An Unbreakable Desire Ch. 04


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Lena collapsed onto the soft grass. She pulled her legs up towards her chest and rested her chin on her knees. "I'm scared." She whispered after a few moments.

James sat beside the younger woman, who was practically his sister; he placed his arms around her small shoulders and pushed her body towards his own. Gone was the daring child he had grown up with, the one who took all risks with a smile on her face, and in her place sat a woman, one who had learnt to not fear life, but the loneliness that came with living. He placed a soft kiss upon her forehead.

"Lena, I love you. You know that right?" He asked gently as he caressed her arm.

She nodded in response.

"That's why you need to leave. You need to find something you would die for, that way, you will have found something beautiful worth living for... And, I rather you not die, not for the likes of me."

Lena punched him in the arm. "Don't think so lowly of yourself, Jamey James!"

He gave her a prize-winning smile, and began tickling her.

Lena twitched and rolled, trying to escape his grasp, "Stop!" She yelled breathlessly. "I peed my pants"

James stopped momentarily, his face shifting into disgust "That's nasty, Lean-Bean!"

The duo broke out into rambunctious laugh.


The moment Ares heard the gun click back, he moved quickly, covering Lena's view with his right hand. As soon as the shot rang threw the air, he forcibly turned her body towards his own, shielding her as much as he could.

"I'm so sorry!" He whispered repeatedly into her ear.

Lena stood motionlessly before her body began to shake uncontrollably. The large hand covering her eyes left her blind, and the loud noise from the gun firing was dulled by the sharp pang of her heart breaking. The moments following the shot were by no means silent, but for Lena, she could not hear the chaos emerge from those around her. No, she couldn't hear the shouting, or the sound of weapons being drawn, nor the soft murmurs of Ares. Everything was deadened by what she knew had just occurred.

Everything was silenced.

She didn't see the moment when her best friend died. Ares had covered her sight with his large, calloused hand before she could witness it. So no, she did not see James die, instead, she felt it. She felt a sharp pain as the bullet penetrated through James' skull, as though it had pierced her own heart, rather than his head. Lena couldn't stop her tears from falling; its foreign appearance framed her face, while its saltiness clung to the edges of her lips.

"Ares! Move her!" Lena heard someone shout from beside her.

Within seconds, she was forcibly moved backwards. She buried her head within the chest.

"You're a fucking coward!" Zane shouted, his knife held tightly within his right hand.

Cole stood to his left with his weapon drawn as well. The duo was able to hide Lena's frame with their broad bodies. Zane eyed the gun warily. He slowly ran his eyes at each of Zero's men. All of which had their own blades drawn, except for Eric, who stood off to the corner. He even had the look of boredom spread across his face. Zane swore.

"Not smart, bringing a knife to a gun fight, Zaney!" Zero's condescending smile pissed Zane off.

"Only a coward would be the only man with a gun." Zane said sharply. He spared a glace behind him, and could see Lena's face still buried in Ares' chest. He could see the older man whisper into her ear, words lost to him.

Eric smirked. Zero lowered his gun slightly, confident in his control of the situation. He looked down at his sleeve, looking at the droplets of blood that had splashed onto him. He swore silently to himself, pissed that he had ruin one of his most expensive shirts.

Looking back up, he turned his eyes onto the small female. She was still shaking, and he could hear her small whimpers as she cried. Zero raised his gun back up towards Zane and smiled devilishly.

Zane tensed "What are you trying to do, Zero? You can't kill me, you know it and I know it. So just take your cronies and leave!" His voice was strong, angry and surprisingly confident, considering his current predicament.

"I won't kill you, but I sure as hell can make you hurt quite a bit."

Zane's hand tightened around his blade as he moved forward. "I'll make sure to return the favor" He said menacingly.

"And, how do you plan on getting out here, with your whole party in tact?" Eric said, finally moving from his place.

"We can hold our own!" Cole said, stepping forward. His muscles twitched, as he figured out a plan of attack. He spared a glace towards his leader, waiting for the signal.

"Give me the girl, and you can leave." Zero said, his eyes wandering up the length of her body. "I'll even let you take this body as a souvenir." He gestured towards the corpse with his thumb.

Ares covered the small girl's body further, trying to hide her.

Zane's lips curved upwards, twitching as he forced a grin. "She's under my protection." He said, attempting to maintain his composure.

Zero nodded towards the dead body, with blood pooling around his feet. "He was under your protection too... look how that turned out."

Lena's head finally lifted. She looked towards Ares, who gave her a worried smile. She slowly pushed herself away from the older man. Squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, she finally turned to the party behind her.

Her eyes instantly fell on the lifeless form of her best friend. A loud whimper escaped her mouth, and before Ares could stop her, she had begun to cross the threshold filled with testosterone induced tension.

"Lena!" Zane's masculine voice called out. "Come!" He gestured.

She turned her head and gave him an empty look, before falling in front of James. She rested her head on his lifeless legs. Blood seeped onto her, but she didn't feel it. She couldn't feel anything, except all-encompassing dread. Lena tried to scream out her frustration, but only a gargled noise emerged.

Zero walked over to where her body rested. He looked down at her, her face buried into the dead man's lap. "Get up." He whispered deadly to her.

Zane moved. His fist connected with a tall man on the far left. He buried his knife in the man's side, tossing the bleeding bloke to the side. Through his peripherals he could see Cole and Ares attacking two other men. His guards moved fast and decisively, but they were evenly matched. Fists flew in several directions; Cole received a few blows to his chest from the brunette he was currently choking with his muscled arm. Ares quickly disarmed his assailant, with a swift kick. Before he could go further he heard another shot ring out through the small space. Cole flew back, clutching his chest. Everyone stopped.

Zane's eyes flashed fiercely. He stared at Zero. "Bastard!" He said deadly.

Ares moved to Cole's side. Cole lifted his upper body up. He moved the side of his jacket to reveal a bullet-proof vest. A golden bullet was encrusted into the vest, just above his heart.

"That's enough!" Zero said coldly. "Don't be stupid, you Valyrian pigs."

Zane moved to stand by his men. He noticed Lena was completely encircled by the Averda force. Zero stood beside her, Eric to his right and another man next to him. Two were immobilized, the one he had stabbed and the man Cole had choked, who was bent forward, coughing furiously as he tried to regain his breath.

Lena still had her face buried in James' still warm lap. The wound in his leg had stopped gushing blood, his heart no longer pumping it. She heard the commotion around her, but didn't have the strength to move, or even care. Her tears had long stopped, and her shaking had subsided. She just felt tired. She knew that she was in some form of shock, but she couldn't seem to pull herself out of it.

"Get up!" She heard the evil man say. His voice was taut with cruelty, making it sound gritty and low.

She finally looked up. Staring at the man's face, their eyes connected. She was no longer captivated by the gorgeous colours; instead, his eyes only reflected one thing, her hatred. Her body that seemed moments ago seemed heavy and weighed down by invisible blocks, now felt light. She was pissed. She finally understood how strong of an emotion hatred could be. It was enough to block out all of her other feelings; it stifled down her sadness and dread, replacing them with the urge to make someone else hurt. She quickly glanced at the people surrounding her; none seemed to be focused on her. They all had their attentions directed at Zane and his men. This was her chance, and before she could question it, she lunged forward. Her body caught Maddox Zero off guard, and he fell back as her shoulder connected with his stomach. She had effectively tackled him down. Before anyone could make a move, Lena quickly pulled her hair pin, unsheathing her blade. She placed it roughly at the larger man's throat, and grabbed the wrist of the hand that held the gun. She put her weight down on it, forcibly immobilizing it.

"Don't fucking move!" She said to everyone.

Zero's face beamed with curiosity. "Do it, darling. Slit my throat." Lena's face contorted angrily as he continued with his taunts. "That's it, darling." He teased as she added more pressure onto the knife.

"Lena!" She heard Zane call. His voice was stoney and rough.

She spared a glance his way, but didn't respond.

"Can't stomach the sight of blood?" Zero asked sneeringly. "How do you plan to kill a man in cold blood then?" He asked rhetorically.

"Lena! Don't!" She heard Zane yell, the seriousness of his voice seeping through.

She saw Zero's free hand move slightly through her peripherals and with quick reflexes, she stabbed through his palm with her knife, burying the tip of blade into the hardwood floor.

Zero groaned as he felt the knife pierce through his hand, cutting through important muscles and veins. He was careful to avoid screaming, and while he was not stranger to stab wounds, he was surprised by her sudden violence.

In the quick moment of confusion, Lena grabbed the gun from his other hand, and pointed the barrel directly at his heart, while she straddled his waist.

"I said don't fucking move!" She spoke so slowly and maniacally, that every man in the room froze. "Drop your fucking knives!" She ordered the Averda men.

They hesitated before finally putting their weapons down. "Kick them away from you, slowly!" She commanded.

As soon several blades moved across the floor, Cole moved forward and gathered them. He shook of the effects of being shot, his adrenaline and survival senses masking the pain.

"Walk them into that room," Lena ordered once more, gesturing to the security room that was just to their left.

Ares escorted the men into the room. Eric went with a grin on his face. When he spared a glance at his leader, he left out a chuckle, but his laughs were soon repressed by the door being shut in his face.

Zero gave her a lopsided grin.

"I will kill you!" Lena promised.

"Lena!" Zane called out a little more desperately.

Lena aimed her gun slightly higher, and pulled the trigger. She shot him right in the shoulder. Again, Maddox didn't scream. But his face contorted and twitched as he supressed the desire to cry out. "Fuck!" He finally let out, when some of the pain subsided.

"But, it won't be tonight," she continued.

"That'll be a mistake, darling." Zero said with a drawl. "If you don't kill me now, you'll never be able to."

Lena bent down, taking in his smoky, musky scent. "If it's one thing you'll take from this day, Maddox..."She whispered viciously. "Is that the last thing you'll breathe WILL be my name."


The couple stumbled into their hotel room. She had had a few drinks and he, had had double that. The large man pushed the pretty doctor flush against the wooden door. He slipped his knee between her legs, pushing against her womanhood.

Lucretia let out a soft moan. She clamped down on the crook in his neck, sucking and biting the soft flesh, but she made sure to not leave a mark.

He popped all her buttons as he ripped open her dress. She stepped out of the limp material before rough hands carried her to the oversized bed, and dropped her on it. Lou recovered quickly. She lifted herself off the bed, and threw herself into his arms, taking his mouth with her own. She traced his lips and forced her tongue into his mouth, tasting his flavor.

He tossed her down once more, slipping between her legs. He held her chest down with his hand when she tried to move again. He knew how feisty she liked to be. He lowered his mouth, placing it in front of her mound. He ripped her underwear, and began to suck on her clit.

"Alex!" She moaned loudly.

He slipped his tongue into her, pushing it in as far as he could. She screamed and shook.

"You're close already, babe?" He asked roughly, in his low and scratchy voice.

The pretty doctor laughed lightly and sexually. "You know it'll take more than that," She said sensually, placing her leg onto his shoulder.

Her body was flushed and hot. She was fed up with the foreplay. She knew he was ready, so she quickly pulled him down to her, "Strip!" She commanded. Impatiently, she helped him remove his pants and boxers, not caring about his shirt.

Her pussy began to twitch with expected anticipation. Her wetness was leaking onto her thighs and the mattress beneath her. She flipped their positions, shoving him down and straddling his taut torso. Her opening hovered above his throbbing member. It was so thick and long, and she mentally drooled at the pleasure she knew it would bring her.

"Her name is Lena." She said while lowering herself onto his shaft.

"Hmmm?" He asked.

She couldn't pick up on what he asked, his words muffled against her skin and flesh.

Alexander Leon moved forward, he took her left nipple of her lusciously soft breast into his mouth. His hands roughly gripped the smooth mounds of her ass, his flesh scorching into her flesh. He pushed her up and down his cock, hard and fast, the way the both of them loved it.

He lifted her body, keeping himself logged into her tight flesh, and threw her against the wall to their left. Alexander slammed her back softly as he began thrusting into her.

Lou moaned and screamed in pleasure. Her body shaking in desire and she wrapped her long legs around his waist pushing herself further onto the length of his throbbing cock.

Lucretia moaned, her screams becoming louder and more frequent.

Within moments both adults were screaming in their climax. The pretty doctor came first, her body rippling from the orgasm, causing her walls to tighten around his shaft. The pulsing of her flesh caused Alex to let out an orgasmic moan. He gave three more short thrusts, before dropping her body carefully down, until her feet were planted onto the floor.

Alex caught his breath, "She's troublesome." He said sweating.

"Zane won't let you take her." The pretty doctor said, moving towards the bed. His seed began to drip down her thighs.

"I'll leave her be, for now. She will have to serve one of my purposes though."

"Leon...What are you going to do?" Lou said breathlessly.

Alexander Leon followed her to the bed, pushing her back down. His body hovered over hers. He nibbled her earlobes, and licked the softness of her jugular.

"She will be a pawn to make my son into a necessary leader."

"She's not a pawn to be used and sacrificed." The pretty doctor said, flipping her long locks away from her face. Her green eyes flashed angrily.

Alexander noticed the emotion cross over her face. He narrowed his eyes.

"She's a queen." Lucretia said confidently. "You should recognize what Averda already has."

The larger man flipped her soft body over. Without warning he spread her cheeks of her posterior, burying his now recharged cock into her small bud. She left out a mix between a moan and a startled scream.

"We'll discuss this later..." Leon said definitely. His scruffy chin scratching her cheeks as he whispered into her ear causing her to moan out.

"But for now, she's a pawn."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is amazing plssssasssss conclude. Lena is a flawlessly written character.

CleverTwinCleverTwinover 4 years ago
Will there be more?

I can't get enough of this story. It is perfectly written. I need more. A lot more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Agreed with the previous comment. I’m going to assume you’re no longer active but I’m really glad I got to read this! This story has so much potential so I really do hope one day you’ll be able to finish it. Hope you’re doing well xx

curvygirl00curvygirl00almost 6 years ago
So good but not finished :(

I know that life can get I the way but this story is really, really good. Its worth finishing. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent story

I hate when great stories such as this remain unfinished. This is easily in my top 2 favorites if only you'd finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
will this story be continued?

Please update your readers on whether you will continue this story so we know whether to keep it bookmarked. I'm really hoping that Lena has her day in court with the deranged Zero. He's had news.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Must you leave me once again @Searchforme? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! I had to wait a whole year for Chapter 3! It's a crime to not share this talent with your fans! LOL I will be checking daily for Chapter 5 :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Thank you for the update! And please do continue to finish this awesome story. I love it!

tati89tati89almost 10 years ago
shaping up nicely

Aside from the regular missing words and grammar, the storyline is actually very good.

So far, Zero and esp. Eric are highly interesting and entertaining to read about. I know that Zane is young and we will see more of his maturing, but please stop letting Lena slap him left and right. It shows that Lena's tough in a way, but makes Zane look so weak and not alpha enough. Nothing worse could ruin our hero's sex appeal by being slapped time and time again and being pussywhipped by a girl.

Now that Zero killed James, let's just suffice to say that there will be no love triangles or conflicting emotions for Lena. I'm highly interested in Zero however since he's volatile and it's always fun reading them. He really does steal the limelight so far from Zane. Taller, older, fiercer, sexier, fiestier..bring it on!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I love this!!! Please keep writing!

Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 10 years ago
I love this

More please

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