And He Called It Research


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Mac smiled and told Abe, "You'll like working with Sissy. If you want to or have the time we could meet her at the Cabaña for a drink and conversation."

"That sounds great in more ways than one."

Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five

Sissy was waiting for them at the table as George, their waiter, joined them. After introductions and Abe had paid visual homage to Sissy's breasts in her low cut top, they ordered their drinks. Abe looked around and said, "This is very nice."

"Thank you," Mac said, "And this resort is clothing optional, but it doesn't have the privacy and freedom that Tropic Treat offers."

"Two unique and very separate experiences."

"That's right."

"Okay, let me ask the three of you this, and please be honest. Is it possible for you to run this enterprise and not form moral judgments about your guests?"

"Very possible, Abe," Sissy told him. Each of us have secrets in our past and we would all be judged pretty harshly out in the...the other world. Our whole mission here is multifaceted. We have to enjoy what we do or we don't do it. The guests have to enjoy their experience or we're out of business in a hurry. If we...Abe would you be offended if I spoke candidly?"

"Of course not Sissy. I cut my teeth in the Texas oil fields and related businesses so you couldn't possible offend me."

"Well without discussing specific groups, I feel safe in saying that none of us, from the housekeepers to the three of us, judge others. Among the guests we have had were brother and sister screwing and we just didn't care. That is none of our business. Did they have a good experience here is all we really need to know. Of course there are limits even to us like no major blood letting," and she smiled at him, as she tasted her drink. Mac and Liz exchanged furtive glances when they heard Sissy lie with a totally straight face, and Sissy went on. "Abe, Liz and I will work hard to entertain your group, and we'll do our best to scale it to your tastes. We don't do stand up or sing or dance. In truth we are amateurs, but we do manage to come up with things to stimulate and titillate our guests. We are the facilitators and our guests the stars. If, in talking with you, we learn that you want to see your guests screw on the tables, we'll try to encourage that with our silly little games. If, on the other hand you want to see no more than kissing we can work in that direction."

"I understand, so let's do it this way. I'll write up some ideas, thoughts and hopes. People are like the weather in that what they do can't be fully predicted or controlled, but just maybe with what I can share with you, we can maybe shock them just a little. Okay another detail. Maybe a confession if you prefer to think of it as that. Midge, my wife and I are as old as dirt, but we still have fire in our souls. Okay, I'm beating around the bush here. Our guests will all be related in one way or another, either by blood, by adoption or marriage. Mostly nieces or nephews because their parents are as old as we are and stuffy as they come. Does that shock any of you?"

In truth it all but knocked the wind out of the three of them, but they smiled and Sissy said, "We are neither shocked nor are we judging. Abe, this exciting venture will be quite expensive for you and Midge, so it is our responsibility to give you your money's worth. Now about that brother sister incident I mentioned, I had no idea that you..."

Abe smiled and said, "It was interesting that you chose that story to share as an example. You see, all of those kids, and by kids I mean those from their twenties to their...well I guess somewhere in their forties would be the oldest other than Midge and me and a couple others. Anyway, they all stand to inherit everything once Midge and I occupy our real estate in the cemetery, and to some degree well before then. I want to watch them as they deal with real world temptation, and I'm just perverted enough to share in everything vicariously if nothing else. They all suck up to us, and me in particular, because I hold the purse strings. Okay, so none of this likely makes sense, but that's my story without going into the details of our very unique family dynamics."

"Thank you for sharing that with us. Now Abe, we can do simple things to entertain that might cost you in the area of an additional three thousand and most of that would be to cover our supplies and the cost of various little gifts like souvenir tee shirts and so forth, and maybe a couple of nicer ones. Or we can up the cost and..."

"Let's go for the brass ring shall we. Make the prizes nicer. You know, electronic gadgets like laptops or whatever you can come up with. You just provide them and add it all to the bill. The few thousand difference we're talking doesn't matter to us. Throw in the tee shirts too as mementos. Oh, and Liz mentioned the bikini contest, we have to do that one."

"Wonderful. Just tell all the women to bring their sexiest or skimpiest bikinis. Or if they wish, bring crazy ones. We'll have prizes for sexiest and smallest for sure."

"I'll see that they are made aware of that."

Sissy reached over and took Abe's hand in hers and said, "Now just for the record, I do not believe that you are as old as dirt. You have a lot of fire in your eyes and I love your spirit of adventure. It's going to be a real pleasure working with you Abe."

"You, my dear, are the reason for the fire in my eyes. I like your zest and style. I just wish I was about twenty or more years younger than I am, and if I was, you might not be safe sitting this close to me" and he smiled at her.

"Thank you. Now would you prefer that I reveal our plans to you as we develop them, or would you prefer to be surprised?"

"Share them with me if you would, and maybe I can add a few comments to give you some guidance."

"I love it."

Then he turned to Mac and Liz and said, "I'm looking forward to this adventure." Then he went back to Sissy and said, "And you beautiful lady, I'll be in touch with you soon and likely often in the next week or two."

"We're looking forward to seeing you again and meeting your Midge."

"Abe," Mac said, "If you don't object, Sissy will take you to the boat and Liz and I will start making plans for your group."

"Of course." Mac stood up and shook Abe's hand and then Sissy took it and they walked out hand in hand.

Mac sat down and smiled as he said, "He's putty in Sissy's hands."

"He really took a liking to her."

"Honey, get Didi involved right away and pour your hearts and our money into this. You three will have some serious shopping to do along with everything else."

"Dollar limits?"

"I'd say keep the best gifts under a couple of thousand and the total under...say fourteen thousand."

"Oh my god, this is going to get expensive for him."

"When he calls to reserve tell him that is our thought unless he has other ideas."

"We'll take care of it."

"Now I have a question for you. Where would you like to be married? Here or somewhere else?"

She smiled and said, "Have you really been thinking about this?"

"Of course I have."

"Well we've been busy and you haven't said anything."

He took her hand and said, "I suppose you wondered if I still love you too."

"Not for a minute. I've been thinking about that too and what would you say to on the beach at sunset right out from our house?"

"Perfect. Have you told Allie and Martin?"

"Of course and she keeps nagging me about more information."

"Unless you think otherwise, tell them before the rains come, so in no more than three or four weeks, so that means no more booking TT until after the November unless it's something that Sissy thinks she can handle with only Didi's help."

"I can't wait to call Allie now. Oh my god, I just thought of something."


"Something to tell you, but let's go back. Didi should be there soon and I want them to hear this."

"You and your little surprises and secrets. Okay my love, let's go home."

Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six

They had to wait a half an hour for Didi, but as soon as she came through the door Liz said, "Great, sit down because we have news and I have a story to tell all of you."

First she and Sissy told Didi about Abe and his group and how strange all of that was, but also how very profitable it would be. But then she said, "This next thing goes back to before I moved here. I can't believe I forgot to share this with you. Okay, first of all Mac, do you remember Emma?"

"Emma? I don't remember anybody named Emma. Oh wait...was that...I met her just before I left and..."

"That's right sweetie and tell us how you met her."

"It was really weird. She came to my house after the open house was over. Days later if I remember correctly." Then he went on to tell them how Emma and he ended up screwing on the patio.

Sissy sat there smiling and when he was done she said, "Okay, so you met her and an hour later, boom, just like that you were banging her?"

"Like I said, that was a very weird afternoon. She seduced me, and I'm serious."

Liz was almost dancing as she waited to say, "Oh, but there is so much more to the story, like Stu and Patty, the people that bought your house."

"There is?" Mac asked her. "What are this Stu and Patty like?"

"Like I said, Stu and Patty moved into your house Mac. I met them one time and they seemed very average actually. She's nice looking and he's pretty cool himself. Fairly self confident and he has deep blue eyes and dimples. To meet them on the street you'd think they were pretty conventional really. Maybe even a little quiet. They became casual friends of Allie and Martin. You know, coffee, gossip and chatter, and telling dirty secrets." Liz then told all of them about Emma coming into Patty and Stu's life much as she had with Mac. Then again Liz said, "Now we're getting to the interesting part."

"You're kidding," Sissy said. "As though what you've told us isn't interesting. But go on friend don't stop now," so Liz continued her almost unreal tale.

Didi was now almost on the edge of her couch cushion as she said, "You must be joking. So they go up there and she's leashed and she...he did all of that to her?"

"That and more. Her hands were tied behind her and she had a big pug in her butt. There was so much more, but that's all I can remember now. I'd put all of that to the back of my mind because I had so much to think about. But then the last time I talked to Allie, she told me this next part. Now with Boyd and that craziness and now Abe, I once again put it all aside. So okay, here's the latest. They continued to spy on the neighborhood, but then Louie went down to see Stu and Patty while Emma had to stay home and watch them through the telescope."

"What a couple they are."

"And then swinging Stu and Patty were invited back up to that big white house on the hill. But this time Emma wasn't restrained or punished. This time it was Louie."

Both women smiled and their eyes got bigger as Mac leaned a little closer to Liz. "I'm going to guess that they take turns pounding on and teasing each other. This time Louie was standing with his hands bound behind his back and Emma had a cord or rope or something tied to his sack and she'd yank on it every so often, and just for the hell of it I guess. She'd tease him and then Patty would tease him, but they threatened him with punishment if he lost control and wet the floor or ejaculated. They both paddled his butt and made him lick them and even taste Stu, who I guess wasn't too enamored of that idea, but it gets worse or more weird, or whatever. Or maybe better if you're Emma or Louie, I don't know. He had to watch as Stu made love to Patty, but then he tore into Emma right in front of Louie's eyes. Well you get the idea, so that's the latest about that."

"But...didn't Louie finally get relief?"

"Oh okay, the last part was, if he licked Stu's spunk from Emma' know, her belly and pussy, then he could jack off and finish himself before he went to the bathroom."

"God, they're a pretty far out couple. So is this going to be a continuing get together?"

"I'm not sure that I even want to know. Allie and Martin were invited to join them, but they said no thanks. But then they told Stu and Patty that they wanted to hear about the next chapter if there was one."

Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven

Saturday afternoon finally came and their next group arrived. Boyd walked up to Liz and asked, "Would you be Sissy?"

"I'm Liz," and then Sissy smiled and he moved over to her.

"Sissy, nice to meet you. I...we...that is this week might not be what we hoped for."

"What went wrong Boyd?"

"Well we finally came up with the five required couples, but to do that we had to invite a couple we don't know all that well. Well then somehow the other couples found out what we were doing so they jumped in."

"The last three couples that called us I'm sure."

"That has to be right. Anyway, Maggie and I barely know them at all."

"So you don't feel at all comfortable around them, and certainly not enough to do anything daring or risqué."

"We barely know their names so we don't know how they'll be."

"I'm sorry to hear that. That also means that the entertainment just may not be very successful, because we have no idea of how to tailor it to your group."

"I understand that and I'm sorry."

"We'll come up with something. This wasn't your fault Boyd, so try to have fun. If nothing else, take Maggie far down the shore some night and the two of you make love in the moonlight."

"Yeah, like late at night I'll bet, so we don't have company."

"We'll do our best for you."

"I'm sure you will."

"While the others are checking in, let's try this. Have you seen any of the other women in bikinis?"

"Two or three of them over a period of time."

"Describe them to us."

"Oh you know, the average bikini."

"So none of them were daring?"

"Not really. Maggie has one that's sort of okay."

"Top maybe this big?" and Sissy used her hand on herself to demonstrate.

"No smaller than that I'm sure."

"Bottom maybe...about like this?" and she drew a line across her lower belly.

"Yeah about like that."

"Okay that helps us to know that much at least. Boyd, how badly do you want Maggie to have a memorable week?"

"Bad enough for us to endure this week with near strangers." Then Sissy whispered in his ear and then said, "But that's only assuming I can make that happen, but you have to give me the okay for that."

"That would be off the charts awesome and I'll take pictures. Don't get anybody's face but Maggie's though understand?"

"Of course and that makes sense. Okay, go ahead and register and get settled. Enjoy the beach and the water, and you'll have a wonderful dinner tonight. Either Liz or I will stop by and welcome all of you at dinner and we'll tell you about a few things to help you feel more at home."

"Thanks, that will help I'm sure."

As he walked away, Liz said, "Oh shit, what a mess and he seems so down."

"I think he had things too built up in his mind, and now with the other couples complicating things it got worse for him."

"I feel sorry for him. He just wanted this to be very special for his Maggie, and it doesn't look like he's going to get his wish. But all we can do is our best and the rest is up to them."

When they went back, they went in and smiled when they saw bald Mac. "You know honey, I think I like you shaved."

"Don't get too used to this."

"I agree," Sissy said. "I think you look virile and sexy."

"You're making fun of me right?"

"I'm serious."

"Well thanks, but it feels weird."

"You'll get used to it."

"Wait, how long do you expect me to be like this?"

"Well until after season ends because otherwise you'll be covered with fuzz. Too short to be any good, but long enough to look scrubby."

"Great. I'll never make that bet again and you can bet on that." The women thought that was pretty funny, but Mac could only manage a thin smile.

"Oh, and we may need your help with the entertainment."

"Like what and for how long?"

They explained what they wanted him to do and then why, and he asked, "Is that a good idea considering what you just told me they are like?"

"We'll find out, but I'm pretty sure our idea will go well."

"Okay, but then I have to get back here."


Sissy waited until dinner and then went to TT and had a glass of wine with the guests until everybody was there. Then she talked about the journal and the cottage computers, and invited them to read notes from other guests. "I promise you will find them, at the least, very entertaining and even enlightening. Sometimes funny and even sad and very romantic, but some are rather graphic and very sexy. Now tomorrow we'll be here at two o'clock to play some games for maybe an hour and award some little prizes. Oh, and ladies, wear your smallest and sexiest bikinis, because we'll have the guys vote on them. Then guys, on Tuesday night, we'll have you up here so the women will have something to vote on, and we'll have a couple of surprises too. Okay, enjoy your stay and we'll see you here at two tomorrow." As they shuffled around and some got up to leave Sissy said, "Oh Boyd, if you have a second," and he scampered over to her with Maggie by his side. "Does everything seem to be in order?"

"It's great, and thank you."

"Maggie, what do you think so far?"

"I'm still a little overwhelmed by Boyd's surprise. I didn't even know where we were going until just before we landed."

Sissy smiled and said, "Shame on you Boyd," and she kissed his cheek. "Doing this for Maggie is so sweet. Now you two be careful so you don't burn your butts. Boyd did tell you this is a clothing optional resort right?"

"God yes."

"Now tell me the truth, has anybody been naked or topless?"

"Not that I've seen. Some haven't even put on their bikinis or trunks."

"You will take part in our bikini contest won't you?"

"I haven't decided."

"Please do, it's harmless fun, and remember they're supposed to judge the suit not the person wearing it, though I think you'd win either way."

Maggie looked down and said, "Well I don't think so, but thank you."

"Remember, if you do that, then Boyd will have to take part when the guys are put on display."

Maggie smiled and looked at Boyd and then said, "That's a good point. Okay Sissy, I'll take part."

"Way to go. So let me ask this before I go. Who in your group can you see going naked first?"

"That's hard to say. Probably one of the guys because...well you know. But which one I don't know. Maybe Kurt, what do you think Boyd?"

"Kurt would be my guess, and of the women that we know in the group I'd have to go with Melinda."

"If I can figure out which two they are I'll keep an eye on them. Okay, enjoy yourselves, and if you need to contact me my number is on the list by the phone."

"Thanks, you've been great Sissy," and he chanced kissing her cheek and grabbing a quick glance down her front before he and Maggie left. Sissy smiled and then she headed home.

The next afternoon Mac was deep into his latest report from his accountant when Liz and Sissy returned and stood in the office doorway. "So how did it go?" he asked them.

The two women looked at each other and then Liz told him, "It could have been slower going, but not by much. What a mixed group they are."

Sissy added, "It was fun in a very subdued sort of way, but certainly not what you would expect at a clothing optional resort. Liz talked to Maggie afterward, and I took Boyd aside and talked with him. By combining those two conversations we think we'll be better prepared Tuesday afternoon."

"So that means nobody took off their bikini or trunks?"

"That's what it means. We did have the bikini contest and that went well considering the group."
