Arcana Pt. 02: A Succubi's Desire


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He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. He rose to his feet and took his cane, starting off down the hill away from the tree.

"Grandfather, can you tell me anything else about this? It's all so much. Can you give me any answers for what I am supposed to do now?" Yun asked after him.

He turned and looked over his shoulder, "Whatever you want, granddaughter. You are the Monkey King after all."

As he walked further away, Yun kicked at the grass in frustration. Why couldn't he just tell her? It didn't make sense to have the power of the Monkey King and no purpose. Was she supposed to protect the innocent? Was she supposed to show off the glory of the Monkey King? Wasn't power supposed to beget responsibility or something?

Was spiderman just a lot of nonsense?


Yun jerked in surprise when Nal shook her shoulder, "Mistress! You've been sitting there for two hours. The burgers are cold. Vell, yours is. I ate mine."

"What? Oh. Wait, how long?" Yun stared at her in surprise.

"A little more zan two hours. I kept nudging you or trying to vake you up. I gave you a blowjob while you were out." Nal said, pointing at her half-erect cock.

"I guess I was really out of it. Didn't seem like it was that long though, I was just talking to my grandfather. He never can tell me anything helpful though. I just want to know what these powers are for!" Yun groaned, stretching her arms above her.

Nal cocked her head, "Vhy do you need a purpose?"

Yun picked up the burger sitting in front of her, "Because it seems so weird. Why would I just get powers like this? Why would these powers exist? Everything has a purpose, even you."

"How deterministic." She nodded, crossing her arms, "Vhy can't your purpose be whatever you make it?"

"I didn't make this power, I didn't earn it. It didn't choose me, I didn't choose it. I inherited it and that was all. I don't know. Maybe I don't even understand it myself." Yun groaned, biting into the burger with a sigh.

"You mortals. So needlessly complex." Nal shook her head.



Yun tossed two large bags of clothing on the couch later that afternoon. She had been to a thrift store and bought a pile of cheap clothing that would fit her more voluptuous form. It wasn't really money she should be spending but she wasn't going to find a new job in basketball shorts and an almost painfully stretched old shirt. She still couldn't find a bra, but she had some men's boxers that looked like they'd fit pretty well.

"Vhat is all of this?" Nal asked, poking through one of the bags.

"Thanks to you, my entire wardrobe is useless. Not a piece of clothing in there can fit me. I can't go job hunting in these kind of clothes." Yun said, gesturing to herself, "Though the lack of bra might help me."

"Men are easily enticed by a jiggly pair of jugs." She chuckled.

"Now if only I knew somewhere to look. To the internet I guess." She sighed. Job hunting really sucked.

Nal pulled out a white blouse done up with ruffles down the front and a cut that would show off a lot of cleavage. She held it up to herself and then looked at Yun, "Vhat about that Hail woman? She had zose two working with her. You desire a purpose, perhaps it is to defend the innocent with her team?"

"I... Huh. That isn't a terrible suggestion. I wouldn't argue with being a police officer. I wonder if she would be willing to train me." Yun blinked in surprise at the idea.

"The sooner you are happy and employed, the sooner I get more sex. Happy humans are more open to suggestions." Nal grinned.

Yun just rolled her eyes and stripped off her messy clothes.


When they walked into the police station, the both of them were wearing properly fitting clothes now. Yun wore tan slacks and a blue button up shirt that could barely fit comfortably around her breasts. Even as conservative as the outfit was, she still looked immensely attractive because of her curves. Nal on the hand had put on that low cut frilly white top and it showed off exactly as much cleavage as expected. Her lower half was only covered by jean shorts to the mid thigh, bulging obscenely around her huge cock. Only Yun could see her as she normally was, everyone else just saw pale skin and boots instead of purple and hooves.

Yun walked up to the front desk and the officer behind it looked up at her, "Yes ma'am?"

"I need to speak with Lieutenant Hail." Yun asked.

"Both of you please sign here and put these on." He said, pointing at a visitor sign in on the counter.

Yun scribbled down both of their names, took the visitor tags, and headed up the stairs towards Special Investigations. They went through the doors into the bustling room full of SI officers and spotted Katelyn standing at the head of the room, moving pins around on a map of Seattle.

They walked over to her and Yun spoke up, "Um. Hello. Is Lieutenant Hail in?"

"Oh! Hi again. Yea, she's in her office. Go ahead." Kate smiled to her and pointed at her open office door. They walked through it.

Hail sat behind her desk, focused on her computer and whatever she was reading.

"Um. Hi. Sorry to disturb you." Yun said, standing awkwardly just inside the door. Nal leaned against the frame behind her.

"Yun. Is there something you need to tell me? We are in the middle of searching for Gregarian. Did you or her come up with anything?" Hail asked, looking up at them.

"No. I was just wondering, could I have a job?" Yun asked bluntly.

"Why?" Hail asked.

"Well I lost my last job because of what happened. They said they couldn't have a secretary that would just up and leave for a few days without warning." Yun said.

"So you're just looking for a paycheck?" Hail said.

"I do have bills to pay." She shrugged.

"No. I don't need people just in it for the money." Hail waved her off.

Yun frowned, "Oh come on. I lost this job because of you! Some psycho uses me as bait, you two barge in, and my entire life gets upended! I've had a hell of a time trying to adjust to all this. I've got the powers of the Monkey King. I can fight."

"If I just wanted Mythics that could fight, I would have hundreds. I have a select few that are on payroll because they believe in what they're doing. You have no idea what you believe in and you're just grasping for anything you can. You aren't a fit for this job." Hail said, wagging a finger.

"I know what I believe in! I believe I need to do something with these powers. I believe I need money. I believe you should hire me." Yun argued.

Hail clucked her tongue and shook her head, "You don't even believe that. Your words are traced with insecurity and dishonesty, even if you don't know it. There are better things you could be doing."

"What am I supposed to do then? I don't have anywhere else to go. At the end of the month, my apartment is going to evict me when I can't pay rent. Even if I can find another normal job, what happens when something like this happens again? Somehow I don't believe this is the only time your world is going to fuck up my life!" Yun exclaimed, pointing at Hail.

"Oh stop acting like a child. Stop looking for someone to blame. The real world is all around you and things happen. People get caught in back alleys being preyed on by vampires. Boyscouts in the woods go missing when a werewolf drags them off to eat them. Innocent people die everyday and you are acting like losing your job is the end of your life. You are luckier than most. If something decides to attack you, you have the power to fight back. That is why I won't hire you. Your first thought is about yourself, the hardships you are suffering. You came in here for a job on my team and there was not a thing about protecting those that can't protect themselves. That is who I want around. I stand as a bulwark against the things of the dark and the mystic for the people of this city and I expect nothing less of those I bring with me. I'm sorry, but you aren't it. Go solve your own problems and figure out your own life. There is already a check in the mail for compensation, should be enough to keep you in your apartment for a month or three." Hail didn't raise her voice but there was a force behind it that made Yun take a step back. When she pointed at the door, Yun obeyed without argument.

She stopped right outside for a moment, "I'm sorry. I didn't think about any of that. I'm just trying to cope. I hope you catch him."

Hail nodded and Yun walked away, Succubus in tow.


Yun parked her car down in the industrial park, near where Nal had originally taken her to Gregarian.

"Here Mistress? Vhy?" Nal sounded uneasy.

"I need to work out some frustration and I didn't know where else to go." Yun said, getting out. Nal looked a little apprehensive as she opened her door.

"I've heard sex is good for that. I'd be happy to take a hatefucking." Nal said with her eyes flitting about.

"Are you okay, Nal? You're fidgeting a whole lot." Yun asked as she led the way down to the drainage entrance.

Nal tarried a step behind as they descended into the underground. Yun's eyes began to glow when she willed the power of the Monkey King to cut away the darkness. The succubus took a minute to speak up, "I'm sorry I ask for sex so much. I didn't mean to be a nuisance. Zis return to Earth has been the most pleasurable I've ever had. I vanted to make ze most of it. I really have enjoyed my time vith you."

Yun stopped and looked at her with glowing golden eyes, "Why does it sound like you're dying?"

"Are you not taking me down here to vork out your frustrations? I am the cause for much of your strife, so I expect you vill beat the life out of my body in recompense." Nal said, hands writhing together.

"What? Hell no! I need you around. Its a relief knowing that I have someone who will be with me and help me. People go to the gym to work themselves to exhaustion as a way of relieving emotions. No gym around could have the weight I need." Yun laughed and continued walking, "I like to think we're becoming friends."

"Oh. Vow. I did not expect that. I am so used to being around vindictive and selfish men. Zis compassion is new to me." Nal said with wide eyes.

They trekked all the way back to the chamber where Gregarian was going to sacrifice Yun. The ground was still broken and shattered, jagged edges of stone rising up at strange angles around the spot where Yun tried to crush the warlock. Yun stepped over the rough stone to stand where the center of the sacrificial ritual had been. She looked over the fading purple lines on the broken stone and felt her anger rising again.

"God damn it, I wish I could've crushed that bastard. You're not to blame for anything you've done, Nal. Everything that has happened to me is because of him. What I wouldn't give to be there when Hail gets him." Yun said through gritted teeth.

With bare hands, she grabbed ahold of one of the huge pieces of broken stone. Her muscles bulged and the power filled her. She felt the stone shift and a few tons of rock slowly lifted from the ground. She gritted her teeth and lifted it above her head. It was a jagged chunk of stone probably as big as her car and when she took a step while holding it, the entire room shook.

"Whoa..." Nal said in awe, "I've seen mortals do zis with magic... But never vith muscle."

"I don't know if there is any difference with these Monkey King powers." Yun said, adjusting the massive stone so it was sitting, if a bit awkwardly, on her shoulders. She slowly walked to the edge of the room with big booming steps, "So the way you were acting earlier... Erk... Do you actually fear death? Grrr. I thought you just went back home."

"That's true, but I never know vhen I could be summoned next. I might be stuck in hell for a thousand years. It's not a bad place but being here with you..." Nal watched as Yun stopped in one corner and began to do squats with the tons of stone on her shoulders. She licked her lips, "I have not lied vhen I express my enjoyment of being at your side."

Yun looked up at her through the dark. She turned and dropped the massive stone at her side and leaned against it, breathing hard. A smile broke her face, "Big powerful succubus... Falling in love with a mortal?"

"It is not love! I simply am enjoying myself." Nal snapped sharply.

"After everything you've said? Why don't I believe you?" Yun smiled at her before sitting down next to the rock. She laid back and pulled the huge slab of stone onto her chest. It took a bit of wriggling before it was square atop her and she began to benchpress it.

"Love is not something for a Succubi Queen! I am above such mortal emotions." Nal argued, stamping one hoof. There was silence in the room as Yun grunted and worked her arms. The massive chunk rose and fell, completely obscuring her body.

Yun pushed the rock up and down twice more before asking, "You ever read Shakespeare?"

"I knew the man himself. Vhat of him?" Nal asked with an impatient tone. Yun allowed herself another few presses, feeling the burn growing in her arms and shoulders.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Yun groaned, pushing the rock off to one side with a booming thud. She got to her feet, sweat dripping from her brow, and walked up to Nal.

The Succubus watched her as she stepped up close to her. Yun stood on her toes and stared into Nal's eyes until she blinked, "Wh-what?!"

Yun kissed her on the lips and Nal squeaked, "You can't not love someone with that kind of reaction. Plus your cock is throbbing just from watching me work out."

"I just like a strong partner. I'm telling you, I'm not in love!" Nal's face darkened as her purple skin blushed. The fuming look on her was that of an embarrassed school girl getting caught in her lies.

"Oh come on. Its not a bad thing. Hearing that you were so scared of not being with me anymore got me pretty happy." Yun slid her arms around Nal.

"I... Vait. Stop." Nal pushed her back a step.

Yun crossed her arms, "Really?"

"No, not zat. Here." Nal stepped past Yun and knelt down. A burst of red fire filled her hand and she pointed at a little piece of gold that glimmered with the light.

"What? An earring? What's so special about that?" Yun cocked her head.

"Pick it up." Nal said.

"Why me?" Yun reached down and picked it up.

"Because I cannot touch the symbol of Christ. What is it doing down here?" Nal asked.

Yun looked close and realized she was right. The tiny earring was a cross maybe a quarter inch in length. It was held on half inch of gold chain to a little hook where it would've been hung from the earlobe. She shrugged, "Someone dropped it?"

"How deep are we in the underground? You believe someone who vould have gold jewelry vould come down here?" Nal raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. One of Gregarian's other sacrifices?" Yun suggested.

"I remember all he used. None had such jewelry on them." She shook her head.

"Well I did scare him something good when I took a swing at him. Think he dropped it?"

Nal tapped her chin and tapped a hoof on the stone before frowning, "No but something tells me zis was intended to be found. Perhaps he has a new sacrifice and they dropped it as a sign. But vhy here? Gregarian has no reason to come back here. It is a pointless risk."

"Maybe we should take it to the Lieutenant?" Yun said and Nal nodded.


When they got back to the station, it was late in the evening and things were a wild flurry of motion. There were twice as many people in there as that afternoon. Hail stood at the head of the room, organizing the chaos. At her side stood a rather stern looking man with graying hair and a priest's attire. Hail waved them over the moment she saw them, "I've got little time for discussion. Make it fast and move on."

"We found this at the ritual site underground where I knocked Gregarian around." Yun held up the little earring, "Nal is sure its out of place and I figure it might help you."

The priest's eyes flashed and he snatched the earring out of her hand, "This is one of hers."

"Who?" Yun asked.

"A missing girl, a treasure of the Catholic Church. The father here assures us he saw Gregarian take her." Hail said, "Where did you say you found this?"

"In the Underground. The first ritual site where Gregarian tried to sacrifice me. I can show you." Yun said.

"Good. Caroline, keep in touch with me. We're going to go try and find her. If I come across the warlock, I'll give a call and we'll meet up to take him apart." Hail said to the young Arcanist at a nearby desk.

"Will do Lieutenant." She nodded.

"Come on. You too father. I trust you can protect yourself." Hail said, heading for the door.

"He will protect me. I have no fear for myself but for Gisela." The priest said as they walked out.

"Who will?" Yun asked.

"God." He replied simply.

Yun raised an eyebrow, "Really? Like miraculous intervention or something? What about this girl. Why would Gregarian take her as opposed to someone else? It seems like taking someone called a Catholic treasure seems a little conspicuous."

They got outside and piled into an unmarked police SUV. The priest got in the front while Yun and Nal got in the back. Yun looked at hail, "Industrial docks. About halfway up the seaside wall there is a large set of drainage pipes."

She nodded and they started off.

"So what is the Catholic Church doing in all this?"

"I will answer your questions if you tell me why you have a demon with you." The priest said, looking over his shoulder at Nal.

"What is even the point of camouflage if everyone can see through it? She isn't running wild, she is under my control. Gregarian summoned her and tried to tie me to her. What he wasn't expecting was that I could overpower his control over her." Yun said with annoyance in her voices, "Who are you anyway?"

"I am Father Pedro Cervanta. I was entrusted with the guardianship of young Gisela and I was overwhelmed by the warlock we are chasing. He had a host of demons with him and I could not fight them all. If we had any hint such danger would reside here in Seattle, the Church would've sent considerable forces instead of just me." He said, hands clasped in his lap.

"But what of the girl? I don't get why Gregarian wants her bad enough to kidnap her. We know he's sacrificing people but wouldn't a less obvious target make better sense?" Yun leaned forward in her seat.

"She is one of the True Faithful." Pedro said.

Yun scratched her head, "What does that mean?"

"True Faithful are those born with the spark of divine faith within them. Most have to aspire for decades to achieve the same." Hail said, turning a corner towards the industrial district.

"What's the difference between that and believing in God?" Yun sighed. The questions were never going to stop and it annoyed her.

Pedro nodded, "A simple and common misconception. To believe in God is to think he is there. To have faith in God is to hurl yourself off a building and know he is going to save you. Very few people can attain a true faith in God and those that do are very old and wise."

"What of you?" Yun asked.

He laughed at that, "Sweet girl, I am mortal. I am sinful and my faith has wavered. I believe and I do my best to follow that belief, but I am not perfect by any means."

"Okay but what's so special about having perfect faith?" Yun just wanted to understand.

"There is a world of difference between perfect and imperfect. My faith in God lets me call upon his fury and wrath to smite his enemies and protect the innocent. But that power is imperfect, it can be defended against and defeated. Gisela's faith lets her call upon his love and truth and such power is immutable." Pedro said.

"What, she can heal?" Yun guessed.

"She can but that is not her true power. To be able to call upon the love of God, one so enamoured with our world that he sent his only son to die for us is a power beyond imagining. She can show a person God's love for them and in the face of that, no mortal can stand. No power can stop or affect it. When she touches you and you see God in all his glory and you feel his love for you, you know the utter truth of who you are." Pedro spoke with a solemn reverence.