Ana's Sin Ch. 02

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Employees Ana laid off come back to haunt her.
8.5k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/22/2016
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Ana Gets Pyked

by Diego Royo - Copyright 2016

In the confession booth, Ana waited for Father Murphy to hear her confession. Her yellow summer dress on her dark, Hispanic body was a pretty contrast. Cork-wedged heels and open toes with rings made her feel sexy, and sinful. This wasn't her usual attire. But it was very hot this summer in New Mexico.

The church was worse. The downtown Catholic church of Immaculate Conception was a beautiful building, but the air conditioning was not working at all. She began to sweat as she waited. She was the only one in the church, and sighed as she looked through Facebook on her phone. It was like seeing her fake life. Good friends and family, professional and prissy, all affluent and influential in politics. The Rodriguez Dynasty, from Santa Fe to Los Cruces, her familia was everywhere.

"Father Murphy?" she called out. No answer.

Murphy was the most handsome priest she had ever known. British accent, sexy, slim, and strong. The James Bond of the Catholic Church. Thinking of him in bad ways made her so wet. She wanted to touch herself, but such thoughts were forbidden.

"I confess to almighty God

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned,

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,

through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

therefore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,

all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God."

"I'm going to drive you down, and drive you hard," he had told her.

She awoke suddenly in a cold sweat, both terrified and horny, hair disheveled and clinging to her face. It took a moment to realize she had overslept. Saturday night and no date.

Every Saturday Ana went to confession. And every time she came close to undressing in the booth and asking for Father Murphy to help her satisfy her burning lust. She wanted to seduce him. To make him sin with her.

A single Hispanic woman in Albuquerque with a high-paying career in administration. What was she doing in her apartment? She showered, dried, and then walked around her apartment naked, enjoying the naughty feel of it. Then she sat on the couch, spread her legs, and touched herself. But she could not overcome her anxiety about masturbating. Touching herself only made it worse.

She put on black G-string panties, then a simple black skintight tube dress barely covering her firm ass. The dress hugged her 32C tits with the tops of them trying to burst out, no bra needed. With her glasses on, she still looked sexy as hell once she put on black, open-toed high-heels. The anklet, toe-rings, and leather choker with diamond studs were last, and they glittered in the light as she checked herself out.

She thought of Tom Hardy bending her over and fucking the shit out of her. Despite once being at his mercy, vulnerable and alone, he had not taken advantage of her as she had hoped he would.

"Your dad and I were friends, little girl. I told him I'd look out for you. Though I will not deny I would fuck you six ways from Sunday, girl."

Tom Hardy had been a gentleman despite his lustful stares and arousing words. Just thinking of him made her horny. Between Father Murthy and his perfect, slim, muscular young body, and Tom Hardy's powerful, bearish strength, she did not know which one she wanted more. Maybe both at the same time?

She went to a local pub where she lived and found a stool and listened to the band. All the single men noticed at her at once, of course. But she made no eye contact. She didn't know what she was doing, and was too shy to flirt.

Throughout the night, a few men asked if she wanted a drink, or to dance, or asked for her number. She turned them all down. Until someone she knew from her job appeared, and she felt a chill go up and down her spine.

John Paul Pyke, a System Administrator she had just laid off. She had been intimidated by him, as he was not your normal, geeky IT guy. She and HR staff had met with him, served his layoff papers, and told him of his options. He had not been even slightly phased as he began asking difficult questions. Even the HR people were intimidated, and he had them all stuttering their answers in the end. He smelled their fear. He filed a grievance after the layoff and made a case for it being unjustified. It would amount to nothing, as she and her team could fire whoever they wanted, however they wanted, regardless of policies.

But this man had a cunning intelligence, and he worked out. Body and mind in perfect harmony. His blue eyes were fire, his black hair curly and absurdly beautiful, and his muscles bulged with masculinity. Despite his suit and tie attire, he seemed like a man who had come here from ancient Britannia, once a chieftain of a tribe. He always had a sardonic look. A black goatee only enhanced his charm.

She failed to turn from staring at him in a timely manner, and he saw her. Shit! Her bunny instincts told her to flee the alpha wolf at once.

"Ana Rodriguez, how interesting," his voice came as he blocked her from leaving the stool and fleeing. "Lay anyone off today?"

She tried to push him away and run. But he leaned into her, his surprisingly sweet breath on her face. "You are beautiful, as well as vicious."

"Mr. Pyke, this is inappropriate."

"As inappropriate as you fucking Dwayne?"

She froze. "He told you?" she demanded, feelings of rage and shame washing over her like cold water.

"Why yes, the dumbass took pictures of you naked with his phone. I managed to copy them before my admin privileged were revoked. You don't layoff IT people for no good reason, without there being consequences."

"That's illegal!"

"Is it? Well, I'm just exercising my white, male, cisgender privilege, little Chicana."

And then he proceeded to speak flawless Spanish as his hand fell on her thigh, and slowly moved up it beneath her dress. "You owe me."

"I owe you nothing!" she tried to shout, but it came out mousy and pathetic. She began trembling.

"You're a cold-hearted bitch. You could have saved my job and listened to reason, but you just did what you were told."

"It's my job."

"No it's not. The university is a public institution. You had a legal duty to obey its policies. But she spat on them instead to keep your own job. You have no idea the holy hell-storm I will bring down on UNM. The governor was waiting for you idiots to slip-up."

He proceeded to whispers damning details about other UNM staff that was distracting her from the tense, and sexually arousing situation. The idea of this man revenge-fucking her made her wet. But her job was also on the line with the kind of information this bastard had.

"Are you bragging, Mr. Pyke? Is that it? You know as soon as I can I will inform my colleagues of your plans."

"It won't matter. There is nothing they can do but panic and pray. But there are other options. I put my career into UNM, and contributed far more than I received. This was a slap in the face, and UNM is going to pay in lawsuits and public records requests for years to come. I loved my job, Ana. That was a really dick move."

His smile was devilish, but she saw the hurt and anger in his face. Losing his job unexpectedly had hurt him deeply. How would she have felt in his shoes? His black goatee trimmed to perfection, his curly black hair catching the gleam of the colorful bar lights, and deep blue eyes intoxicating. He pressed his body against hers now as if they had been intimate lovers all along. Her legs spread on the stool, while his tall, standing figure stood between them. She felt his erection press against her black panties.

She was no idiot. The other options were clear enough. But to what extent would she have to sell herself?

"What other options," she whispered.

"You will be my whore one night a week."

He then showed her pictures of her naked in her Cerrillos house kitchen that Dwayne had certainly taken. The bastard had pretended to be asleep when she had walked through her living room naked while he slept. In another scene, Dwayne had a camera in the bedroom when he fucked her in the morning and ejaculated on her body. Seeing it made her pussy twitch with longing. But with lust came, hot, trembling shame.

"You are both bastards," she replied. "This is blackmail."

He smiled. And inwardly, she could not deny that this was the kind of situation she had fantasized about. A situation where she could be the helpless victim before God, and not have to admit her lustful desires.

"Yes, yes it is. Shall we go? I have plans."

"I need a few more drinks," she said.

He smiled, and they both had a few shots before leaving.

* * *

Ana staggered next to him on the way to his car, her high-heels clacking, all long legs and bare skin except for her small tube dress. The parking lot was full, and very dark. He bent her over his car and pulled her panties down her legs. She lifted one leg, and then the other, so he could get them off.

"You won't be needing those," he declared. "Get in, we're going to movies."

She sat in the passenger side feeling alone and vulnerable with this total stranger, except for knowing his work history before laying him off the job. His BMW was an older model, but nice and clean with black leather seats.

He parked in the darkest part of the parking lot sprawled over the Rio 24, Albuquerque's largest theater. Then he unzipped and brought out the largest white cock she had ever seen. Thick and long, foreskin pulled back to reveal and incredible mushroom tip.

"Suck it until I cum. And swallow it all," he said. But he had lost his confidence and seemed uncertain.

"You're getting what you want. Why do you look worried?" she asked him.

Then she obeyed and took his hard penis protruding from his black pants, and began sucking and licking it. She tried not to be eager about it. She needed cock so badly, and with her hand stroking him, she gave him a sloppy, wet blowjob.

"Because this was way too easy."

Cock plopping out her mouth, she asked "what choice do I have? Those pics getting out would ruin my career. And if you withdraw your grievance, that makes me look like a heroine to them."

"And you're willing to be my whore for this? The things I will do to you."

She had no idea what came over her, but her next words shocked even her.

"I don't care what you do. You think I like laying people off? You think I like my job? Use me and pimp me to your friends, for all I care."

And then her throat was filled with cock once more, and John Paul Pyke moaned. He moaned as she sucked and stroked faster and faster, until his cum exploded into her mouth, and choked slightly. She swallowed what she could of the hot, rich sperm and semen. Holding his thick shaft with her hand, the cum that spilled around her fingers she licked up before it got past them.

It was a lot of cum, and she felt it warm her belly, mixing with the alcohol. Then he zipped himself up and got out of the car, came around, opened her car door, and helped her out. He wiped cum from her chin.

"Nice. That felt good. I would have never guessed you were such a slut."

They walked to the movie theater, and looked at the times. "What do you want to see?"

She was surprised by the question, and suddenly this felt more like a romantic date than a man blackmailing her for sex. She got angry.

"Look, the fucking asshole. This isn't a date. You got me. I just swallowed your fucking cum. I'm your bitch. You don't get to ask me what movie I want to see, or what I want to eat. I'm along for the ride."

He stared at her, dumbfounded.

"Look, idiot. Just take me home if you don't have the balls to go through with this. This isn't a date. Take me home and fuck the shit out of me, or let your friends take turns with me. I didn't have any feelings when I took away your job and future with UNM. You don't get to have feelings for me."

She pulled her dress down to be sure to cover her ass and pussy now that she had no panties. She almost popped her tits out pulling them down too much.

"Nah, I've been wanting to see this movie. You're right."

The whole time they watched the movie in the dark theater, John Paul fingered her pussy, making her wetter and hornier than ever. The feeling of not wearing panties was so thrilling, and being drunk helped a great deal as well.

She enjoyed the movie, despite the distractions. Less buzzed and able to walk better, they walked back to the car. He opened the back door this time.

"Bend over in the backseat," he told her.

She gladly complied, feeling the air on her bare ass and wet pussy as she did so. Knees together on the edge of the leather seats, ass sticking out, John Paul brought his cock out and pushed it into her pussy.

"Oh my god," she said, feeling out big it was stretching her dark little Latina pussy. "Shit, you're too big!"

"Take one for the team, bitch," he said not with malice, but as a man who possessed a woman completely.

He pushed his whole length into her tight pussy, and she had to take off her glasses and bite the leather seat at her face to keep from screaming out. He pounded into her hard and fast, and she took it because she had no choice. She grunted with each thrust into her, his massive cock abusing her little pussy.

She felt his fingers explore her ass cheeks, and reach around her play with her tits as well, which had popped out of her dress after he pulled her dressed down. Sometimes he grabbed her waist and drove into her hard. Other times he stopped as other people got too close, and made it appear as if he was just standing next to his car with the door open. When no one was looking, he began fucking her again.

He didn't even ask if it was okay to cum in her, and she hadn't remembered to tell him no. She felt hot cum explode inside her as an intense orgasm washed over her body. She might have just been knocked up, and the thought made her quiver with primal bliss. She felt cum slid down her inner thighs, the volume of his load substantial.

Then he pulled out and put his cock away, done with her. "Ok, let's go. You have wipes to clean up or something?"

She did, and she got them out and did the best she could. "Could I have my panties back?"

He ignored her as he got into the driver's side. She got into the passenger side, and decided she didn't care about the cum pooling on his seat. Not her problem, she decided.

He took her back to the now empty parking lot of the pub near her house. She wasn't about to tell him where she lived, though as someone with hacking skills, he probably knew, or could find out.

"Where is your car? Oh, you probably live around here. Well, next Saturday then? Or Friday if that day is not good?"

"Whenever," she replied. "I'm your whore. You're done with me?"

"For now, yes."

She got out. He handed back her panties, and she took them. She closed the door, and he drove off.

"Wow, I just got used."

And she had loved every humiliating second of it.

* * *

"Rumor has it that you got Mr. Pyke to withdraw his grievance and lawsuit," Lisa Morgan said.

Her boss was a blond, domineering bitch in her mid-thirties, Assistant Vice President in charge of reorganizing IT and any other organization that required her attention. If only her personal Pussybane, John Paul, had intimidated Lisa instead. If anyone needed to be dominated and abused, it was her.

Lisa was a beautiful woman. That perfect face with a hint of Native American, a Shania Twain kind of woman she would not mind between her legs, Ana admitted. And Ana hated her perfect white skin and raven black hair, incredible, goddess-like confidence, and tasteful, expensive clothing Ana could not yet afford.

"Yes, that's good, right?" Ana asked, the opposite of confidence or dignity.

"Did you fuck him?" Lisa demanded.

The question startled Ana, and she felt herself turn as white as a gringo. "What? What kind of question is that?"

"A direct question. Do you like to get fucked, Ana?"

Ana swallowed. No one had ever talked to her like this before. Then Lisa smiled pleasantly and changed the subject. "Sorry, it's been a long week. Have any plans?"

Ana shook her head. Lisa then invited her to hang out after work, but Ana found excuses to decline. Soon declining these offers would affect her career. But she just was not ready to go and have drinks with her boss and Dwayne, who had already fucked her. Who knows who else he had told. Who else had seen John Paul's pictures and video of her? Lisa seemed to know already.

Her body temperature rose with thick anxiety as she contemplated all the possibilities of her humiliation. Lisa seemed to know. Dwayne was her enemy. People who had been laid off were blackmailing her.

It was very difficult getting any work done that day. Fuck!

* * *

John texted her Wednesday.

I'm horny. Coming over to your house.

No. Once a week only.

I need to fuck you. Now.

Then this counts as next week. I'm doing laundry.

In your apartment? I'll be there in 5.

Ana sighed, not liking this one bit. John Paul Pyke was getting too comfortable. How easily men became cocky and treated women like shit, when women let themselves be. But Ana was getting laid, and her evil lust fantasies coming true. John knew how to fuck, and he had a big dick to fuck with.

The laundry room was empty, and she was moving clothes from the washer to the dryer when John came inside. She was wearing her sweats.

Pyke locked the door to the laundry room, came over to her, and bent her over the washer. He had her sweats and panties down, and was already rubbing his hard sock against her pussy to get her wet.

"What the fuck, John? We talked about this. Once a week!"

He said nothing as he inserted his mushroom tip into her pussy, grabbed her waist, and thrust all the way into her. She grunted and bucked a little in pain.

"Fuck!" she exclaimed. "Don't cum in me, I'm fertile as fuck now."

"What if I do?"

He gave it to her like a beast, pumping fast and hard in some primal need to drain his balls into her womb. The thought of getting pregnant only made it that much more intense. That a man had so much power to change her life was frightening and erotic.

She reached for her purse, and with one hand fished for the KY, then handed it to him.

"Cum in my ass instead," she said between grunts.

He did not argue with her, but took the KY. She felt his thumb slide up and down her anus as he continued to fuck her pussy, and then inserted his thumb all the way into her. It felt uncomfortable, but not painful.

John Paul pulled out and coated his cock with KY, and then handed it back to her. "Oh, this is going to be sweet. I didn't know you were into anal sex."

"I'm not," she lied. "I just don't want to get pregnant."

He pressed the tip of his cock against her anus and pushed. Her tight ass resisted. Of course, but his mushroom tip eventually stretched her open, and he began to slide into her ass.

"Slow!" she pleaded, but it was too late.

White-knuckled, she held onto the washer with one hand, while biting her arm and groaning in pain as a pound of cock slid into her asshole. Stretched to its limits, he had no mercy for her. His balls slapped her pussy as he dug deep into her rectum, and with three hard thrusts he came.

She felt it deep inside her, hot and rich, giving her a sensation of having to shit. He grunted as he came, his body jerking with ecstasy at the expense of her body. She did her best to muffle her pain-induced orgasm, feeling the shame of it washing over her. But he had come too hard to disguise it from him.

"You're a freak. You liked that, didn't you?"

He pulled out none too gentle, and she squeezed her ass-cheeks together to keep his cum from pouring out. He zipped himself up and left without a word, leaving her legs trembling and tears in her eyes.