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Late night phone call changes his life.
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Jarred from a sound sleep by my phone ringing, I rolled over and squinted at my bedside clock. 3:26 AM. "Who the bloody fuck is calling me at..." I grumbled, snatching my phone. I contemplated just turning it off, but answered it anyway.

"What?" I snarled answering the call.

"Jeff, it's Alan, Alan Dockert." A voice said.

It took me a few seconds to place the name. Alan Dockert, actually Dr. Alan Dockert, Chief of Staff at the most prestigious hospital in New York City. A hospital that I had been trying, to no avail, to get privileges at for a good many years.

"What exactly can I do for you at this ungodly hour?" I groaned.

"I need your skills." He answered quickly. "High profile case."

"What about Feneman?" I asked.

"Out of the country at the moment." He said. "Besides, they asked for you, by name."

"They what, what's the situation?" I inquired.

"That's the thing." He answered. "I don't know. All I do know is they need the best facial surgeon, and that's you. Look, I know this sounds...strange, but it came through channels, it's legit. They're offering big money Jeff, half a mil, but you have to leave now and no questions."

I swallowed hard and gasped. "500 grand, shit who am I working on?"

"There is a limo parked in front of your place." He elaborated. "They will answer what they can, in route, or do I call them and say you declined?"

"Tell them I'll be down in 5 minutes." I said, dressing quickly and heading for the door.

I found the car, as described, at the curb, a rather serious looking man standing by the open rear door.

"You Dr. Conrad?"

"I am." I answered. "And you are?"

"Someone you've never seen, or will see again." He said, cryptically. "Please, get in. I'll explain what I can."

I entered the limo, sliding into the plush leather seat, my new companion taking the space beside me.

"Your patient's info is in this folder." He said, handing me the papers. "The top document is an NDA. I need you to sign it before we can continue."

"Just who the Hell are you people?" I asked, signing the NDA. "This whole thing feels like a bad spy movie."

"For right now, just familiarize yourself with your patient." He insisted. "We can talk later."

I spent the rest of the trip reading the contents of the packet, but was still shocked when I saw her for the first time. There was mention of facial trauma, but this was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Left cheek, shattered. Orbital fractures around both eyes. Broken nose. Several teeth missing and to top it all off, her jaw was broken in two places. The info I was given said accident, but that was bullshit. They included a picture of her before the injuries, for reference. It was probably 7-8 years old and didn't show her straight on. Probably the best they could do on short notice. She was very attractive, at least she was before someone had beaten her to a very literal pulp.

"Dr. Conrad." The man from the car said. "Everything you need should be in the surgical suite as we speak. If this is not the case, ask and we will provide anything you need. All we ask is that you do everything you can to..." The man broke down briefly. "Just do what you can."

After scrubbing in, I met with the surgical team quickly. There were two nurses, the anesthesiologist and a neurologist, who just finished his examination and assured me she had no brain damage. "The attack was tailored to maximize damage to her face while minimizing neural trauma. The sick bastard wanted her conscious and wanted her to survive so she could live everyday with that disfigured face. I'm familiar with some of your work, if anybody can help her, you can."

"Who the fuck does something like that?" I hissed.

The reconstruction took much longer than I thought, but with the help of the two very capable nurses and the very best equipment I'd ever worked with, I was done. I removed my surgical garb and crashed in a chair in the locker room. Shortly afterwards, limo guy came in.

"Dr. Conrad." He spoke softly. "I hope all went well."

"I've done all I can at this point." I exhaled, shaking my head. "We won't know for sure until she heals some. If any further work is needed, it probably won't be very serious."

"I see." He pondered, seemingly annoyed.

"Look." I spat, leaning forward in my chair. "I'm sorry if you're not completely satisfied, but that poor girl is lucky she still has a face. It won't be the same one she was born with, but she sure as Hell won't have to hide in the basement. Honestly, only a professional, or someone looking very closely will be able to tell anything happened."

"I apologize if I seem less than grateful." Limo man said. "This has been a very trying time for us."

After several, somewhat more heartfelt, apologies, I was informed the funds that were agreed upon had already been transferred to my bank account. If asked, I was never here, I didn't know the woman or him and I was to forget this whole ordeal happened. If, in the future, my services were needed, I would be contacted. I really didn't need the lecture, I still had absolutely no idea who any of these people were.

With time, that strange night faded from memory, the only reminder, the hefty infusion to my bank account. I tried to talk to Dr. Dockert about it once, but he refused to answer any questions. He reminded me of the NDA. He had one as well. The one thing he did tell me was that people like 'these' didn't like questions. I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but further discussion was pointless.

Over a year later, I was sitting in a coffee shop, nursing a latte. The place was busy with only a few seats open, one of which was at my table. A woman approached, looking for somewhere to sit. I nodded toward the empty seat and smiled. She sat.

"Thank you so much." She beamed. "I don't think I've ever seen this place so full."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Hard to relax when it's this noisy, but I can't live without their coffee."

We sat in silence for a while, enjoying our drinks. The barista dropped a cup, the shattered pieces skittering across the floor. My table mate, and more than a few other patrons of the coffeeshop, turned their heads toward the noise, then I saw it, a small, almost invisible scar, near the hairline by her left ear. Looking closer, I saw several other scars. They would fade to almost nothing in another few months, and to be honest I knew where to look, so finding them wasn't difficult. She caught me staring, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Sorry." I sputtered.

Tears formed in her eyes. "You saw my... I'm so ugly." She sobbed.

"That's no way to talk about my best work." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "If you are who I think you are, we've met before. You don't remember of course. I'm Dr. Jeff Conrad."

She sat puzzled, touching one of her scars and pondering what I said. "Father didn't tell me your name."

"They didn't tell me yours either." I grinned. "Guess we're even. Before this gets any more awkward, I had to sign an NDA that night. Am I even allowed to talk to you?"

"The NDA just said you couldn't talk about me, talking TO me is completely different." She laughed. "I'm sure father never thought we'd run into each other. I know who you are now, I want to thank you for what you did. Under the circumstances, I'm happy. I'm getting used to the 'new' me, but It's been a struggle. I'm Antonia, by the way, Antonia Salerni."

Shit.shit.SHIT.SHIT!!! my mind screamed. Antonia Salerni, only child and beloved daughter of Giordano Salerni the Mob boss. I.AM.A.DEAD.MAN.

Antonia saw me blanch and start to sweat. She smiled. "Don't worry, father is very grateful. Anyone that comes in contact with me or the family has to sign one. He scared off my first boyfriend, of course that was sixth grade. He's a bit paranoid, but harmless."

"B-but, he's..." I sputtered.

"Unless you work for a rival family, he won't even know you exist." She grinned, seemingly enjoying my terror.

I relaxed... a little. "I don't, but if I may ask, given your father's notoriety, how is it you aren't surrounded by bodyguards?"

"Oh, but I am." She giggled. "There are at least three within sight range, probable one or two more patrolling the neighborhood. I wouldn't be too surprised if there wasn't air support. Since the 'incident' I'm not allowed to be unsupervised. They keep their distance, but they're around."

I wasn't sure where she got the inner strength to refer to nearly being beaten to death an 'incident'. She's either very strong or completely in denial.

"Hey." She reached out and touched my arm. "Where did you go? I'm sitting here talking, and you're somewhere else."

"I'm just, well, you seem to be..." I was fighting for words.

"I'm dealing with it." She said quietly. "The first few months were Hell, to be honest. I looked terrible and feared I'd be that way for the rest of my life, but as I healed and the bruises and swelling faded. I started to see me again. A slightly different version, but I could see enough of the old me, that I learned to accept it."

"Well I only had one rather bad picture of what the 'old' you looked like, but the 'new' you is quite attractive, if I do say so myself." I complimented.

"Ah." She giggled. "I see your nefarious plan now. Find a poor hapless maiden, rebuild her in your own mental image, then 'accidentally' run into her hoping to prey on her shaken self image."

"You wound me." I pouted playfully.

We bantered back and forth for over an hour. She was delightful. Smart, funny, quite the prankster and beautiful of course, making her recovery from her injuries all the more incredible.

"I really should go before father sends in the troops." She smiled. "I had a nice time. I'd like to see you again, maybe dinner at the estate? I'm sure father would like to thank you personally."

"I-I'd like that." I sputtered. "As long as you're sure it's OK?"

She walked around the table and planted a light kiss on my cheek. "Give me your number. I'll contact you when father and I are free. Nice to meet you Dr. Jeff."

"You too, Antonia." I said as she walked away, casting a quick glance back at me, then she was gone. I noticed two men stand and leave just after her. Bodyguards?

Days passed, since I hadn't heard from Antonia, I figured she wasn't really interested, just playing nice with the guy that rebuilt her face, especially since she hadn't given me her number. Oh well, did I really want to get involved with a mobster's daughter. Seems like a quick way to end up at the bottom of the East River.

Up to this point in my life, I'd never had a serious relationship. I'd dated a few girls in high school and college, even nailed one or two, but I was focused on my career. Getting through med school took all my time. Only by sheer force of will did I make it. Once my professors found out I had skill with a scalpel, I was guided to plastic and reconstructive surgery, a very demanding, but also very rewarding (read: money) career. At 32 years old, I was established and respected by my peers. It was time. Maybe not with Antonia, but it was time.

Walking into my bedroom one evening after a shower, I heard my phone. Unknown cellular caller was all it said. Great!, probably a telemarketer or someone equally annoying. Against my better judgement, I answered. "Hello?"

"Jeff, It's Antonia." She said. "Sorry it's been so long, father has been out of town."

"Hey." I chirped. "Good to finally hear from you, I was starting to think you blew me off."

"Can't get rid of me that easily." She laughed. "You busy tomorrow night?"

"Is this the part where I play hard to get, or do I just say no?" I teased. "I haven't dated in so long, I don't remember."

Antonia snorted. "Hush you. Eight good for you?"

"I can work with that." I answered. "Can I bring anything?"

"Just your cute little self." She giggled. "I'll have Eddie swing by and pick you up, father says you should recognize the car, see you tomorrow."

"Great, bye Antonia." I hung up smiling. She called. Part of me was elated and the other part terrified.

The car appeared the next night, at the precise time Antonia said, and I was whisked off to what I can only describe as a scene from 'The Godfather'. A huge mansion sitting in the middle of well manicured gardens, even the cliched marble fountain in the circle drive in front of the estate. The driver stopped, opened my door and motioned towards the front door. I thanked him and walked up the steps. Just before I pressed the doorbell, the door slowly swung open and an older gentleman, well dressed and formal, greeted me.

"Dr. Conrad?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Please follow me." He indicated.

The inside of the house did little to dispel my original impressions. Dark, quiet as a tomb, lots of very expensive wood and marble adorned nearly every surface. It felt as if I'd gone back in time a hundred years.

Eventually we arrived at what I took for a 'sitting room'. My guide motioned towards an overstuffed chair. "Please be seated. The Master and Miss will be with you shortly."

"Thank you." I said. He still hadn't told me how to address him. Probably wouldn't even if I asked.

Alone in a room nearly the size of my entire apartment, I glanced around. Again, wood and marble abounded. The walls were adorned with artwork, probably originals and very well done. Someone had an eye for art. Some statuary and a few vases and other ceramics filled the room making it feel almost claustrophobic. Living in New York City, I knew there were people with this kind of wealth, I just never expected to experience it first hand.

Taking in the details of the room, I was surprised and a bit embarrassed when I heard a cough off to my right.

"Hello Jeff." Antonia smiled. "Nice of you to come. This is my father."

Before me stood Giordano Salerni. I'd seen his picture many times, but seeing him, in person, was quite intimidating. He wasn't especially tall or overly large but with broad shoulders, square jaw and a VERY confidant demeanor, he commanded the room and all in it.

"A pleasure to meet you, sir." I extended my hand, trying desperately not to piss down my leg.

He shook my hand with a firm, but not overwhelming grip. "Dr. Conrad. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to express my gratitude. What you did for my daughter is greatly appreciated."

"Thank you, sir." I answered. "It was quite a challenge. I'm very pleased you and Antonia are happy with the results."

"My little girl is happy." He beamed. "That's all that matters."

Antonia smiled and kissed her father on the cheek.

Another of the house staff entered the room and announced that dinner was ready. Antonia hooked her arm in mine and we followed her father to the formal dining room.

Once seated, wine was poured and various staff scurried and fussed, bringing the different courses of the meal. We made some small talk, but nothing of great importance was discussed. Once dessert was served, the conversation changed.

"Dr. Conrad." Mr. Salerni started. "While I am eternally grateful for what you have done for Antonia, I feel the need to ask what your intentions are concerning her?"

Antonia blushed slightly and reached over taking my hand under the table and squeezed it lightly.

"I'm sure you're aware of how we met." I stated, letting the obvious sink in. "I had no idea who she was until she introduced herself. I will say, I'm a bit... overwhelmed I guess, knowing she's your daughter. I certainly mean no disrespect, I understand who you are and what you do. As a child, I lived in Bedford-Sty. I was a runner for a local bookie. It was easy money and much needed in my family. The bookie was one of your men. He always spoke well of you and how you treated him. He always said you valued loyalty and honesty above all and as long as those values were not broken that your protection was absolute. What I saw, even as a child, gave me no reason to doubt that. With that said, I will be frank. I find Antonia to be intelligent, attractive, witty and quite the little trickster. She has piqued my interest. I'd like to get to know her better, see where this may lead."

Giordano smiled. "You are correct, I value honesty very highly. I'm pleased you spoke of working for my people and I can see you hold no shame having done so. Vinnie (the bookie I worked for) is still working for me. He speaks very highly of you and sends his regards."

"I really need to get back to the old neighborhood and say hello." I lamented. "I don't want to forget where I came from. I was one of the lucky few who made it out, thanks in no small part to Vinnie."

"I too return to my old neighborhood as often as I can." Giordano mused. "I still have many friends there. Keeps me humble."

I wasn't terribly surprised he'd checked into my background, after what happened to Antonia, I'm not so sure I'd be as nice to me as he has been.

Giordano sighed heavily. "Your honesty is appreciated, and I will return that honesty. I have no reason to doubt you. From what I've seen, you are not any kind of threat to Antonia, but please understand, given the fact she was badly hurt by someone we both trusted, I will not take it lightly if I find out your intentions are anything but honorable."

"I understand completely sir." I swallowed hard and tried to look confident. "I'd like a few minutes with that bastard myself. Conscious, paralyzed and laying on my operating table. I'd give him a few memories he'd carry for a very long time."

Giordano smiled, then laughed heartily. "I think I'd like to see that, might even ask if I could help."

"I'll make sure to have a jar of alcohol handy, in case you want any souvenirs." I chuckled.

He stood and offered his hand. "I think you will be very good for Antonia, Jeff. May I call you Jeff?"

"You may, sir." I answered.

"Please, Gio." He said.

"Thank you, si... Gio." I answered.

We returned to the room where I first met Antonia and her father and talked over coffee. She sat next to me, holding my hand, smiling. I found out Antonia's mother had died some years ago from complications from a ruptured appendix. She was the one with the eye for art. The house had been in the Salerni family for generations and she was trying to transform it into a more open and airy place, but died before she could accomplish much. Still, Gio wanted to honor her memory and was trying to make the place a bit less formal.

I told them of my family. Dad worked at the docks, but was killed in an accident when I was twelve, hence my need to be a runner for Vinnie. Up until then, mom never worked outside the house. She worked cleaning houses for people until a few years ago. Her arthritis made it impossible so she had to quit. I had been taking care of her since.

"It makes me happy to see you honor your mother in such a manner." Gio observed. "Most people your age would just put her in a nursing home and forget her. My own mother lived in this house til the day she passed."

"I was taught that family was the most important thing." I explained. "Money, fame it all means nothing if you don't have family to share it with."

Gio raised his coffee cup in salute.

The remainder of the evening passed as we chatted.

Gio rose from his chair, then hugged Antonia, kissing her on the cheek. "I'm off to bed."

"Goodnight father." Antonia said, returning the hug.

"Goodnight, Gio." I responded. "Thank you for inviting me."

"You two behave." He grinned, then left the room.

I flopped onto the couch with a sigh and Antonia sat next to me beaming. "I think father likes you." She all but squealed.

"God, I hope so." I groaned. "I don't look good in dead."

Antonia punched my arm playfully. "He won't kill you silly."

"No, he'll get one of his goons to do it." I teased.

"Yup." She nodded. "Have to follow the command chain."
