An Unwitting Discovery Ch. 02


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"I was suggesting that you might be feeling a little like Harry, about the end of the school year. You told us about how your parents were very unhappy when you didn't elect to go with theology as your career major. I take it there's some 'friction' between you, now?"

"That would be putting it mildly, Dad," Suzan nodded.

"Do they control your college money?" he asked her.

"Since when does a Baptist minister have the kind of money that it takes to put a kid through four years at NC State?" Suzan asked. "My college money comes from my grandparents on my mother's side, and they were more than a trifle miffed when Dad pulled his conniption fit about my going for a biology degree. As long as I maintain a 'B' average in my core subjects, the money is mine. Neither of my parents can touch it."

"Then, consider yourself always welcome, here. If you want to spend your summer here, with Tommy, you're free to do so," Dad told her. "Mi casa es su casa."

Suzan bolted up from her chair and skittered around to the other end of the island, wrapping her arms around Dad in a huge hug, accompanied by a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Now I know where my Tommy gets his caring nature from," she said softly. "How can I ever thank you?"

"Just keep loving my son, the way you do, and we'll be square," Dad chuckled. "Besides -- I've got a vested interest, in this. If you're out in California, all summer long, Tommy will be utterly miserable, and I can't have that! Granted, you both have cell phones -- and Tommy's is on an unlimited plan -- but I know, from years of experience while working on the rigs, that long-distance is NOT the next-best thing to being there!"

We finished our coffees and helped Katie with the cleaning-up, and then got busy with checking off items on her 'to-do' list. We took a short break for lunch, at around noon, and then got busy again, wrapping up at around 2:30, with just enough time for all of us to grab showers and change clothes before Zane and Adam arrived.

A couple minutes after 4:00, Katie got a text from Adam, stating that they were only about 2 miles away, and so we trooped out onto the porch to watch for their arrival. A few minutes later, a dark blue Civic slowed and pulled into Dad's driveway to park behind my Taurus. Zane was driving, and Adam was in the passenger seat. As the four of us walked out to greet them, together, I tried to remember the last time I'd seen them in person, but all I could come up with was that it'd been before Dad's divorce -- and they'd been enough older than I was, at the time, that we had absolutely nothing in common, and so we didn't hang out, together during the visit.

Adam climbed out of the passenger side, first, and I noted that he was as tall as Dad, with an athletic physique that made me a little envious. He moved quickly to the driver's side of the car and opened the door for Zane, and my nagging suspicion that these two siblings were a 'couple' -- based on Dad's earlier cryptic comment that Adam and Zane would likely want to share a bedroom -- felt confirmed as he opened it and assisted her from the car. The way he took her hand, and the brief look and smile that passed between them was almost unmistakable. I recognized the look on Zane's face as the one Suzan always flashed me whenever I assisted her in getting out of the Taurus.

Zane was only a little shorter than her mom, but her features were different. Her hair was almost a pale straw blond, while Adam's was more the 'honey' golden color that Katie had. His hair fell nearly down to his broad, muscular shoulders, while Zane's cascaded down her back to a point well below her shoulder blades, and was bound into a ponytail with a bit of wispy purple cloth.

Katie took them both, in turn, hugging them each closely and bestowing kisses on both cheeks. When they broke their embraces and came toward Dan, Suzan, and me, it was clear that Zane's figure was equally as fit and toned as Adam's, while still shapely like that of her mother.

"Tommy and Suzan, this is my beautiful first-born, Zane, and my big, strapping, handsome son, Adam," she said, looking up into his eyes.

We said our hellos, then -- hugs for Zane, and strong handshakes with Adam, though I noted that he got a warm hug from Suzan. When Zane and Suzan hugged, they stood nearly eye-to-eye and their breasts appeared to be similarly sized. Zane had a more classic hourglass figure but, in my mind, Suzan had a nicer roundness to her butt, much like Launa's -- which made sense, when I stopped to remember that Suzan was her daughter, after all.

And, before you all start calling me a 'perv,' for having noticed my mother's butt, it was something that I'd only taken note of a couple days earlier, when I'd looked at mother and daughter side by side as they walked away from me to turn and pose for the photo I'd taken, of them.

Katie's chest and hips were both larger, likely from childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding. The two younger women had much more oval and feminine jaw lines and faces, compared to Katie's sharper -- more finely chiseled -- features and her higher cheekbones. They were a strikingly beautiful trio that could easily have been models.

When we shook hands, I noticed that I was the shortest of the men, but my features were more similar to Adam than Dad. Dad's form was more mature, but he had a muscular bulk that wasn't simply weight -- a product of his time spent in both the work-out room at home, and the small gym, out on the rig. My hair was very close in color to Adam's, while Dan's was a dirty blonde. Adam shared his mom's squarish jaw line, which both Dan and I also had.

The ladies all headed off to the house while Dan, Adam, and I gathered the bags from the back of the Civic. I was already heading toward the house as Adam closed the trunk. Dad hung back and I overheard a brief exchange between him and Adam.

"Tommy and Suzan know about Katie and me, and they're okay with us. Are you and Zane doing one room or two?"

"Mom texted us about Tommy and Suzan knowing," Adam replied. "We'll go with two bedrooms, for now. We'll see how it goes. Zane wants to assess the overall situation, before deciding whether it's safe for us to come out of the closet."

I felt some relief at his response and stopped at the first guest room with what appeared to be Zane's bags. Adam stopped and dropped off another. Then we proceeded back to the old workout room where we'd set up the queen-size air mattress.

"This looks good. Thanks for setting it up for me, Uncle Dan," Adam said.

"Tommy did that. We weren't sure what the sleeping arrangements might be, until yesterday," he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"We knew that you and Zane knew about your mom and me, and that you were okay with what we're doing. Tommy's known about us -- and been okay with your mom and me -- since last summer's trip to Europe. We couldn't say the same, about Suzan, until just yesterday. She's figured it out, and she's okay with it, so your mom and I don't have to sleep in separate bedrooms -- which frees things up, a bit, if you and Zane decide you hate the idea of sleeping alone, for a few days."

With everything settled a bit we went back out into the family room where Katie was showing Zane the same ornaments she'd shown Suzan a few days earlier. Adam joined them and there was an eerily similar conversation to the one Suzan and I had when we arrived nearly a week ago.

"We put you in the guest master, Zane. Adam is relegated to the shrunken temporary bedroom. The work out room will be out of commission, for the duration of your visit. We moved all that to the garage," Dad told them.

"I didn't want to work out, this time, anyway. I've been getting plenty of exercise, running around the lab building," Zane yawned. "Excuse me; I'm tired. That's a long drive. We started, late yesterday, and took turns sleeping, but you don't get a lot of real rest, dozing in the passenger seat of a Camry."

"Jeez, I thought you two were smart, but that was about a bubble off plumb!" I exclaimed.

"Loosely translated, he's saying that you should have stopped, somewhere, overnight," Dad interpreted for me.

Katie and Suzan laughed, but Zane and Adam both wore puzzled expressions caused by my jargon.

"Sorry; I get worked up about being safe," I explained. "Think about a level that a carpenter would use. A bubble off plumb means that it's not level -- kind of 'out of whack.'"

"That's my fault," Dad interjected. "I deal with safety-consciousness all the time, out on the rig, and I drilled it into him, every chance I got, while he was growing up."

"At times, he sounded like one of those ancient phonograph records, when it got a 'skip' in it -- the same thing, over and over and over and over and -- "

"What can I say, Tommy? You're the only son I've got. I'd like to keep you around, for awhile." he said, looking a little bleary-eyed and mussing my hair.

"I understand," Adam said, "but we were safe. Zane's been working nights in the lab, so being up late at night, driving, is actually on her schedule."

"I knew, ahead of time," Katie admitted. "As soon as Suzan clued us in that she had us figured out, and was okay with it, I texted Zane and Adam that they were safe to talk about me and Danny. In Zane's reply, she mentioned that they were going to have to drive straight through, because they couldn't get their holiday leave to start any earlier than the end of Adam's day-shift, yesterday. Trust me, Danny; I had the same reaction that Tommy did, to the idea of them driving straight through, and I told Zane pretty much the same thing Tommy did -- without the jargon, so there'd be absolutely no misunderstanding about what I meant."

"I've have to say, I've never been called 'crazy,' so casually," Zane said with a wry grin that suggested she was exaggerating, somewhat.

"I was technically just referring to the act of driving straight through, like that, itself," I explained, "but you're right and I apologize."

"Come on, cuz! Can't I tease you back?" Zane quipped.

"Yep, you are smarter. I'll be over here, eatin' worms for a while."

"No, we're gonna be serving dinner in about fifteen minutes," Katie said. "Y'all go chat in the family room, where we can hear you and break up any fights, while Dan and I get it ready."

~ Suzan ~

After the joking introductions were over, Katie and Dan worked to get dinner ready, and the remaining four of us sat in the family room. Tommy was being his occasionally shyer self, after his fumbled utterances embarrassed him, waiting for someone else to start. I was waiting, too, but for different reasons. I couldn't get over how much the two of them looked like a couple, and I wasn't sure that they weren't. Their body language and the little glances they shot at each other, occasionally, were scarcely different than Tommy's, or mine.

Eventually I just blurted out, "It's so cool that you are in graduate school, together. Katie told us you share half a duplex; do you get along, or are there any dust ups?"

"Oh, we have our share of knocking heads," Zane said. "But I love him, and things always work out better when we're done. Plus, someone's got to keep an eye on him. A geeky hunk like Adam would hardly be safe, anywhere."

"Yeah, she keeps me in my place, like any good big sister should," Adam snarked.

"Sounds like you two are studying similar subjects to us, in graduate school," Tommy said. "What advice can you give some aspiring undergrads?"

"Yeah; weird, right?" Zane was the first to answer, "Mom told us you were both Biology majors. I guess my biggest advice would be to get the fundamentals down, and then study for the GRE if you want to go on to graduate school."

"I probably had a different path than Zane, she's always been an all-star academic," Adam told us. "I have to admit I under-performed in high school. I was on the track team, and hung out with the wrong crowd. And, though Mom seemed oblivious to it, I was starting to notice a growing tension and distance between them, and so I smoked pot and drank to escape.

"Seeing Zane's success inspired me, though. It was probably the biggest factor in my turning things around. Despite going to a less acclaimed college, I buckled down and took advice from advisors: study three hours for every hour in class. By my senior year, I did really well on my GRE and got a bunch of offers from graduate schools, including NC State. It's the only other place I toured, before deciding on UVA."

"You nearly came to our university?" Tommy laughed. "That's crazy; what are the odds?"

"I see what you did there; it's still not funny," Zane warned him.

"Alright, you two -- don't make me come over there," Katie called.

"But Mom, she started it -- oh wait; never mind. I never had any siblings before, so I'm sorry; I know I'm not doing it right."

Everyone burst out laughing, at that point. He'd finally hit everyone's funny bones. Adam and Zane both looked over at Katie and then Dan and then back to Tommy.

"You're calling our mom, 'Mom,' now?" Adam asked, feigning jealousy.

"You leave your cousin alone," Dad chimed in, "Katie likes it."

"So we should call you 'Dad'?" Zane asked.

"He's seems okay with me calling him 'Dad'", I added.

"That's mostly because it's looking pretty certain that I'm eventually going to wind up being your father-in-law," Dad smiled at me.

"Oh, has Tommy made it official, yet?" Zane asked me.

"Not yet," I giggled. "Knowing my Tommy, as I do, I'm sure he won't do the 'drop to one knee and pop the question' bit until he's got a ring in his pocket, but I figure it'll happen one of these days."

"Come on to the island before these get cold," Katie called us.

Dinner was a nice chicken Caesar salad, paired with large pan-seared scallops, and Dan had selected another excellent white wine to accompany the meal. Zane and Adam ate hungrily, between huge yawns, and I couldn't imagine how tired they must be. I wasn't that far past having made the drive down and, coming from UVA, they'd had an even longer drive than Tommy and I'd had. I couldn't imagine how tired they must have been, at that point.

Still, after dinner, they adjourned to the deck with Dad and Katie to continue the dinner conversation, while Tommy and I handled cleaning up and loading the dishwasher. We joined them, when we finished, and had a really enjoyable, relaxed chat until the sun had been down for quite a while. As if someone was sending a message, it began to drizzle rain and we all went back inside.

"I hope y'all don't mind," Zane yawned, then, "but I think I'm about ready to call it a night. I stayed awake, all day -- both to keep Adam company, and to try and get myself back on a 'daylight' schedule, for our visit, so I can spend time with everyone."

"And I'm with her," Adam chuckled, "since I took longer shifts behind the wheel, today, than Zane did."

"That's okay, babies," Katie smiled at them. "Y'all go get a good night's sleep, and we'll see you in the morning."

They exchanged brief hugs and kisses with their mother, and headed back down the hall to the rooms we'd set up, for them.

"You know, you worked us pretty hard, today, getting ready for our guests," Dad told Katie, then. "That whole 'bed' idea sounds pretty good, from where I'm sitting."

If the twinkle in his eyes was any kind of gauge, Dad was less tired than he was letting on, and maybe had something apart from sleep, on his mind.

"I think you're right, Danny," Katie smiled coyly at him and flashed him a quick, saucy wink that told me my suspicions were correct. "You go ahead. I'll be along, as soon as I see to getting Zane and Adam settled in, for the night, and make sure that everything is cleaned up and locked up, out here."

"Just see to Zane and Adam, Katie," I suggested. "Tommy and I will take care of the locking up and shutting down, before we head off to bed."

Katie came and gave us each brief hugs and kisses, goodnight, and I exchanged a short hug and kiss with Dad, and then the two of them headed back to the hallway. Tommy and I made the brief rounds of the main rooms, turning off lights and ensuring that the doors were locked.

All alone with Tommy, in the near dark, I suggested, "I wouldn't mind going up to the Captain's Perch, for a little while, to watch the storm, first."

"Alright, let's go," he replied and moved to head straight for Dad's study.

I grabbed his hand, led him inside our bedroom and closed the door. "On second thought, I'd like to change into our swim stuff, and go up top to the crow's nest. That drizzle was actually relatively warm, and there hasn't been any lightning, yet."

In our room, he closed the door to the Jack-n-Jill bathroom and started disrobing to put on his trunks. I followed his lead and undressed too. As soon as my clothes were off, his trunks started to tent, and he glanced at me with mischief in his eyes. My nipples seemed to respond in kind and I worried about the occupant across the bathroom.

"I don't know how much noise can go through these doors, especially if Adam needed to use the bathroom," I cautioned him with a knowing grin.

"Hmm, maybe we could do something about it, up there?" Tommy suggested, hooking a thumb skyward as he closed in to hold me and play with my butt exactly the way I liked it played with.

"Baby, if you keep playing with my ass, the way you are, we'll never make it, up to that crow's nest, and you know it!"

"Alright, I'll let you get your bikini on if I must."

When I finished getting dressed, we quietly went out of our room through the hall. Oddly, Adam's door was open and the room appeared empty but there was light coming from beneath the guest master bedroom. Tommy turned out the light to our room and closed the door. Then we proceeded on through Dad's office and up the spiral stair. Up top, it was still lightly drizzling and we went out the door and climbed up to the crow's nest. The moon was partially visible behind the clouds, which appeared to be moving out quickly.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Tommy asked.

"Nicest drizzle I've experienced," I told him pressing my bottom back firmly against his stiff erection.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I mean it could be better if I could feel it au naturel," I told him.

"Oh, yeah. That's a good idea," he replied. "Need some help?"

"Yeah, could you assist me?"

"Of course," he responded and untied my top and tossed it onto the table in the center of the area. "The bottoms too?"

"Yeah, it's dark. I'll get yours after you do mine," I told him.

"No need, mine are off and now yours are too," he said pulling them down quickly.

"Oh my, we're totally naked up here. Can anyone see?" I asked aiming his member into me as I bent over with my other hand on the sturdy rail.

"No, the lights are off, and the moon's mostly hidden," he said starting to move gently into me.

Soon, we were going at it, doggy style, similar to the way we'd used the sofa in our apartment. The exception was that the perch's floor had better traction for our bare feet and I wasn't slipping like I sometimes had, back home. The mist felt nice on us and made the outdoor experience completely different. As if I'd just been thinking about it, the moon came out from behind the clouds and the mist stopped. Tommy began to pick up the pace and reached forward to feel my breasts.

Suddenly below us, the motion sensor lights on the pool deck came on. At first I thought we'd triggered them, but Tommy bottomed out in me and stopped moving as we watched Zane and Adam walk across the pool area.

"You're sure this'll be okay, Sis?" Adam was asking as they approached the gate that led toward the beach.
