An Uncommon Love Ch. 02


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Mary grasped Cari's hand, "Where did you first do it?" she asked.

"We've only done anything sexual in the backyard, on the bench. Never in my parents house and, well, we did do it once in here, but not since the beginning." Cari responded. She was starting to feel a little strange at Mary's touch.

Cari continued, "The first time we did it, was down in your basement. But since then, never in here.

"It sounds so romantic, exciting. Weren't you afraid of anybody seeing you?"

"You know how your Dad likes to get up in the morning and watch the sun come up?"


"Well, I'd meet him out there and we'd talk, most mornings. But some mornings we'd fool around."

"So you fucked, right out in the open? That's hot! I'd love to see that."

"Mary!" Cari exclaimed.

"What? I used to watch my parents all the time, when I was young. That's how I learned everything I know." Mary's hand was brushing Cari's arm now, from her wrist to her elbow.

"How much could you know, Carpet Muncher?" Cari laughed.

"Well, before I turned to the dark side, I had some boyfriends. I suck a mean dick, that I know."

"So what made you change teams?"

"One too many jerks, maybe? I've had girl crushes all my life though, then when I split from my last boyfriend I decided I'd had enough of men, for a while. I met Tracy, my girlfriend, and we've been exclusive for 8 months now."

"Wow. Good for you. I guess I shouldn't hold it against Tracy. But she spread the word at school, about me supposedly screwing her Dad. I guess I was lucky to find your Dad. He's a gem."

"Yeah, he is." Agreed Mary. "That's another reason I quit men. It sounds hokey, but I kept comparing all the guys to Dad, and they fell short."

"That's not really fair, Mary." Cari was getting a little disconcerted with Mary's stroking. Those stroking fingertips were turning her on and Cari was looking at Mary in a way she never had before. Her smooth complexion, the rich milk chocolaty colour of her skin. Her thick, shapely lips. So like her Dad's, but feminized.

"You know, Cari. I see what Dad sees in you. You're an angel. Helping people, thinking the best all the time, looking for the bright side. Plus you are sexy as hell. Your clear skin. Your beautiful, honest face. If Dad wasn't dating you..."

Cari blushed. She was getting nervous under Mary's intense gaze, and she wasn't sure why. Mary took her hand, massaging Cari's fingers. Mary could feel her body responding to Mary. Flustered, she pulled her hand back.

"Umm, Just a second. I have to go check something." Cari quickly got up and left. She walked out the back door and into the yard, unsure of what she was doing, so she walked around taking deep breaths. When she looked up and saw Mary watching her she went into the driving shed, as if to get something. She just stood there, looking out the rear window, her arms crossed on her belly again, deep in thought. She felt soft arms slide under hers and a soft pair of lips touch her ear just as two soft breasts touched her back.

"I'm sorry if I've disturbed you, Cari. But all of a sudden I find you so damn sexy." Mary nibbled on Cari's ear as she spoke. "Any time you want, I'd be willing to school you in women." Mary brought her hands down and caressed the front of Cari's hips, stroking her lightly from her groin to waist.

Cari responded by leaning back against Mary for support and moaning.

Gathering herself, Cari spun around and kissed Mary lightly on the lips and licked a bit with her tongue. Looking deep into Mary's eyes she said, "If I ever decide to try that, you will be first on my list." Then she left, fleeing back into the house.

Mary stood there with a grin on her face, licking her lips in wonderment. She followed Cari back to the house where Cari had started making lunch. Sharing only glances, the two girls got lunch ready.

Cari said, "I'll go get your Dad." and went up to the master bedroom. Tom was sitting there reading out loud to May, but when Cari went in she could tell May was asleep.

"Honey, she's sleeping." Cari bent down to give her lover a lick on the ear. "Do you want us to bring lunch up, or are you gonna come down?"

"I'll come down." He stood up and sighed heavily. "I'm worried, Cari. I know she's leaving us. And every day she gets a little bit worse." Tom broke down a bit, weeping in his despair.

Cari put her arms around him, letting him relieve some stress, without saying anything. His episode was brief, so he gave her a kiss as he stood up. He look closer, into her eyes, and gave her another deeper kiss. "Thank you, for being here with us. With me."

"You're welcome, Tom. And thank you for allowing me to be near. I owe you both so much and I love you both."

Cari and Tom went downstairs to join Mary for lunch. Cari was quiet throughout lunch, so Mary offered to take her shopping. Afterwards Mary waited in her car for Cari and Tom sat on the bed watching her change to go out.

"You take it easy this afternoon." Tom said. "Have fun."

"I think I will. I should be watching out for you guys, and here you are taking care of me."

Tom stood and took her in his arms. "That's how it is in this family, Cari. We all take care of each other."

Cari looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I love you Tom."

Tom smiled at her, "I love you too, Cari. Watch out for Mary when you're out. I think she's got a little thing for you."

"What do you mean, a thing for me?" Cari asked, hiding her astonishment. She didn't think Tom had had a clue about Mary's persuasion.

Tom laughed. "I think she has a thing for you, like I have a thing for you. Except hers is an innie."

"Tom!" Cari slapped his shoulder, laughing. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, sugar. I think she was more pissed at you because she couldn't have you, than she was because we're together. Now, you can do whatever you want. I mean it. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"OK. I'll keep my eyes open."

Cari went out and hopped into Mary's Mazda3. Mary peeled out and headed to the local mall.

As they walked through the main door, Mary took Cari's arm and directed her into a lingerie store.

"Let me buy you a little somethin, girl. You've been so nice to us all, so helpful. Mom and Dad are so... peaceful because of you. And I wanna apologize for being a bitch before."

"No, Mary. I get as much from you guys as I give. Maybe more. And I don't blame you for not trusting me, especially after what Tracy told you."

"Hmm, I'll have a talk with her when I get home." Mary's voice was grim. "/See what she really remembers, or just think she remembers."

Mary stopped and held Cari's shoulders, looking into her eyes. "Let me buy you something. Just a little thing."

"OK. But not a lot." Cari was embarrassed by Mary's attention.

They went Into the store and started flipping through racks.

"What would you like, Cari?"

"I don't know. Maybe a nice bra and panty set. What colour do you think I should get?"

"I'm partial to brilliant colours, but you may want to stick to darks, or pastels. Say, foam green, dark green, red, black, pink. Stuff like that."

Mary and Cari walked around the store picking out some outfits, then Cari went back to the change room. Mary sat outside waiting for her. After Cari had decided on her favourites, she stuck her head out.

"Psst! Mary!" she hissed.

When Mary looked up she continued, "I need help deciding." Then she ducked her head back in. Cari knew she was playing with fire, but she was really enjoying the feeling of power Tom had awakened, knowing people want her.

Mary tapped on the door and when Cari opened it she looked around quickly, then darted in. Mary stood looking at Cari in her red boy shorts and matching lacy bra.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Cari."

"Why not?" Cari looked at her with a little grin. "You're paying, so you should decide."

"Because... I." Then it hit Mary. Cari was teasing her.

"OK." Mary assumed the role of a critic. "I like these." She walked around Cari, admiring the view. She traced a finger under the lace at each of Cari's tight buttocks. "But you're much too light skinned. Try something else."

Mary sat on the bench while Cari changed. The change room was large enough for two people, but not overly large. Cari looked into Mary's face while she removed the bra and watched Mary struggle to keep her eyes locked. She faced away from Mary when she lowered the boy shorts, allowing Mary's eyes to wander where they may. The panties she had underneath stuck to the shorts and came down under her ass cheeks when she dropped the shorts. She bent over at the waist allowing Mary a glimpse at her dewy pussy lips. Cari quickly stood back up when she heard Mary gasp, then nonchalantly pulled on another outfit. This time it was a pair of high cut panties in a pastel orange with a matching bra and a thin band of lace trim on it.

When Cari turned around, Mary burst out laughing, muffling the sound with a hand in front of her mouth.

"What?" Cari asked, giggling, with her hands on her cocked hips. She knew the cause; the high cut orange panties, along with her plain white regular panties underneath and her own pale skin made her look silly.

"You look like an orange creamsicle." Mary fell over trying to stifle her giggling. After a minute, she regained control and stood to walk around Cari. Again she tucked a finger under an edge, this time of the bra, flicking a nipple by the tiniest amount.

"Yeah," Mary intoned. "The cut's OK, but the colour's off. What else ya got?" she sat down again, awaiting the costume change.

Again, Cari faced Mary and removed her bra. She rubbed her hands over her breasts, "Ohh, I had that one too tight. Feels good to get that bra off."

Again, Cari's panties came down with the ones she just tried on. This time she kicked her own off. She grabbed a pair off the hangers, this time a light pink colour, regular cut panties. She turned around and faced Mary. Instead of bending over this time, she stood there and lifted one foot high to slide into the panty. She knew her moist pussy lips would spread and be visible, should Mary look.

Which Mary did.

Cari did the same with the other leg, making a production of adjusting and pulling to get it to sit right. She put the bra on then stood awaiting Mary's assessment.

Mary stood up and traced her fingers over Cari's nipples.

"You're right, Cari. This ones a keeper. I'm concerned whether it has enough room in the front, though." Mary ran her fingers lightly over Cari's Mound of Venus.

Cari gulped, audibly. "Mmm, why's that, Mary?"

Mary slipped her hand into the front of Cari's panties. "Well, suppose Dad wants to do this, with your pretty pussy. Would his big, strong, manly fingers have enough room? For this?" Mary slipped her hand lower over Cari's mons and curled 2 fingers into Cari's sopping pussy, causing Cari to cry out. Mary stroked her fingers in and out, then pulled them out. She brought the fingers up to her lips and licked, then put her hand back down and pressed the silk into Cari's cleft. She squatted down in front of Cari and put her mouth on the panties, wetting them with her mouth, even more than Cari's juices had.

"Oh, dear." Mary said. "I think you're gonna have to buy these, for sure. I got my lipstick on them."

Cari shuddered. "I have another set to try on, too. You wanna see?"

Mary stood up and nodded, then sat on the bench again.

This time, Cari put on a bright yellow pair of boy shorts with a matching bra. There was lace trim on the bra, but not as much on the panties. Cari pulled it on, without the usual fanfare, but rubbed it in to her breasts and pussy.

Mary looked at her skeptically. "Girl, you know that doesn't look good on you. It's too pale."

"No?" Cari asked innocently. "I guess not. And I have to buy it now. You know what, though? I think it would look great on you."

Cari started stripping. "You try it on."

Mary looked at her then laughed. "OK, I'll try it."

Cari stepped back and watched Mary pull off her tight blue jeans. Cari ran a fingernail across Mary's butt cheek. Mary giggled and quickly pulled off her t-shirt, bra, and panties.

Cari was having flashbacks of Ariel and recalled she had really enjoyed her escapade with Mary's sister. She leaned forward and cupped Mary's buttock, letting a finger drift underneath to graze her labia.

Mary moaned, closed her eyes, and pushed her ass back for more contact but the touch was suddenly gone. She opened her eyes and looked behind her to see Cari holding her new bra for her. Mary took it and hooked her arms into it but before she could bring it together in the front Cari leaned over and sucked a nipple into her mouth. Mary hissed in response, then whimpered when Cari removed her lips.

Cari gestured for her to fasten the bra, then leaned down to hold the panties for Mary to step into. When Mary had done that, Cari pulled them up her legs, adjusting the fit around her crotch and ass. When it was fitted she slid her hand down inside Mary's panties until her fingers touched Mary's wet pussy. Mary's pussy hair was long but very tightly curled. Cari gathered some of the moisture seeping out and attacked her clit, suddenly rubbing very fast.

"Oh!" Mary shrieked. "Oh fuck!" She shuddered, clinging onto Cari's shoulders as Cari worked her pussy. The only sound for several minutes was Mary's heavy breathing and the moist sound of Cari's fingers working her clit. Mary's crisis hit, and she screeched again before Cari muffled her with her lips. Cari supported Mary through her explosive orgasm, afraid she would fall down on her shaky legs. After a minute Cari relented and pulled her hand out, then pressed the front of Mary's panties against her still throbbing pussy.

"Is everything alright in there?" The clerk's voice broke their reverie.

"Umm, yes. We're fine." Cari called out. She was still supporting Mary, so they didn't move yet.

"Miss, you really shouldn't be in there with a man." The clerk was sounding annoyed.

"We'll be out in a minute." Cari called again.

When the clerk moved away Mary looked at Cari and gave her a light kiss.

"I was supposed to seduce you and here you turn the tables on me. I owe you one."

They pulled their clothes on and went out to pay. The clerk was flabbergasted when she saw them together, she looked back at the change room for a man. She knew she had heard a woman being pleasured.

"I'm paying for hers," Cari said, with a smile. "and she's paying for mine."

The clerk looked at them, not seeing a set for Mary.

"I'm wearing mine." Mary said, smiling.

"And I'm wearing one of mine." Cari said, handing the girl the tags.

When the clerk went to bag Cari's other suit, she automatically inspected it and was about to say something. Then she realized the moisture she felt in the suit was from Cari trying it on. She put two and two together and stared dumbly at the two girls as they finished their debit transaction and left.

"Well, anyplace else you want to go?" Mary asked.

"Noo, I guess I should get back." Cari said, reluctantly. "I have a paper due on Monday."

"Well, I don't live far from here. Why don't we just go have a coffee before I take you home?"

"Sure. We could do that." They threw the bags in the car and hopped in, tearing out to Mary's place.

As they walked through the door at Mary's apartment, Cari had a sudden thought.

"Mary, uh, your girlfriend, Tracy? She won't come in while I'm here, will she?"

"No. She has a key, but she's at work. She won't be home for, oh, an hour and a half. I do have to start supper though." Mary went into the kitchen and started getting things out of the fridge.

"So, Cari. That was quite the stunt you worked on me in the store. I thought you were completely innocent."

"Welll," Cari started explaining. "I did fool around with a friend in high school, masturbating and stuff." Cari took a deep breath. "And I did have a night with a girl a few months back."

"Oohh, do tell."

"I can't. If I do, and you run into her, you'll know who it is."

"Hmmph. OK." Mary acquiesced. She started chopping some boneless skinless chicken to brown in a skillet.

"So why did you do that today. You didn't exactly make it hard for me. And you are with dad, so to speak."

"I probably wouldn't have, but your dad said I should if I wanted to."

Mary dropped the knife and looked at Cari. "Dad said you should?"

Cari giggled. "Yeah, he was warning me about you, just a heads up. And he said I could do whatever I want." She tipped her beer at Mary. "And here we are."

Mary walked over to Cari's stool and gave her a kiss. "Yes. Here we are." She put her arms around Cari's neck. "Where do we go from here?"

Cari looked away for a minute.

"I don't know, Mary. I love your dad, and we are together, in a way. But we've made no claim on each other. I guess it depends on what happens after your Mom passes. And on you. You and Tracy live together."

Mary pulled away and sighed. "Yeah. I do love Tracy, but what I found out today really doesn't gibe with the Tracy I know."

They looked at each other for a minute.

"We'll just take it as it comes, Mary." Cari said, softly touching her cheek.

"OK." Mary agreed.

"Now, you get cooking for your bitch. I have to go. I'll flag a cab."

"Seeya ya girl." Mary said, fondly.

An hour later Tracy Banks walked into the apartment she shared with her girlfriend, Mary Rafferty. Tracy was 2 inches taller than Mary, at 5'10", with a full figure. One of the things that had attracted Mary to her in the first place was her broad hips and pendulous breasts.

"Hi, lover." Tracy enthused. She sauntered over to Mary who was just finishing up the salad. Tracy's hands traced Mary's waist and hips.

"I missed you girl." Tracy kissed the back of Mary's neck, nuzzling.

Mary turned around and looked at her with an odd expression on her face. She wrapped her arms around Tracy and held her close.

"I love you, Tracy."

"I love you too, Mary." Tracy could sense there was something on Mary's mind. "What's the matter honey?"

"Supper's ready." Mary turned away. "Let's talk while we eat."

"OK, let me get changed first." Tracy left to get changed while Mary finished the salad, and set the table.

Tracy returned wearing just a camisole and cotton shorts, and sat with Mary. They ate in silence for several minutes while Mary steeled herself.

"Mary. I went over to dad's today."


"I talked with dad, about Carielle Salvatore."

Tracy's eyes narrowed. "Don't tell me she's fucking him around, too? I told you she'd be trouble."

Mary looked at Tracy with tears in her eyes. This was going to be a difficult conversation.

"I'm so sorry, Mary. I knew she would do..." Mary held up her hand to stop her.

"Tracy, did you," Mary took another deep breath, hesitating. "see her and your dad together?"

"Well, no. But mom and dad both said she seduced him by threatening to say he touched her. I mean he was a Deacon at church. He stood to lose a lot if she said anything... Mom believed him. And he told me and Bill what she tried to do." Bill was her brother, senior by 6 years.

"Trace. I talked to dad, and he never felt any pressure from her. It was a mutual thing. Then I talked to her..." Mary let that sink in.

Tracy slammed her fork down. "I can't believe you believed that bitch. That little slut tried to destroy my family."

"Are you going to let me talk? You know I love you, and I believed you. But what my dad said and what she said don't fit with what your parents told you."

"What did she say?"

Mary thought for a minute. "I'm only telling you this, to give you a better understanding, so I would appreciate it if it goes no further."

"Mary. You know me. I wouldn't talk."

"Yes, Tracy. I know you. You despise Cari, so you wouldn't feel any compunction at revealing her secrets."