Angela and Uncle Matt


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Again, Matt responded quickly, "Oh, yeah. You were driving me nuts with your teasing. I thought you wanted me to ignore your 'stop' comment. I wanted you so badly. I'm glad you were thinking properly. I like making you do things more than saying things. I want to make sure we are on the same page."

I was stunned by his honesty about his desire to ignore my telling him to stop. No one has ever wanted me this badly. I was mesmerized by his lust for me. I liked the games we played with each other. The curiosity drove me crazy. "Well...maybe you should have ignored it then. LOL! Also, you didn't make me do anything. You are not that authoritative to make me do anything." Two can play this game, I thought.

Matt responded with a picture of his penis with text that said, "Keep talking shit, and I'll use this to be authoritative with you."

I was not expecting this response. I had pushed Matt too far. I tried to joke my way out of this, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go get some sleep, UNCLE MATT! The key word here is 'UNCLE'."

"Good night, NIECE ANGELA! Talk tomorrow?"

I found that nothing was going to scare my Uncle Matt. He was not intimidated by me or his actions. "Good night, UNCLE MATT! Talk to you tomorrow."

Over the next couple of months Matt and I would text every day. Most of the time, it was simple day-to-day conversations about how we were doing. Occasionally, we would meet up for coffee or lunch. We would joke with each other about inappropriate sexual subjects. As our relationship continued to flourish.

One of the things I found out about Matt was his fascination with porn. On a nightly basis, he would tell me he was watching porn. I have never watched porn before, so I would talk shit to him and tell him he needed to go out and get laid. He would tell me that I needed to loosen up and get laid.

One night, I could tell he had been drinking. He texted me, "Hey, Tease. You should come to watch porn with me. LOL."

Tease was his new nickname for me. "In your dreams," I responded.

"You need to lighten up and have a drink with me. I bet if you watched it with me, you'd beg me to take advantage of you."

I told my uncle, "Send me a link to your favorite porn. Let me see why you stay in to watch this stupid stuff." I was curious why he'd rather stay in watching this ridiculous stuff rather than go out and find a woman. He is a good-looking guy, and I knew he had the skills to turn a woman on.

Matt sent me a link. I clicked on it to watch what he said was his favorite clip. As I started watching it, I noticed the woman's body resembled mine. Interesting, I thought. In this clip, the woman was telling the older man that they shouldn't be doing what they were doing. The man ravished the woman. The age difference between the two was obvious; the man was much older than the woman. The man's unwillingness to stop as his desire to get the woman at all costs was evident. By the end of the video, I understood what my uncle wanted to do to me. Part of me wanted him to do this, while the other part of me did not want him to do this to me. My thoughts and desires were torn. My uncle texted me, "So, what did you think? Hot, right?"

I knew what answer he was hoping to hear. I wanted to think my response through. I didn't want to send a message where he thought I would ever commit to something like this happening. The clip did make me think of what it would be like to have Matt react to me like this. But I knew we shouldn't go down that road again. "You do realize that this shit doesn't happen in real life, right?"

I envisioned him laughing at my response. "Actually, my young niece. These situations do happen. Trust me on this. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your parents' cookout tomorrow. Hopefully, you'll be wearing that bikini again. I'm heading off to bed. You should send me a picture before I head off to sleep."

Sending pictures back and forth to each other has become common between us. Some of our pictures were risqué. Watching the clip had turned me on, so I decided to fuck with him. "You love me in the bikini, don't you?" I asked. Before he could answer, I took a picture of myself standing in front of a full-length mirror in my bra and panties. I figured it's essentially the same thing as being in a bikini.

Matt responded exactly how I wanted him to. "OH, MY FUCKING GOD! YOU ARE SO FUCKING HOT! TEASE!"

I texted, "Good night, UNCLE MATT!" Matt did not respond. My thoughts were filled with him pleasuring himself to my picture. While I pleasured myself to thoughts of him ravishing me.

Saturday arrived for my family's yearly family reunion cookout. I have a lot of relatives, mostly cousins, which was good for an only child like me. As the day went on, I caught Uncle Matt checking me out as I swam with my cousin Sara. We would occasionally make eye contact with each other. I had feelings like people were watching us all day. As the sun went down, I went inside to change into more appropriate clothing.

While in my room, I noticed my door opening. I yelled out, "I'm getting dressed." Matt walked right in, closing the door behind him. I was standing in my room dressed only in my bikini top and panties, with Matt standing right in front of me. "Uncle Matt, what the fuck! Are you crazy?"

Matt ignored me as he sat on my bed. "Hey, niece. Do you think you could drive me home, so I don't have to sleep on your parents' uncomfortable couch? I know your pain in the ass Father, is going to take my keys."

"Matt, I'm trying to get dressed," I said as I quickly put my maxi-skirt on. "I'm supposed to go out with my friends in a little while. Can't you ask someone else? When are you planning on leaving?" Matt told me he could leave anytime I wanted to. I put a shirt on over my bikini top while I stood there staring at him. "OK, I'm leaving in a few minutes. I'm dropping you off and leaving. Understood?" Matt reassured me that he understood.

We went back outside. I told my parents I was dropping Matt off at his house before I met up with my friends. My dad appreciated me driving Matt home. We made the rounds to say goodbye to everyone.

The drive to Matt's house was quiet because Matt passed out. When we got to his house, I attempted to wake him up. He was much more intoxicated than I had realized. Now, I needed to make sure he made it safely in the house. My dad was right Matt was an immature pain in the ass. Although he was unsteady on his feet, luckily, he could walk. I planned to get him into his bed and leave. As I found out tonight, things don't always go as planned.

Matt sat on the edge of his bed, saying he felt woozy. I sat next to him because I was worried about him. After a few minutes, I stood up. As he rested his head on my midsection, I rubbed his head, hoping it would help him feel better. Matt's hands then moved to my lower back. I looked down at him, telling him, "Hey, we're not doing any of this shit tonight. Get those thoughts out of your head." Matt ignored my statement as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. He slowly lifted my shirt, exposing my stomach. He started kissing my stomach while his mouth explored all my exposed areas. Initially, I did nothing. I thought he was too intoxicated to do anything. I got caught up in the moment when I felt his fingertips attempting to pull my skirt up. "Hey, hey...Don't do that." I mumbled. Matt unexpectedly stood up. Now we were face to face. I could feel pins and needles throughout my body from the shock of his quickness. "Matt, we can't do this. You are crazy." Matt grabbed a handful of my hair, bringing his lips to mine. Again, his tongue explored my mouth. I thought, I diverted him before, this time is no different. I will make out with him for a few minutes then take off. So, I embraced our kiss.

While we kissed, Matt sat back down on the edge of his bed, pulling me with him. Now, I was on his lap, entrenched in a passionate make-out session with my uncle. My legs were kneeling on the bed on either side of his legs. Matt started thrusting up, and I could feel his shaft grinding against my slit. His hands were attempting to go up my shirt. I was trying to keep up with it and put roadblocks in place to keep him from getting to my breasts. Matt's relentless, experienced attempts to get to my tits were becoming too much for me to stop him. I broke from our embrace, "UNCLE MATT, I have to go. You know we shouldn't be doing this." I stayed in place, looking at him, as his penis throbbed on the other side of my panties.

Matt told me, "You know you're staying here with me. You know you want to. I can feel your pussy burning through your panties. Last time, you told me I should have ignored you telling me to stop. There's a reason you haven't gotten up and left yet."

The confusion hit me like a rock. I wanted to stop all of this, but why wasn't I getting up and leaving? Why was I so turned on? We have played a passive-aggressive game with each other for months. What did I want him to do? Was my intent to tease him, so badly that he was left with no choice? I did tell him he should have ignored me last time. Why did I say that? I was nervous, not scared, nervous. This was new for me. I also felt like I had no control over this situation because of how I behaved. I needed to say something..." So, what are you saying to me?" I know it was a stupid question. At that moment, it was my first thought.

Matt gave me that devilish grin, "I'm saying you shouldn't tease men. Let's keep making out. It's fun. Isn't it? You're having fun. Admit it."

I was nervous, but I kept eye contact with Uncle Matt. I was trying to figure out what his true intentions were. I couldn't get a read on him. "It is fun, but you know it's wrong. We know we need to stop with all of this." Then I smiled at Matt while I softly slapped his chest.

Matt asked me, "How about we keep making out and having fun?"

I thought, 'He's persistent.' I wanted to see if he would allow me to leave if I wanted to. "I think I should go before we both have regrets. I'm going to take off to my friends. OK?"

Matt smiled at me with that evil grin. "No. It's not OK. Stay with me and give me another kiss."

I suddenly felt powerless over this situation. I knew Matt intended to have sex with me. Matt was drunk, horny, and determined, which was a recipe for trouble. I was trying to think quickly with my head due to my body wanting me to stay and let him have his way with me. "OK. One more kiss. Then I'm leaving. I'm not joking." I leaned into Matt, wrapping my arms around him as our tongues met.

We were in the throes of a deep, passionate kiss. I was caught up in the moment when I realized Matt and I were grinding each other. This did nothing but make the situation worse. Matt leaned back, pulling me with him. Now, I was on top of him, caught up in the heat of the moment, completely unaware of my surroundings. I felt Matt's hand between our genitals. I broke from our kiss, asking, "Uncle Matt, what are you doing?"

When I broke from our kiss, Matt immediately moved his lips to my neck. His only response to my question was, "SSSHHH."

Again, I was caught up in the moment until I felt Matt's bare dick against my pussy. My body went limp as my brain froze. 'He's not really going to do this, is he?' I thought as my mind started racing. Matt's dick unexpectedly started entering me. I could tell as it parted my slit that it was much thicker than it looked in the picture. I attempted to speak, "HHMMPPHH. Uncle Matt, what the fuck are you doing. Your dick is in me. We can't..." Before I could finish, Matt thrust his hips up, pushing more of his dick into me. I screamed out, "FUCK! UNCLE MATT!" As he continued with his upward thrusts. Each time penetrating deeper depths of my pussy. Out of the blue, I was slamming down on Uncle Matt's cock, assisting him with my humiliation. I could feel the blood rushing to my pussy when my orgasm hit. I buried my face in Matt's shoulder as I moaned. "My fucking God. I'm Cumming...UNCLE MATT! FFFUUUCCCKKK! UUUHHH! UUUHHH! UNCLE MATT!" I had no energy as Matt continued thrusting his cock into me violently.

Matt pulled me off him as his cock left my pussy. I was on my hands and knees, attempting to regain my composure, when my uncle grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back. Matt pressed his lips against mine as his tongue once again invaded my mouth. Matt's kiss wasn't like the previous ones. This one was animalistic and dominant. Matt was making me aware that I was at his will without saying a word. Once again, I was not scared; I was turned on unlike I had ever been. Matt withdrew from our kiss, telling me, "Open your mouth, Angela." I did as I was told. I knew he was going to have me suck his cock. Matt removed his pants and then took his shirt off. I was still on my hands and knees. Matt's cock was now right in my face. I could see his entire thickness and length. It was unlike any cock I had seen. I could barely fit my hand around it as I opened my mouth, guiding the tip in. I slowly moved my lips up and down on the throbbing tip. Matt gripped my hair, pushing my head further and further down on his member. I could taste my spunk on his cock. Once again, Matt pulled my head back, demanding, "Lay down, now. I want to fuck you some more. Understand?" I did as I was told. Matt looked down at me, "Answer the question."

I looked up at my uncle, "Yes, Uncle Matt. I understand."

Up to this point, I hadn't realized that I was still fully clothed. Matt yanked my panties, swiftly pulling them off. Then he told me, "You don't need this shirt." He gripped the collar, ripping my shirt off of me with three quick pulls. Matt then set his sights on my bikini top, gripping the center of it. With one violent pull, the material shredded in his grip. "There, That's better. Right?"

I was blindsided by how turned-on Matt made me with his aggression. I realized I was powerless. Matt was able to do whatever he wanted, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. Luckily, I had no intention of attempting to stop him. "Yes, Uncle Matt," I said softly. Without hesitation, Matt lowered his lips to my nipples, sucking on them. I could feel my body heating back up. Unexpectedly, Matt slammed his entire cock into me. I screamed, "UNCLE MATT! THAT HURT! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Then, the pain subsided with every thrust. Before long, I was moaning with pleasure.

Matt was grunting in my ear. "You like my cock fucking you, don't you?"

"YES! UNCLE MATT! FUCK ME! PLEASE!" was my involuntary response. "Please don't cum in me, Uncle Matt. Please don't, I'm begging you." I was terrified that Matt wouldn't pull out. I was not on birth control. I had only had sex twice, and both times, the guy wore a condom. I was praying he would listen to me this time.

Matt picked up his pace. Our flesh made a slapping noise with every thrust. I was being pounded into the mattress as my next orgasm flooded the bed. "OOOHHH MY, GGGOOODDD! I'M CUMMING! UNCLE MATT, YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM!" Again, my body went limp. I was reeling and unable to meet Matt's thrusts.

Matt quickly withdrew his cock from me. He hurriedly moved to where my head was, kneeling next to me; Matt once again grabbed my hair, holding my face next to his groin. I was discombobulated and did not know what he wanted me to do. Suddenly he started jerking his cock. He was grunting as he started to cum on my face. Stream after stream spewed on my lips, eyes, and hair. I obviously had never had this done to me. It made me feel cheap and whorish. Matt let go of my hair as he lay down next to me.

I asked, "Can I use your shower, Uncle Matt?"

Matt laughed. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. There are towels in the bathroom closet."

After my shower, it dawned on me that I didn't have any clothes to put on. I stood in the bathroom, attempting to process everything we had just done. Tonight was the most exciting experience of my life. Sexually, I had no idea a body could react or feel the way mine did tonight. I got my bearings together as I came out of the bathroom not knowing what to expect. I was afraid that my uncle was going to be disgusted by me and tell me to leave.

"Hey, I'm guessing you want me to leave. I'm gonna need one of your T-shirts. Mine is no good anymore." I let out a giggle as I was trying to figure out what was next.

My uncle was wide awake as he looked at me in my towel. "Why would I want you to leave?"

"Well, Uncle Matt. We did a lot, and I wasn't sure if you were mad at me or finished with me and wanted me to leave." I stumbled over my words. I was a nervous wreck, and standing in the middle of my uncle's bedroom with just a towel wasn't helping.

Matt gave me a curious look with that grin of his. "Why would I be mad at you? You sucked my cock and let me pound your pussy. What do I have to be mad about? Did you like me smashing your pussy?"

I stood there mortified. It was obvious that Matt liked being in control. Even after everything we did, it was still uncomfortable to say it out loud. "Yes, Uncle Matt."

"Yes, what?" He asked.

Matt was still not letting me off the hook. "Yes, Uncle Matt. I liked you... smashing my pussy." I could feel the redness illuminating my face.

Matt continued smiling at me. "Take the towel off and get in the bed with me. We may or may not be done tonight. I'm not sure."

Once again, I did as I was told. I dropped the towel and got into bed with my uncle. I put my head on his chest with the hope that I would be able to fall asleep.

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blackknight314blackknight31419 days ago

Not my cup of tea... Thanks for sharing your work

WonOne1WonOne1about 1 month ago

Fantastic story. Would love a part 2!!

Victorious543216789Victorious543216789about 1 month ago

I love a story that sounds plausible.

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