An Unexpected Type Of Love

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Pain leads to love...
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Hey everyone this is my first story I hope you like it, let me know what you think..


The street light let off a faint yellow glow in the dark of the night. The air was chilly and forced Jessie to pull her coat closer to her. She shivered fiercely and started to mentally kick herself for not getting her license yet; she was 19 but never really needed it till now. Only a few more miles till the apartment.

Sarah her roommate and her best friend since high school, was going to kill her for not calling her to pick her up from rehearsal but Jessie hated mooching off of her and she liked clearing her head in the chill air of the night.

Jessie was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice the shadow in front of her until she almost bumped into what she thought was a wall. When she got her bearings, she looked up into the most frightening face she had ever seen.

The man had dark eyes and scars scattered his face.

"Excuse me sorry," Jessie said quickly. The man let out a deep rumbling laugh that sent shivers of fear down Jessie's spine.

"Well I'd better get going," Jessie said, trying her best not to show her very obvious fear. She turned to get past him but he just shot out his hand and grabbed her arm.

"I don't think so Jessie. You're not going anywhere." Jessie's eyes grew big and she literally shook with fear.

"How do you know my name?"

The man just chuckled and said, "Well you are my dinner tonight, that's why."

"Dinner," she said quickly.

"Yes dear, dinner... I am going to suck you dry until your little heart stops beating... I have been watching you for awhile and I will have you."

Jessie struggled against him but it did no good; it was like fighting with steel. She screamed but he just laughed and punched her in the head, but she kept screaming and he forcefully pushed her onto the ground.

The man bent down over her, pulled off her jacket and glanced at her chest with a dark smile on his face.

"Mhmm maybe I should use this body before I eat." And with that, he started to grope her chest roughly and drag his hands down to her jeans, trying to rip them off her struggling body.

She started screaming again and he kept hitting her all over while trying to get his fill with her body. He was about to pull down his pants, when a loud growl sounded from behind .

He turned to look and chuckled loudly, "What do you want wolf?"

The large brown wolf just snarled angrily and pounced on the man, heading straight for his throat.

Jessie saw the man turn and get up. She thought she saw a dog or was it a wolf? She was so sore and light headed couldn't see, especially with her tear filled and bruised eyes. Blackness took over her quickly and in her last waking moments, she saw a beautiful dark haired man beside her with only his jeans on. Then she fell unconscious.


Jared was walking to his car when he smelled a distinct scent of cherries and vanilla. It intoxicated him so he followed it. Being a were, his senses where exceptional. He sniffed the air and followed the glorious smell until his inner wolf kept screaming- "mine".

When Jared finally pinpointed the smell, he saw a vampire leaning over a girl who was screaming in pain. Before Jared could think twice, his wolf took over. where Jared once stood, now stood a brown wolf growling with anger. He was not going to let this vampire touch his mate ever again.

When the vampire turned, Jared attacked but before he could reach him the vampire disappeared.

Jared yowled loudly but when he turned to see the girl lying unconscious, he changed back quickly, found his jeans and ran over to her.

He could scent the faint smell of cherries and vanilla and he knew right away that this beaten girl was his mate. No matter what it would take, he will find that vampire and kill him. He saw that her clothes were torn and she was beaten up pretty badly. Gently he picked her up and took her back to his car where he tucked her in the passenger seat.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. A deep voice answered on the other line.

"Yes alpha."

"Seth I have a big problem... I found my mate," Jared said with slight anger in his voice.

"That is great sir but why is that a problem?" Seth asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"She has been beaten badly by a vampire and I am bringing her back to the compound. Make sure Linda is ready to check her. I will be there in 10 minutes."

Jared didn't wait for an answer but just flipped his phone shut. He started the car and headed to the compound.

Jared parked in front of his house and quickly got out. Seth ran out of the house to assist his alpha. Jared opened the door and gently unbuckled her and quickly carried her into the house yelling over his shoulder to Seth.

"Park the car out back and get all of the betas together now!" Jared said sternly.

"Yes sir," the blonde haired wolf said quickly and went to his task.

Jared pushed open the doors to a waiting doctor, Linda, Seth's sister. Linda saw the alpha carrying a young girl who looks to be badly beaten.

"Lay her on the table."

Jared did so. Linda quickly examined the girl and turned to the pacing alpha.

"She will be fine. She has substantial bruising and a broken wrist," she said directly.

"Was she bitten?" he asked coldly.

Linda turned to the girl. "Bitten? A vampire did this?"

"Was she bitten?" Jared said angrily.

"No she wasn't alpha. Looks like you got there in time." Jared sighed in relief.

"Who is this girl?" Linda asked carefully.

Jared closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "She is my mate..I love her more than life itself and I don't even know her name."

Jared looked down at his beaten down mate and how absolutely breathtaking she was. He pushed back her auburn shoulder length hair and admired her pale skin. She was curvy in all the right places and she had a few scars placed around her body but that just made him love her that much more. Her smell was so strong it drove him absolutely mad.

"Uh Sir?" Linda said cautiously and Jared quickly snapped out of his trance.

"Yes" he said quietly.

"I am going to have to patch her up if that's okay then you can take her to your quarters to rest."

"Okay," Jared said sternly.

Linda started patching her up. She took the purse from the girl's arm and handed to her alpha."This might help you at least find her name."

Jared took it feeling slightly guilty about going through her purse, but he needed to know who his lovely mate was. He saw her cell phone had 17 missed calls by a Sarah. He couldn't help but feel relieved that it wasn't another man. He saw her wallet and didn't see a license but he saw an I.D with her picture and her name. Jared couldn't stop staring at her beautiful hazel eyes he was completely memorized. He couldn't wait to see them for real. Jessica Loreto. He smiled at her simple name but to him it seemed exotic.

Her cell phone began to buzz lightly in his hand. It was a text. He flipped it open and it was from the Sarah girl- "Jessie where are you??"

Jared had to make sure this girl was reassured that she was okay but couldn't risk the girl coming to the compounds yet, so he quickly texted "I am with a friend don't wait up". He severely hoped that worked at least till Jessica could really talk to her.

Linda finished patching her up and in the process had to remove most of her torn clothes so she only clad in her bra and panties.

"I gave her some pain killers so she most likely will be out till morning," Linda said nicely.

Jared nodded and walked over and picked her up carefully to take her to his quarters. He climbed the winding steps up to his rooms and saw that Seth was standing at his doors ready to report orders. Seth glanced at the half naked girl in his alpha's arms.

Jared saw this and couldn't stop the low growl in his chest. "If you want to keep your head I would suggest you not do that again," Jared growled.

Seth quickly bowed his head. "I am very sorry sir. I am just very happy that you finally found your mate even if it's not in the best of circumstances," he said honestly.

Jared nodded. "I am sorry Seth I don't mean to snap but I want to find the bastard who did this to her and rip his throat out."

Seth believed his leader Jared was a strong and great alpha and he usually took stress well but this was totally different.

"I want Aaron Lucas and Joel to go back to where I found her and find that bastard's scent," Jared said sternly.

"Yes Alpha," Seth said. He bowed and left to find the men to tell them there tasks.

Jared pushed open his doors and walked in to his large quarters which was furnished with large mahogany furniture, a fire place with a large screen TV above it and in another room a huge bed with dark sheets and a large bathroom with a claw foot tub and a large shower.

He walked over to his bed and tucked her in carefully. He so badly wanted to lie next to her and hold her but he didn't want to scare her anymore then she already is. So he pulled a leather chair to the side of the bed and just held her hand and watched his beautiful mate sleep. He silently vowed that he will never let this happen again, not if he could help it.


Jessie slowly opened her eyes. It was still slightly dark outside. She looked around and noticed she wasn't in her bed or even in her house. She sat up quickly but not without great pain. She winced and yelped lightly. She then felt a strong hand on her arm but she it didn't scare her it made her oddly calm. She turned and was staring into the most beautiful green eyes she has ever seen.

"Where am I?" she managed to say.

Jared smiled slightly. "You are safe now."

Jessie didn't know why but she believed him.

"My name is Jared Winchester and I found you last night on the ground badly beaten." Jared couldn't help the slight wince when he recalled the memory.

"Do you remember anything?" He said with a slight smile.

Jessie tried to think back to the last thing she remembered. Flashes of a scared man and painful hits and the words "dinner" rung in her head. She couldn't stop the scream from her lips. "Why did this happen to me?" Jessie said, her voice full of panic.

Jared bowed his head in his hands. "I am not sure Jessica but I will sure as hell find out I promise you that nothing or nobody will ever hurt you again."

Jessie stared into his eyes. She didn't know why but she believed him but she couldn't stop herself from asking, "Why do you even care?"

Jared Gently rubbed the worried girl's hand. "It's hard to explain right now you have been through enough and I don't want to put any more stress on you."

Jessie Felt slightly annoyed. She felt she had every right to know what was going on stress or not.

"I want to know what's going on here please I need to know." Jared sighed and looked in his mate's pleading eyes.

"You were attacked by a vampire and I caught your scent and followed it to where you and the vampire were. I attacked him for being on my mate but he got away but don't worry we will find him," he said and he meant every word.

Jessie's head was spinning in confusion "Vampires? Mate? What are you? And what do you mean mate?" She looked at the beautiful man before her, full of question.

"Yes vampires they are real and so are werewolves that is what I am and weres mate for life and you my sweet Jessica are my mate."

Jessie couldn't stop the laugh "What, are you crazy?"

Jared sighed, "No I would never lie to you sweet one... never."

Jessie looked at him with a crooked eyebrow "Prove it then" her voice full of doubt.

Jared stepped back from the bed and removed his jeans. Jessie couldn't stop from looking at the man before her; his brown shaggy hair falling right above his bright green eyes and his muscled shoulders and chest. His arms and legs were also full of muscle and his skin was lightly tanned. Her cheeks blushed furiously when she glanced over the oversized appendage between his legs. Jared smiled a full grin noticing her reaction to his body. Then once where the man was standing, a big brown wolf with big familiar green eyes now stared at her.

Jessie wanted to scream but she couldn't. She just stared at the big green eyes. Jared gently walked over to the bed and laid his head by her hand. Jessie warily moved her hand and rubbed the tops of his ears and Jared let out a small whine of approval.

"Is that really you," Jessie said quietly.

Jared changed quickly. "Yes it is me and I would never hurt you," Jared said sincerely.

"Why am I not afraid of you? I don't understand what's happing to me. I just want to go home."

Jared read the confusion in her eyes. "I know this is a lot to take in and you are doing very well but you have to stay here for awhile where it's safe, until we find that vampire."

It killed Jared that his mate wanted to leave him but he understood what she must be going through.

"I need to call Sarah... I need to tell her I am okay. I need to see her please?"

Jared thought for a minute then shook his head. He walked out of the room only to return with her purse and handed it to her.

"If it makes you feel safer you can call her and I will send one of my men over to bring her and some of your things over here."

"Why can't I just go home? Please I will be okay," she said, her voice slight with fear.

Jared felt slightly angry that she would ever fear him.

"I cannot let anything happen to you Jessica. That vampire has your scent and he will find you. I will not let that happen. You are going to stay here where you are safe. You can call your friend and have her come here but you can't leave. Please stay here where you are safe please?" his voice was full of pleading.

Jessie had the overwhelming feeling of nakedness. Looking down she noticed she was only in her underclothes in front of this complete stranger. She quickly pulled the blanket around her completely. He may of not have been shy about his body but she surely was. She hated her curves and scars from past abuse scattering her body and the new ones from the horrific night before.

"What happen to my clothes?"

Jared laughed lightly at her sudden nervousness not because of there just being a giant wolf in the room but because she was self-conscious.

"They were torn pretty badly and when you were being patched up we had to remove the pieces. You don't have to be so self-conscious, you are so beautiful Jessica every part of you is, even what you call your imperfections," he said honestly.

Jared left the room for a minute and came back with a man's tee-shirt and gym shorts.

"You can wear these until your friend brings you your own clothes."

Jessie went to grab the clothes from him but her whole body was shot with pain. In an instant, Jared was by her side.

"Here let me help you." He helped pull the shirt over her head but not without notice of her plentiful chest. Jared stifled a groan. Then he helped with the shorts, trying his best to keep in control.

"Thanks for helping me... I feel totally helpless right now," Jessie said sadly.

Jared pushed a piece of hair out of her face.

"You are not helpless. You are a strong woman and I will always be here for you no matter what."

He looked into her bright hazel eyes and she saw that he meant every word.


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Thatonegirl101Thatonegirl101over 11 years agoAuthor
Working on chapter now

I am glad you guys liked my story. My life caught up with me and i didn't get to write that much. But i have decided to start now and see where it takes me thanks for your patience :) chapter 2 will be up soon. bare with me!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

amazing start cant wait to see what else you have in store for us......please update this story soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Can't wait!

I can't wait for the next chapter, because this story was fabolous!=D

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
waiting for next chapter

I like the first chapter and am waitng to see what happens next. Please write soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good start...

I liked the story so far. You may want to slow down the progression of the story line to develop characters some more. Keep writing.

AyamiAyamiover 13 years ago
more please

cant wait for more to come

canndcanndover 13 years ago

great start...look forward to more. it'd probably help her be okay with staying there if she remembers more of the attack when the vamp said, 'i've been watching you for a while.'

farrahkellifarrahkelliover 13 years ago
Good Start.

I liked it, nice start. It kinda was fast paced, but there is great potential here. (:

freakgirl1134freakgirl1134over 13 years ago
great start!

I cant wait to read the rest :)

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyover 13 years ago

nice start, the plot is a well used one, however that being said, it is a plot that works and never gets old. I can't wait to see where this story goes

Thatonegirl101Thatonegirl101over 13 years agoAuthor

I know its a bit short but its only the first chapter I promise the second will be a lot longer. I am just about done writing it. it should be out soon (:

thanks so much for your support any comments welcome


missymoemissymoeover 13 years ago
keep it coming

its a bit short but a very good beginning. please keep it coming

mariasmdmariasmdover 13 years ago
good job...

GREAT first try. and yes this is too short, but i cant wait for the next installment.

zouzounizouzouniover 13 years ago
A good start

Interesting characters, it did move a little quickly but I still would like to hear more :)

misstrshmisstrshover 13 years ago

good but tooshort

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