Anita's Affair Pt. 02


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"Dr. Holstrom and Kate had recorded that session and I was startled to see myself giggling away under the hypnotic trance. They asked me questions and I talked about enjoying hiding my new knowledge from my father. I remembered the fun and power of knowing something my father didn't want me to know. The secrets that a young girl had were not very significant and when I took the required sex education classes my knowledge of what men and women did was no longer hidden. Still, the smug feeling I got from reading that encyclopedia article was the beginning. I loved being in that superior position and as they moved me along to other times, they saw that having secrets became very important to me.

"They finally got me to the senior prom night and I remembered giggling as I looked in the mirror and saw the marks around my nipples and at how wet my bra was! I hadn't liked having Bill's cock going off in my mouth but I enjoyed that being part of my secret. For some reason having that secret excited me almost as much as the acts themselves. Fooling my father, having that secret, was a fun thing.

"That sounds awful, but it wasn't spiteful. I loved my father - he had been wonderful to me my whole life - and I just saw it as fun like you would tease someone. I wouldn't have hurt him for the world. What I never considered was what he would think, how hurt he would have been, if somehow he found out about my 'fun' secrets. As I watched the recordings of me giggling away as I described my fun disgusted me!

"Even worse, they had me relive the nights I was with Bill and I hated myself. Watching myself remembering the pleasure I got out of hiding something from Tom. They had me speaking out loud what I was thinking and listening to myself planning my elaborate scheme to put something over him! The glee in my voice! And the giggling! I was and am so ashamed of myself that there is no way to express it!"

"My god, Nita, I remember you giggling when you told me about having an affair and it shocked me. You laugh, not giggle like a school girl! I overlooked it at the time, but I certainly noticed it!"

"Char, it was despicable! I was so embarrassed as I sat there that I almost got up and ran out of the room! Dr. Holstrom calmed me down by saying that in many ways my reactions with Bill were not really rare. She sees people every day that act completely out of character and that there is usually a trigger somewhere and finding that trigger was why she brought the hypnotherapist in.

"It appeared that the fun of putting something over on my father had become more important to me than I knew. Actually, I had put it completely out of my mind as I had the senior prom events. She thought that the resurrection of my memories of that night and the sex with Bill had also brought back the pleasures of having secrets, doing questionable things in this case, going behind Tom's back to have 'innocent' fun. It was like an addiction. I would decide to end it, but when Bill arrived, the desire to have that fun, that adventure, overcame my saner desires.

"As Dr. Holstron said, it's somewhat like a drug addict - you know it's wrong and dangerous, but the danger isn't real. I was just like a little kid playing with fireworks, never thinking that I or others might be hurt! It wasn't until you spoke to me that night that I returned to the real world and realized that what I was doing wasn't just a fun game. Other people, particularly Tom, could be horribly hurt. Unfortunately, I didn't stop in time. I should have called Bill that night and ended it. Or, at least, if he came over, I should have told him it was over.

"Regrettably, I wasn't strong enough! I didn't end it until I saw Tom's haggard face and realized how badly I would hurt him if he found out. The next time Tom was away, I did end it by phone but he surprised me by coming over anyway. I think that the thing that saved me from giving into that addiction again was the plan for Bermuda and that I was wearing that nightgown that Tom and I love so much. That did end it, but, of course, too late.

"Anyway, the therapy helped. At least I understand myself and the trap I fell into. Dr. Holstron and Kate revealed something that I didn't know was there. It doesn't diminish my guilt but my actions are not as inexplicable as they were. They're still despicable but I understand them better. They go all the way back to a thirteen year old girl finding out for herself what men and women do and beginning a path to disaster."

"Do you think that this will help with Tom?"

"Good heavens, no! This just clears my mind and gives me an explanation of why I did those stupid, insane things. It's an explanation, not an excuse! I still betrayed him. I'm still an adulterous slut and I hate myself! We're still in this never-never land - loving each other but not able to get past my infidelity. I need to find a way to break through this deplorable situation. I've given up the idea of suicide, but I still need a way to get out of Tom's way!"

"Nita, don't be silly! Damn it, why don't you just sit down with Tom and confess and beg his forgiveness? If it doesn't work you can each go your own way. If it does, you can start the repair work!"

"I wish I could. It's funny, I could try to commit suicide, but I can't bring myself to face him! I've just got to get away somehow."

That statement preyed on Char's mind and she paid close attention to Anita's words and action the next few weeks. Their anniversary was coming up, the 23rd of August and her instincts told her that Anita had something planned before that, probably leaving. Her fears were confirmed on the 20th of August.

Anita had called her and asked her to come over because she had finally made a decision. "Char, I'm leaving! It probably is the hardest decision I have ever made, but I have to do it!"

"Nita, for god's sake, why? Things have been getting better! Your anniversary is in three more days and that would be a perfect time to try and clear the air!"

"No, dear, that would be a horrible time! Our anniversary always had been a time of celebrating our marriage and I don't want that memory ruined! Even last year, before the catastrophe, it was wonderful as we planned our trip to Bermuda. That turned out to be the worst day of my life when Tom cancelled our honeymoon renewal because he found out about my affair. I don't want August 23 to be the date when the confrontation happens - it was the date when our marriage began and I don't want that wonderful day to mark its end! I'm going to be gone before then!"

Char was distraught as she heard her friend make what she knew was a grievous mistake. "Nita, this is stupid! Where are you going to go? How are you going to live? You're just going to give up on you and Tom? Why the hell don't you just confront Tom, throw yourself on his mercy and beg his forgiveness! At least you would have a chance. This way you're throwing everything away for nothing!"

"No, that won't work. Tom loves me too much to throw me out, but he'll never get over what I did behind his back! He'll live with an unfaithful, adulterous and untrustworthy wife rather than divorce me. I love him far too much to doom him to live in the relationship we are in now! Where am I going to go? I'm not going to tell you or him! I will leave him a letter apologizing for all this mess and asking him not to try and find me. I'm taking enough money to last till I get settled. I can do my editing work anywhere there is an internet connection so I'll have an income.

"As I said, Tom will never divorce me if he hasn't by this time, but after a year he probably will resign himself that it's over. I checked and he can file a no fault divorce and if I can't be found to sign it, it will go through because I abandoned the marriage."

"My god, you are serious about this!"

"Yes. We can't go on the way we have been. We're in a weird, uncomfortable, sort of limbo. There is just a hollowness in everything we do. I have a feeling that Tom may be glad to have the whole thing end without him having to make a decision. I'm the one that caused this debacle and I'm the one who will end it. I'm the guilty one so I will make the hard decision."

"Damn it, you love Tom and he loves you! Why the hell don't you just look him in the eye and say, 'Tom, I love you and I did a stupid thing that hurt you? I'm very, very sorry and it will never happen again. Can you forgive me?' If he says 'no,' then you can pack up and leave!"

"Gods, you don't think that I haven't thought of doing that? I want to run to him, throw my arms around him and say I'm sorry, beg his forgiveness, but I just can't do it. It's like there is physical barrier between us and I'm chained behind it. I just can't do it!" She started crying, tears running down her cheeks as she quietly repeated, "I just can't do it!"

For almost a full year Char had stayed out of the impasse between Tom and Anita, thinking that this was a problem that the two would have to work out for themselves. Now, reluctantly, she recognized that it wasn't going to happen. She had firmly believed that Tom and Anita would find a way to break through the wall holding them apart, but she saw that Anita's plan to put physical distance between herself and Tom would only make that wall thicker and higher. Reluctantly she recognized that this new threat to their relationship required direct intervention by her to avert a total disaster.

"The following morning, Tuesday, Tom received an unexpected phone call. "Hi Char, I haven't seen or heard from you for a long times. I've missed our lunches. I hope that your schedule has changed back!"

"No Tom, my schedule is the same as always, but I think that we have to talk. Could you take off this afternoon?"

"Is this serious?"


"Ok, if you say it's serious, it's serious. I can be free by 1:30."

The intervention had begun!

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someoneothersomeoneother3 months ago

Story makes no sense. The cameras work only when it fits the story, and two people living in the same house who never talk to each other does not make for an interesting plot.

phill1cphill1c8 months ago

i sure don't like this bitch or the waste of time her life is.

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian9 months ago

If you have a motion-activated camera in the bedroom, wouldn't it go nuts when two paramedics, a couple of firemen, a cop or two, and all their gear storm into the room after-hours?

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove11 months ago

I am with the girlfriend. Talk to your husband… already!

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

What a nothing chapter. An entire chapter about both of them refusing to talk about their problem!

Honestly this chapter tells me that neither of them love each other the way they claim to.

Tom decides not to confront her because he wants to save their marriage. Instead he ends up torturing her and himself with a half alive version of their marriage.

Anita won't confess because she doesn't want to hurt Tom any more than she already has. So, instead she decides to commit suicide and when that doesn't work plans to abandon him. Obviously she doesn't know her husband very well if she thinks suicide or abandonment will hurt less than her being honest with him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

cheating wife = a dirtball

cheated on husband that says "ah it's okay honey that you have sex with other men, I forgive you = A HUGE VAGINA COVERED IN PINK COTTON CANDY

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Too much back story. About 2000 words too much. Also, even if the HD camera is in the bedroom, what about the other cameras in the home? Aren't the hundreds of hours of conversations between Char and Anita not being picked up? Hell, MC should know as much about the affair as the other three!

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

Insanity.... but then mental illness is just that. People do stupid things for stupid reasons, but there's always a reason, a trigger, a motivation. Everyone has unconscious motivations and unexplained reasons for reactions. Hell, just read some of the venomous comments on this board, for example.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 5 years ago
Why call? Why wait?

Anita is still a lousy wife. If she really feared that Tom would NOT leave her, then there are less cruel ways to leave him than the days before their anniversary. Tell him to his face; then have him served. If it made her feel better, she could decline almost all marital assets.

Then there’s the question: why did she call Char? She had to know Char would tell Tom. So now, Anita is passive/aggressive and a manipulator. Maybe she wanted Char to feel guilty for failing to intervene throughout? Of course, she’s been manipulating Tom since the moment she was convinced that he knew. What a bitch!

And what about Char? She prevented a suicide attempt very quickly. She isn’t slow to analyze; slow to make decisions; or afraid to act. Why wait until the day after to contact Tom? If she intended to help save their marriage in spite of Anita, Char should have called Tom immediately. Waiting is out of character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very bad

The old line about "getting over the male ego" as the real problem when the wife sluts around is just stupid. The good writers here understand that when a spouse cheats the damage is not significantly a matter of ego. Far more is at stake. This idiotic trope is just a cuckboy way of rationalizing RAAC. The feminists love it too. Then there's the ridiculous witch doctor who puts her in a trance and gets her to realize that she was rebelling against her "conservative" father . More horseshit. Freud has been recognized as a fraud since at least the 60s. Psychiatry was going to die until the witch doctors were rescued by the drug companies. Today psychiatry is mainly dispensing drugs. The kind of thing described here, the point of which is to reduce her culpability as an agent, is buffoonish.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Not sure

Not sure how I feel about this one. Psychobabble aside, a multiple cheater. He is a hopeless wimp. Bill is a total bastard, and Char is an enabler. Absolutely no one here to care about. Maybe chapter three can save it. Well told story, just to latch onto and care about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A real mess

Oh, dear god, where to start. This so so full of inconsistancies and contradictions. Apologies in advance since this might take a while.

Well, lets start with this, Tom's "male" ego.

"Would an acrimonious altercation destroy the marriage he desperately wanted to maintain? Things would be so much easier for those men whose egos required a scorched earth policy toward a cheating spouse even if they loved her - condemning themselves to the loss of someone who had meant so much to them."

-This is written as if author believes no other person, writer or commenter has anything but a binary understanding of LW consequences. At the same time it seems to suggest a total lack of understanding of the damage done by cheating, to the husband''s faith, trust, hopefulness and self belief, not to mention the inevitable damage to his pride and self respect and believe it or not, his LOVE for that spouse that chested on him. Nothing ever remains the same. As a wise man once said, change is the only constant.

"She would promise, with complete sincerity, to do anything and everything he asked to prove her future faithfulness."

-Yeah, right. She has already repeatedly demonstrated what her faithfulness is worth and how poor her determination to do the right thing.

This is perhaps the biggest contradiction of them all.

"However, Tom was not a wimp or an accepting cuckhole who would accept serial infidelities, so it would have to end!"

- and

"His decision? Go home and say nothing. Act as if nothing had happened or bothered him."

- But this shows that he IS in fact a wimp and a cuckold, especially with the next bit.

"As time passed, nothing really changed. The holiday season went by as did the rest of winter. Their marriage stabilized in that uncomfortable "don't ask - don't tell, let's not rock the boat" relationship that made no one happy. Oddly enough, Tom was in the same position as a man or woman who was suspicious that something, probably an affair, was going on and they had to pretend that everything was all right while they looked for evidence. Tom had the evidence, but he also knew that if it were presented he would have to face the issue. He didn't want that, so he pretended that everything was normal.

- also

"Tom was in limbo, not even being sure that Anita's affair was ended. The last thing he had seen was Bill holding her by her tits in their bedroom. He was still recording the scenes in that bedroom, but he just couldn't bring himself to look at them. He, frankly, was afraid to do so."

-Afriad! Paralysed, incapable of anything but cuckish inaction. This reads so much like the solipsistic female fantasy of a cheap romance novel. Nita is a selfish slut plain and simple. She has no respect for him, only a care for herself and the consequences SHE fears dealing with. Tom has lost any and all sympathy he would have gained by being a pathetic, cowardly wimp cuckold, not for his failure to burn the bitch but for his failure to confront reality, instead sticking his head in the sand and hoping its all a bad dream. However well, written, and the writing is technically good, the plotting and character writing remain bad with little to no recognition of action and consequence or overcomming of character conflict leading to growth.

Char is by far and away is the best, most well written and most likeable character in this whole story, serving as both genuine friend and wise mentor in a fashion to the spoilt child like Nita.

And then the RAAC groundwork, err, counciling and the (blahblahblah Psychobabble) explanation - why don't we just call it what it is - an excuse. But nothing, no thing excuses her from the responsibility of her actions or the damage to her marriage and her husband, unless, unless her much professed love is a lie, a self delusion that permits this car crash of a plot. We can see evidence of that contradiction right here.

"I love him far too much to doom him to live in the relationship we are in now!"

- Yeah, sooo much but not enough to have protected the marriage in the first place.

This is a well written piece of writing with good use of vocabulary in what is a horrible story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
all is explained

Author lists Matt ''Here's my wife boys, have at her'' Moreau as his favorite author

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

She is a slimy useless slut . Her lover a piece of scum that doesn't deserve to be allowed to breathe . And Tomasina the cuckold also doesn't deserve to breathe .

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

What a narcissist. First she has an affair with an old flame for months, then, when the husband finds out, she refuses to discuss it with him and instead tries to kill herself. Finally, when that fails, she decides to just disappear on him. She keeps claiming to love her husband, but she has never once done anything truly loving towards him. Her every action has been predicated solely on how it makes her feel, and it's absurd that months with a therapist would fail to notice that.

The author's infatuation with telling us one thing about the characters but then having them do something else is also evident in the husband's behavior. All that hype about how he's not a wimp, how he won't tolerate cheating, how he's going to sublimate his emotions...and it all leads to him actively doing nothing. His refusal to even check the cameras puts the lie to his claim of being unwilling to be a cuckold. The whole attitude is thoroughly unenjoyable to read through, since the end result is nothing happening. This story ends with the characters in exactly the same position as the last story ended. Char is the good friend that does nothing to help either party (no a declaration to do something later doesn't count after the bullshit with Tom's response), Anita is a narcissistic cunt who doesn't care about her husband, and Tom is a weak, passive observer.

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