And He Called It Research


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"Thank you for understanding Boyd, and here's to all of you coming to visit us."

"I'll do my best, bye Sissy."

She put her phone down on the cradle and shook her head. She couldn't begin to get a feeling for how successful he would be. All of their work and worrying might have been for nothing.

When she told Mac the whole story he said, "I hate to say this, but that whole thing is going to collapse so be prepared for that."

"I'm going with a more positive thought. But I have to say that I don't have a clue how to handle them even if they do come to see us."

He smiled and said, "I'll tell you what, if even four couples keep their reservation I'll shave myself bald, and I mean from head to toe. Well except for my eyebrows."

Sissy laughed and said, "You would not shave your whole body."

"If they do come I will shave. But I'm not worried because the closer it gets to them coming, the more they're going to have second thoughts and Boyd's dream will collapse like a house of cards."

Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two

Tuesday morning everything became even more interesting when Mac took a call and passed it to Sissy. "Hi, we want to reserve a cottage at Tropic Treat. We're last minute I know, but I'm hoping we aren't too late."

"Tropic Treat is for groups only. Oh are you with Boyd and Maggie's group?"

"Yeah, yeah that's it, sorry I didn't mention that."

"That's not a problem. Mr...."

"Right, I'm Spud Murdock."

"Mr. Murdock, did Boyd explain to you that the resort is clothing optional?"

"Right, yes he told us."

"I just wanted to be sure so there is no misunderstanding about that."

"We're good with that."

"So you're wife will be okay with going naked on the beach for example?"

"We'll find out that's for sure, but I sure as hell plan to before the week is out."

"Good for you. Did Boyd mention anything about the entertainment?"


"It's adult rated."

"That's great."

"One of your friends...maybe even Boyd might, during the entertainment, have his hand down the back of your wife's bikini, is that okay with you?"

He laughed and said, "Hell I'm okay with that, but I'll bet she'll jump."

Sissy was beginning to think it wasn't worth it to deal with these people even if Mac did shave himself bald. She took a breath and went through the cottage daily rate with him, plus the entertainment charge and the cancellation fee, and Spud didn't flinch, so she finished with him and put the phone down. Now they had one more couple than they had expected so that was good. At least that would be more money coming in and more people for the show.

An hour later Liz reserved another cottage for Boyd's group, and before the end of the day the third cottage was reserved. That was all eight cottages, so they were booked full, assuming that none of them cancelled after Boyd gave them his speech. They could hardly wait for Mac to get back to give him the news so they could watch him start to worry.

Mac returned and said, "Well I just spent an hour with Taylor, because Tom and Lena will be here Monday after Boyd and his group leave. I think we'll have a fairly seamless transition there."

Liz slipped her arm through his and said, "Didi will be here within the hour."

"Okay, but what's up?"

"You'll find out when she gets here honey. This is going to be quite an afternoon for you."

"I can't wait to see what you three have come up with." Then the phone rang and Sissy answered. "Serenity Island Resorts, how may I help you?"

"I'd like to speak with Mac Patterson. This is Abe Stang calling regarding reservations."

"Of course, just a moment." She covered the phone with her hand and told Mac about the call and wrote the man's name on a slip of paper.

"This is Mac, how can I help you?"

"Mac, I recently learned of your Tropic Treat Resort and I'd like to meet with you at your earliest convenience about making reservations."

"You say meet with me, does that mean you're in the area?"

I'm on Tortola, BVI at the moment, but I understand the closest city to you is St. Thomas."

"That's correct. If you can get to St. Thomas, I could meet you there or have a boat there to bring you to our island."

"That's exactly what I'd prefer if it's possible. I'd like to have a chat with you and see Tropic Treat."

"Of course, let me know when you'll be in St. Thomas, and I'll give you the details you'll need from there."

"I've heard you go out of your way for your guests, and by damn you do that. Thank you and I'll call you tomorrow."

Mac was smiling as he hung up and said, "Now unless I miss my guess, that man has money and I think we just might be able to lighten his pocket just a touch. Sissy and Liz, be thinking about entertainment for well heeled guests."

Liz smiled and said, "What's more important though will be what kind of excitement he is looking for. Plus we'll want more expensive gifts, so we charge a lot more for the cottages and the services."

"That's the idea." Mac called the dock and advised them there would be a special run to St. Thomas in the twenty four foot runabout and hung up before he asked, "Okay now what was that about Didi coming?"

"You just relax honey, and when Didi gets here we'll explain everything to you."

"In addition to whatever you three are up to, maybe you can spend some time coming up with something for our rich Mr. Stang and guests."

"We'll do that."

"Okay Mac, you and I are going to dinner and Didi and Sissy will man the phone."

"It's after five so all of us can go."

"That's okay," Sissy said. "We'll work on things here and then we'll have dinner when you get back."

"Are you sure,"

Sissy kissed him and slapped his ass, and then Didi did the same before she told him, "Now get out of here."

As they left, Liz said, "Let's walk okay?"

"Sure, but I still don't know why Didi came."

"Oh there's no real hurry for that, we'll explain that to you after dinner."

They had dinner, and over the last of their wine Liz said, "I hope that Mr. Stang books the resort and that he doesn't prove to be a big pain in the butt by demanding this or that just because he he's loaded."

"Well he sounds loaded at least, but what it come down to is we can only do so much to accommodate him or anybody else. We have to make enough profit to make it worth our while."

"I wonder who told him about us."

"I'm guessing James or Andrea. It about has to be doesn't it?"

"I guess that's true. Let's walk along the beach going home."

He smiled and said, "Now that is a perfect idea, let's go."

Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three

They walked straight down to the shore, turned left and walked a few hundred feet before Liz leaned into him and he put his arm around her. "Mac, what are your thoughts about me staying here? I mean honestly."

"You know my thoughts honey. The day you came to stay was the best day of my life. Honey if you're going to say you're leaving please don't tell me now. I never want you to go."

She stopped and put her arms around his waist and told him, "I'm not leaving Mac. Not now and not ever. I love you so much honey."

He tried to smile, but had to wipe his eyes first and then they shared a tender kiss before he asked her, "Are you sure honey? No that was a silly question, you've been so careful and...Damn I love you Liz. What...I mean when...oh hell that doesn't matter. So then Sissy and Didi know?"

"Yes and that's why they didn't join us for dinner. I told them you and I needed some time alone. Honey let's make love on the mats by the water."

Mac felt like he would explode as he raced to the lounges and ripped the pads away before running back to her. They spread the mats with one edge almost floating in the warm Caribbean waters and then he undressed her, and then himself as she lay on her back with her arms open wide for him.

Mac lowered himself to her and they kissed before she said, "I'm sorry it took me so long Mac."

"I'm not honey. You're well worth waiting for, and I wasn't going to give up on you even if you did go back home."

"I'm selling the house, so I won't have a home to go back to."

"Will you marry me Liz?"

"Of course I will," and then he moved, and she opened her legs as she guided him into her. It was over too quickly for them, but they lingered and for no particular reason they lay there and talked in whispers until they got up and waded into the sea to rinse off before they walked home.

Mac had their clothes wadded up and tucked under his arm as they went in and went straight to their bedroom. Then Mac reached into a dresser drawer and held out his hand as he said, "I was supposed to give this to you when I asked you to marry me."

She looked at him in surprise and then opened the midnight blue velvet box and squealed as he removed the ring and slipped it onto her finger.

Sissy and Didi ran into the bedroom and found them locked in an embrace and kissing. But then as their kiss continued, Liz held out her left hand and Sissy and Didi saw the ring. "Oh my God," Sissy said as she stared. "That is gorgeous."

"So is Mac," Liz said before she kissed him once more and then looked at her ring again.

"Mac, Sissy said, "If that stone were much larger it would make her arm tired to wear it." Then she threw her arms around Liz and congratulated her and then kissed her.

Didi did the same thing and held her close as they shared a tender kiss before she told Liz, "I'm so happy for both of you. But I have to say, the ring Mac bought me is about a quarter of that size."

Mac flashed a guilty smile and then said, "I was poor back then."

"We both were Mac, and I'm not complaining at all."

Sissy kissed Mac deeply and softly told him, "I'm so happy for you Mac."

"Thank you honey."

"No, Liz is honey."

"You both are. All three of you are in fact."

"Okay, enough celebrating, the three women in your life have some news for you. Boyd and his clan of sixteen...that's right, sixteen will be here as planned, so you know what that means."

"What does that mean?"

"Oh ladies, he's forgotten his promise."

"You can't escape it honey," Liz said, "You have to shave all over."

"No not now, maybe after the season is over."

"Absolutely not, we have guests coming in two days and you have to be shaved for them. They won't know but what you're always bald, but we will, won't we girls."

"Come on," Sissy said as she took his hand, "We're going to help you."

"I can't believe you're holding me to that. I was just talking."

"Right, you were talking when you made that promise, and we don't forget promises. You're already naked so we'll just join you, and then we'll shave you. All you have to do is cooperate baby."

"Oh shit, okay, let's get this over with."

Mac sat on a chair and tipped back so his head was over the bathroom sink. Liz was on one side of him, Sissy on the other, and Didi between his legs. She couldn't help shaving his head, but he still liked having her nakedness between his legs. Then he felt her hand brush back and forth over his soft cock and balls, but all he could do was smile and be still as scissors snipped and soap was applied to the hair stubble that remained. It took them awhile, but he ended up bald and shiny and he sat up and saw himself in the mirror. His hand went to his head and he said, "Damn this feels and looks totally weird."

"We think you look cute and sexy," Didi offered. "But now you have to lie on your back so we can finish the job."

"You're really going that far?"

"You said hairless body, so that's what you'll have."

"I'm the boss so I shouldn't have to submit to this."

"And lose our respect and be cut off from all loving?"

"Shave away ladies, but leave the..."

"Eyebrows, yes we know."

First they shaved under his arms and he moaned about that, but they shaved his arms then all the way down to his hands before going to his ankles and working their way up to his crotch where they paused. Liz went between his legs then, with Sissy on one side and Didi the other before they soaped his whole pelvic region. Liz removed any stray hair on his shaft or really the imaginary hair on his cock and then rinsed it thoroughly. They added soap then while Liz held his cock in her mouth and Didi moved his balls one way and another as Sissy carefully shaved her side of him. "Oh man, be careful Sissy."

"Trust me boss," and with a couple more careful swipes, she handed the razor to Didi. Then Liz and Sissy changed places and his cock went into Sissy's mouth while Liz teased him and Didi shaved her side.

"Oh damn Sissy, be careful honey." She let his cock slip out of her mouth and she smiled up at him before she went back to teasing him.

Didi rinsed him and toweled him as her hand cupped, teased and toyed with his balls and the base of his cock and on it went. They traded positions again and Didi ended up with his cock deep in her throat. But a minute later while Sissy went back to his cock, Liz and Didi shared a long kiss making sure that Mac had a good view of what they were doing.

"Oh damn Sissy honey, be careful, because..." and she quickly aimed it up and gave him a few fast strokes with her hand until he groaned and shot his cum up his onto his belly. Then one by one they each tasted his cum and then kissed him.

Liz washed his belly and patted him dry before they got to their feet and shared a three way hug. "Damn ladies, I couldn't survive that very often, thank you, but what brought this on?"

"That's our engagement gift for you honey," Liz told him.

"Thank you. I guess I don't mind being bald after all."

They ran their hands over him as Didi said, "I think you're very sexy like this Mac. Liz, I think he should stay shaved for awhile."

"I like you like this too honey, but I'm too selfish to have all three of us tending to you every time."

"I'll take a turn at it," Sissy said as she smiled.

Liz smiled at Sissy and then kissed Mac's cheek before she said, "The bad part of this is you couldn't stand this every time because you wouldn't be able to keep up with us. I have needs you know and you'd have to be shaved every other day I'm sure."

"I know, maybe we could find a compromise."

Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four

Friday morning, Sissy and Liz made the rounds of the TT cottages and downloaded the comments that had been left on the computers and they took turns reading the journal in the dayroom before going back to the house to read the comments, and hopefully learn what they might do differently to improve their silly little show.

"Well Liz honey," Mac said, "Let's go to the dock so we'll be there to meet Abe Stang."

"Good luck," Sissy told them. "I'll look at more of the notes from the guests.

"Okay. Sissy, I'll be eager find out if you learned anything."

Mac and Liz drove to the dock and got comfortable on one of the wooden benches on the dock and he asked her, "What were the notes like from the journal and the computers."

"God, they went from lame to sweet to so sexy and revealing. It will take time to really study them, but we can't help but learn a few things. That stunt of hiding the numbers in underwear and bikinis was a major hit. Some of them said they really struggled with that at first, but then they really got into that and more."

"Make for some fun reading from September through November, or what we call the rainy season starts."

"That will be a great time to study them more thoroughly."

"Honey, let's pay off Darren and keep your house for a little while so we can have a nice place to get away to for awhile. Sissy can baby sit the phones, and off season there won't be a lot more for her to do."

"I'd love that."

The boat was approaching at a good speed, but then Cletus eased off of the throttle and they eased up to the dock, and the dockhand secured the bow as Cletus eased the stern in and that was tied off. Cletus helped Abe Stang to the dock and by then Mac and Liz were there to shake his hand and as Abe held Liz's he smiled and said, "Very nice, Liz right?"

"Thank you Mr. Stang and yes I'm Liz."

"No, Abe if you would. I much prefer first names."

"Wonderful so do we. Morning Mickey," Liz said and waved and then focused on Abe again.

"You two seem to have a great staff."

"We really do and we think of them as an extended family. If they grieve so do we and we share in their good news."

"That's good to hear." Then at Liz's insistence, Abe settled in the front seat and she took the back and they sped off to TT.

"Abe," Liz said as Mac steered them down the sandy lane, "The guests sign in at the building we came past before we left and then they and their bags are transported by an electric vehicle like this, only larger or course, to Tropic Treat to get settled."


"Now the cottages are not fancy nor were they ever intended to be. They are totally remodeled and quite tropical in design and décor. Very casual and comfortable with all of the basic amenities. But the goal at Tropic Treat is to get people out of the cottages and on to the beaches and into the water. If the guests don't mix and mingle then the whole Tropic Treat experience will be lost."

"I quite understand."

"As you can see by the drive, the resort is quite private and secluded."

"It certainly is and that adds to the charm."

"We think so too."

Minutes later they passed the dayroom and Mac explained how that worked and why it was done that way rather than a typical restaurant. "There are always beverages stocked there and what package is chosen determines what is stocked. Also the cottages have mini bars in them for those that enjoy a nightcap and that is restocked only if you call and request it. That way you don't have housekeeping running in and out all day interrupting your private time. There again, if you prefer daily maid service that of course can be provided."

"That's great. You really do try to tailor the experience to the group."

"We do our very best."

Mac pulled up to the first cottage and they went in as Liz said, "All of the cottages are the same size, but each is different in some small way to individualize them. All with the same amenities of course."

"Very nice. Humble just as you said, but certainly quite comfortable for a week. What about rain?"

"We have about three or four weeks before the larger risk of rain starts so you should be reasonably rain free. Of course we can't control the weather or the oceans."

"Well if you could, I'd give you all that I possess and walk in your shadow." By the way, I like your shaved look, very masculine."

"Thank you Abe, my goal is to make it part of the island mystique."

"Very clever and I'm sure the women love it."

"Well I do anyway," Liz said as she smiled at him.

"So the dayroom is for dining."

"There is also a large screen TV with a great sound system and a number of movies to choose from should it rain. Of course the movies are all in keeping with the adult nature of the resort."

Abe just smiled and nodded his head as Liz told him, "Also, that is one place where the entertainment might take place," and Abe's smile continued. "A favorite is when we have a bikini contest with the guests."

"Now that has potential for a few laughs and excitement."

"We have ways to spice it up of course," Liz said as she gave him her best smile.

"And sixteen guests is maximum."

"Right. Well three to a cottage is possible if the guests don't mind three to a bed," Mac said.

"Or," Liz said as she looked at Mac, "We might be able to borrow a couple of rollaway beds from Journey's End. They are quite nice actually."

"You two continue to impress me. Okay I've seen and learned enough to answer my questions about accommodations, and I can see this working for what I have in mind."

"We would need to discuss entertainment details at some point and Sissy would be the one to handle that."
