An Iranian Story


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"Do you sleep at night, general?"

"Yes, I sleep very well."

"Well, one of those nights you are not going to wake up."

"You know what will happen after that, don't you, Hafsa?"

"Dammit, you have got me again, I just cannot win against you."

"Get used to it, I know and love the Quran. I know once you get your head on straight, not only will you love it also, but you will love me."

"Are you taking bets on that, general?"

"I am betting your life on it, Hafsa."

"Every time I open my mouth, you stick your foot in it. It is just not fair."

"That is exactly what you did to your parents for seven years. Was it fair to them."


"Has a lightbulb turned on yet?"

"If I could talk to my parents, I would grovel at their feet and beg for forgiveness."

Abraham nodded his head.

She felt the cords around her wrists being severed. Then the ropes around her waist, and then the ropes around her ankles. She was slowly lowered to the ground in front of her parents.

She picked up her head and saw her parents standing in front of her. She could not be any more mortified than she was. "Father, mother, I know I do not deserve your forgiveness, your love, or your mercy. I also know that the prick I am going to marry is going to be the death of me. He is a sneaky son of a bitch, who always holds the upper hand. He tears you apart, a little at a time, and shows you no end in sight, just before he throws you a lifeline. However, this lifeline is attached to an anchor, which is attached to him. If you want to live, you always must do it with him first, or you will go to prison, where they will hang you, and you will die. God, I hate myself for being such a bitch. Dad, will you give me away at my wedding?"

"No, I will not give you away, I will throw you away."

"Afra, that was not nice."

"Neither was she, darling."

"Thank you very much dad."

Abraham asked, "Hafsa, do you want to sleep with me tonight, or wait until tomorrow?"

He was ready for the explosion.

He was sitting between President Ali bin Sultan King, and Ava on one side, and his mother and father on the other. There was no space between them for Hafsa.

Ali said quickly, "You know you are taking your life in your hands."

Hafsa whipped around, with fire in her eyes and looked at him. "You know the answer to that question, or are you an idiot?"

"I just wanted to check for the tracks left by my soldiers."

That was it, she lost it! She charged at him, full speed, with death in her eyes.

Meanwhile, the guests were roaring with laughter, and she did not see one of them. Her eyes were only for him, and he was dead.

She was about to reach him, when he stood up, folded her into his arms, kissed her hard enough to take her breath away, and sat her down on his lap.

She was still fighting him, trying to get at him, when he said to her, "Hafsa, would you like to meet our new president and his wife?"

Her brain went tilt, and shut off. What did he just say? She looked at him and asked him to say it again.

I said, "Would you like to meet our new president and his wife."

"I am not dressed to meet them."

"In one minute, I am going to unclothe you, and introduce you to them in your birthday suit. Which will it be?"

"Just so that you know this upfront, I hate you."

Everyone in the stands laughed at her.

She asked, "Why are they laughing at me?"

"Let me introduce you to the two best fighters here tonight. President and Mrs. King."

Ava said, "Hafsa, you cannot hate yours, more than I hate mine. I have been trying to get rid of him for 15 years, and the devil will not take him. If you know something I do not, please tell me, because I really would like to rid myself of him permanently."

Everyone in the crowd roared with laughter.

"Why are they laughing at you?"

"For the same reason they are laughing at you. You love the idiot, you cannot live without him, and you cannot figure out a way to live with him. You cannot use the sword he showed you, because it is too heavy for you to pick up. You must use sex to kill him. Feed him fattening foods, then take him to bed. Clog his arteries, and they will blame his diet for killing him."

"Look at all the fun he is going to have, having sex, in the meantime. It does not seem fair."

"Hafsa darling, lovemaking is a two-way street. You do not know that yet, because it has not happened to you, yet. I have had the pleasure of making love to my husband for more than 14 years, and I cannot tell you how much enjoyment I have received from it. It is not only him that smiles at the end of it, I am in heaven, because of it. Ali makes me feel like the queen of the earth, and no one is more special than I am. Believe me when I tell you that every woman, who has a husband like mine, feels the same way as I do, when they finished making love. Every bell in your head rings simultaneously. Your heart races, and you want to eat him up, because he has made you feel so wonderful. You will want to do things to him you never dreamed of. You thought they were disgusting, but you will find them delicious and satisfying. There is nothing concerning sex that is out of bounds. Not one of your entrances is unholy. You will enjoy every one of them, and you will orgasm with each one. At this moment, you cannot understand how it will happen, but trust me, as a married woman, it will happen to you."

"I guess I have an awful lot to learn. The only thing you have not told me is when I can kill him. Every time I turn around, he traps me in a different way. Yesterday, I was a free woman, a bitch, but a free woman. Today, I was trapped, threatened with my life, and told I was getting married in the morning. I was not asked if I wanted to get married, I was told I was getting married. Most young women are asked by their suitors for their hand in marriage. Others have their suitors ask their parents for their right to have their daughters' hands in marriage. Not me, the bastard told me I was getting married in the morning. I did not even have a waiting period during the engagement, and the wedding."

Abraham said, "Liar! You have between now, and tomorrow morning. If you decide to run, run. My troops will catch you, and bring you to me. I will put your head on a block, and cut it off. It is just that simple. Your choice is simple. Run, and your life is over. Stay, and your life will be with me. Isn't that marvelous?"

"I would rather have my eyes poked out with needles."

"Sergeant, surgical needles please."

"Right away sir."

"Enjoy your last few minutes of sight, Hafsa, I will be taking your eyes out as soon as the Sargeant gets back."

"You cock sucker, you would do it too."

"I am only doing what you asked me to do, and nothing else. Have you had a change of heart, darling?"

"Don't you darling me, you asshole, if I could get out of your grip, I would be halfway to Baghdad by now."

He released her from his hands, and said, "Goodbye. I will give you 30 minutes, before I send my troops after you. I will inform the border guards that the borders are closed until you are found. When they find you, I want you trussed up like a goat, put on poles, and brought here. In front of this astute crowd, I will perform the first beheading of my presidents' reign. He will not be happy about it, but he will understand it."

Ava shouted, "Hafsa, have you ever heard of the term, 'Check Mate'."

Hafsa replied, "Yes, dammit, and I am in it. I hate this son of a bitch. He is always holding a straight flush to my four aces."

"Sir, your needles."

"Hafsa, come here."

She walked to him slowly, and stood in front of him.

"What do you want me to do with these, and watch your mouth with your answer.?"

"Dammit, I had a great line in response for you, and you took it away."

"Remember young woman, there is always a jail cell with your name on it."

"Can I have it, rather than a marriage certificate?"

"Absolutely, there is 'No' on the entrance to the facility. It means, "No Food, Water, Bathing Facilities, or Clothing permitted. Everything is communal, and there is only one guard at a guard tower at the center of the facility. It has several machine guns with thousands of rounds of ammunition. Every week crime scene investigators go there to remove the dead. The cause is predetermined, starvation. Enjoy your stay."

"Dammit, you did it to me again. Every time I think I have you; you box me in. Am I ever going to win against you?"

"Marry me, and find out."

"All right, I will meet you at the mosque."

"May I have a kiss first?"

"Why not, I think you have earned it."

He kissed her sweetly this time, not forcing her as he did the last time. He wanted to show her that he had feelings for her, and he was not the big bad ogre she thought he was.

"Are you sure you do not want to go to bed with me tonight?"

"Yes, dammit, I do not want to go to bed with you tonight."

"Good girl, go to your parents, and go to the hotel."

"I am not sure they will take me."

"It is all arranged."

"I want you to remember these words, I HATE YOU!"

"I will remind you of those words as I put my penis in your rectum. I am sure they will bring back fond memories."

"Now I am positive I hate you."

The End

Chapter One

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

good reafd where is the STOLEN DOZEN COMING BACK??????>

Prolonged_Debut10Prolonged_Debut102 months agoAuthor

Hello, I am the author of this story. I want you to know how it came about. It was a dream that occurred, which was so vivid, I could not get it out of my mind. Everything fell into place, in such a complex manner, I had to write about it. At this moment, I am up to chapter 4, and I cannot conceive of an ending anytime soon. Bob

pawsnizzypawsnizzy2 months ago

As with all stories by Prolonged_Debut10, remove all the childish insults, meaningless threats to kill and/or beat up, and there are, perhaps 3 paragraphs of reasonably amusing fantasy

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I liked the story alot haven't seen anything by you in a long time I hope your doing well

USMCVetUSMCVet2 months ago

Not sure who you are, but this would be a wonderful reality for Iran, if true.

NewnotsureNewnotsure2 months ago

So who is this Bob passed on a few years back

teslaownerteslaowner2 months ago

Interesting. Welcome back as it has been 4 years since your last post.

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