Aprons For Gayle Ch. 18


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He snickered under his breath, but he wasn't ready for her to come yet - close, but not quite yet.

He then drew a line of wax back down to her stomach, then on to her thighs and down to the tops of her feet before bringing it back up to her shoulders, leaving a trail as he went the entire length of her arms. Blowing the candle out, he began to massage her body from her hands to her feet, loving how erotic it was manipulating her flesh, hearing her moan, watching her body slowly liquefy under his touch. The wax, now a silky oil, quickly melted under the heat she radiated. Her body had become completely still except for her soft whimpering, which grew by the second.

Getting on his knees at the foot of the apparatus, he slowly slid his hands up to her breasts, which he squeezed and molded, twisting her nipples and pinching hard until her body finally shook, breaking her out of wherever she was mentally. Burying his lips over her clit, she grunted something, but he couldn't understand what she said.

For over a minute he lapped and sucked and flicked his tongue over the nub, holding onto her breasts securely, for she was then writhing under his touch and tongue, whimpering loudly, almost in a faint sob.

"NINE AN' A HAAALF!" she screeched, struggling as hard as she could. "STOP! 'm gonna ... please! Nonono!"

Licking his way from her pussy back to her clit, he flicked his tongue back and forth, up and down until she shrieked, her head flew back, her face expressionless, and her mouth gaped open. With one final squeeze of her nipples, he clutched at her shoulder, which gave his permission for her to come.

And she did ... hard. She gripped the chain so hard her knuckles turned white, all the while writhing and gasping for breath as her juices flowed from her, her nipple throbbing under his other hand.

Appalled, she moaned, "Sorry, sorry."

"You'll be sorry in a minute," he said, even though she couldn't hear him.

While she tried to catch her breath, he grabbed her waist with his left hand and wiped his right hand on his jeans of the oil. Collecting moisture from her ejaculate, he inserted his forefinger and middle finger inside her. She moaned again as he hooked his fingertips over her g-spot, and her vaginal muscles contracted as another orgasm coursed through her.

"Fuck! No! STOP! You didn' give meeee ..."

Not allowing her to come down from her first climax, he finally placed his hand on her shoulder and made her come again by finger fucking her. When she did come, she hiked her hips up and growled, her head shaking back and forth; her juices collecting in his cupped hand.

Grinning, giving her a minute to collect herself, he sat down at her hips and ran his hand over her body until she relaxed. He took a small ice cube, tapped his finger over her bottom lip until she opened her mouth, let a few drops of the cold liquid fall into her mouth then placed it in her mouth. She took it gratefully, and when it melted she thanked him.

Leaning forward, he kissed her so passionately that it took her breath away. "Hmm, Sir?" she whispered when he pulled away. "If you keep kissing me like that, you're going to make me come again."

"Really?" he said. "Let's see, then, little fawn."

Placing his hand on her shoulder, his other hand not touching her, he kissed her again, hard, adoringly, with so much affection and fire that his cock sprang under the restraint of his then-too-tight jeans. She raised her head and met his lips with heat and obsession, their lips smacking, both moaning, their tongues meshed together.

Suddenly, she threw her head on the pillow and whined his name, not caring that she didn't use his title. Her body shook as yet another orgasm surged through her, traveling from her toes to the tips of her fingertips.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, I just ... You didn't even touch me and I -"

Smiling and feeling like a proud lion that just caught its prey for the pride, he removed the headphones from her ears, carefully took out the ear plugs and lifted the blindfold, setting everything at his feet.

She kept her eyes closed tightly until she felt his fingers wiping something from the corners of her eyes. Slowly opening them, protecting them the fire light, it took her a few moments to focus on his face.

"Well, there she is. Why the tears, little one?"

"Oh, um, I was ... gone, and just ... emotional. Sir? I ... You ..."

"Shhh," he cooed. "Lie still, love. I'm going to remove the restraints. Just breathe."


Soon enough he had her free, and she tried to sit up, but he quickly chastised her. With gentle, warm hands, he dotingly massaged her wrists then ankles until the blood returned, making her white flesh turn a light pink.

"You've made an awful mess, here," he chided her.

"I'm sorry, Sir," she replied, slowly coming back around. "It's embarrassing."

"Oh, hush. Are you ready to sit up?"

"Yes Sir, I think so."

Grunting and groaning, with his arm behind her, he helped her sit, gave her a second then got her to her feet. Her knees buckled under her, but he caught her and led her to the couch. He was going to have her sit down, but she blocked him. Brazenly, as if they'd been lovers for years and she wasn't his submissive, she look him directly in his eyes and started to unbuckle his belt.

His left eyebrow rose. "Ms. Boyce, what do you think are you doing?"

She pulled the belt through the belt's loops and began to unbutton his jeans. "Sir, I need to ... I want you to I need to feel you inside me."

"Do you, now?" he asked, his voice laden with hunger.

Nodding, her lustful eyes gazing up at him, her chin down, she pulled the jeans down his hips to his feet, and he stepped out of them. She almost croaked when she saw how hard his cock was, and while she wanted to take it into her mouth, she needed something more from him at that moment.

Taking one step closer to him, she placed her hands on his chest under his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, throwing it to the floor carelessly. She then took a step until he grasped the concept that she wanted him to sit. She watched his Adam's apple rise and fall as he swallowed hard, but he didn't argue. Instead, he looked at her perplexed, almost as if he wanted to tell her to stop but couldn't find the words.

Finally sitting down and keeping her eyes locked on his, she pushed his knees together, crawled up his legs until her knees were on both sides of his waist and teased his throbbing cock with her wet, hot pussy.

"I hated not being able to touch you when I came," she whispered, her voice confident and sultry. She put her forearms on his shoulders and pressed her breasts against his chest, moved her shoulders up and down and rubbed her still-erect nipples against his chest hairs.

"No, Ms. Boyce," he objected firmly as he slid his hands between them and grasped her breasts, pinching her nipples hard. "You are not topping me, are you?"

Pushing her hips forward, she sat down on his rock-hard cock. Groaning his pleasure, she whispered, "Iam on top now, Mr. McDougal."

He replied breathlessly, wearing a devilish, crooked grin, "Then by all mean, Ms. Boyce, proceed."

Giving him a naughty, scorching look, she began to kiss his neck, trailing her tongue to his ear before kissing it while she ground herself against him. He tilted his head toward hers when her hot breath cascaded over his ear and neck.

"Fuck, woman. Your cunt is so tight, so fucking hot."

Soon enough, their lips locked - her arms around his neck, his arms around her waist - and she grated her hips back and forth, controlling how deep he got inside her. Both groaned and moaned as the heat built up between them, their breath equally heavy and raspy. The sound of their hips crashing together rang through the small room, and their hearts pounded as if one.

"Don't stop, Gayle. Fuck, don't stop!"

"Oh, Hamish," she whimpered, and he promptly smacked both ass cheeks hard. She yelped, but then gave him a sly grin.

A moment later, he gave a guttural growl, pushed her hard against him, keeping his arms tight around her, and shivered as he came with one long, deep, loud grunt directly into her ear. A second later, she followed with her own climax, whimpering and crying as she held onto him tight.

"Oh, Sir," she breathed heavily as she buried her face in his neck. "That was ... fuck."

His body shook with his chuckle as he relaxed against the couch, brushing damp wisps of her hair from her flushed face. "You are so eloquent with your words."

"I is, aren't I?" she teased. "But you felt ... different."

"Different? How so?"

"I don't know. It was like the first time, but better." He gave her a quizzical look. She sighed as she fought to find the right words. "I've never felt anything like that before. With my hearing and sight gone, I was constantly on edge waiting for your next touch and dying to hear your voice. And the orgasms were ... more intense." Then she smiled coyly. "But next time, maybe choose softer music? Mick Jagger's voice doesn't make very good mood music."

He laughed, his deep baritone voice touched her soul, deep, in a place she never knew existed.

"Duly noted." Reaching over and feeling for her robe, he fed her arms through the sleeves and closed it in front, though her cleavage popped out proudly. She smiled gratefully and thanked him.

"As much as I love looking at your lovely breasts, we should head on upstairs. You'll find your slippers at the end of the couch."

Kissing him quickly, she slowly slid off his now flaccid cock, groaning disapprovingly, as did he.

A few minutes later, they met an eager and angry Bessie, who had been waiting impatiently on the other side of the dungeon door.

Walking down the hall, their hands were clasped in a tight hold like neither one of them wanted to let go. But Gayle's mind was reeling about what happened. "Sir, I don't understand why you ... allowed me to come so much. I thought punishments were supposed to be painful."

Stopping at the foot of the hallway stairs, giving her a very wicked smile, he asked, "Do you know how old that vase was?"

"Sir, you don't have to punish me all over ag -"

"The daughter of a client I've known since grade school made that for my birthday a few years ago. The reason why it looked so old was because it cracked baking in the kiln. The poor wee lass was dev -"

"Wha'?" she asked aghast. "You put me through all ... that and had me thinking ..." She sighed, ran her hand through her hair then smiled slowly. "Well, it wasn'tall bad. I mean, you really had my brain all over the place, and I think I went to sub-space faster and harder than I did before."

"My evil plan succeeded, then."

"Maybe, but Sir, you really did scare the fuck out of me."

"I won't apologize, but do you think I could make up for it?" he asked, wagging his eyebrows.

"No, thanks," she said, giving him a cunning grin.

"No? Did you just say 'no' me, Ms. Boyce?" he asked, his voice carrying a tinge of friskiness.

Taking a step up backwards, carefully feeling for the edge before taking another, she replied, "I just meant you'll have to catch me, first." Suddenly squealing and running up to the landing, she turned around when she realized he wasn't following her. "Um, too much, Sir?"

"Way too much. I'm going to let Bessie out. Go bathe. I'll warm up the leftovers for dinner."

"Yes Sir. Thanks. I do feel kinda slimy right now."

He smiled. "Slimy and sexy, just the way I like you. Now get."

Later that evening ...

Gayle laid in bed tossing and turning, trying to turn her brain off from what all had happened in the dungeon. She wasn't sure how she felt about him tricking her into thinking the vase was worth thousands of pounds and he was really angry, but then again, she couldn't be mad at him with the number and intensities of the orgasms he allowed her. She liked the mental domination he had over her; physical control is one thing, but the mental was in a realm all by itself.

After an hour, she glanced at the clock and saw it was only 11:17. Picking up her cell phone, she texted him, 'Are you asleep'

A second later, she read, 'Yes'

Smiling gratefully, she sent, 'Can't sleep'

'Why not'

She hesitated a moment. 'Lonely'

In Hamish's bedroom, he looked at the single word on his phone's display and smiled. He wondered how in the hell she knew he hadn't been to sleep either. 'Get the hell in here then'

'Not horny. Just wanna cuddle'

Shewas horny again, though, but she really did just want to fall asleep in his arms. After all the emotions he put her through, she desperately needed to feel that closeness again.Oh, shit. I think I'm in trouble.

'Get your asp in here,' she read.

She laughed at the auto-correction. 'Don't have a snake'

From the end of the hall came a very loud yet amused, "BOYCE! You have two seconds to get in here or I'm rescinding the offer!"

In a flash, she bolted out of bed, ran into Hamish's bedroom and jumped on the other side of the bed. A very agitated Bessie barked and followed Gayle on the bed, with an equally agitated Scottish man grumbling his displeasure.

"For godssake, woman!" he snapped as he watched her pull the duvet and sheet down then slip underneath them.

"Sorry, Sir," she replied while petting Bessie, who had stretched herself out between them. "You said you wanted me here in a hurry."

"Yes, well, I didn't mean for you to disrupt my private serenity," he snarled, though his eyes were teasing. "Now I'llnever get to sleep." He hesitated and fussed at Bessie to get down and to her own bed, which she did with an unhappy growl. He looked at Gayle, who was lying on her side and glaring at him. "Are you going to ... cuddle or lay there staring at me all night?"

Smiling shyly, she scooted closer to him, pressed the upper half of her body onto his, threw her leg over his and rested her head on his shoulder. He draped his arm over her shoulder and flattened his hand on the small of her back. Once she felt him relax, she closed her eyes and began to unconsciously run her fingertips through the sparse chest hairs.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked.

"Um, good night, Sir."

He smacked her bare ass cheek, prompting her to squeal in surprise. "Aren't you supposed to be holding something?"

"Why would I want to hold my breath?" she teased, then exclaimed, "OW!" when he spanked her again, then she laughed. "Ohhh! You mean Sir Jr?"

Maneuvering her left arm so she could reach his cock, she wrapped her fingers around it and grinned when she felt it was half erect. It took all her strength to keep from attacking him again, but she really was wiped out and wanted to sleep.

"Thank you, Sir. Good night."

Kissing her forehead, he said, "Sleep well, love."

She paused a moment. "Good night, Sir Jr."

"Go to sleep, woman!"

They chuckled before they settled down, both peacefully asleep within five minutes. On the floor, the furry, four-legged child finally closed her eyes, sighed heavily and thought, Zoinks! I rink I'm ronna have a mommy soon!

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DeathAndTaxesDeathAndTaxesalmost 10 years ago

Forgive me, A2W, for just getting around to reading this now. I plead extreme busyness!

So am I the only one who is able to accept Hamish's behavior here? I've been in that situation - try to do something I think is funny (in this case pull what he probably thought amounted to a practical joke), and then it turns out the audience didn't find it funny at all, and in fact have reacted horribly. You could tell from when you wrote Hamish's POV that he thought he'd give her a bit of a fright and it would all be in good fun and he could surprise her with some orgasms instead of a major punishment. And like some jokes, it went wrong on her end and she reacted very strongly to it, being probably way more terrified than he originally intended. He overdid it. I agree with the notion that he's a human being and sometimes people make mistakes in judgement. Perhaps I'm more ready to accept that a character in a story has done this because 1) imperfect human being theory above, IMO makes characters richer and less tropey, and 2) I'm fine with reading a BDSM tale that doesn't have to involve every strict rule that exists in The Lifestyle. A Dom or sub is "not supposed" to do this or that, OK, yes I'm aware of the conventions, but I also have the ability to go on the journey the author is taking me on without needing it to conform to rules for real life play. But then again, I read/write Non-con, and rape is certainly against the rules of real life play, so perhaps I'm just a different segment of the audience.

My favorite lines this chapter:

"...small two-carat diamond earrings..." - this makes me feel really poor LOL

"I'm a Scorpio." - my astrologer half dances with glee at this reference.

"Get your asp in here,' she read." - I liked the auto-correct humor. Things like this make a story timely.

I'll check out 19 as soon as I can, A2W. I'm sure it'll be great!


Tootsall222Tootsall222almost 10 years ago
Thoroughly Enjoyable but...

I'm an impatient sort and prefer to read "beginning to end" in a single session. Having to wait an indefinite time for the next instalment drives me batty. Loving the entire premise and development process however. Possibly your best story so far.

"Five of the best"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I want more....

I'm addicted to this story, and this chapter was just brilliant. Love Hamish, Love Gayle, Love Bessie. Please I want more, more, more....like a chapter a day would be nice. ;) I guess that is asking for too much though. Can't wait for chapter 19. :)

Addicted2WritingAddicted2Writingalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Controversial, huh?

Wow! Looks like I really blew this chapter, huh? I appreciate the brutally honest comments. I don't expect nice comments all the time, because overall these were on point. At least I didn't hear, "This sucked." PS—Waiting for an anon ‘this sucked.’ lol

Thanks guys. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

FindMyWay: Unfortunately I do a lot of foreshadowing that I’m sure leaves readers scratching their heads, but there’s a reason for it. Thank you for the lovely compliment and honest critique.

KatherineAlex: Thanks for defending me. :-) I admit, I did miss the mark on this chapter. Trust me, in real life Doms DO make mistakes, but I didn’t realize there would be such a reaction, which weirdly is a learning experience.

Anon: Thank you. I’m looking at next summer for this to be over! Lol I’m fighting with myself not to rush it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Love it!

I just want to tell you how much I love these two people. Please, I don't care how long it takes! Longer is good as I don't want the series to end but when it does I sure hope they are together in Scotland. Keep writing. You are talented!

KatherineAlexKatherineAlexalmost 10 years ago
They are human... not perfect...

I for one love the complexity of their relationship. I love that he's human and makes mistakes. It makes him far more loveable in my opinion. I am relieved that he is not this perfect, godlike, rich, knight of a Dom... we get that fantasy in many other stories here. Loved the scene too. ;) Keep it coming.

FindmywayFindmywayalmost 10 years ago

A2W, you know I love your stories and I'm a loyal follower but I agree with the other comments. D/s is built on trust and I don't think he came remotely close to re-establishing that trust. Not only did he lie he broke one of her hard limits. I was so looking forward to having him expose himself more as he tried to earn her trust back...I hope your teaser is right about what happens next. I don't think loaned jewelry will quite cut it...actually I don't think the real think would cut it either. As you have developed Gayle's character you portrayed her as an intelligent, smart and strong person - if that's the case it will take a great deal more for Hamish to get back into her good graces.

While I trust your direction as the author and the only one who truly knows the direction of the story. I do hope you find a way to circle back and weave it into future chapters. I would also hope you find a way to give Gayle someone to talk to...she is on this path with no-one to help guide her and it seems so unfair to be so far away from family and no one to talk to about anything she is feeling.

Looking forward to seeing where you take us!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
"…makes it up to her…"

Can't really "make it up" to anyone when you've lied and broken trust. You can only apologize, beg forgiveness and work very hard to repair what you break, but expect scars. Mind-blowing orgasms don't magically make up for anything - ever. Seriously - blowing past hard limits?

Addicted2WritingAddicted2Writingalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Readers ...

Yep, I got flack for Hamish's behavior on another site as well. I was going to put a disclaimer at the beginning but didn't. I don't like justifying my character's behaviors.

I guess what point I'm making is that Hamish is human, and sometimes Doms aren't either. Hard to believe, I know. lol

But please stick with him!!! I think Hamish makes it up to Gayle in chapter 19, which I'm almost ... almost finished with.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I don't think the level of distress he allowed/caused her to feel over the damn vase was dealt with adequately. Punished and forgiven, yada yada, but it doesn't always work that way. And you didn't allow him to properly address his lying.

While this chapter is good, it leaves me sad and more than a wee but angry for her.

xxClarexxxxClarexxalmost 10 years ago

I recently stumbled across this story and really enjoying it. The sex is super hot and I love their play sessions. However I think I feel similarly to Ellienora below. I am really annoyed at Hamish and I don't know how much I like him right now. He lied to her about that vase and made her so upset she was panicking. It seemed really cruel to me and I would be devastated at that revelation if I was Gayle. Anyway I love this story and come on guys, you're sooo in love with each other can you just admit it already?!!!! Argh. Lovely writing and super yum sex and I can't wait to see what happens next. Yay!

Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 10 years ago

Stinking auto correct. Scooby-do.

Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 10 years ago
The Scooba reference

The Scooba reference at the end was perfect. I know she was bothered by Hampshire lying, but their contract specifically talks about humiliation as a hard limit. Isn't the fact that he humiliated her as bad as the lying and a true trust brewing thing? And then after that excersize in trust? He lies to her about the vase? I am not seeing how this is going so well. A few organs (fantastic they may be) shouldn't make up for that.

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