An Unexpected Entry


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Emily disengaged from Bethan and leaned round to look at Jadie as she showed off. Both girls stared, longingly it seemed, at Jadie's smooth, exposed parts. Emily was really close to Jadie – but she stayed true to our agreement and didn't attempt to touch.

"That looks rather nice. Waxed?" she queried

"Uh huh," said Jadie, from behind her legs.

"Wow, that's commitment to the cause," Emily smiled, referring to the obvious pain involved in an intimate waxing. She continued to look intently at Jadie's private girl parts. I felt vaguely uncomfortable again; like Jadie was some kind of exhibit.

"Nothing like a... ring-side seat, is there?" I said, wanting to crack some of that intensity with humour. I realised that the way the girls were looking at Jadie – my Jadie – was making me feel possessive.

Jadie giggled, getting my crude joke straight away.

"Nicely done," she said, letting her legs drop back down.

Emily smirked at my humour, although Bethan just looked blank, evidently missing the – admittedly poor – joke.

"Well... don't mind us. You just get on with it," encouraged Emily, then went back to kissing and fondling Bethan.

I took a step towards Jadie, still holding my cock, then stopped. I realised that I was still... nervous. I was still rock-hard, of course, but this was such an odd situation. I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to... perform as intended.

Opening her legs again for me, Jadie put her arms behind her to prop herself up. Those beautiful tits wobbled nicely and I could see the pinkness between her legs; the delicious wet groove which awaited my attention. Yeah, okay, I thought. Maybe I could do this. Yes. I could definitely do this.

Emily broke off from Bethan yet again. I felt for Bethan a little then; she must not know if she was coming or going. Emily looked down sideways and let her eyes rove over Jadie and me, focusing on my cock as it probed gently between Jadie's legs. I turned and saw Bethan also now watching intently; her mouth slightly open. I saw her tongue wet her lips – seemingly unconsciously. I turned back to look at what I was doing, and slowly slipped the end of my cock into Jadie's sweet, tight little hole.

"Oh, God!" Emily said, almost groaning. "The two of you... that is so fucking hot. Are you really sure about the whole no touching thing?"

"Yes!" said Jadie and I, emphatically, and together this time. That kind of broke some of the tension which had built up again. Everyone laughed, then.

I pushed myself further inside Jadie and she gasped slightly. She was leaning back on the table, propped up on her arms; looking right at me, as usual. I reached down and held her gently either side of her gorgeous little tummy; feeling the softness of her smooth skin. She pushed herself back up off the table and sat up straighter; I bent my legs slightly so I could stay inside her as she put her arms round my neck. We began to kiss. I felt her squeezing my cock inside herself; that amazing combination of tightness, slick wetness and fiery heat which never ceased to amaze me.

Slowly, we started to move against each other in rhythm; me standing with knees slightly bent and her sitting right on the edge of the table with her legs apart as I pushed in and out of her. Her breasts rubbed gently against my t-shirt; I could feel their heat through the material. She held me tighter in her arms. I was aware of fabric rustling next to us; shoes being kicked off; buttons being unfastened; a skirt dropping to the floor; tights sliding down legs. But, to start with, I was so lost in Jadie that I didn't even look.

It took mere seconds before she was panting and making those quiet little noises I loved so much. I felt her increase our rhythm – as usual – and felt the waves of pleasure running up and down my cock. We were still kissing hard; our tongues entwined and twisting around in each other's mouths. And those eyes; mere inches away from my own; still open, looking into me with that green fire inside...

We moved against each other for what seemed like quite a while. It was a little bit awkward doing it this way round on the table, but it had still got to the point where I'd almost forgotten that Emily and Bethan were there beside us. I gradually became aware, however, that it wasn't just Jadie who was now making girl-sex noises. Jadie was evidently curious as well; she was the first to break off the kiss, looking over my shoulder at whatever Bethan and Emily were up to.

She nodded towards them, indicating that I might want to see what was going on. So, what the hell, I glanced to my side as well.

The two other girls were now in a state of partial undress. Emily was still perched on the edge of the table with her legs apart but her dress was now unbuttoned all the way down her front. Bethan was standing up in between Emily's legs, almost like I was with Jadie; the difference being it was her hand which was presumably connecting with Emily's intimate parts, although the details were hidden beneath Emily's dress. Emily was returning the favour; her hand visibly working inside Bethan's pink shorties which were now visible; skirt discarded and tights rolled down. Both were watching Jadie and me intently; panting away as they pleasured each other; faces pressed together side by side as they watched us.

Seeing Jadie and I looking back at them, Emily smiled at us before – very deliberately – turning back to Bethan and kissing her.

I felt a burst of arousal at the thought of the two of them just watching us and cuddling and kissing whilst masturbating each other. The whole situation was so fucking wrong. But it was, to use Emily's phrase, so fucking hot.

I turned back to Jadie. She smiled, then leaned up to whisper in my ear.

"I love you," she said. Nothing else.

For some reason, I wasn't expecting that. Those three words, breathed with such passion and intensity into my ear, seemed strangely incongruous given that we were right in the middle of some weird... group sex thing. But I felt my heart shift inside, and leaned back to whisper the same to her. That intimacy – right in front of two other girls who I barely knew – seemed to unlock something inside me. A realisation that, whatever... strangeness we might find ourselves in... nothing would break that connection between us.

As Jadie leaned away from me and propped herself back up on the table using her arms to push herself back against me, I glanced sideways again. Emily had leaned back on the table a little now, as well. Her unbuttoned dress was now pulled apart and her black bra had been pushed down so it sat underneath her breasts, leaving them exposed. Her tits, like her clean, pink face were surprisingly young-looking for a girl of her age. Being at university, she had to be at least eighteen or nineteen. They weren't particularly large breasts but they were clearly firm; hardly moving at all as she adjusted her position. Her areolas were small and pink, surrounding prominent nipples which were – perhaps unsurprisingly given her alternative style – pierced with silver barbells.

I looked away and back at Jadie. I felt a strange burst of pride; there really was no comparison. Jadie was so much more beautiful in every single way. I recognised, not for the first time, that my stupid male brain was getting aroused by the sight of another, inferior female body. But there was only one girl I loved. Only one who I really wanted to be with. I reached down, again, to kiss her and give her my full attention.

Jadie continued to pant, delicately as I moved inside her; she was gasping and moaning gently. After a short while longer, I sensed another change in what was happening beside us. I took a quick glance.

Bethan had stepped away from Emily and was, presumably, undressing further. I could hear the sounds of clips unfastening and elastic sliding over skin. I was torn. I was curious enough to want to look at Bethan, but whereas before I just had to glance to my left, to look at Bethan now would mean I'd have to look right over my shoulder. That seemed strangely... impolite, to turn right away from my beautiful Jadie like that, especially as I was in the process of, well, yes, fucking her. I felt a laugh building inside me at the realisation of what my brain was doing; trying to work out some weird etiquette for sex in front of other people.

I resisted the temptation and looked right at Jadie. Unusually, she'd closed her eyes. Her cheeks were pink now; her arousal clear. She looked so cute like that. Her eyes flicked open again.

"You can look at them, Mr Baines. It's okay. I want to look as well."

How did she do that? Reading my mind, yet again.

Emily heard her and snorted; a derisive laugh. She'd sat herself up straighter again and was trying to wriggle her way out of her dress completely now.

"Yeah, you can look, Mr Baines." Her emphasis seemed to be mocking Jadie's use of my name. Of course, she could hardly be expected to know or understand the circumstances which meant Jadie still called me that, rather than using my first name.

"Just no... touching," Emily said as she accidentally-deliberately brushed against my arm with her shoulder.

"Oops," she said.

I frowned a warning at her. She just smiled. And then, well, I did glance back over my shoulder at Bethan.

She was now standing a couple of paces back; naked apart from that pair of light pink shortie-style knickers. She had one hand inside them, gently rubbing herself underneath the material. Her gaze was flicking between Emily undressing and what Jadie and I were doing. I took in the shape of her body. She carried a little bit of extra weight like Jadie, although Jadie's was spread rather more evenly and proportionately. Bethan had skinny arms and narrow hips, but her thighs were a bit on the chunky side and she had a bit of a 'spare tyre' which sat awkwardly above those hips.

And yet, as she stood there watching me fuck Jadie, hand gently pleasuring herself in her knickers as she waited for Emily; a slight frown on her face, as if she couldn't quite believe what she – and everyone else around her – was doing... she still looked sexy, I thought. That white skin really was remarkably clear; no moles or spots at all. Which meant that my eye was immediately caught by another tattoo which stood out on her pale complexion. It was gothic lettering, running in a small arc underneath her right breast. Go your own way, it said. Well, she was certainly doing that alright, I thought.

And then, yeah, I looked at her tits. Of course I looked at her tits. They were bigger than I'd realised – much larger than Emily's – and they looked soft. Very soft. They rippled, gently, in time with her hand as it moved between her legs. To be fair, compared to the frankly ridiculous firmness of Jadie's perfect chest, anything would look soft. I knew Bethan was still only eighteen, so her breasts retained at least some youthful resistance to gravity but, well, they could never be described as perky. Her large pink, puffy areolas looked nice, though. The nipples were not erect, making them barely-visible in the centres and further adding to the impression of softness. But that softness; that rippling... yeah, that did look kinda nice, I thought.

I turned back to Jadie, to discover she was peering around me so that she could see Bethan as well. She really was endlessly curious, even as she was still pushing herself against me; squeezing my cock inside her. I could feel the urgency building in her. I turned back and gave her my full attention again. I felt yet another pang of guilt. I was confused as all hell, really. Why would I want to look at either of the other two, when such perfection was right there before me? She was breathing hard, panting at me now; no longer looking at Bethan but holding me with her eyes.

"I love you," she mouthed again, silently this time.

I pushed into her harder, and brought my hand down to between her legs; just gently brushing her clit with my finger as we coupled. Almost straight away, as I tickled her most sensitive part, I was rewarded with a tiny shudder and a gasp. Rubbing the wetness up and around the hot little nub, I pushed a little harder and that, it seemed, was enough to once more get her where she wanted to be.

She started to tremble properly now; her climax beginning. She gasped again, gave a jerk underneath and smiled dreamily, still fixing me with those beautiful green eyes.

I heard Emily say, "Yeah..." softly and realised she and Bethan had come right up close again now, watching intently by my shoulder.

I kept gently working my cock in and out of Jadie whilst I rubbed her with my finger. I could feel her muscles contract and relax around my erection as her orgasm finally burst over her. She jerked again, breathing hard and, closing her eyes briefly, let out a little whimper before juddering once more.

I realised that there was no profanity, this time. No fucking fucks or fuckyesses or any of her usual foul-mouthed climax talk. I felt honoured, in a way, to know that she was keeping that... private. Just between the two of us.

"Oh," she gasped, as I continued to rub her clit whilst – gently now – sliding my erection up as far as I could into her tightness which was squeezing back at me as her muscles continued to spasm.

And then, as often happened, her face took on a look of complete surprise; an apparently unexpected final wave of pleasure shuddering through her. She opened her eyes and began to laugh, still riding that wave. She was so cute, like that. Just so cute; getting caught out by her own body.

"Oh God!" she breathed, still laughing and giving a couple more little jerks.

"Unhhh." That was more of a sigh. I felt her subsiding slightly now underneath me; her climax finally coming to an end.

"Mmmmm," appeared to be her final word on the matter. I smiled down at her; she looked back at me with her famous joyful smile, lighting up her entire face. My heart melted, as it always did. I momentarily forgot the craziness of what we were doing; all I could feel at that moment was pure, unbridled love for this beautiful, amazing creature whom I had somehow managed to bring pleasure to.

"Thank you," she mouthed, silently again.

Part 6: I Want One Like That, Now

"Aww," said Emily. She wasn't being sarcastic, this time. "That was really sweet. You two look like you're, well... in love or something."

She evidently hadn't realised the true nature of my relationship with Jadie. I guess she'd assumed I was just doing the whole banging-the-girl-next-door thing.

Bethan chipped in, "Yeah, like, wow, Jadie. That looked... kinda big..."

Jadie laughed, still breathless; still gently moving herself on my erection in her afterglow. "Yes, it was rather... substantial."

"I want one like that, now," Emily giggled. Her face was flushed with excitement. For a moment she looked uncharacteristically innocent then; caught up in the moment.

Bethan laughed, "Yeah. Me too."

"Come on then. Challenge accepted," replied Emily.

I smiled at the phrase. One of those stupid internet memes, but one which had worked its way into my own speech patterns as well. I'd said the same thing to Jadie – in the same context – more than once before. It never failed to make her smile.

Emily stood up from the table.

"Time to get properly nekkid, I think," she announced, in a silly voice, and began to shrug herself fully out of the remainder of her dress.

I gently withdrew myself from Jadie. I sensed that the burning desire in her eyes was perhaps dimmer, but still very much present. An unspoken communication passed between us secretively; whilst Bethan was helping Emily to get fully undressed, Jadie ran her fingers down between her legs and parted herself briefly; exposing pink, glistening wetness. I got the message. She was still up for it, after this little hiatus.

With my body shielding us from the other two, I gently took hold of those fingers and put them in my mouth. She made her 'eww' face at me as usual, before I pulled her upright and she hopped off the table to stand up. I glanced behind her. There was a tiny puddle of her girl-juices left on the edge of the table where she'd been sitting. I resisted my desire to lick it off the wooden surface. I would have if the other girls hadn't been there. I so would have.

"Ohh. It's hard on my arse doing it that way round," she complained. In her post-orgasmic state, I don't think she even realised the innuendo.

Emily did, though. "That's what she said," she laughed. I laughed too; that was one of Jadie's usual lines.

Jadie rolled her eyes, as much at herself for missing the opportunity, as at Emily for taking it. She reached behind herself and massaged her fabulous buttocks. Oh lord. That was a sight to behold. They were reddened from where she'd been sitting on the hard wood of the table. Kind of like they'd look if she'd been spanked, I thought. Jesus, where had that thought come from? I'd never been remotely interested in that kind of sex play. Still, my erection twitched at the sight.

I was still staring lovingly at Jadie's bottom when I realised that Bethan was now wriggling herself out of her pink shorties. I took another guilty look; watching those soft breasts move around as she rolled the panties down her legs. Yeah, those tits definitely flopped and jiggled much more than Jadie's ever did.

The underwear discarded, Bethan straightened up and suddenly seemed to find a little greater confidence. She put her hands behind her head and wiggled at Emily. The effect was rather pleasant; with her arms raised her breasts were pulled up higher and into a more alluring shape. Her action also had the added effect of leaving her newly-uncovered frontal area fully exposed.

She was fully shaved, although there was something of a five o'clock shadow which shaded her pubic triangle. Despite the inevitable little red spots of shaving rash which were dotted across her mound, the shadow effect still looked pretty sweet. It reminded me of Jadie when she'd cropped her hairs right down ultra-short. I'd always liked that look. I realised my cock was responding to the sight of Bethan's nakedness. And, when I looked at Jadie, I saw that she was looking at Bethan as well; mouth open slightly. As it happened, so was Emily. Poor girl; we were all staring at her now.

"God, you're beautiful," said Emily as she looked at Bethan. I glanced briefly at her, wondering if she was genuine or just playing Bethan. I decided I couldn't tell. She really was a strange sort of girl.

Bethan blushed and looked down; the confidence disappearing almost immediately.

"No, I'm not," she said, quietly. I felt for her. She wasn't, to be truthful. And certainly not compared to Jadie, or even Emily.

But I still felt another stirring of attraction as I looked at her, standing there and biting her lip nervously. I was reminded of how Jadie used to flit between emotional states in a similar fashion. One minute she would be almost louche; relaxed and confident and showing off. Then something could just flip inside her and she'd be a shy, nervous teenager, biting a nail uncertainly. Jadie had changed though, since we'd first got together. Our relationship had apparently given her a more permanent confidence. She didn't even bite her nails any more. On one level, that pleased me. On another level – the colossal pervert level – I sometimes felt a pang of disappointment that, other than when she played at being good-girl, I didn't really see that shy nervousness any more. It really was very sexy. And I really was very bad for thinking so.

I blinked, shaking those thoughts from my head.