Another Class Reunion


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"Thanks Baby. Man! You're tight!" Brad turned out to be considerate after all. He remained still, resting just inside, while she adjusted. Susan wondered if having a baby could be much worse than this. She was surprised; after a few moments it didn't hurt so much. Apparently it must have shown on her face because Brad pushed a little harder and she could feel it go in a little further, stretching love canal to the limit.

With the same patience he had shown as he tried to get her to let him feel her pussy Brad worked his way into her body. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out but she was determined that if anyone else could handle what Brad had, she could too. When she finally felt his balls hit the bare skin between her legs she was elated. She had taken all he had, even if it was still uncomfortable.

Brad must have been a pro at this, she realized, when he once again lay still giving her stretched channel time to adjust. She was surprised at how quickly she adapted to the giant cock now embedded in her body. It was starting feeling better and as he started pulling it back the same way he put it in, pulling out a bit, pushing in, then out a bit more she started working with his movements. He worked up a regular rhythm.

"My Lord that's good! I didn't know anything could feel like this," She locked her legs around Brad and just hung on while the big dick pumped in and out of her.

"Oh shit, I'm cumming too soon." She felt Him slow down while trying to hold back.

"No! Don't stop. I'm almost there." She worked frantically trying to get over the peak. "Oooooh yeesss yess."

She enjoyed the afterglow, squeezed together on the bench, until Brad decided it was time for an encore.

"Hold up." She stopped him when he tried to press into her again. "This hard bench is killing my back." She felt his cock; he had cum, she could feel it draining down her cheeks, but he was still as hard as ever.

"You can't leave me like this."

"Let's go to your room. There is too much chance we'll be disturbed in mine." She used her panties to clean up as best she could, then followed Brad as he led the way.


Mike had taken all he could. He had been rubbing himself through his pants, still he hadn't unloaded. He had a wife inside and he intended to make love to her before Sara would get back to the room.

He found the twin he thought was his wife still talking with three girls they both knew and liked from school. He didn't want to be rude, but he had to take care of the tent protruding from his pants. He barged up and took her by the hand.

"Excuse me, ladies. I simply must discuss something with my wife." He led her toward the elevator.

"What on earth is it Mike? What's wrong?"

As soon as the elevator doors closed Mike pressed her body against the wall and taking her face in his hands he pulled her lips to his. Since it was only a two story building the ride and the kiss ended almost as soon as it started.

"Wow!" Sara couldn't believe how her body responded to Mike. This could get out of hand if she wasn't careful. Mike thought she was his wife; if she revealed they'd tricked him he's probably be furious. While she was wondering how to handle things, Mike swept her up in his arms as easily as if she was a child and carried her to the room. When he didn't put her down to open the door she knew she had to say something.

"Wait. You don't understand. We can't... I'm not..." It was as if Mike was deaf. He dropped her on the bed. Before she could say anything he was stretched out on top of her, his mouth covering hers and his tongue probing for her tongue. His body squirmed around as his hard shaft rubbed against her. Even through both of their clothes it turned Sara on. Holding contact with her mouth, he slid off to the side so his hand could find her breast. He rubbed it through her dress, which quickly led to him trying to get to the bare skin.

"Don't tear my dress," she managed to say, when he broke contact for a breath. She was so excited she didn't think about protesting. All she could think of was that she was in the arms of the one man she'd loved since before Susan had married him. "Here, let me help." She struggled to sit, then, as Mike got off her, she stood and lifted both hands so he could pull her clothes over her head. Standing in front of her sister's husband dressed only in panties and bra her conscience gave her a tug.

"You don't under..." She tried again to tell him, but before she could explain he was on his knees, pulling her panties down and kissing her bushy mound. The musky aroma of turned on woman mixed with his favorite perfume, Windsong, filled his nostrils. When his tongue started probing her nether lips, begging for admittance, she opened her stance, allowing him easier entry. She was only human.

"It has been so long, honey," he gasped. "I'm going nuts wanting to make love to you." She pulled his head into her crotch; her breath was coming in gasps.

"I know. But don't you think Sis might catch us?" Reason was finally making its way through her passion filled brain

Mike stood and looked into her eyes as he unsnapped her bra. Her breast didn't really need a bra and the nipples were standing out like soldiers on parade.

"You're my wife; what difference does it make? Besides just about now Sara is getting the fucking of her life". He explained what he's seen in the garden.

"She was really letting somebody fuck her?"

"Not just somebody. She had Meat Dormer, the guy with the biggest cock in school, buried in her to the hilt."

Mike could tell that hearing about her sister was making her hot. He laid her back on the bed and throwing off all his clothes, he joined her. His mouth nibbled from her forehead to her belly button while his hand made little butterfly figure eights on her inner thigh. Each time his finger got near her little triangle of hair, she squirmed trying to get it to touch her there. Mike continued to tease rather than give her what they both longed for. He had waited this long and he intended to give her an orgasm she'd never forget.

"Stop teasing. It has been a long time for me too."

"Patience is a virtue," Mike reminded her. "Good things come to those who wait." He slid lower on the bed and let his tongue explore her slick entrance. She started bucking like a wild bull when his tongue concentrated on getting her little hood covered nub to come out and play.

"Oooooo, Soooo good. Doonn't stop baby." With a final jerk she went limp.

"That's one." Mike gave her time to recover, then, he penetrated her slit with two fingers. It was slick and to him and smelled better than before.

"I don't remember her being this tight before," he thought. "I guess it's been a long time for her too.

"Here, let me." Slipping down in bed so that she could get him in her mouth, she took his shaft in her hand and gave it a few strokes. "You're so horny you'll go before you even touch pay dirt." She gave him a masterful job of licking and kissing on his glans while her little hands worked the shaft. Mike twisted his fingers in her soft hair while waiting for the volcano that was his balls to erupt.

"I'm coming, Honey," he warned her. He knew Susan would swallow but she normally didn't like it. This time was no different. When the first gob of cum shot out of his cock she had her discarded panties in position to catch it all. When his spasm subsided, he pulled her to him. "That was wonderful," he said. They kissed, and when his tongue entered her mouth he thought, "I always wondered how my cock tasted. This is as close as I'm likely to come in finding out." To her, he said, "Baby, I love you."

Sara was still in a quandary; should she identify herself and miss this one chance to enjoy the man she had loved for so long? Why shouldn't she just keep quiet and go wherever things led? Susan apparently wasn't letting her marriage to Mike stand in the way of what she wanted. Sara decided she would do what every nerve in her body demanded. She used her mouth and hands to get Mike hard again, and then she stretched out upon her back, pulling Mike on top.

Mike always loved the feel on his woman's naked skin touching his. It was hard to describe the odor. His juices mixing with hers and the Windsong created an overpowering aphrodisiac. He took a nipple between his lips and gently tugged on it until it stood off more than a quarter inch. He tried to enter her like a stallion, with no guidance, but was having no luck. The sensation of his cock rubbing over her was almost too much. If Sara hadn't pulled her knees up until her feet were flat on the bed, he would have probably cum again.

She changed the angle of attack when she pulled the knees up so Mike's hard shaft hit her opening. It entered about an inch, but was so snug Mike had to work it in, inch by inch. He had never seen Susan this tight. He wondered if he was so horny he'd gotten bigger. Once more he pushed deeper.

"What tha!" Mike pulled back in surprise. He had gotten enough cherries to know how it felt when you hit a hymen. How could it be? The answer hit him. The woman he'd seen in the garden was his wife. At first he was furious. How could Susan spread her legs so readily for another man? To add insult to injury, she did it for Meat Dormer, the most obnoxious man at the reunion. The more he thought, however, the sillier his anger became. What gave him the right to the holier than thou attitude? Hadn't he just been trying to screw her sister? How could he stay mad when his wife's identical twin sister had just told him that she loved him? Not just loved him, but wanted him to be her first lover, to give him her cherry.

Could he really be too mad at Susan? Hadn't he gotten drunk a few times and acted stupid? True, he hadn't been unfaithful to Susan; well not until tonight anyway; but he'd come awful close. How many times hadn't he looked at Sara's ass twitching in front of him and wanted to pet the little bunnies hopping around in her jeans? Now here he was; in bed with that same woman who was just begging him to take her, and he was worrying about something that couldn't be undone. He'd really be stupid if he didn't take advantage of this opportunity.

He pulled her down to the bed to lie beside him. They started all over again, kissing and rubbing each other's bodies. Sara's fingers toyed with his shaft while he played with her butts and down the back of her legs.

They lay facing each other and his hard dick was poking her mound while they both wiggled about trying to get in in without actually guiding it.

"Ouch! That damn thing pulls hair." Mike wasn't circumcised and some hair had become trapped between the foreskin and the glans. As soon as he untangled it Sara rolled over on her back, pulling him on top of her. He knelt between her thighs supporting his weight with one arm while the other hand guided his shaft to her juicy slit. When she pulled her knees up until the bottom of her feet were flat on the bed, he managed to work it in an inch or two at a time.

"I can't believe any woman could be this tight." He paused for her to adjust to his girth. She relaxed and he slipped in until he felt the obstruction. He paused again allowing her to relax.

"This will hurt a bit." With one hard thrust he felt his cock pop through the membrane and their hair meshed. Sara screamed. "I'm sorry, honey, it will feel better in a little while," he assured her.

He rested quietly, raining kisses on her face while she adjusted to the intruder. When he felt her work her hips slightly he responded likewise. He followed her lead until finally they had a smooth, gentle rhythm going, where she matched his down stroke with an upward thrust of her hips.

Mike couldn't remember better sex. It was like they had been lovers forever. Their bodies were perfectly attuned, and the only sound he could hear, besides the pounding of his heart, was the sloshing, slurping noise made by his cock slipping in and out of her now slick canal.

"Oh, baby," she said. "I didn't know it would be this good. I feel like I could do this forever."

"Yeah, me too, I'd like to spend the rest of my life between your legs, making love like this every night." Forever was rushing toward them at breakneck speed. The old familiar stirring began deep in his balls, and Sara increased the pace. They were pounding at each other as fast as they could when Mike felt Sara's inner muscles begin to contract and release around his shaft and his balls exploded.

Sara could feel his throbbing shaft empty the cum, that had been building for weeks, against her cervix. She hugged him; like she was afraid he'd disappear, while their hearts slowed to normal. Reluctantly she got up to go to the bathroom. With each step, she could feel their juices draining down her inner thighs.

Mike called for housekeeping to bring up extra sheets; they sure didn't want to sleep in the blood streaked mess Sara's maiden flight had left behind. While he waited he had time to consider just what should be his next step. He realized he still loved Susan and it was obvious that she had been drunk in the garden. He didn't want to lose her because of one slipup, yet if he confronted her, the ensuing argument would probably result in both of them saying things that couldn't be taken back.

On the other hand, he didn't want to stop seeing Sara either. What a mess! Two sexy women that looked just alike and he had to make a choice. If only there was a way to have both...

"I'm going down to the bar," he told Sara through the closed door. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" She didn't so he hurried out. He wasn't sure how late the bar stayed open and tonight he really needed something. As he stepped into the elevator he heard a door down the hall slam shut. "Sounds like somebody is pissed," he thought, but he didn't check to see who it was.


Susan slammed the door shut and stomped out of Brad's room. "Who does that piss ant think he is?" she muttered. "Bragging about how he made a cuckold of Mike and how he always hated him. That son-of --a- bitch didn't care for me at all, and I was a big enough fool to let him use me to hurt my husband."

She quickly turned her back when she saw Mike entering the elevator. She couldn't let him see her before she had a chance to clean up. That would just rub it in his face too much. She was lucky; he stepped into the elevator without a backward glance. Thinking she was home free, she unlocked and pushed open the door.

"Well you look like hell warmed over." Sara was just coming out of the bathroom with her hair wrapped in a towel. Her words carried no tone of condemnation. Instead she greeted her twin with open arms. They stood in the middle of the room, crying on each other's shoulders with both wondering what the other was crying about.

"I've been such a fool, Sis," Susan said, between sobs. "I spent the last couple of hours fucking Brad. Mike will never forgive me."

Sara led her to the undisturbed bed where they sat holding hands like they did when they were twelve years old, while Susan told her everything she'd done.

"I'm so sorry. Do you think Mike can forgive me?" Now, for the first time since entering the room, she saw the anguish on Sara's face. Then she noticed the tumbled up bed. "What on earth?" she asked.

"No. Sis, the question is, can you forgive me?" Sara then proceeded to reveal all she and Mike had done; including that she had been lying about her sexual experience; that tonight had been her first time. "Let's face it, Sis, we're both in love with the same man and only one of us can have him."

"Why can't we?" Susan asked, after a long silence. "Nothing else has ever come between us, why should this?" She reached for Sara and the two girls clung to each other just like when they were kids, facing some childhood disaster. Back then the two of them could lick their world. "I'm sure we can work something out," Susan said.

With that, the twins entered a deep discussion. By the time Mike came back they had it all worked out. They offered him the chance to have both of them as wives. Of course only Susan would be legal, but who would know which one was Susan. When the children came along, Sara would just be an unmarried, man hating, aunt. They would just have to ensure both girls didn't get pregnant at the same time. If Mike agreed, they would start looking for a big house in the country next week.

"Would I agree? Of course I agree. This is the dream, of every man, come true. And to think, I owe it all to Brad. If he hadn't seduced you, none of this would have happened." Mike looked like a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Both girls knew him well enough to know that indeed it had. He was a kind a man. His conscience would kill him until he confessed what he had seen and done. This way there was, as they say in sports, no harm- no foul.

"What room did you say Brad was in? I simply must go thank him properly." He pointed to the rumpled bed. "I see they haven't delivered the fresh sheets. No way can we sleep in that tonight. When I get back we'll all three share a bed for the first time."

"Can you believe it? Susan asked when the door closed behind him. "I thought he'd be furious with Brad." "So did I," Sara agreed. "Let's wait for him in the bed, naked."

"Be with you in a minute, girls," Mike said when he re-entered the room about ten minutes later. Just let me clean up some."

"Did you straighten things out with Brad? Sara asked.

"Yep, Brad knows exactly how much I appreciate him."


The next morning the girls had to carry all the bags down to the car. Mike's right hand was blue and swollen. It hurt too much to lift anything with it. His left wasn't much better. When they asked what happened to his hands, he claimed he'd bumped into a door.

While they were loading their bags, a bell boy was helping Brad get his stuff into his car. He had two black eyes, his nose was patched and his left arm was in a sling.

"What do you suppose happened to him?" Susan was almost afraid to ask.

"Looks to me like he fell down the stairs," Mike answered. "Last night, he was drinking and getting into stuff he shouldn't have."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Prior Anonymous commenter was absolutely correct in his/her analysis and thus I have nothing more to say, beyond 4 stars for a creative but irreconcilable one stand that got the magic RAAC treatment. Remember he thought what he saw and heard was Sarah. When he knows it is Susan, what he witnessed and what she said, would thoroughly devastate their marriage. Ending was way too short, simple, and deus ex machina.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Susan: "I spent the last couple of hours fucking Brad. Mike will never forgive me."

===> pretty sure for most of us married men, that hearing and seeing our wife f$cking another man with a (mythical) beer can size penis would lead to a divorce, regardless of continuing to f$ck her twin sister when realizing that she was a virign. The latter would be revenge.

Yes Susan was drunk but she premeditated the switch to be with Brad and danced with him and made out with him and then f$cjed him in the garden with his massive (mythical) penis, saying "My Lord that's good! I didn't know anything could feel like this..." right before she exploded in the garden outside in at the hotel and then subsequently continuing to cuckold Mike for two hours with Brad who guess what really just wanted to cuck Mike, her husband. Hmm.

Yeah that is divorce Susan! You win the prize! Doubtful any counseling would get past that. If Mike had NOT seen and heard all that in the garden, then maybe, but what he now knows that sh$t leaves scars. Why would he ever think Susan would be satisfied with his 6.5 inch, really thick (but not mythically thick) penis? Not to mention she did it with a guy he hates and warned her about. Blows trust away. Ramps up sexual insecurity despite him having been more than enough for Susan before.

And besides she screwed a guy with a beer can (mythical) girth c$ck multiple times that night. Like any woman would find that pleasurable. 8 inches? Fine that is tip end of Goldilocks range for penis length (six to eight inches) across large scale studies of sexually active women aged 18 to 55. But a beer can in girth? Which at first hurts her likes hell? And then she is super into? Having the best sexual orgasms she has ever had (at least the "best feeling" though Brad came quickly the first time)? Lol. Forget that. Mike will never believe he can compete. Period. And Susan will never be able to convince him otherwise no matter how much apologizing and counseling.

They always say if you want to maybe reconcile, never look at the video or hear the audio. It can only bring you pain. On the other hand if you want to make sure NO chance to reconcile, then go ahead and watch everything as it burns a scar into your brain and kills your live for your wife. In this case Mike the big bad Marine, saw and heard it himself directly. No going back. No surrender.

Also why the heck did Mike not notice the rings at the table but Brad did? Huge plot hole. Good editor would catch that.

Anyways divorce Susan. They have no kids. Try something with Sara or move on entirely. Maybe end up again with Susan as a FWB. But no way she would be the mother of my kids (they did not have kids yet in 15 years).

Ironically I like a good reconciliationas the next guy, but this rings hollow. The ending was silly and stupid with him just immediately forgiving her for being drunk. This was a true RAAC with a twist involving both twins as a fantasy. But IRL, hearing your wife moan and orgasm hard and saying it was the best thing ever, while seeing her f$ck your tormentor and hated bully in school with a (mythical) massive penis, is really not reconcilable.

It is why circumstances are huge. If he was away and had no prior knowledge observation, and Susan confessed (sure she was distraught afterwords), a drunken one night fling, sure that sucks, and especially finding out with who and knowing the guy is packing, it would be bad enough. But maybe with a separation and counseling and trying to fight for the marriage, it could be saved.

But that? Umm no. Mike for a Marine as little self respect. She premeditated the swap, fantasized about Brad, got drunk, and slowly let that asshole plunder her vagina multiple times over like 2.5 hours, stretching her out even though Mike sounds like he is already in top couple percentile for girth. And their very first tryst, the husband witnessed everything including what she said. Don't see a way past that.

And if it was possible to reconcile, his forgiveness in 30 seconds while continuing to f$ck Sara was simply unbelievable. Sure it is fiction, but this was more pure fantasy. Note there isn't even any follow up discussion about that night besides he gets two wives now. Wtf?? Take the one that doesn't premeditated possibly cheating and then does it with her high school crush. How can you trust her, knowing what she said, experienced, and what you saw. Yeah she was really guilty when she heard hoe much a prick Brad was (ignoring all her husband's warnings), but so what? Try Sarah. If she refuses, then step on and ride off into the sunset. He is in the military and can get a transfer, if he has to get away.

Still was creative stiey and before the last page well written but ended up a muddled, unearned RAAC. Will give it 4 stars. But wow that was harsh, virtually irreconcilable one night stand. It is why all those stories where the wife tells the hsuband she is going to have sex with another guy and especially if he sees evidence of it, almost always blow up. Mike was almost child like in his instant forgiveness. Just because he had had lustful thoughts about Susan's twin sister and then by circumstances which he did not remotely create, was f$cling the unknown viriginal Sarah. Lol.

NoBullAlNoBullAl6 months ago

Great fantasy story…. A cheating wife and her virginal twin sister. Why would he want to even keep the wife around as it is known that she is able to lead the sister into questionable activities?? Kick her to the curb and grab sister!!

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

So, Meat notices Susan is still wearing her ring but, the loving husband doesn't???

Have to say, Susan is a bitch. Not just the obvious by cheating with the guy Mike hates most in the world. But, he has to come home from a 6 week business trip and immediately go to a reunion. Not to mention they don't get to have sex because of Sara showing up early but, then they have to share a room with her. Leaves Mike with blue balls Friday and Saturday while she goes off with Brad???

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago

Good enough sorry

inka2222inka2222almost 2 years ago

Stupid story abuot immoal women with zero conscience or any other positive attribute. Not to mention full of errors, typing and bad writing

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Ah! Twins How could any man be so lucky. Enjoyed the story. Thanks for your writing.

usaretusaretalmost 2 years ago

Smoothing over Susan’s cheating with Brad will not wash. Sorry your method of doing so may be a man’s dream come true, but not under these circumstances. Only 3 *.

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 2 years ago

1 star. Once a cheat, always a cheat.

lukeey90lukeey90over 2 years ago

Trust me even the most ignorant people can tell the difference if they married a twin to the other...and the wedding ring mike didn't notice that? Well good written anyway 4*

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Where as the storyline and writing was great, the fact that Susan cheated on him was something he really needed to deal with, more than kicking the shit out of his nemesis Brad. He should have confronted her, and was Susan on birth control, the sister talked and Sara had made the comment don't go getting me pregnant. The lack of remorse by Susan and the lack of birth control by Susan left the story lacking in creating the drama that transpired. And then there was

Sara a virgin at almost 30, I find that part of the story a little far fetched. Over all I like it but would have liked it a lot more if there had been more details about the birth control or lack there of. I really think the story needs more to make it complete, maybe a scare that Susan might be pregnant by Dormer then find out she wasn't. Then there is the arrangement the twins of sharing Mike, If the author reads the comments hopefully he would consider continuing the tale, could be real interesting.

Pappy7Pappy7about 3 years ago

Not sure what to think about this one. I do think that in the 3 some there will be Mike and Sara, faithful to the "marriage" and Susan and whoever she is fucking at the time. How do you keep them down on the farm after they've been to Paree. And since Susan was kind of loosy-goosy in the twat maybe old Meat had been in the saddle before. Obviously someone had who was putting on the stretch. I don't think that unless they have had kids the puss just starts opening up on its own. Obviously didn't like the story all that well, so I won't score it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Could he really be too mad at Susan? Hadn't he gotten drunk a few times and acted stupid? True, he hadn't been unfaithful to Susan; well not until tonight anyway; but he'd come awful close.....

that was the whole crux of the story and the author just fucked it up.... yeah he acted stupid when drunk..but it does not compare with the deliberate manner in which Susan olanned the sitting... should divorce the bitcha s he will never know now when susan develops the next itch to scratch...would u want to stay in sucha marriage?

RePhilRePhilover 3 years ago

Been there done that. There is absolutely no difference bedding twins. They are exactly the same physically so it’s always like doing the same women, no difference. except you have to deal with two separate female personalities which is a total nightmare and physically dangerous to one’s self. Nope it’s a proven myth about twins being fun. Now different women in. 3some now that’s another story. For another LW category

ernieb030639ernieb030639over 3 years ago

great, give us more.

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