Anniversary Surprise Ch. 01


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"Is that how you want to be touched?" Vanessa whispered.


"Then touch how you want to be touched. Gently. Tease yourself." Vanessa whispered, reaching her hands around to my wife wrists again. Vanessa pulled Kathy's hands from where she was cupping her breasts, and then brought them back again slowly, holding them far enough from her that only her fingertips touched her skin. Vanessa used her hands to stroke my wife's fingers up and down across her hard nipples and then let go of her wrists when my wife continued to stroke herself the same way. "That's it. Just enjoy how it feels. Think only about making it feel good. Think about how it makes you want to touch your clit. Let your hands go where it feels good," she whispered as all three of us watched my wife standing calf-deep in the cold river water, her fingers stroking up and down and around her big, soft tits. I watched her protruding nipples harder further and her areola begin to pucker as she turned herself on with her own touch.

She pressed one hand to her chest, between her breasts, while the other continued to tease her left nipple. She slowly slipped her hand down her stomach until her fingertips touched her curls. She gently stroked the curls on her mound, her palm pressed to her stomach, and then slowly worked her fingers lower, slipping them between her slightly spread legs to touch her own lips.

Vanessa moved away, giving her more room, and I could see my wife's body stiffening again as she tried to stroke her own pussy, no longer as confident as she was with Vanessa pressing their bodies together. "Too many eyes," she whispered. "I can almost feel them staring at me."

"Then we'll fix that," Vanessa said softly. "We'll make it so only Don is watching you."

"How are you going to do that?" my wife asked, looking over at Vanessa and stopping her stroking.

"Close your eyes. Trust me to do it. Just close your eyes and think only of how your husband touches you. Show Don how you like to be touched and how your body responds to that touch," Vanessa said softly, coaxing my wife to close her eyes and relax again. "That's it. Just relax and enjoy the sensations,." Vanessa added quietly as she stepped out of the water toward me. She stepped over my legs and then in front of me, pushing her pussy nearly in my face. "Bet you can guess what I want," she whispered softly enough that I doubted my wife could hear, though I couldn't tell because she had done what she said she would. She had effectively made it so I couldn't see Kathy.

Vanessa arched her back and pushed her shaved mound at my face, spreading her legs enough to let me get my face between her thighs. "Ohhhh yeah," she moaned softly as I licked up her wet slit, tasting her excited juices. I let my tongue tease up and down her spread lips, reaching one hand up to her chest, which was pushed away. "Keep that on your dick there buster." She grinned down at me.

"Is my husband touching something he shouldn't?" I heard my wife ask.

"Not anymore." Vanessa moved her hands to her crotch and spread her pussy lips apart for me. "Just concentrate on you. Concentrate on finding that feeling. The one that makes you want to touch more, the one that your husband's tongue and fingers gives you."

"Ohhhhhhhh," I heard my wife moan in response. "I can almost feel his tongue in my pussy."

"I know I can," Vanessa whispered breathlessly as I flicked my tongue across her now readily accessible clit.

"Are you getting close? Can you feel your climax building inside you?"

"Some," my wife whispered back.

Vanessa cooed, "Good. Let it flow through you. If you want, you can open your eyes and look at Don. Look at how hard he is, how much his body wants you, how desirable you are to him at the moment."

My wife apparently opened her eyes, even though I couldn't see her, and gasped. "Damn."

"Yeah, he is big," Vanessa said with a soft chuckle. "Not that your husband is tiny. Wanna feel it? Go ahead. Touch it. Janet won't mind."

"I shouldn't," I heard my wife say as Vanessa used one hand to push my head back between her legs.

"It's okay. Trust me, he won't mind, Will you Don?"

"Uh uh," he answered.

Vanessa let my head slip from between her legs and stepped back, allowing me to see my wife, now standing over Don's legs, her big tits hanging down below her as she bent over to wrap one hand around his dick. Vanessa stepped back slightly further and then squatted down over my thighs, sitting on me. I felt Vanessa's wet pussy press against my dick while I watched my wife curiously stroke Don's big dick with one hand.

"You like that?" Don asked quietly as he watched her play with his cock.

"God, it's big," she whispered as Don reached up and stroked a finger across one hard nipple of my wife's hanging tits.

"Just like your tits. You can sit down if you want."

My wife looked around, unsure what to do, her gaze settling on Vanessa sitting on my thighs, my dick sticking up between her legs.

"That's fine. Just sit down on his legs and keep touching yourself. It's fine," Vanessa coaxed softly. I watched my wife settle on Don's legs, her pussy a few inches away from his dick. With one hand she slowly stroked his cock, while her other moved between her legs. I watched her close her eyes again, her two hands moving in unison as she stroked both her own clit and his dick.

Don reached out with both hands and gently teased his fingers around and over my wife's nipples, clearly wanting to do more, but sensing that more would be too much.

"Oh damn," my wife moaned softly as her body responded to her own touch. "Fuck me, Andy. Fuck me," she whispered as she pushed her hand further between her legs, her eyes open but clearly not focused on Don. He reached his hands from her breasts down to her hips and coaxed her forward. She had to move her hand as she wiggled forward on her knees, soon sitting with her wet pussy pressed against his hard dick. She closed her eyes and began to rock her hips, her carnal sensations clearly overriding any hesitation. From only two feet away I could see her wet lips spread around his cock as she slid her hips to and fro, grinding her clit into his fat shaft while she held it tightly against herself.

"That looks like such a good idea." Vanessa slid her own knees forward until my rigid shaft split her hot wet pussy lips. "Mmmmmmmm. Much better." She breathed raggedly as she started to stroke herself along my shaft, my head disappearing between her wet lips with each stroke, her hard clit bouncing over my mushroom head.

"Oh god," my wife moaned as her orgasm pushed closer, her pussy sliding across Don's fat dick and his fingers gently pinching and twisting her rock-hard nipples. I'd seen her climax on me that way and I knew what was coming, but to see it on another man's lap was a bit of a surprise. Not that I had all that much time to think about it as Vanessa's pussy, sliding over my engorged head, was about to push my own body into full on cum mode.

I could feel my cock sliding between her lips with each stroke, her hot wetness lubricating me and caressing me almost as if I were inside her pussy. Each stroke slid far enough along my shaft that I could feel my head bounce over the opening into her vaginal depths, and I knew all she would need to do is to lean forward a little more, just tilt her hips slightly more and her next stroke would drive me deep into her. I waited for it, I expected it, I even wanted it. But she had more willpower at that moment than I did, holding her own climax back until she could see I was going to come. We climaxed together, my cock pumping my cum between our bodies, my head between her lips. I barely heard my own wife's orgasm only two feet away as my body jerked and bucked under Vanessa, shot after shot of cum surging out between her wet lips.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuck," my wife groaned softly. As my orgasm faded I could see hers starting to fade as well, her trembling legs and arms stilling before she opened her eyes and let the enormity of what she had just done sink in. "Oh god, Don. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I mean... Oh shit!" I saw her eyes focus on me. "Andy. I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I mean, this wasn't supposed to... Oh damn. I'm so sorry, honey."

"It's okay. What's done is done. We both went a bit more than we thought, but you still have to go a little more."

"Huh? What?"

"Don. I think you owe him the ending."

"I'm not going to... I mean we're not going to..."

"No, honey," Vanessa said breathlessly. "No one is expecting you to fuck him. Just use your hands, or keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure he won't mind either."

"Just slide a little more forward," Don whispered.

My wife looked at me a little helplessly, looking for permission? Forgiveness? I wasn't sure what exactly. I just nodded and said, "It's alright, just ride along it, not on it. That's what Vanessa did."

She gave me an almost apologetic look before turning her head to look down at the dick sticking out from between her legs. Don lay back flat and my wife started to rock her hips again, this time paying attention to how her pussy slid along his long, fat dick. In moments I could see her strokes shift and lengthen to draw her pussy across his engorged head. I could see it disappear into her pubic curls and between the significant amount of inner lip that protruded from her full, round outer lips. She rested her hands on his chest, leaning into him a little more, her tits swinging with each stroke along his shaft. I could see her body responding again, his fat head teasing her clit as she worked to make him climax. As I sat, my shrinking cock still between Vanessa's pussy lips, I began to wonder if she was going to get him off before she came a second time.

I saw Don's hips trying to push up toward her as her strokes teased his cock closer to completion, each thrust timed with her strokes to force his cock to slip quickly out between her lips. Over and over they did this, little grunts coming from Don and soft moans of pleasure from my wife as her previous climax was coaxed back into life. "AHHHHH FUCK!" he suddenly grunted, thrusting his hips up as his body surged a gush of cum out. My wife sat astride him, as if she were afraid to move, while he jerked and twitched, shot after shot of cum lancing from his fat head where it stuck out between her legs.

As his dick stopped spewing cum all over his stomach and chest he grinned up at her. "Does that look like the results of a not sexy woman?"

My wife pulled her hands from his chest and sat upright on him. "Wouldn't any pussy riding your dick make you come like that?"

"I wouldn't count on it," he answered.

She shook her head and got off his lap, standing up and then wading back into the river. She waded out deep enough to wash herself, rubbing lake water on her pussy and curls. She was so intent on washing herself off that she didn't even notice the young couple from up stream floating almost silently past us, the guy in the back of the canoe staring at her while she was half bent, inspecting her pussy. She finally realized it when he gave a soft whistle of appreciation.

"Oh shit!" she squeaked, dropping down into the water to cover her pussy and tits.

"Well. Progress anyways," Vanessa said and pushed off of me. "By the way, thanks for the climax. You don't know how hard it was not to let mister happy there just slide right inside."

"I appreciate that you didn't," I said.

My wife started to wade back toward us, her arms across her chest as she looked up and down stream to see if there were any more surprise admirers.

"Well, you did a lot better than I expected," Vanessa said as my wife walked up to her.

"I guess things got a little carried away," she said quietly, standing with her arm over her breasts and one pressing defensively against her crotch. "I haven't ever done anything, I mean cheated, or anything, on Andy."

"I don't think you cheated on him. He was right next to you. He gave you permission. There was no cheating. It was just a little touching, just with more body parts than hands. Nothing to be ashamed of."

"But I was rubbing myself on his... You know," my wife said bashfully.

Vanessa laughed. "Kathy, you can say his dick, after all, you just made him come. Look, it's alright. We talked that sometimes doing this gets us kinda horny. We'd never do anything that we didn't have permission to do. You had permission to do what you did. No harm, no foul. Now relax. You look like you're afraid of being attacked."

"I don't," she said defensively, forcing her hand from her crotch and her arm from her breasts. "Well, okay, maybe I do. This is HARD!"

"I warned you that jumping in head first could be difficult."

"Yeah. But I know me. I have to do it this way, all or nothing," my wife said, looking down at me. "Don't I?"

"Yeah, well, that is pretty much you. All the way or nothing. Just like that time zip-lining." I chuckled.

"Okay. So, here we are. I'm naked, I fucked my husband in the bus and now I made myself come in front of and on Don. Why don't I feel more comfortable?"

Janet laughed softly from where she sat in Terry's lap. It was hard to say where his dick was, but I had a hunch it wasn't the same place that mine had been with Vanessa. "It's alright Kathy. We all warm up to it after a while. This is your first time."

"Um, are you sitting on... I mean, did you?"

"Fuck Vanessa's husband? Yeah, I did. He's not nearly as big as Don, but he gets the job done."

"I thought this wasn't all about having sex," Kathy said with a frown, her hands moving back to that defensive position again.

"It's not like I did anything behind her back. The four of us have had sex with each other plenty of times."

"Oh god. Swingers. I hooked us up with a bunch of swingers!" my wife moaned quietly, drawing a laugh from Vanessa as she stepped closer to my wife. She reached out and pulled my wife into a gentle hug, her arm still across her breasts protectively.

"I guess maybe you could call us that. We're just friends that have learned to enjoy a little play with each other. But what we really like is the opportunity to be outside naked. I'm not even suggesting that you try having sex with my husband, or Don. Just like I won't try to force myself on Andy. What we just did, it was just a little touching. You didn't have to use your pussy to make him climax, your hand would have been more than enough. You just felt like it and did it. That's all it is. Nothing horrible. It felt good, so you did."

"And you stuffing my husband's face between your legs?"

"Just giving him something to look at besides you playing with yourself. Nothing bad. He already saw my pussy, I just gave him a closer look."

"This is never going to work," she said quietly, pushing herself away from Vanessa and walking away, down the gravel bar away from all of us. I got up and followed, catching up to her when she sat down in the gravel a way down the bar.

"Hey," I said as I sat down next to her, watching her pick up small stones and toss them into the flowing river only a few feet from us.

"I'm sorry. I don't think this is going to work. I thought I could do this, but now, hell, I just made myself come on another man's dick. That wasn't ever part of what you asked me for."

"No, I never asked for that. What I did want was for you to be more playful, sexually. A bit more open about when and where. This... this is way outside what I ever imagined."

"So, what did you think would happen if you suggested going to a nude beach or something?" she looked at me and asked.

"I love how you look. I love having sex with you in places other than the bedroom. I don't think of you as a fat old woman. I think of you as a very attractive middle-aged woman who I am madly in love with. Do I intentionally want to parade you in front of a bunch of dudes looking to score on an someone else's wife? Hell no. Has some of this turned me on? Yeah, it has. Not so much what you just did to Don, but having you naked, playing with you naked out here, and yes, having sex with you out by the canoe."

"And having Vanessa put your face between her legs and grind on you? Yes, I know you were licking her pussy. No way you wouldn't if any woman stuffed it in your face. I know how you love to lick me when you get turned on. I just didn't want to say anything right then. I was trying to concentrate on making myself climax. Though I don't know that it helped anything."

"That was their idea?"

"Yeah. If I climaxed in front of another guy, someone that wasn't you, that me just being naked in front of other guys wouldn't be nearly as hard."

"I don't suppose there's any reason you have to be naked in front of other guys."

"No? Tell me you aren't going to try and take my bathing suit off on the cruise, or try and undress me on the balcony of our stateroom, or try to feel me up while we're lounging on the deck? You really think that you can keep from doing any of that in that kind of environment, with a bunch of naked women running around?"

I was silent for long seconds before I finally answered. "Would I do that? Yeah, I probably would. I'd prefer if you'd not stop me, but if you did, I'd stop."

"But you wouldn't be happy about it. Let's face it, the reason it's adults only is so there aren't any kids walking around watching all the sex that's going to be happening. Just like I'm sure that sex happens on nude beaches and in nude resorts."

"Probably some."

"Probably. And let's face it, the whole idea of being naked is to make it easier to get turned on and have sex. I mean, come on honey. I know you, no way you aren't going to be turned on the whole time, looking at other women's bodies? You're gonna be horny, and you're gonna see other people having sex and you're gonna wanna do it to. Right?"

I sighed and nodded. "Probably right."

"More than probably. Look at what's happened already. You just had another women grind her pussy on your cock until you came. It's a wonder she didn't just sit right on your cock, I'm sure she wanted to."

"Why do you think that?"

"Hell, look at the size of her husband's dick. Yours is lots bigger. Not quite as big as Don, but still, LOTS bigger. Why wouldn't she want to try and fuck you? Why do you think I'm so possessive? I don't want another woman to find out how great you are and steal you away from me!"

I reached out and rubbed her shoulders. "That'd never happen."

"You don't mind if I worry about it, do you?"

"No. I don't mind." I pulled her toward me until she laid over onto my lap. I held her in my arms, kissing her head softly.

"Did you want to?" she whispered.

"Did I want to what?"

"When she was on you, did you want to feel what it felt like to be inside her?"

"Sorta," I whispered. "But that was just lust talking because I was so turned on right then."

"So, if you're turned on enough, you'd cheat on me?"

I sighed and shook my head. "I didn't say that. I said I'd just wondered what it would feel like. Did you wonder when you were grinding on Don? What it would feel like if you let it slip into you?"


"You could have. All you had to do was to slide a little more forward and you could have forced him into you. You can't say you weren't tempted, right then, in the middle of your orgasm, wishing his dick was inside you, can you?" The fact that she was silent for long seconds confirmed her agreement. "So how can you blame me for wondering the same thing?"

"I guess I can't."

"Look, this has been a fantastic day. It's been wonderful and special, doing this with you. I'm really looking forward to spending more time with you like this. There doesn't have to be anything more, no touching them or feeling them up or having them stick anything anywhere. You gave me a wonderful anniversary present. I'm loving it and loving you. So, what do YOU want from this? How do you want it to end?"
