiple times as I imagined what was happening between them. Ejaculating while already being consumed by my cuckold hunger was certainly a win for me also.

She arrived home and Samuel walked her into the house. He shook my hand, which seemed oddly appropriate, and then gave my wife one more passionate kiss before he left.

Just like that my wife was mine again, but the reality is she never fully returned. As we talked about that weekend over the next few months, Amanda confessed to me that Samuel's skill in the bedroom opened a door in her that she did not think she could ever close again. She needed what Samuel gave her, and as Samuel himself predicted, that need would become a permanent part of who Amanda was, and who we were as a couple. While that was not fully clear as he returned her to me, I did know that I wanted her back regardless of such changes, in fact I wanted her even more. As she turned to me and grabbed my hand, I knew that being her cuckold was no longer a fantasy but a reality, and a reality that I embraced fully.

My time with Samuel was amazing. I enjoyed every element of it. It was exciting to have a romantic dinner with him, it turns out he was a great dancer, and when we got back to his condo, we barely left the bed until the next afternoon. He truly was a great lover. Each time he took me I had at least one fantastic orgasm. I eventually confessed to Jochen that sex at that level was something I strongly desired. It was not sex Jochen could give me directly, but something he was willing to give me indirectly. To this day, while I love Jochen with all my heart, I am honest with both him, and myself, when I tell him I need more. The fact that he is not only OK with it, but supports and encourages it, still amazes me. I often laugh that I either have the absolute best, or absolute dumbest husband a woman could ask for.

Another part of my time with Samuel that hit me hard was the kissing. We kissed for what added up to hours. To this day he is by far the best kisser I have ever experienced. When I returned home and he kissed me one last time, directly in front of Jochen, I didn't care if that was difficult for my husband, I just wanted that kiss to last.

He finally did break that kiss and he left. In the end, I never spent another evening with Samuel as his life made a big pivot when he met another woman he immediately fell in love with. At the time, I remember thinking that I would be back in his bed soon. Had I known that was not true I would have kissed him longer, and probably invited him into my bed. That is how strongly the experience had hit me.

As it was, I turned and faced my husband. I reached and grabbed his hand and took him to our bedroom and asked him to make love to me. The reality was the sex part was not as good as Samuel, but the emotional part was not only needed, but was wonderful. We stayed cuddled for an hour. I knew things could never be exactly the same, but I also knew that I was where I was supposed to be.

It was an emotional evening, but we faced it together. It was the beginning of our new definition of together, one that we have been living for a while. Amanda never was with Samuel again although I know she wanted to be. Soon after her weekend with him, he told her he had met a woman and they were fast becoming serious. I gave her space the evening she learned of that, and later we made love, not speaking about it, just reconnecting once again.

Back in the present, the intensity of these recollections had me in full hunger mode. My wife was being invited for a coffee, but it truly seemed like more. I looked at my wife, and unless I had suddenly lost my ability to read my wife, I saw she was feeling her hunger too. We both knew there was potential for this invitation to lead to another, and it was something we were both ok with.

"Accept the invitation, Amanda. Correct me if I am wrong, but regardless of where it goes, it will be a win-win."

She smiled, "Is it wrong I hope that it might go there?"

"Only if it is wrong that I hope that too. "

To be continued...

Thanks for reading. This story will involve multiple chapters as the journey of Amanda and Jochen continues. If you liked the story, please rate it, favorite it, and follow me for future chapters and other stories. I also always respond to those of you that send me non-anonymous feedback, so don't be shy about reaching out! Thanks again and happy reading!

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Robbert1953Robbert1953about 2 years ago

Amazing story. I think deep down that most guys feel the same as you have described. I know that is how I feel but have over the years tried to bring it into our love making and fore play talks but my beautiful wife doesnt feel the same as I do. I really loved this story and cant get enough of this type of story. Whether it be true or not you have tweeked my fantasys and my imagination . Thank you and please give us more of the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The emotions feel very real to me, I'm sure some people won't like it, but write what's in your heart.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This was the best cuckold story I have yet to read. We all know the whole cuckold thing is psychological and the story captured that head on. I am a cuck but my wife doesn't know it. I would love to see her flirt with men but I am still trying to figure out how to make that happen. We are mature now and it seems the time is right. Any help would be appreciated.

Paul PinesPaul Pinesabout 3 years ago

Wow, what a great story! Rings true to this cuckold.

I hope you keep writing.


Cuckold Paul

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. Please rush the next chapters.

CuckoldingCoupleCuckoldingCoupleabout 3 years ago

A great start, these events really do happen and why not, each to their own. I would rather you write your own continuations than write other people’s directions for future chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Pretty powerful emotions in this story. Cuckolding themes always shake me up if they are well done. This one is. I'll read on.

becontree2001ukbecontree2001ukabout 3 years ago

I like were this is going - continue the story asap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

OK, so where was the daughter when Dad came home alone?

GarySmith69GarySmith69about 3 years ago

Out of curiosity i read this chapter. I will not read anymore or read any of your stories like this one. You are quite correct in your Bio. One man's fantasy is indeed another man's nightmare. I can not relate to these characters nor do i want to. I know judging by the amount of Cuckold stories on this site it is a "real" thing for some people. You obviously have this fantasy/nightmare i hope you get what you want, but be careful what you wish for or of course you might have already got what you wanted.

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