Ann: A Love Story Ch. 69


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"Yeah...we do," Heather said as she took my hand and led me out of the bar.

Minutes later we were in the elevator, riding up to my floor. Heather lowered her top for the first time, showing me her big tits in all there magnificent glory, letting me feel them without the confines of her blouse...and begging me to suck and bite her nipples. I did, being rough with them, since that's really what she was begging me to do. I would nibble on one while I pulled and pinched the other, moving back and forth between the two until we reached the top floor. The she pulled back and hastily put them away, giggling the whole time as she walked away from me towards my room.

When Heather and I walked into the dark room that was now my new residence, we could both see the red light flashing on the phone, letting us know there was a message for me. Heather let out a little coo and said, "Hmm...a red light. That has to be good, don't you think?" Then she moved up next to me and grabbed my hard cock through my very wet jeans, squeezing my shaft.

"Only one way to find out, Heather...I just wonder what this game is really all about."

Heather informed me that they didn't have a voicemail system. So, I called down to the front desk to find out what the message was, and the new girl on duty told me that Ann had phoned about a half hour before. I hung up the phone, and looked at Heather. I could now see her face in the shadows of the room, my eyes having adjusted to the darkness. With the drapes wide open, I easily make out her features in the gray light. Her eyes widened in a hopeful look. But her face was also showing the horniness she was feeling.

Sitting down on the big bed closest to the window with my back to it, I dialed and waited for Ann to answer the phone. Heather was sitting across from me on the other bed. Actually, she was lying back on her left elbow, her feet up on the mattress with her knees pointing at the ceiling. She spread her legs slowly, looking at me through her thighs as she showed me her wet pussy. Her right hand moved down her body, and I knew she was going to be playing with herself while I watched.

I started to say something, but Ann and her unusual greeting cut me off. "So, how hard are you right now, baby?" she said sexily.

I laughed and said, "Very, lover. Very."

"And is Heather wet?"

"I'm not would I know that?"

"Because...she's supposed to be sitting across from you on the other bed. Tell me the truth, is she wet?"

"Hmm...why do I feel a little like I'm on Candid Camera or something?"

"Aw...don't be upset. Just tell me, and I can tell you about the little game we can play while we're apart. Of course, that's if you still want to do this. Like I said before, we don't have to. But...just so you know, I called Tina, to make sure she was still on board, and she is. And...Garrett is letting Penny come out to play, so to speak. Actually...he's making her," Ann laughed.

"Well, that's an interesting development. But I told you...I won't know if I want to do whatever this is until I know what it is we're doing. But since it looks like you're controlling this, I'll answer your question. Yes, Heather is very wet."

"How do you know?" Ann giggled.

"Because...she's showing me."

"Mmm...okay. Why don't you watch her while I tell you what you've helped me come up with," she said in her sexy voice.

"Me? I helped you? All I did was tell you that I wanted you to be a part of this."

"I know...and that inspired me, baby."


Once again, the lengths to which Ann had gone to set up something for us blew me away. And all just to keep our lives sexually on edge. She seemed to be able to orchestrate things that were beyond my comprehension. Take Heather for example.

Ann had somehow, through her 'negotiations' with Carol, gotten Heather to be a willing participant. I'm sure Carol had a great deal to do with convincing Heather to play along and be a part of whatever this was going to be. Sure, I didn't know what the relationship was between Carol and Heather, but it was obvious there was a great deal of trust between the two of them for Heather to sign up for something so...personal.

All I knew for sure that Heather wanted to be where she was, and she we literally getting off on it. Her fingers were slowly rubbing her pussy, touching her clit as she looked at me through her half closed eyes. She wasn't trying to make herself cum, but she was trying to get herself very close. She was teasing herself, putting on a little show for me. One that Ann had apparently asked her to give. It was all a way to try and entice turn me on. And it was all a part of the premise of Ann's game.

Ann took to calling the game our 'Joint Sex Account' because of what I'd called it, and with that came the references that you would expect. She hinted at deposits into the account, and withdrawals from the account...and I couldn't help but wonder if there was going to be some interest accrued. Yet the real heart of the game was the fact that Ann wanted the two of us to be highly aroused as much as possible, longing for each other. It wasn't like we were going to suffer...she'd built into the rules some ways for us to get relief, so to speak. But, that relief wasn't going to come from either of us fucking. And in the case of Ann, her self-imposed ban on inserting a vibrator or a dildo inside her beautiful pussy was firmly in place.

"Here's what I'm proposing," Ann said rather calmly. "You're going to be dealing with either Heather or Carol. And I'm going to have Penny and Tina. And we're each going to be turned on by them...and we'll need to turn THEM on too."

"I already figured that out, Ann. Have you figured out how we play the game yet?" I said, trying not to be impatient.

"Yes...I have. Tell Heather I want her to stop, and tell her it's time to go do what I asked her to do."

"What?" I asked, thinking it was such an absurd request.

"Trust me, Neil. Just ask her to stop."

I looked across to the other bed, a puzzled look on my face. "Ann wants you to stop now, Heather. She wants you..."

Heather got up, almost before my words left my mouth. "I guess it's time," she said, smoothing out the front of her skirt as she walked over to the pile of suitcases and bags she'd stacked on the floor. She opened up the bag that she'd placed on top of the pile on the floor, slowly pulling the zipper.

Heather pulled out two big manila envelopes...both stuffed full. They were marked with a 1, and a 2, written in red on the front. Heather walked back over and sat down across from me again, this time crossing her legs as she placed the envelopes next to her on the bed.

"Okay...she's sitting across from me again," I said to Ann.

"Good. Now, here's how we play."

Ann told me to have Heather open the envelope marked '1'. Inside, there were three decks of cards in rubber bands, made out of 3 by 5 index cards. I suppose from a rudimentary standpoint one might think they were crudely made, but that would be a lie. They were actually very was only what they were made out of that was ordinary. There was one deck, marked with 'Balance' on the back in Ann's distinctive handwriting. The second deck had 'Transactions' on it. And the third had 'Branch Locations' on it. And then, there was the something that looked like a checkbook. Actually, it was a checkbook, without the checks. There was just a check register inside that had been altered a little.

"First, there's the account. Like any bank account, you have a balance. And right now, both of us have to open the account together, but there's no balance in it. We need to make a couple of deposits before we can do anything."

"What's a deposit?" I asked in a cautious tone, not wanting to assume I had it right. And it was a good thing, because I actually was thinking a little backwards from what Ann intended.

"Well, all deposits and withdrawals are orgasms. So, we need to deposit a few of those into the account before we can start withdrawing any. That means, you need to make Carol or Heather cum...and I need to do the same to Tina or Penny. Oh...and deposits don't show up in the system until 5PM the next business day, just like a regular bank."

" what does that really mean?"

"Pretty much what you think it means. We both have to put some dollars into the account. It's $50 for every orgasm that's done with a hand...or I suppose a foot," she giggled. "And it's $100 for every one done orally."

"A hundred dollars? You make this sound..."

"We're not prostituting ourselves, if that's what you're going to ask. Call it points if you want.'s a game, Neil."

"I know it's a game. That just hit me a little odd."

"They're 'sex' dollars, baby. It's all part of the theme. Work with me here, will you?"

"I'm sorry, Ann. does this work with us in two different places?"

"There...that's a better question," Ann said enthusiastically. "It took me a bit to figure that out...but, I think that's going to be the fun part, because, this is a JOINT account. So, if I put in a deposit by, say, making Tina cum by eating her, there's nothing to stop you from making a withdrawal out of our account and having Heather give you a blowjob, because one of us put the money into the account. And you said it...what's mine is yours, and what's yours in mine, just like in real life. But, we have to communicate, because we're not allowed to overdraw our account."

"What happens if we do that?"

"If we overdraw, that means we had to borrow from the bank to pay our debts. And that means we have to pay interest on the money we borrowed from our bankers."

"The bankers? You mean the girls?"

"Yep...all four of them. We have to make each of them cum for free to pay the interest, and then we have to build up the account again."

"So...where's the game in all of this? What are these cards for?" I asked.

"The game is, they're going to try and turn us on, and get us to spend money we may not have. And there may be times the cards MAKE us spend money...on necessities."


"The cards are going to help kind of move the game along. Just like in real life, things are going to pop up that we'll have to deal with. You know, like little surprise and emergencies. Sometimes in life, you reach into your pocket and you find twenty dollars you didn't know was there, and that's a good surprise. But sometimes, you get a flat and you have to pay to have it fixed, and that's an emergency. The game is kind of like's all about budgeting our sex, and giving as much...or MORE than we get. We need to save for that rainy day, baby."

"You know, this is so YOU...our relationship has always been about balance with you, babe. And I love that about you," I said with a bit of excitement in my voice.

"So, you're on board with this?"

"Yeah...I think so...but explain the cards for me."

"Okay...first, we can each only make two transactions in a 24 hour period. The 'Transaction' cards tell us what it is...hand or mouth...or there could be a 'check your balance' card. The 'Branch Location' card tells you which banker we're dealing with. And that's important, because if I pull a card that tells me that I have to be with Penny...I may have to wait."

"Why?" I asked.

"She could only commit to Wednesday's and Saturday's. So...I'm putting the same limitations on Carol for you. She's only going to be available for you on the same days. And on those days, Heather is off limits, just like Tina will be for me. But, there are some cards that just tell you to go to the closest open you can go with either Heather or Carol, depending on who's open that day."

"What about Sunday?"

"The banks are closed on Sunday, baby. You know that. Besides...Sunday is OUR day," she giggled.

"WOW," I smiled, thinking about how Ann found a way to weave that in. ", what happens if a 'Carol' card comes up, but it's Monday? And what's a 'check your balance' card mean?"

"Well, to answer your first question, it means you have to wait until Wednesday for that transaction. When you pick another card, and if it's her again, you'll have to wait for both. But...if you pick a Heather card instead, you can go ahead and do that transaction just have to remember you can only do two transactions per day, which means if you pick two Carol cards, you can't do anything until that branch is open. And that's scary, because that's the kind of thing that could make us overdraw the account."

"Okay...that makes sense. What about the other card?"

"The 'check your balance' card means you have to pick a 'Balance' card...and that's where you may end up spending money WE don't have because of an emergency," she laughed.

" many cards do we have to pick a day?"

"That's up to I said, two is the max. If you need a break, don't pick one at all. If you're horny...go ahead and pick one. But remember, my job, and their job, is to make you horny and keep you that way. And you have to know that if you want to get off, and you end up picking two cards where you have to make a deposit instead of a withdrawal...well, that's tough luck. Oh, and almost I forgot...if you or I masturbate on our own, or if we end up cumming together on the phone sometime, and you know we will...that still comes out of the account. $25 bucks a pop, so to speak," she laughed.

"So, I pick from the 'Branch' deck first, to see where to go, and THEN I pull from the 'Transaction' deck to see what we're doing...right?"

"Yep. And if the 'Transaction' card turns out to be a 'check your balance' card, you'll pick one of the 'Balance' cards...and you'll have to do what it says."

"So, do you have your own deck of cards there?"

"I don't have them yet...Tina going to have to make me a set. She helped me make those. And she'll be the keeper of the cards, just like Heather is going to keep the cards there."

"What if Heather's not working?" I asked, knowing that Ann would have easier access to Tina than I might have with Heather.

"Heather works the afternoon shift Monday through Friday, and every other Saturday. So, she'll be there for you pretty much whenever you need her after work. And if you think you'll need to, I'll let you pick cards for the weekend on Friday if she's not working on a Saturday. It's just like a bank, need to get your money out ahead of time for the weekend, because there's no ATM's in the game."

"Okay...but how will we keep track of all of this...I mean, I know I need to write the transactions in the bank book you gave me. And I assume you'll have one too. are we going to know?"

"I'm thinking that every day at 5PM, Tina's going to call Heather at the hotel, and they're going to balance our account. And then Tina will call me and let me know what you did, and Heather will have a note ready for you with what I did that needs to be added or subtracted. I don't know any other way to do it than that."

"Actually, that makes sense, since they'll be the ones tracking the cards anyway. I guess we just need to make sure we're keeping them up to date on what we do with Carol and Penny, and when we do it...and what we do on our own by ourselves."

"Exactly!" Ann said excitedly

"I think I have just one more question then, babe," I said, thinking I had a pretty good handle on everything.

"Yeah...what's that?"

"What's in the other envelope Heather has," I said, staring at the woman sitting patiently across from me...waiting to see what was going to happen, if anything.

"Oh...that? Remember the part about me finding ways to turn you on...even from a distance?"

"Yeah," I answered slowly.

"Well, now you know what it's for."

"That's not an answer," I laughed.

"Sure it's the answer I'm going to give you for right now. You'll find out the rest later, when I'm ready. And don't worry were right. This time it's all about balance, and being even. I'll make an envelope to give to Tina for you to use on me...and when the time is right, you'll figure out how to use it, and you'll be trying to torment me too. Is that a good enough answer?"

"Yes, lover. I trust you," I said, feeling she needed to hear that.

"Good," she said with a relaxed little sigh. "So...are you up for this, or should we just scrap the whole thing? You're not going to hurt my feelings if you say you don't want to do this, Neil. I never want you to feel I'm pressuring you to do something."

"You're not, Ann. I feel better about this because I'm...because I'm making you do it with me. I think we should just try it, and see if it's something we want to do. I think we'll both know pretty quickly if this feels right. And if it doesn't, then it just ends up being something we tried, and we mark it off that list we have," I said with a little laugh.

"YEAH!" she said enthusiastically. "Okay...for us to get started, we need to build up some cash. So, between now and Monday, have at it. You can only make them cum, and that's all I can do. There won't be any money in our account at all until we open it...and I'm leaving that up to you. It's still Saturday, at least for another hour or so. Since you have Heather there, feel free to get us started. We don't start drawing cards until we open the account, so the more sex money we can make between now and then, the bigger our account will be to start."

"You want me to open the account now?"

"Of course! Remember...there's no banking hours on Sunday's, and there won't be anything in our account that shows as a balance until 5PM the following day. That means five on Tuesday afternoon...understand?"

" looks like I'm going to be horny the next few days, with no way to do anything about it," I laughed.

"You can do something about it...but if you do, we're both paying the interest on the money you borrowed...and you know what that means."

"It means we're both going to be eating a lot of free pussy," I smiled.

"You DO understand this game!"

"Yeah...I actually think I do."

"Okay...we'll, goodnight, baby. I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow," Ann said, her mouth making a smacking sound like she kissed the mouthpiece of her phone.

"I love you too, Ann. Goodnight," I said as I hung up.

I looked over at Heather, who threw the other envelope off to the side and leaned back on the bed, onto her elbow. Slowly parting her legs, she gave me a naughty smile, her greenish eyes sparkling in the dim light.

"This window's open, Mr. Thomas. Would you like me to help you set up that account now?" she said as she pulled the front of her skirt back, showing off more of her wet pussy.

I got down on my knees in front of the bed, kneeling between her legs. I was excited about starting another game with Ann, but I wanted to make absolutely sure Heather was really willing to do all the things Ann had said. Looking up, I asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"Never more sure of anything in my life," Heather said as she lowered the front of her blouse again, exposing her big tits. "And if you're about to do what I'm hoping you're going to do, I'll see what I can do about getting you a nice toaster for your room for opening your account with me today," she giggled.

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244Jake244Jakealmost 6 years ago
An interesting game of Monopoly

Playing games can be a lot of Fun

244 Jake

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

These last 2 creations are impossible to understand!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Having a great time reading this series

I've been reading this series for over a week now. I have not browsed new stories in Literotica because I need to know what happens to Neil, Ann, and everyone else they meet. Mimaster, great work, thanks so much.

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