And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind


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We spent the afternoon visiting several antique shops, browsing their wares. Virginia was always on the lookout for old rocking chairs. We found several of them in Lily's Antique Mall. Virginia got excited about one almost 100 years old that was more of a glider than a rocker with intricate wickerwork on the back and seat. It fit her perfectly when she sat in it, and I could tell she really loved it. I encouraged Virginia to get it, but she reluctantly declined, saying if it was still there the next time we came, she might get it then.

When we got tired of visiting antique shops and sneezing from the dust, it was time to head back to our cabin. After getting on US68 in Xenia, we stopped at Nick's Restaurant. They had a very eclectic menu and a large selection of bottled and draft beers to choose from. We got quesadillas; I got the Hogger with pulled pork, while Virginia got the chicken. We tried a Special Pale Ale made by the Great Lakes Brewing Company Virginia promised was an excellent beer. The beer was crisp and refreshing, and the food was hot and delicious. We really enjoyed our meal, and the service was excellent. Since we had pie for lunch, we passed on dessert.

We made it back to our cabin before sunset, so we put our bikinis back on and walked down to the water. We sat arm-in-arm on the shore and watched the sunset over the trees across the lake. It was so quiet and peaceful. The last of the fireflies were floating around, blinking on and off as the dusk deepened. As I sat there, my thoughts started going to the fact I wouldn't be seeing many more perfect end-of-the-days like this. I snuggled into Virginia, not wanting this to ever end.

Virginia nuzzled the top of my head, whispering sweet nothings to me as it got dark. Finally, it was time to head back in, so we got up and picked our way through the dark back to our cabin. Once we got inside and the door locked, I turned to Virginia and said, "Make me scream your name until I pass out."

Virginia did as I asked, and when I could take no more and faded out, my last thought was how fortunate I was to be loved by this remarkable woman.

When the morning sun came streaming through the window, I opened my eyes. Virginia's back was to me, and my arm was over her ribs. From her breathing, I could tell she was still asleep. I slowly lifted up my head, propping it on my hand, and looked down on Virginia's face. It was relaxed, and she looked so beautiful I could feel tears burning in my eyes. I don't know how long I watched her, but eventually, her breathing started speeding up. Finally, her eyes opened, and she saw me looking at her. I watched her lips curl up in a smile as I fell into those sapphire blue pools, and I gasped, making Virginia giggle before she spun around and wrapped her arms around me. I buried my face into her neck and tried hard not to start sobbing.

Finally, I got control of myself and said, "Thank you for loving me."

"My pleasure," Virginia replied. "Well, your pleasure, too, from what I heard last night."

I pulled back, a broad smile on my lips as I said, "Yes, and tonight, it's my turn."

Virginia put a mock scared look on her face and asked, "Is that a threat?"

"No," I said. As I leaned in to kiss Virginia, I finished, "It's a promise." I lost myself in the feel of Virginia's lips on mine as our kiss deepened and got hotter. Finally, I broke and gasped, "We need to get ready for our rock climbing today."

Virginia moaned her disappointment before reluctantly agreeing, "Yes, we'd better get up and get going."

We jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. We took turns peeing before getting in the shower. We quickly showered but still managed to wash each other thoroughly before the hot water ran out. We dressed for rock climbing before making and eating breakfast.

We packed our climbing gear and took off, heading down to the John Byrne State Park entrance. We would start from the bottom of the gorge since we would climb an area located below the Blue Hole. We parked in the parking lot by the Lower Shelter and made our way to the South Gorge Bridge. We crossed over the Little Miami River and found our way to where the climb would take place.

There was a gaggle of college-age women pairing up to get some rock-climbing lessons when we got there. We donned our climbing shoes and helmets. Virginia then approached Vince, the instructor we talked to the other day, to let him know we were here. She handed him the paperwork we had filled out and the check for the fee for the instructions he would help us with. Vince, aware we had some experience, took us over to one of the pre-positioned ropes to get us started before going back to help the college girls.

I was going to climb first while Virginia belayed me. Then we would trade places. Vince assured us he had inspected the ropes, and they were good. He then checked our harnesses, knots, helmets, shoes, and the tubular belay Virginia was using to ensure they were correctly set up. Vince complimented us on the quality of our gear, saying that doing things on the cheap can get you hurt. It would be only a 20-foot climb, but you could still get badly hurt if you fall.

"Ready?" I asked Virginia as I positioned myself to start climbing.

"Are you going to rappel down or climb back down?" Virginia asked.

Vince nodded with approval as I said, "Rappel." It's always a good idea to let your partner know how to belay you on the way back down.

"Okay, I'm ready," Virginia said and smiled encouragingly at me. I smiled back and took my first step, paying attention to where I was putting my feet and ensuring I had a good hold before climbing up. I trusted Virginia to keep me safe, so I didn't need to look to know she kept my line taut so I wouldn't fall far if I slipped.

I didn't study the rock face like Virginia did, planning each and every step and handhold to the top. I just went, looking for the best route from where I was at the moment. I knew this made Virginia antsy, but I just wasn't as focused as she was. Virginia called encouragement up to me as I made my way to the top. I finally made it, not having made a misstep or a slip. I looked down and saw Vince had left to go work with the new climbers, confident Virginia and I knew what we were doing.

I smiled down at Virginia and asked, "Ready?"

Virginia smiled up at me and said, "Yes."

Showing the faith I had in her to get me down safely, I called out, "Three, two, one, go!" and let go, to rappel back down, using my feet to keep me out away from the rocks as I dropped. Virginia belayed me perfectly, allowing me to come down fast but not too quickly. She tightened up just before I reached the bottom, and I gently touched down, bouncing up on my toes until she put some slack in the line.

As soon as I had secure footing and had my balance, I said, "Clear!" to indicate I was down and secure. In my exhilaration, I turned and stepped up to Virginia. I threw my arms around her and pulled her in for a full-body hug, kissing her cheek before softly saying, "I love you."

Virginia whispered, "I love you, too," before pulling back and kissing my cheek, aware Vince was coming back over to check on us.

We parted as Vince came up to us. He asked if we had had any trouble, and we both told him we hadn't had any issues. We then exchanged places on the rope, and Virginia handed me the tubular belay while she worked on getting her harness set. Vince watched to ensure we got everything right, ensuring I had my hands correctly positioned on the belay. We went through our check, ending with Virginia declaring she would rappel down as I had.

I said, "Okay, I'm ready." Virginia studied the rock wall intently, and I knew she would be a minute as she pictured every move she would make climbing. I knew when she was ready when she nodded her head, placed her hands on the rock, and made her first move. Vince watched me, making sure I was keeping the rope properly taut. Once he was sure I had everything under control, he went back over to the other group of climbers. I watched Virginia intently, enjoying how her muscles flexed and how her ass moved as she climbed. I started getting hot and wet but made sure I paid attention to the belay and kept the rope taut.

Virginia paused, looked back over her shoulder at me, smiled, and asked, "Enjoying the view?"

"You know I am," I replied, smiling back up at her.

"Good," Virginia said before she turned her attention back to the climb. She finally made it to the top. As with my ascent, we made sure we were both ready before Virginia let go and rapidly rappelled back down. I made sure I slowed her down appropriately, and she landed lightly and yelled "Clear' when she was solidly on her feet. The relief that washed over me nearly made me swoon as we closed for a quick hug.

We repeated the process two more times over the next hour or so, each trying different routes up the rock face, practicing our communication and climbing skills. After we had both climbed three times, we were ready to call it a day. Vince came over one last time to check to make sure we were okay. We both thanked him for his help and supervision. He replied it had been no problem. For beginners, we were pretty good. Vince went back over to the large group while we changed back into hiking shoes and stowed our gear in our backpacks.

We went over and watched the beginners for a bit before we headed back down the gorge and back to our car. We headed back to our cabin, stopping for lunch at Ye Olde Trail Tavern in Yellow Springs. We had a delicious lunch, enjoying the ambiance of the old buildings built in the middle of the 19th century, some of the first buildings constructed in the area. We ordered Reuben sandwiches, made with a butterflied bratwurst, and washed them down with Coronas, which had been appropriately limed.

By the time we got back to the cabin, we were tired but happy. We quickly shed our clothing and spent some time pleasing each other before falling asleep, spooned together on top of the sheets. We ate a light dinner once we woke up and then spent the evening in our bikinis by the lake, enjoying another beautiful sunset. As I had promised, I made sure Virginia knew how much I loved her before we fell asleep.

Thursday and Friday were easy days, just lazing by the lake at Bear Creek, swimming and sunbathing between bouts of lovemaking in the cabin. Friday evening, we dressed up and went to dinner in town at Linardos Villa, an excellent Italian and Greek restaurant. We ordered Dolmathes (stuffed grape leaves) and Mouffalatas. As a change of pace, we tried a delicious Agiorgitiko wine to wash down dinner. We enjoyed our meal and made a note to ourselves to try to come back to eat here again.

As we headed back to our cabin, it struck me our getaway was coming to an end. In the morning, we would be checking out and heading back home. Virginia would spend time with the boys, taking them to the Dayton KOA in Brookville to overnight in a cabin. Mom and I were going to spend Saturday and Sunday doing mother-daughter things. I know Virginia was really looking forward to having the boys to herself for the weekend. I could see her excitement as she discussed the things they were going to do together. I just smiled at her as she went on, so happy she's totally into being the boys' mom.

By the time we got back to the cabin, I just wanted to rip Virginia's clothes off and make her scream my name. I jumped out of the car as soon as it came to a stop and ran up to the door, unlocking it and pushing it open. I stepped inside, turned, and pulled my top off, all while Virginia was just getting out of the car. By the time she got to the door, I had already toed off my heels and had pulled down my skorts and panties.

Virginia stepped in, closed the door, and I nearly jumped her, pushing her back against the door as our lips met. The flare of desire I saw in Virginia's eyes made my heart clench as her arms went around me and our bodies molded together. Our tongues battled as our kiss deepened. Finally, we broke, gasping for air as we stared into each other's eyes.

Without words, Virginia went to pull off her top while I reached down to unfasten her skirt. Once I had it undone, I kneeled down as I pulled her skirt and panties down to her ankles. Virginia lifted her feet so I could get her clothes off. My face was right in front of her pussy, and I could smell her arousal and could see her fluids weeping between her inflamed lips. I leaned in, took a deep breath, and then kissed her lips. This elicited a moaned, "Oh, God, Bonnie!" from Virginia as she put her hands on the back of my head.

I grabbed Virginia's hips and pushed her back against the door as I worked my tongue between her lips. I gathered up the juices and tasted them, reveling in the incredible taste. I locked eyes with Virginia as my tongue swirled around her hole before plunging in as far as I could get it. My nose bumped her clit, and Virginia gasped. Her eyes nearly rolled back as I tongued her slit, making sure to hit every spot that made her hips buck and her breath hitch. A moan escaped her mouth, the sound resonating with the moans I was making as I plundered Virginia's treasure. Virginia's hands pushed my mouth tighter onto her pussy as her hips rolled, urging me to pleasure her.

I took my right hand off her hip and worked it down to insert my middle finger into her hole as my tongue worked its way up to Virginia's clit. The moan I elicited from her made my heart clench as I curved my finger to make sure I hit her g-spot. Virginia started gasping, "Oh, God!" over and over in time with my hitting her g-spot. I added my ring finger as I used my tongue to tease out her clit, laving it to encourage it to become erect. I brought Virginia right to the edge, holding her as I watched her eyes pleading with me to push her over the edge. When I felt the time was right, I sucked her clit into my mouth and gently nipped it just as I thrust a third finger into her hole.

Virginia came undone, and she screamed, "Oh, God, Bonnieeeee ..." as she plunged over the edge, her hips thrusting as her thighs spasmed. Her legs buckled, and she started sliding down against the door as her eyes rolled up into her head. She was gasping so hard, gasping "Oh, God," over and over as I continued attacking her clit. Finally, I had to stop as Virginia's ass hit the floor. I kissed my way up until I could kiss her beautiful mouth, letting her taste her juices as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around her and held her until she got her body back under control, raining little kisses on her face as Virginia struggled to get her voice back. Finally, she wrapped her arms around me and said, "Oh, God, Bonnie, that was incredible. Thank you, my love."

"I could never love you as much as you deserve," I whispered in her ear. Until we both finally fell into an exhausted sleep, I did try my best to love her as much as she deserved.

When the morning sun came streaming through the window, I awoke, spooned up against Virginia. My ass was in her groin, and her arm was over my ribs, gently cradling my left breast in her hand. I loved waking up like this, feeling so loved and secure with my love's arm around me. I just lay there quietly, patiently waiting for Virginia to wake up.

Shortly, I heard Virginia's breathing speed up as she came awake. Her hand flexed and gently squeezed my breast. My breath hitched from the ache in my nipple as it hardened, and my clit pulsed, and I felt my pussy heat up as my juices started flowing. I breathed, "Oh God," as Virginia massaged my breast, my stiff, aching nipple captured between her thumb and forefinger.

I wriggled my ass into Virginia as my body continued reacting to Virginia's ministrations. I could feel the points of Virginia's hard nipples digging into my back as she leaned in and whispered, "I love you, Bonnie," in my ear.

When she tweaked my nipple, my whole body jerked, and I softly gasped, "I love you, too, Virginia."

As Virginia continued to nuzzle my ear, her hand left my breast, making me moan softly in disappointment. When I felt her hand drift down my core toward my pussy, I lifted my right leg and draped it over Virginia's legs so her hand could access my pussy.

Just as Virginia's hand reached my pussy, Virginia whispered, "What do we have here?" Her finger ran down my slit, slipping between my lips, making a small moan work its way out of my throat. My breath hitched as her finger penetrated me, and I moaned when she swirled it around inside my hole, feeling for my g-spot. When she found it, the pulse going through my body made my whole body jerk, and I gasped as she continued to rub it, making me crazy.

"Oh, God, Virginia," I moaned as I felt another finger join the one in my pussy, the feeling of fullness making me moan in approval. I started rolling my hips, wanting her to start pistoning her fingers in and out, stimulating my clit and g-spot. Virginia obliged and started going faster and faster as I moaned, "Faster! Harder!" over and over, the pace picking up as Virginia increased the tempo of her ministrations.

When I felt a third finger joining the other two, stretching my hole, I again gasped, "Oh, God, Virginia!" I loved how the base of her thumb hit my clit while her curved fingers hit my g-spot, taking me to the edge of an incredible orgasm. Virginia held me on edge for what seemed like forever, making me beg, "Please, Virginia! Let me come!" over and over. Finally, Virginia nuzzled my ear and whispered, "Come for me, baby," just as she sent me over the edge.

I screamed, "Oh, God, Virginiaaaaaaaa..." as I free-fell into an incredible orgasm. My whole body started spasming, and my vision grayed out on the edges as I experienced a feeling of total euphoria. I drifted along, orgasming over and over as Virginia continued attacking my pussy. Finally, I could take no more, and I blacked out, fading into bliss.

When I came to, I felt Virginia's arm around me, and I felt so loved and secure I just sighed. I heard Virginia chuckle as she said, "Welcome back, sweetie. I hope you enjoyed that?"

I was so blissed out I started chuckling. After a bit, I finally managed to ask, "Do you need me to put up a billboard with flashing lights alongside the road? God, that was incredible." I spun around, facing Virginia, and leaned in to kiss her.

As much as I hated to, it was time to get up and get ready to go. I didn't want to shortchange Virginia any time she could spend with the boys. I locked eyes with Virginia and said, "It's time to go, my love," fighting hard to prevent any tears from falling. With that, I got up and headed toward the bathroom, waggling my ass, knowing Virginia was watching. As I entered the bathroom, I heard Virginia get up, and I knew she was coming right behind me. I reached in and turned on the shower, and as I did, I felt Virginia's hand cup my ass cheek and give it a squeeze, making my breath hitch.

I turned, catching Virginia's eyes on my ass. I cupped her face with my hands and leaned in, and gave her a quick kiss. "Now, now," I chided, "let's not start something we don't have time to finish."

Virginia moaned her disappointment but then quickly smiled and said, "You're right, my love. Matthew and Mark are waiting for me to get home so we can get going. I don't want to disappoint them." At that moment, the love I felt for Virginia made the tears start flowing. Virginia brought her hands up to cup my face, and she used her thumbs to brush the tears away and said, "Don't cry, my love."

"I'm not crying," I said. "This is just the love I have for you leaking out of my eyes."

I saw Virginia's eyes mist up at my words. She rapidly blinked her eyes before saying, "I love you."

"I love you more," I returned.

Again, Virginia hesitated, almost as if my tears were proof of my statement. She then flashed a smile, gave her head a little shake, and said, "Not possible."
