Anniversary Surprise Ch. 01


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I looked down to my wife as I asked Janet behind me, "You really want me playing with your pussy, right in front of my wife?"

My wife's eyebrows went up at the question, and then even higher at the response Janet gave. "It's customary to return the favor when a woman is playing with your cock, wouldn't you say?"

"I would, but my wife might object to my attentions in that way."

"I wouldn't worry. I'm sure that as long as you save this for her, she won't mind you toying with my parts a little bit."

Kathy gave me a little shrug, the surprised look disappearing, to be replaced with a very naughty looking little grin. "I don't see what harm a little touching can do. Might as well get it out of your system now."

That wasn't the response I was expecting, not even in my wildest imagination. No, I'd expected her to emphatically argue against any such behavior. In the past she'd been very clear that any such transgression beyond looking would be met in the strongest of terms, and if she caught me dipping my stick onto someone else's honey pot, she'd be happy to play make sure that it would be the last time. To get a shrug and a tacit approval to touch someone else, especially on our anniversary was, well, flat surprising? No... Shocking! I was suddenly quite unsure of a lot of things that I thought I knew about her. Trying to put the pieces together in only the few seconds I had to work with, I was left with the conclusion that she'd already gotten some twice today, which was her usual limit, and this was her way of keeping me from trying to pressure her for more. But even that didn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe she just wanted to allow me to play a little without doing it to her? On the other hand, maybe it was a test of some kind, to see how far I'd go with another woman. If it was a test, I wasn't starting out to well, with my fingers between another woman's legs.

I said, "As nice as that feels, I think you should probably get your husband to do this."

"You're not going to be a spoil sport, are you?" Janet asked from behind me, still stroking my hardening cock.

"I think I'd better,"

She sighed heavily and let go of me, stepping back to put a few inches between us. "If you insist."

"Yeah. I think so."

She sighed again. "Well at least it'll be partly hard," she said, then gave me a less than gentle whack on the ass before walking away.

"Turning down a chance like that? Really?" my wife asked watching Janet walk away.

"It is our anniversary."

"I see, so if it wasn't, you would have?"

"Don't know. Never had to make that decision." I shrugged. "So, we going naked or going to wear suits?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Up to you. You want me to go naked?"

"Yeah. I kinda do... If you're willing to. I mean, you want to. I don't want to push you to do anything you don't want to." I awkwardly answered, still trying to make sense of the sudden change in attitude about being exposed in public.

"Alright. I will as long as you do. Now, answer my question."

"What question?" I asked, hoping it wasn't the one I thought it was.

"If it wasn't our anniversary, would you have played with her pussy like she asked?"

"Well..." I started to answer.

She stopped me mid-sentence. "Be honest."

I paused a second and let out a long, slow breath. "I wouldn't have minded."

"So that's a yes?"

"Only if I had permission." I said quietly.

"So as long as I say yes, you're good to go? Just how far would you go? If it weren't our anniversary, that is."

"I dunno. I guess it all depends."


"You've made it pretty clear that there are certain parts of my body that are yours and some of yours that are mine. I've always tried hard to live up to the promise we made to each other about that."

"Tried hard, or been successful? Come on. Total honesty here. I'm butt naked in public for you, the least you can do is be completely honest with me."

"Well, once or twice over the years I've probably looked at women in places that I shouldn't have and maybe touched one or two in ways that were probably not what they should have been." I admitted quietly.

"But you've never cheated. I know that. You're not a good enough liar to get away with that without me knowing. So, basically, you've been a pretty good boy."

"I like to think so."

"Looked at and touched a few places?"

"Oh. A few years ago I went to a strip club with some buddies and had a naked stripper sitting on my lap."

"But of course you couldn't resist touching her tits. "

"Yeah. Well..."

"Besides her tits, what else did you touch?"

"Well. my fingers might have found their way between her legs for a few moments."

"I see. I guess I can overlook something like that." She shrugged. "Now Janet. She clearly wants to play a whole lot more than that."

"It would seem that she does."

"You want to? Play with her I mean?"

"I have to admit that she's doing a good job of teasing me along that direction."

"And If I said yes?"

"Yes to what?"

"To letting you touch back. Would you?"

At this point my brain started flashing the big red alert sign. Let me touch another woman? If this was a test I felt like I was being set up to fail. But if it wasn't a test, what was the end game? For me to play with another woman? I mean, this just went from canoeing naked to fondling another woman. Did that mean she wanted to be touched by another guy? One of these guys? Or had she already, without telling me, gone off the reservation and this was her way of making it up to me. My mind was swirling with unanswered questions as I looked at he waiting for my delayed response. "I guess," I finally managed to croak out.

"Would you WANT to?"

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Only one way to find out where this was going was to play her game and see what happened. "Hell, hon, I wouldn't be a guy if I didn't WANT to respond to something like what just happened," I said, shaking my head. "And we both know I'm not about to turn in my guy card."

"That's for sure." She chuckled. "Okay. You have your fun. Just try to keep it reasonable, okay?"

"By reasonable you mean...?"

"I mean I don't want to see bending her over in the canoe, if you know what mean?"

"Got it," I said.

Don called out that it looked like everyone was ready to go. I nodded, helped my wife off the bow of the canoe and then pushed it out, holding it for her to climb into before turning it and aiming it downstream. The six of us headed off down river together, each of us butt-ass naked.

As much as I had wanted to do something like this, it still felt a bit weird. I could tell that Kathy was also a lot more uncomfortable with this than she had appeared just a few minutes ago, her arms pressed as close to her body as she could along with her pressed together thighs. I had to admit, though, that she was definitely making this an anniversary to remember for me. As a group we traveled down the river, sometimes floating lazily side by side, and other times in single file as we maneuvered down the small riffles. Both Janet and Vanessa were doing their best to coax my wife into being more "free", as they put it, while Janet also took every opportunity to try and tease me to keep me hard. I was just glad that we hadn't come across anyone else on the river to make Kathy, or me, even more self-conscious about our nudity.

Of course, I'd barely gotten that thought put together before we rounded the next bend, only to find there was another canoe pulled up on a gravel bar in the middle of the river. We could see, sitting right on the edge of the water taking a break, was a couple, maybe in their late twenties or early thirties. The name on the canoe, thankfully, wasn't the same outfitter that we were using. Janet and Vanessa reveled in their exposure, waving and bouncing their boobs for the man while Don and Terry both risked tipping over as they stood to let their dicks wag in the wind for the young lady, who appeared totally disinterested. Kathy and I just slid past as quietly as we could, hoping we wouldn't attract attention.

As we moved farther downstream, Janet and Vanessa chided us about missing such a great opportunity to show off, to which my wife said she just wasn't comfortable flashing everything at a total stranger. The ladies quickly insisted they would fix that.

Half an hour later we stopped again, this time for lunch. We all pulled up together on another of the gravel bars that the swift moving flood stage waters left behind each spring. While not bad do walk on, the round river rocks were not the most comfortable to sit on. My wife and I, having floated this river many times, knew to use the cushions we had collected at the put-in point to sit on as we settled next to the water to eat, our canoe strategically placed upstream to give us some coverage should someone come downstream.

"Okay girl, time for an intervention," Vanessa said, pushing herself up. Janet got up with her and the two of them stood in front of Kathy expectantly.

"What?" she asked, looking up at them.

"We're going to help you get more comfortable being naked."

"You are?"

"We are," they said, each holding a hand out to my wife. "Come on!"

"Fine," my wife said reluctantly reaching out to let them pull her up.

"Okay. Pick a number between one and three," Janet said.

"Fine. Two," My wife answered.

"Two. Nice. Okay, stand in front of Don. That means Janet gets my sweet hubby and I get yours."

"Get mine?" My wife asked, looking at the two of them with wide eyes.

"Well, not the way you're thinking. It's just the same as we did the other day, only this time in front of someone. Just do what you did and show him how sexy you are!"

"I'm not sexy. I'm fat and old! And I can't do that! Not in front of someone!" my wife replied with a shocked look on her face while my mind tried to make sense of the "just like what you did the other day" comment. Just what had she done the other day, and in front of or with who? It suddenly became clear to me that this trip was a whole lot more than just a really incredible anniversary present. This trip was becoming something very much more, though I wasn't sure yet just what it was leading to, though I was starting to be able to guess.

"That's only what you think. I'm willing to bet that Don sees you a whole lot differently."

"So? There's still no way!"

"Honey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You're used to your husband being the only beholder. You've grown so accustomed to his compliments that you no longer believe 'em. You've replaced his assessment of how you look to him, with your own. That isn't really fair to either of you. Now you know how visual men are," Vanessa explained.

"Yeah, they're like TOTALLY turned on visually." Janet giggled.

"So, this time, you're going to stand in front of Don and show him how sexy you can be. Just like you did the other day in front of the mirror... We'll be right next to you doing the same kind of things. Show Don how sexy and desirable you are. You don't need to touch him and he's not going to touch you. But you ARE going to look at each other. This is what you need if you want to do what you talked about."

"And you're just showing him how sexy you are by playing with yourself in front of each other until you both climax," Janet said quickly, interrupting Vanessa.

"What? NO! Absolutely not!" my wife said, moving toward her cushion again until Vanessa captured one arm and pulled her back out toward the ankle deep water.

"Come on. It's not horrible. It's just a mind game. You just have to learn to look at yourself as sexy and desirable. It's just like in front of the camera, only in person, this time."

"Wait! What?" I asked in confusion as I sat at the water's edge, listening to the conversation. "Ready for what? In front of what camera?"

"Nothing!" my wife snapped quickly.

"Come on, Kathy. You were going to show him tonight anyway, might as well tell him now." Vanessa said.

"Yeah. Fine," my wife said with a frown. "I suppose I won't be able to keep it secret now, anyway. I know my husband. He won't stop until he gets an answer."

"Probably not. But you know that he's going to love it, both of them."

"Both of what?" I asked. "Hon, what are you not telling me?"

"Hon, I haven't been completely honest with you. I've done more than just called Vanessa once to set up today. I met with her and did some stuff a few days ago."

"Some stuff?"

"I taught her how to do a strip tease," Vanessa interjected. "Just in front of a camera, so she could see herself."

"That's part of your present. I was going to give the video to you when we got home. Vanessa had me do a strip tease on camera to get me a little more comfortable in my own skin, as she puts it. The other part was this trip. I needed to be able to do this, walk around in front of people naked. People other than you."

"But why? I mean I know I've suggested we do something like this. And I'll be honest," I said as I stood up, "this has been incredible. I mean, I didn't ever expect you to do anything like this." I stepped the few feet over to her, reaching out and taking her arms in my hands to pull her toward me, even though she was resisting. "But if you weren't comfortable, why do this? Why do you NEED to do this?"

"It's your birthday in a little over a month."

"Yeah? So?"

"So, I bought us tickets on a Caribbean cruise for your birthday," she said quietly.

"A cruise? Really? That's incredible!" I said pulling her into my arms to hug her. She was silent as I held her, almost stiff, barely returning the hug. It caused me to step back slightly to look down at her face, she seemed to be less than happy.

"They're non-refundable tickets," my wife said quietly.

"Okay. They're non-refundable. Why would you want to get a refund anyway? I mean, we've talked about doing a cruise the last half dozen years. It'll be great!"

"I hope so. Because I booked us on an adults-only cruise."

"Okay, It's adults only? What's wrong with that?"

Vanessa said, "She booked you on an adults only, clothing-optional, no-kids-allowed cruise."

"You did? Clothing-optional? Seriously? Why?" I asked looking down at her.

"I was looking at cruises for your birthday and stumbled across one that was adults only and thought, hey that's great, no kids splashing us at the pool or running past when you're trying to relax, maybe even have a chance to flash you a little boob if I wear a bikini, maybe if I got brave, even take my top off for you. You've suggested an adults only place quite a few times in the past. I thought, if I was going to give you this kind of a present I needed to do it before we got too old and fat for you to enjoy it. I saw that it had a clothing optional pool and lounge area, so I figured you could do all the showing off you wanted there, and I'd just bite the bullet and get a little bikini, go topless once or twice, nothing wild. So, in a fit of poor judgment, I booked it. A few hours later, reading through the information they e-mailed, it really sank in that it wasn't just the pool area, but almost all of the ship board events were clothing optional. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to waste the money, so I asked Jen what I should do and despite being my best friend, she convinced me that we should do it anyway. She even said that it would probably bring back some of the spark I've been complaining didn't seem to be there any longer. Only problem was, if we were going to do this, I was going have to figure out how to go naked, or hide in the cabin the whole time. So I talked to a friend at work and she talked to a friend, and viola, Vanessa called."

"You explained the problem and this was her solution?" I asked.

"Well, actually, this was part two. Part one was screwing up the courage to actually get undressed in front of a camera. Once I was naked, she convinced me to play with myself, as if I was in our bedroom showing off for you. By the time I got done I was feeling a bit better about it. I started to think that maybe I could do this. Now, I'm not so sure."

"I think you're doing just fine." I leaned toward her and kissed her forehead. "And I appreciate more than you can know that you did what you did."

"You damn well better, buster!" she said sharply as she leaned against me again. "Because right now I'm not feeling all that confident that I'm going to be able to do this."

"You are doing just fine." Vanessa said, gently taking my arm and pulling us apart. "Now. you sit back down while we have a word with Kathy."

"Uh, sure," I answered, stepping back to the edge of the river and sat down, Don and Terry having moved to sit on the edge of the river next to where I'd been sitting.

"So. Adults only cruse? Wish my wife was that thoughtful." Don grinned.

The girls waded out into the river out of earshot and talked for some minutes, my wife being quite animated, before the three of them wadded back over to where we were seated. "So, gentlemen. I hope you enjoy the little show you're about to get. In order to help Kathy overcome her fear of being naked, she's going to do something she's never done in front of a live person before, not even for her husband. She's going to allow you to watch while she makes herself climax. Now, just so she isn't lonely, Janet and I are going to join her, and we're inviting you to join us too."

"Oh sweet. We get to watch all three of you get off at the same time?" Terry asked quickly. "I can get into that."

"I'm sure you can," Vanessa answered while I looked at my terrified-looking wife. "But while you might like to get handsy with me, no touching. You can watch, but keep your hands to yourself. We expect your hands to be busy on your own dick. That's the best way to show Kathy just how good a job she's doing."

"No problem." Don said. "I'm gonna enjoy watching a hot dish like her get off for me! Maybe even give her a close up view when I come!"

"I can't do this," my wife said quickly, turning around and wadding back out into the river a ways, Vanessa quickly moving after her while Janet stared daggers at her husband.

"What? What did I say?" he asked defensively.

"Maybe you need to think back to the first time you did something like this? Seems to me someone was so nervous that they couldn't even get it up, let alone satisfy me."

Don looked a little sheepish. "Yeah. I guess I could be a little more considerate."

"Damn straight!" Janet said with a scowl as Vanessa turned my wife back toward us and started wading back our direction.

"Okay Don. Keep it zipped this time." Vanessa said harshly before turning to my wife and quietly asking if she was ready.

I didn't think I'd ever seen my wife this nervous. Not when we were married, not when she was getting ready to go to the middle east to war, never. Nothing had ever bothered her to this extent, so I was clueless to why being naked in front of someone would be so scary to her. Even though I didn't understand it, I had to hand it to her, she had one hell of a stubborn streak, and right now she was definitely determined to somehow, someway, get through this. She walked up in front of Don and stood there, hands clasped in front of her pussy for a few seconds, looking at Don nervously.

Vanessa waded up behind her and slipped her hands around to rest on my wife's hands. "Just close your eyes and think about how your husband touches you," Vanessa whispered in my wife's ear as she leaned against her from behind. "Just like we did on camera. You're making love to your husband, not Don. Think about how you like him to touch you and then touch yourself that way."

"Okay," my wife whispered back, moving her hands from in front of her crotch and lifting them to her breasts. She grasped them and squeezed both big, soft mounds.
