Angelic Treasures - Welcome Home


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"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." I whimper through gasping breaths as I catch my breath. I reach down with my right hand and grasp the wrist of his hand as he gently massages my clit. I gently pull it away, not because I did not want to continue, but just so I can catch my breath. I close my eyes, my hips still rocking back and forth against his crotch. As I hear him turn the movie back on with the remote, my left hand goes to my left breast and I hold his hand as he sweetly cups and presses against it. I open my eyes, tired from recent events, and look at him.

His desire still there, but there is a twinkle in his eyes. His brow is dotted with sweat. He smiles sweetly at me and I pull my right hand to his cheek. "You are so beautiful Ashley," He says and I bite my lip and tilt my chin forward as I feel an overwhelming amount of butterflies in my stomach at his words. I stroke his cheek once, and then reach to the back of his neck and pull his face to mine and share a deep, but soft kiss.

Our lips press, wet from our passion just moments ago, and they glide against each other's. I feel him cup my cheek, his fingers slide around the back of my head, and I feel him pull me into a slow, but deeper kiss. His hand moves from my breast as he takes my left hand and I feel his fingers slide between mine and pull it over my head. My hips stop moving as we share a moment, a brief moment, not of passion but of something completely different. The feeling, on the tip of my consciousness, glides as it begins to form an idea of what the feeling is. The thought begins to form in my brain.

I feel a larger pressure against my slit and feel two fingers intrude on my mental process. All thinking stops and it is replaced by passion and arousal. My legs fall from around his waist and open wider, eagerly beckoning the intruders into my body. My hand frees itself from his once more and I wrap myself around his neck and press my teeth into his lip. Our passion, lust and desire retake the lost ground quickly as if it never left and his hand is upon my breasts again, thumb against my clit, his fingers dancing in and out of my pussy which is punctuated with a wet sucking sound. I feel full just with his fingers, and my pussy feels tight against his digits as I feel air passing between his fingers.

I bring my feet to his hips, pressing down against the top of his shorts. By feel, I hook the top lining in between my toes and push down. I feel the fabric slide across his skin, but then there is something holding it in place. I press down harder and he grunts into my mouth. My tongue wraps around his, and I let out a moan as his fingers press deeply into my pussy. My feet press down harder and I feel him pull his hips back and his shorts finally slide down to his thighs with an almost popping feel. My hands travel down his back and feel the contours of his muscles as I rock against his now exposed crotch.

I gasp through my nose as I feel something long and pulsing against my naked thigh. I know what it is, and my hips rock back and forth into the air almost in greeting. The feeling of his naked body against my crotch with his fingers buried into me releases another torrent of desire and arousal. I break my lips from his and kiss his neck. My tongue flicks across his skin and I taste his salty sweat. My tongue guides me to his ear, and I whimper as his thumb presses down firmly against my clit and I press my teeth softly, but passionately against his ear. I suck, nibble, and lick his ear as I gasp, moan, and whimper against his skin. My arms are vices underneath his arms, and I am now firmly wrapped around his body again.

I feel his cock pressing against the left side of my hip, slightly brushing and sliding up and down with our movements. I hear a vibration of something against the table. I feel the entire length and girth, and know it is massive. Another vibration travels to my ear. The feelings of arousal accentuate the waves of pleasure gripping my entire state of being. I cum again. Another vibration, this time bouncing off the glass on the table. My muscles strain against his flesh. My arms exhausted, but still I hold my body against his, and his against mine. In no time at all, I cum again. I hear a faint ringtone along with the vibration. I feel my body drop, no longer moving as I struggle to even breath. My head is now pressed against the pillow. I cum again. And again. And again. The whole time seems to be an eternity. I hear a voicemail being left on my phone.

I press my hands against Theo's chest. My chest heaving as I take shuddering breaths. My hair is now matted with sweat. I brush his chest as his fingers leave my pussy, causing a shaking breath. My pussy tingles, remembering his fingers and I feel his body lift from mine completely. I open my eyes and see him staring at me, my shorts pushed to the side to reveal glinting pink lips. My breasts, topped with pink nipples and soft, totally exposed. My stomach contracts with the effort of breathing.

I close my trembling legs and rub them together as I massage my right breast. I blink and then close my eyes as I bite my lip in a smile and let out an aroused slightly giggling, "Hmmm" Through my teeth. I sit up and rise to my knees, my shirt falling back over my body, and I take Theo's hands. His right hand still slicked with my juices, interlace our fingers, and bring my face up to his. I look into his eyes and he smiles. "Damn you are hot." He says as his hands go under my shirt to my sides and start moving up and down.

My eyes flash in delight and mischievousness, "Hot huh?" I bite my lip and I feel my hot breath bounce off his face, "You can do better than thaaaat." I say seductively, almost singing to him, as my mouth widens playfully. I close my eyes and lightly press my lips to his.

I feel him slightly pull my body into his, and I feel his lips smile while still wrapped with mine. My hand strokes his cheek. I hear the sounds from the movie, repeating a scene we had already watched, and the feeling—the thought lost in passion, begins to form again. I feel a sense of warmth wash over me as I begin to realize the truth of what I felt. Our lips meet again and press together in a soft kiss. I feel the release of a torrent of emotions and feelings inside me. Arousal bridles with passion; Hand in hand with a need for something more, something physical. All these thoughts and feelings passing through me in an instant. These realities and emotions are now reaching an apex, a tension I did not know I had carried with me all these years. I realized, through my mental reflection, the hours I spent with Theo today, did not place the attraction deep inside me in the last couple hours, nor the feelings of lust which even now are almost overwhelming.

I have always felt this way about him.

We break our kiss and sit there, hand in hand, as we both process what we have just done. There is no going back now, but deep inside I do not want to go back from this... Whatever this is between us. I know what the warm feeling is now, the feeling I had at the top of the stairs. The feeling separated from the sexual arousal and physical attraction. I take his right-hand into both of my mine and begin to softly stroke it. I feel the roughness against my skin. My pale skin against his tan complexion, the fire creating dancing shadows only pierced by the light from the T.V. My breathing is slow now. The warm feeling grows as I identify for what it is. I am not shocked, nor horrified by the realization. I do not feel guilt nor shame. I realize... I am happy.

My focus goes back onto the screen as the character John Greene manifests the words...

The feeling which encompasses my whole body.

"Theo". I whisper. His eyes lock onto mine. My mouth, close to his, begins to recite the words of the movie, playing in the background, from memory.

"I am in love with you" The character John Greene and I say.

I pull away to look into his eyes. I see in Theo's eyes reflect his inner conflict, something I have already experienced at dinner and resolved inside myself today.

His tense eyes soften at my voice and then widen as he realizes what I had just said. "Theo..." I whisper again before continuing the words. I am no longer reciting the words. I am saying it to him.

"I am, I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things."

I take my right hand off his and raise it to hold the back of his neck. I feel out of body, weightless, as I feel my legs push up and my body starts to rise. His eyes search my face.

All the while, I speak to Theo, no longer waiting for John Greene to join me. "I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void."

His eyes come back into focus as my face inches closer to his. Our noses brush as my lips hover over his.

"...and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have"

I shift my hips as I slowly place my knee against the couch to rise the last inch to his lips. I close my eyes and my lips part. His breath covers my face.

"...and I am in love with you."

A moment passes as the weight of what I just said presses into Theo and I.

"I want you Theo." I finish. We are both silent for a moment. I feel my face redden, not from embarrassment for bringing life and voice to what I felt, but from the intense joy and happiness I felt uttering the words. I lean forward and kiss his nose. I pull away and stare into his eyes. I lean forward again. My lips meet his and I kiss him deeply. I feel his body relax, and his arms beginning rise and fall along my naked sides. I pull away again. I bite my lip again and my eyes twinkle. I playfully pull him forward and kiss him. I am lost in the feelings of closeness to him as his arms wrap around me and pull me in. "And I want you, my angelic treasure. My beautiful Ashley." He says. I giggle and feel myself blush at his words, the tingle of his compliment making me feel weightless. My giggle is cut short as I feel his arms pull me hard against him. I feel my back arc and I moan as a renewed sense of arousal takes over me. My hands stroke his shoulders. His right-hand lowers and I feel it glide over my ass. His fingers find the crevice of my ass and pushes the fabric into it as it traces it and his hand slides down my right ass cheek.

My arms wrap around his neck and bare back and I tilt my head to the right as our mouths press together, release, lips part and close, suck, swallow. My right hand travels down to his chest and I feel his hand reach mine. It takes my wrist and brings my hand down. Past his stomach. Past his hips. In between our bodies. My heart pounds as I feel my fingers brush against something hard, something pulsing. I grasp his cock in my hand and find my fingers JUST able to wrap around it, and my hand sits there; unmoving. I am unsure of what to do, feeling intimidated and a little self-conscious, but just holding it turns me on as I feel it pulse against my palm.

He kisses me deeply as his hand guides mine into motion. My hand softly glides over skin, until he pushes my fingers down with his until they are firmly griped around his shaft. His hand encompasses mine as he guides me, without words, and together we begin to stroke his large cock. He sighs into my mouth and his hand leaves mine as I tenderly stroke his cock. My arm moves back and forth, our mouths together in a moist embrace, both of his hands underneath my shirt running over my naked back. My left hand softly moves up and down his neck in tandem with the motion of my other hand.

"Does that feel good?" I whisper in between kisses. My hand still tenderly moving across his shaft. I feel his heartbeat emanating from his cock as it seems to enlarge in size with my motions. I feel him nod, and he says, "Yes." I feel his hands come out from under my shirt and rise to my shoulders. I feel him press me down as he slides his legs underneath me. I follow his lead, allowing his cock to guide me as I kneel in between his legs. I shift his shaft to my left hand and continue to pull and rub his enlarged member as I place my body onto his chest, leaning slightly to his left, and place my lips to his. My legs wrap around his as His hand goes into my shirt down my neck into the collar and I feel his hand stroke my naked back. His other hand grasp presses around my throat and pulls me into a deep kiss. His tongue presses into my mouth and slowly begins to dance with mine.

I feel a strong feeling of arousal as I feel a tug on my hair and feel my head being slowly pulled back. Our eyes filled with desire gaze into the other's for a moment as my arm moves up and down. He looks at me and glances down at his cock and then intensely peers into my face, "Have you ever given a blowjob before?"

At the word, 'blowjob,' I feel a rush of panicked warmth flush through my stomach. I shake my head and blush, still stroking his cock, and pull the side of my upper lip into my mouth and bite it. I look at his cock, my hand seems small as my pale fingers contrast with it, and then back to him. I giggle with a little embarrassment. "I wouldn't know where to begin to be honest."

He takes his right hand and presses the tip of his finger into my mouth. "Let me show you..." He says. I feel a wave of arousal as I taste something bitter, something salty, hit my tongue. His finger is still coated with me. I feel my teeth brush against his finger, and I imagine how it would feel against his cock. Not good. I open my jaw wider as little by little his finger is pressed into my mouth.

My mind flashes back to the beach trip during college and how some of the guys kept saying, 'Suck my dick,' to each other. I began to timidly suck on his finger. My tongue massaging the underneath skin as the air creates a vacuum in my mouth. What I feel is his finger pulling in and out of his mouth, his hand and my head motionless, and myself swallowing salty, bitter, and sweet saliva coating my mouth. I feel a warm sense of arousal build up inside of me as his finger glides between my lips. I feel his hand rise along my back and press against my neck. No longer timid, my neck slightly pushes back and forth, taking more and more of his finger into my mouth. My hand moving along his cock becomes my pacemaker, as my head tenderly bobs up and down along his finger. I open my eyes, still stroking his cock, and raise my eyebrows in question as I look up at his face.

"Holy hell Ash. You have never done this before?" Theo asks as he chuckles; clearly impressed. I feel a tingle inside my chest as I feel more than a little proud and flattered at his compliment. Never taking his finger out of my mouth, I respond with an, "mmm mmm" as I shake my head back and forth. "Amazing." He sighs. I feel my heart jump as his groans of arousal meet my ears. I am doing this. I am making him groan. "Move your tongue." He says softly. I look at him. Move my tongue? How? Before I can ask, he says, "Pretend my finger is my tongue. Do what you were doing while we were kissing." My mind flashes back and remembers the movements I made as I almost hungrily devoured his mouth with mine.

Still rocking my neck back and forth, still tenderly massaging his cock, I begin to roll my tongue over his finger, long strokes underneath, flicks along the side, circle around the entire thing, replace my lower lip as I extend my tongue out of my mouth to lick his palm. My lips also begin to move with my motions, pressing firmly, sliding along softly, pushing out as I slide the length of his finger and pushing in as I take it back into my mouth. My neck now enthusiastically moving forward and back.

After a while, Theo says, "Stroke my palm with your right hand, like you are massaging it." I feel my brow furl at his statement. What? Why? I take his hand into mine and begin to knead his palm anyway. Lightly brushing against his skin, and I pretend it is his back. I cup his palm and press my fingers against it and explore the wrinkles in his hand. "Softer." He says. I comply and soon the only thing in the air is the sound of my mouth sucking his finger, my hand moving against his skin, and the rustle of my shirt as my arm goes up and down.

"Are you ready for the real thing?" He finally asks.

I feel a slight wave of nervousness land softly in my stomach. I stop sucking his finger and feel my mouth pull to the side as my head turns to glance at his cock in my hand; his finger still in my mouth. My hand stops stroking his cock, still vibrating against my palm, and I look up to him. I timidly nod my head, and the feeling of nervousness rockets to my chest as I feel his finger leave my mouth with a 'pop'. I am not nervous about doing something new with Theo, I am nervous I will not make him feel good like he did for me. I don't want to mess up. I find myself more than willing to do anything he asks. The feeling of obedience brings a strong sense of being aroused, but it is wrapped with something more solid; I love this man, as I have found out, and I want to please him.

This thought sends a trembling wave of almost panic as I find myself repeatedly kissing down his chest, deeply kissing and flicking my tongue down his firm stomach, taking my hand off his cock and placing both hands on his thighs, kissing above his bladder, one side of his hip, tracing the V-shape down to his groin, and finally find myself eye level with the an enormous tan cock.

I look nervously up at Theo and see him staring at me. "I am not going to force you to do anything you do not want to do Ashley. I will be here with you all the way. If you want to stop, just let me know." He says in his beautiful, reassuring, calming voice as warm falls over my body like a light feather turning away dust as it lands. My anxiety lessens as I gaze up at him, my mouth hidden behind his groin area, just inches away from his cock.

I feel him sit up a little and then my mind comes back into focus when I feel his hands push his fingers between my own fingers. His thumb gently strokes along my index finger. I close my eyes and take a silent breath in and lean forward. I feel the head of his cock press against my mouth as I begin to kiss the tip lightly. I take in his warm aroma. My lips part and I kiss it again, slightly moistening the tip. I push the tip of my tongue and slide it lightly across the tip in my motion to kiss it yet again. I part my lips and open my jaw a little wider and feel the head enter my mouth. My teeth graze against the skin lightly and I open wider. I hear him let out an almost relieved sigh as it slides into my mouth and he shudders as begin to press my tongue against it.

I begin to suck, slowly revolving my tongue around the head. I still feel nervously aroused, the anxiety kind of like standing in line for a new scary looking ride at an amusement park. My mind is focused on the process. I begin to rock my neck back and forth, I grasp his cock with my left hand and start to stroke the shaft, my right hand running up and down his thigh. My tongue flicks, slides, massages, and circles around; dancing across the tip. My red hair is draped all over his legs and thighs, and I feel him pull the strands tightly together from my face with my hands and hold it against my head.

I feel a pressure against the back of my head, and I find my cock going deeper into my mouth. The size causes me to open my jaw still further. I wrap my teeth behind my lips. My tongue compresses against the intruding mass. Still, I rock my neck back and forth and feel drool leaving my mouth which travels down his shaft. Soon, I can only breath through my nose. My throat compresses, and I feel a lurch in my stomach. I gag as his cock presses to the back of my throat.