An Uncommon Love Ch. 02


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"OK, you're right." Tracy thought for a minute, staring at Mary. "I'll keep quiet."

"Tracy, the first man she had intercourse with, since your dad, is my father. He told me how difficult it was for her. She couldn't date, she didn't trust boys. She's almost 22 and she's only given 3 blowjobs, before dad."

"But her parents believed my dad. Her parents!"

"Yeah, Trace. But you know how image conscious they are. Wouldn't you agree, her actions are more in line with a rape victim, rather than a slut?"

"But... but guys at school said they'd slept with her too!"

"Tracy, she was your best friend. You believed those guys over her? Did she seem like a slut, before this happened?"

"Well, no, but..."

"Trace, she's been in therapy for eight years. Eight years, Tracy."

Mary got up and put her arms around Tracy. Tracy just shrugged her off and got up.

"I wanted to hate her too, Tracy. For what she's doing with my dad. And to my mom. But I've seen her around them. She cares. She loves them both. She's such a sweet girl."

Tracy whimpered. "But mom said she did. Mom wouldn't lie about that, would she?"

"Maybe your mom believed him, just like you did."

Tracy got up and found her purse. She tore through it, looking for her phone, and threw the purse down when she found it. She flipped it open and speed dialed a number.

"Mom. It's Mary. Carielle Sal Vitre. Tell me the truth. Did dad rape her? Mom? Mom! No, no, no, no, moom. How could you? After what dad did, you let her suffer all those years? No no, don't you 'honey' me. You disgust me. She was raped. A little girl was raped and you blamed it on her."

Tracy fell to the floor in the middle of the living room. Mary had gone to her when she started talking, but now she sat down beside her and held her. Tears were falling down both girls' faces and Tracy was wracked by giant sobs.

"Oh, Mary. Oh, what I did to her." Mary started wailing. "I told everyone she was a slut. They all believed me and she had no friends. She had to change schools. That poor girl suffered because of me. How she must hate us."

Tracy descended into a pit of despair. She sobbed for many minutes before her tears ran dry, and still she sobbed some more. Mary just held her and comforted her. As Tracy succumbed to the strain and emotional fatigue she started drifting off to sleep. Mary helped her into the bedroom, where she put her to bed, then she went out to clean up the dinner remains.

Emotionally drained herself, she called her parents place and asked for Cari.

"Sorry, Mary. She went home for the night."

"You mean she went back to her parents place. Your place is home. Anyways, I'll talk to you tomorrow, dad. Love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Mary hung up and Tom was left looking at the phone, as if it could answer the questions in his mind.

Mary called the Sal Vitre residence and got Lew, Cari's dad.

"Hi Mr. Sal Vitre. It's Mary Rafferty. Could I talk to Cari."

""Yeah." Lew responded desultorily. "Just a minute."

Mary waited for several minutes. She heard voices raised in the background, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Presently she heard a door slam, and Cari's agitated voice answered.


"Cari! Is everything OK?"

"Yeah, dad's being an ass, still."

"Forget it. Go home. He's not worth it."

"I am home, Mary." Cari sounded puzzled.

"No you're not. Home is where people love you, and are happy to see you. That would be my dad. And mom."

"I don't know, Mary. I figured they could use a break."

"Cari? When they need a break, they need you." Mary's words lifted Cari. "Anyways, I did call for a reason, Cari."


"Cari, I spoke to Tracy."

"God-damn it Mary!" Cari exclaimed. "I didn't want to dredge this whole thing up again!"

"I know Cari. And I am sorry. But I couldn't let it lie, with her. She was pissed at me for bringing it up. But nothing like what happened when she called and confronted her mom. She had a melt-down."

"Sorry, but am I supposed to feel bad?" Cari was getting angry.

"No, Cari. I just thought I should let you know, because her mom confirmed it." Now Mary wasn't sure why she had called.

"OK, good. Now they can go on with their lives and I can keep going to therapy. Mary, they ruined my life. Ruined it. I didn't have all the experiences girls have going to school. Dating. Dances. Sleepovers. Making out with guys."

Very quietly Mary said, "Yeah, but you ended up with dad."

The line went silent for a minute.

"Yeah. There is that. Listen, Mary. I gotta go. Call me tomorrow?"

"OK, talk to you then. Bye."

"Bye, bye."

Cari turned around and walked into the room where her mother was talking to her dad. He still wasn't comfortable with Cari's actions.

"OK, here it is dad. I just had a nice talk with Mary Rafferty. Do you know who her roommate is? It's Tracy Banks. You remember Tracy Banks? The one who's father I seduced?"

"Don't start that again, Cari. It has nothing to do with this."

"No. It doesn't. But here's the thing. Tracy called her mother, and Mrs. Banks admitted her father raped me, and she knew about it." Cari was crying now, but she was working into a very long over-due rant.

"Why didn't you believe me daddy! He raped me. He stuck his forty year old dick into a young girl! Your daughter! And you wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't do it." Cari's mother got up to put her arm around Cari, but she would have none of it. She shrugged her arm off.

"You're just as bad, mom. You didn't stick up for me. You guys cared more about your appearance in the church, than what was happening under your nose."

Facing both her parents she proclaimed, "So, here's the thing. You either learn to accept me. My life. Or you will never see me in your house again. When I have children, your grandchildren, you will never play with them. I'm leaving. Let me know next time you see me, whatever you decide." Cari got up and stormed out, tears falling down her face.

Cari let herself in to Tom and MayBelle's house. Tom appeared to have gone to bed, so Cari went to check on May. A nightlight was always kept on in her room, and she had a remote for the TV, which was on. Cari went in to see if May wanted anything but she really wanted some company, herself.

"Goodness, Cari. What are you doing up at this hour?"

"It's not that late yet, May." Cari busied herself fluffing May's pillows and refreshing her water carafe. She also helped May change position in the bed. Cari had learned in school the dangers of bed sores. She didn't want May to have to deal with that.

Finished, she lay in the bed beside May, stroking her hair and talking softly.

"I'm so mad at my parents right now."

"Why's that, dear? I thought everything was sorted out?"

"Well, dad's still being irrational. Did Tom tell you what happened when I was young?"

"Yes, sweetheart, and I'm sorry it happened."

"Well, mom and dad didn't believe me. They said I made it up. The guy's daughter was my best friend, Tracy. Turns out the she's Mary's roommate. She told Mary the story that I seduced her dad. I was eighteen! Mary and I talked about it, then Mary went back to Tracy and told her she was sure I was innocent. Tracy called her mom, and her mom confirmed it."

Cari started crying. "My own parents didn't believe me. They thought they would look bad at church, for some reason."

May took Cari's hand and stroked it. "Well, there's no accounting for what people think, that's for sure. We never thought that."

"Wait." Cari said, still sobbing. "What do you mean, you never thought that?"

"Cari, dear. When we first moved into the neighbourhood. Before I got sick. Certain neighbours where quick to inform us of your reputation. I considered that it was gossip and we formed our own opinion. And I'm so glad we did."

Cari wailed anew. "See what I mean."

"I know dear. And I grieve for your lost innocence. But there are people who love you, and don't care about the gossips."

"Thank you, May. You are so sweet. I love you. I'm going to miss you terribly."

"That's kind of you to say, Cari. I love you too."

The two ladies lay there until they both fell asleep, each dreaming about the past. What was. What might have been.

When Cari awoke it was still dark. She realized a hand was gently shaking her and she looked up and saw Tom with his finger to his lips. Cari gently released May's hand and Tom helped her sit up. She rubbed her eyes and Tom helped her up and they left the room. Cari noted the clock on the desk said quarter to three.

"How are you doing, sugar?" asked Tom, after he closed May's door behind them.

"OK." Cari answered groggily. Tom steered her past his bedroom, where she made to go in. "What's wrong."

Tom stopped her outside the kitchen.

"Darling, you must have had a busy night."

Cari was still dopey. "What? Why? What do you mean?"

With a bit of a grin Tom replied, "Well, the phone has been ringing non-stop since about 1 A.M."

Concern in her voice, Cari asked, "Well who was it? Is everything OK?"

"Well, first it was your parents, looking for you. I said I didn't know where you were. Then It was Mary, looking for you, 'cause your parents called there. Then it was Mary again, because she was upset and needed to talk to you."

"Well, what did they want?" Cari still hadn't fully awakened.

"You might as well ask them, because they are all sitting in the basement." Tom handed her a glass with whiskey in it. "You may need this. Slug it back."

"Jesus, Tom." Cari looked at him, realizing what was coming. "Stay with me? I need you."

"I'm here, babe."

Cari steeled herself and followed Tom into the basement. Her parents were sitting on the couch where she had had sex with Ariel a few months before. Mary was sitting on the matching chair across from them.

Mary stood up and walked over to Cari. "I'm so sorry for doing this, Cari. She was inconsolable, and I'm afraid for her. She's not a bad person you know. She was lied to."

"What? Who?" Cari was bewildered.

"Tracy. She's my girl. And nothing would do, but she had to come over to talk to you."

Cari looked around, not seeing anyone. "Huh?"

"She's in the bathroom. She's afraid, but she wants to apologize."

"OK. Whatever." Cari sighed. She really didn't feel like dealing with this right now.

Mary went to the bathroom, and opened the door and brought Tracy out, holding her hand. Tracy stood in front of Cari, looking down, unable to speak. She looked at Mary in a panic and Mary nodded, putting her arm around her.

"Cari..." She broke down sobbing and turned into Mary's shoulder. Mary patted her back as great shuddering sobs wracked her body. Mary whispered into her ear to calm her and Tracy turned back to Cari, still crying.

"Cari. I'm so, so, sorry." Tracy stated, interspersed with sobs, "For everything I said. Everything I did. You were my friend and I should have known better."

Cari stared at her impassively. She felt sorry for her on one level, because the girl was obviously in pain. But what was that pain compared to what Cari had endured?

"But Cari, my mom lied to me. She had told me dad didn't do it on purpose. That it was your fault. Then today, yesterday, she admitted the truth to me. I'm sorry I can't give you your life back. I wish I could give you mine."

Cari reacted to that like she was slapped in the face. She looked around at her parents, sitting with their heads down. At Mary, looking at her with a pleading expression on her tear streaked face. At Tom, staring impassively at the fireplace, obviously struggling with his emotions. No-one would fault her for rejecting Tracy, out-of-hand. But Cari realized what some one had mentioned to her. Her life path had led her here, to this moment, with people who loved her. She found her voice.

"You were one mean cunt, you know that? You made my life fucking hell. But it was my life, and it's worked out just fine, so far. So I guess I have to thank you, at least a little bit, for me being here."

Tracy was looking down at the floor, weeping. Cari stepped up to her and Mary. She reached her hand out and caressed Tracy's hair. Cari looked at Mary and whispered, "Take her home. I'll talk to you guys later."

Mary nodded, and gave Cari an intimate peck on the lips. "Thank you." She whispered and guided a still sobbing Tracy upstairs.

Cari turned to Tom, "I need another drink, Tom. Please?"

Tom nodded and went to the bar.

Cari went over and sat in front of her parents. She was so numb after the last day that she was almost completely emotionless with them.

They both looked up at her with tears in their eyes.

"We're so sorry, Cari. We lost sight of what God's love really should be. Can you forgive us?"

Cari took the finger of whiskey that Tom offered and slugged it back. She waited a moment before responding.

"No. I can't. You were my parents and you let a man get away with raping me. I may be able to forgive you one day. But not now. Go home. I'm going to bed with the man I love with someone who loves me and believes in me. Good night." Cari walked away without another word.

Tom rejoined her 10 minutes later, after he had ushered Lew and Annette Sal Vitre out. As soon as he got in bed Cari attacked him. His head had barely hit the pillow when her lips were mashed on his. Her hands roamed over his torso caressing his muscles. He started to reciprocate but she pushed him back.

"No, baby. Let me." Cari moaned. She kissed his lips again, then started working her way down his body. She couldn't seem to get enough, her lips were in constant contact with his skin, her hands, feeling his muscles, palpating as if to test for sturdiness. She sucked on each nipple, circled each with her tongue before nipping with her teeth.

Cari was moaning, reveling in playing with this manly body before her, even as she was making him moan. She made her way down to his groin, kissing the trail of hair from his belly to his pubis. She loved the smell, getting stronger as she strayed towards his protruding manhood. She picked with her lips at the hairs, lightly as she went until she had to stop to remove his underwear. She just tugged and he lifted his butt so she could pull them down. She giggled when his dick slapped back against his belly from the waistband pulling it back.

Cari moaned when she held his cock and looked at it. Suddenly thinking about their 'rule' she had to ask.

"Baby? Is this OK? Here, I mean?"

"OK? Doll, if you don't continue, I'll flip you over and do you myself." Tom's voice was strained as he reveled in her wildness.

As Cari grinned at him he shooed her back to work with his hand. She took his cock in her hand, and looked up at him in the dim light and lowered her mouth onto his cock. Then she closed her eyes and went to work, sucking and licking, salivating. She pumped her hand and mouth on his dick, in synchronicity up and down. His flavour was becoming stronger as his juice started leaking.

"Fuck, baby. I love your cock." Cari moaned to him between sucks. She continued sucking him fervently for several minutes until she could tell he was getting close to exploding. When his cock started to swell in her mouth, she stopped abruptly and pinched the base to delay his orgasm.

As quickly as she sucked his cock, she rose up on her knees and shuffled forward. Poised over him, she asked, "Do you want it, sugar? Do you want my young, white pussy on your big, hard cock?"

Cari took hold of his cock and swabbed the head over her pussy. She could feel the rubbery tip sliding down up and down her labia and bumping against her clit. She smacked it against herself, moaning at the jolt that went through her pussy each time her clit was impacted. Again and again she repeated the process until finally Tom had had enough. Tom grabbed her hips and she steadied herself, lining him up at her seeping hole.

When Tom could tell she had the tip situated he pulled down on her hips. Cari squealed and Tom grunted at the sudden feeling. It felt like being inside a warm sodden glove, two sizes too small, and when she started to levitate her hips he fucked back at her on her down stroke. Cari stopped for a minute and got up on her feet, squatting over his organ. This time when she started bouncing up and down, the only contact was her hands on his chest and the pussy gripping his dick.

"Oh, fuck, baby. That feels sooo good." Tom moaned. "Do you like the way my dick fills your pretty little pussy? Hmmm?

"Yes!" Cari gasped.

"Do you like giving me your pretty pussy to enjoy."

"Oh, God! Yes!" Carrie whined. Her voice was showing her need.

"Do you like sucking the cum out of my cock? Feeling it! Fill! You! Up! Tom finished with a shout as his cum exploded in Cari's hot pussy. Her own orgasm started and he could feel her muscles milking his cock of it's essence.

"Fuck, yes! Tom, I'm cumming! Oh, God, fill my pussy." She slumped over on him but continued to buck her hips in orgasm, pounding their flesh together.

"Oh, Tom. I love you! God, how I love you.!"

Finally she stopped moving, but little tremors continued to race through her for several minutes, while his hands roamed over her back and ass, pulling her down onto his cock. As their breathing returned to normal, Cari kissed Tom passionately.

Tom held her head and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I love you too, Carrielle Sal Vitre."

Chapter Three

Tom closed the door behind Cari as they walked into the house. Neither one had any words.

They were the first ones there after the funeral and Cari flipped on the coffee urn. They'd rented an urn from the local grocery store so there'd be enough coffee for everyone. There was an old style washtub on the floor in the sunroom that Lew Sal Vitre had filled with ice while they were away. They took beer and coolers out of the fridge and stocked the tub. The story everyone was given was that Cari was MayBelle's nurse and a close friend of Mary.

When everything was ready they just stood and held each other in the middle of the room. Many of the friends coming where more May's, so Tom likely wouldn't see much of them in the future. They would likely not see that the baby she wasn't showing yet was Tom's. Ariel, Clifford and Mary all knew the truth about Cari, of course. But no one knew of the baby, except Tom. There had been hell to pay with Clifford, although Ariel and Mary accepted the situation. Maybe because they are their mother's children. The only way Clifford had been placated was with MayBelle's sheer force of will imparting her wishes and belief on her oldest child. He had come around, like Mary, by seeing Cari with May and Tom, although he was still uncomfortable.

Later on, after the crowd cleared out, the only people left where Tom, Cari, Ariel, and Mary. Clifford had gone home to be with his wife and child and the girls wanted to stay with their dad. Ariel was still single, and Mary's girlfriend understood her need to be with her dad. They drank slowly, reminiscing, filling Cari in on May's life before Cari. When it was time for bed Tom elected to sleep alone.

"I can't sleep with you tonight, Cari. After all is said and done, this doesn't feel right.

"I understand Tom. You take all the time you need. I'll be right next door, if you need me."

Tom was going to sleep in May's bed, so Cari was going to sleep in their room, the guest room.

"Why don't you sleep downstairs with the girls, Cari. I think they need you more than I do, right now. Let them talk."

"Of course, Tom. Go to bed. I love you."

"I love you too, babe. Good night."

Cari kissed him tenderly, then let him go. "Good night."

She turned and went downstairs.

"OK, girls. I'm back!" Cari said, going down the steps. She saw Mary and Ariel in their underwear, getting the fold-out bed ready.