Arcana Pt. 02: A Succubi's Desire


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"So what did you do?" Dom asked.

"I made a new one. I'm not as strong as you or as Alex was. Even with Caroline's help, I can't power big spells for very long. But I've learned to work around that." Kate held out her hands and a rune began to appear in the air, line by line. It started as a circle with a complex series of spiked lines inside it, but from there it kept growing. It kept getting more complex. Other circles and lines appeared, intersecting at seemingly random places. Soon it was as tall as she was and immensely intricate, like a blazing tapestry woven of fire. She moved her hands around, spinning the rune slowly in the air until she was certain it was finished, "I do things in ways that allow my power to flourish. I used this to capture it and let it self destruct harmlessly inside."

Dom was utterly aghast. She stared at the rune and even for a master Chronomancer like herself, it took a minute to understand. She traced a finger around the rune as she studied it, "You took the barrier and enhanced it. Empowered it to act beyond normal parameters. You crafted in conversion runes on the inside to allow the spell to feed on the elemental's own power. The more the elemental thrashed and raged, the more powerful the barrier would become. It wouldn't take a fraction of power from you to keep it going. What about the radiant heat though? The temperature would pass right through it and the room would be scorched."

"No. Look at the outside here. I used a rune I designed a long while back to sound proof my bedroom but I reversed it so instead of sound to heat, it made sound from heat." Kate pointed at the series of small circular runes lining the entire outer edges.

"Genius. That way all its destructive power feeds the barrier while the heat is reduced to harmless vibrations in the air. I imagine it got loud though?" Dom looked through the rune at Kate.

"You know those tuner cars with the big subwoofers that rumble from a block away. It sounded like that but twice as loud. None of us could hear well for an hour or two." Kate explained, "Definitely something to work on next time. Maybe a reverberation plane around the outside to force the sound back inward upon the prisoner."

"No, no. For getting rid of heat you should've just used transfer runes to feed it into the stone beneath the rune." Dom shook her head.

Kate nodded, "Makes sense but I'd never seen one at the time. There is a lot about runes I don't know so I keep coming up with little things like this to bypass what I don't know."

Dom ran a hand through her hair and huffed, "For the first time in probably a hundred years, I can safely say that you really are an Arcanologist. If you really made this rune up in anything less than fifteen minutes at your age, you have a clear talent. Usually I have to go through a few dozen classes of magic before an apprentice discovers their niche, but you got it."

"So why is being an Arcanologist a good thing? What about all that you said of imagination? Won't this still limit me in the long run?" Kate asked in confusion.

"In truth, I only use raw magic for quick and dirty stuff or stuff I'm very familiar with. The greatest high level magics still use runes. But that kind of stuff is not shared with apprentices because they will become complacent and stuck in runic magic. They won't spread their horizons and grow in talent. In time those that learn to use Wild magic see its positives and negatives. They think about runes in a new way. They start to learn what you already have. The ingenuity that is necessary to make truly grand magics." Dom said with a nod, "Do you understand?"

"Yea... Its kind if like using a calculator in math class. You can start out with it, but at some point you're going to need to learn all those basics without it. Then once you get into the truly difficult stuff like advanced calculus, you get the calculator back so you can grow even further." Kate said with a bright smile.

"Sort of, yea. I haven't heard that metaphor before." Dom laughed.

"I'm really good at math. Teachers hated me because of my memory. I just went through and did hundreds of problems on my own every night and then I'd just recall the work when the test came up and I'd just write it all down again. I'd finish tests in minutes instead of hours." Kate sniggered and Dom laughed again.


"So how did it go?" Hail asked when Dom reappeared back in her office that evening.

"Katelyn is going to be the greatest Arcanomancer this world has ever seen. Give her a few decades of practice and she will flourish into grand power. What she doesn't know or realize yet is Arcanomancers are the real masters of magic. They are the most powerful and most skilled because they are not limited to one field of Mancer level magic. A master Arcanist can call every element, every force of the art to their command, and they are a terror to be reckoned with." Dom said, rubbing her face as she sat down, "Don't lose her and Caroline. Keep them at your side."

"Do you know of any Arcanomancers that would be willing to train her?" Hail asked.

"There isn't one. There hasn't been a true Arcanomancer in centuries. They're rare. Incredibly rare. Runes are the easiest and the most complex magic. They can do simple things and they can do impossible things. The rune she made to capture that fire elemental was like one of Da Vinci's blueprints. Its rough and messy, but it was amazing. It would've taken me at least ten minutes to design and practice that rune well enough to be able use it. She made it up and used it in the field, in combat. The sheer talent required... You don't quite grasp it. Its the skill to be able to take apart a car blindfolded, then put it back together blindfolded, all while hopping on one foot, whistling showtunes, and juggling with one hand." Dom described animatedly.

"So you're saying she's better than you? You of all people, Dom, are admitting you're not the best?" Hail smirked.

"Viktoria. Give her a century of practice and experience and she'll rival Merlin. I'd stake my power on it." She said solemnly.

Hail's eyebrows went up, "Arthurian legend Merlin?"

"Merlin the Original. He was a true Arcanomancer and the greatest in history. If she puts her mind to it, with a lot of help and support from Caroline, I think she could do it." Dom nodded.

"Damn. And here I thought I had the better news. Caroline has been fighting on her spirit's instinct this whole time. Getting some real practice and technique under her belt has her growing into a real talented fighter. We sparred all day and she actually got a couple hits in on me by the end of it." Hail cursed.

"Oh and you were teasing me about my ego?" Dom poked a finger at her.

"Pull that finger back or I remove it, Dom." Hail growled.

Dom just snickered and got to her feet, "Keep an eye on those two. They're going to change the world some day." And she was gone through another portal.

"Yea... Maybe someday I could retire." Hail sighed with a hopeful smile.



Yun woke up before Nal. She found herself cuddled up beside the voluptuous, sinfully sexy succubus with her arm wrapped around her chest to grope one of those watermelon-sized boobs. Nal's big, plump butt cheeks were cradling Yun's throbbing morning wood. The warmth of her flesh and the scent of last's nights sex were the limit of what she could resist. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around Nal's huge, equine cock. It was hard and still sticky with semen. If anything, that made it sexier and more enticing to Yun, the dirty, lustful desire of it all.

She began to stroke Nal off, admiring just how big and hard the demon's morning erection was. She carefully wriggled her cock free of those plush cheeks and worked it between the soft thighs below. It felt amazing to slide into the hot, gooey mess there. She eased forward until her dick was nudging Nal's big, heavy cumsack. Her hand moved faster and she started to lazily fuck her messy thighs.

The succubus didn't notice anything. She slept soundly and even let out a rumbling snore as Yun sped up. Her hand jerked faster and her cock rubbed in and out of Nal's hot thighs. She worked her morning orgasm out very quickly and her cock erupted. Thick goo sprayed from her and pounded against Nal's heavy balls. It splattered all between her thighs, coated her balls and burst back against Yun.

It was then Nal stirred and gave a sleepy moan. Her eyes fluttered open with a wide yawn, "Good morning, mistress. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Heya. Tell me, how am I ever going to wake next to you and not immediately start fucking you? Your body is so warm and soft, your dick sooo..." Yun growled and bit at her ear, "Very hard!"

"Mmmm... Zat's the idea, mistress. I'd like you to use me every morning. Please, just use me in every vay you want. My body is your plaything." Nal cooed hungrily.

Yun let go of her cock and scooted back, despising the fact she was pulling her cock out of that warm, messy love sleeve. She sat up and gestured to her, "On your back then. My pussy is hungry for that huge beast of a dick."

"You're lucky I made you so much stretchier, mistress. Zis size could kill normal pussy." Nal smiled, rolling onto her back and holding her erection still.

"What a way to die, though." Yun licked her lips and didn't take her eyes off it once. She stood above it and slowly lowered down, splitting herself open on the gooey, flared head. A long, rapturous moan came from her as she slid down its girthy length. Her butt pressed to Nal's lap and her cock slapped down on her belly. Yun's eyes half closed as her mouth hung open. Her body was filling with pleasure and it wasn't going to take much more. "Oh... Fuck." Yun groaned, the only thing holding her up was the gigantic rod in her pussy.

Nal grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, hugging her to her massive chest. "Better mistress? How does your pussy feel?"

Yun took a breath and rubbed her face against the warm, messy skin of her breast, "Still hungry. I don't have a big load of yours inside me yet."

"Oh yes my mistress, coming right up." Nal smiled, sliding her fingers teasingly up Yun's hips until she sank them into her soft ass. Her hips rose and she pushed that big horse dick completely inside her again. With aching slowness, she drew it back out and pushed it back in, working five or six inches of thick cock back and forth.

Yun hummed happily, snuggled up to Nal's big boobs while her depths were so lustily plundered. That is until Nal decided to speed things up. In the span of a second, her lazy fucking beget a wild, superhuman pounding. Her cock flew in and out of her pussy and her huge balls slapped against Yun's ass. Yun let out a howling moan and clung to Nal's shoulders.

The succubus fucked her without an ounce of mercy. She kept going until Yun gasped and creamy splooge poured between Nal's tits. Yun's cock jerked and spewed as her insides gripped Nal in a fleshy vice. Nal turned and rolled Yun beneath her, leaving her cock to sputter the last over her own chest. She squished her beneath her huge boobs and started to work her hips again.

"Nal! Yes! Fuck me!" Yun screamed in a pleasure drunk voice.

With her legs splayed wide, Yun was joyously helpless beneath her. She pushed her flared head right up to her womb and unleashed a torrent of hot goo. Her balls clenched up tightly and she filled her in short order.

Yun's eyes rolled back as she was overcome by the sensation of being filled with hot bliss. She just basked in it all until Nal slowly pulled herself free with a messy rush of cum. Yun sighed and raised her head. The succubus was standing at the foot of the bed, eying her naked and messy body with a hungry look, "Every time we fuck, I realize just how awesome it is with you. Being a demon has its ups and downs, how restricted ve are when it comes to mortals sometimes sucks... But other times I get to see this."

"Don't get too excited all at once. Not the only time you're gonna see it." Yun chuckler, sitting upright. She got to her feet and stumbled. Her knees wobbled and she grabbed the dresser with a choked laugh, "Fucking hell. I am not used to that much fucking. I feel like I should be sore and aching but I'm not."

"How boring is it for you mortals normally? I could go for days more." Nal snickered.

"I... Oh... Damn." Yun cursed as she saw the disaster of the bed. It was soaked down to the carpet with semen and other fluids. Gooey white spunk splattered the walls and pooled among the sheets. She rubbed her face, "Maybe we should fuck in the shower mode. I don't make enough money to have my whole bedroom cleaned every night."

Nal laughed, "Oh please Mistress. Vhat is the matter with living in a den of our carnal desires?"

"It's slightly unsanitary. Also can you imagine how uncomfortable this will be when its really cold or really hot out?" Yun shook her head, "No, we'll fuck outside or in the shower, not so much in here anymore."

"Oh fine. You are no fun Mistress. I love sleeping in a mess of cum." Nal huffed, raising her hands. A dark rune appeared before her and a warm breeze blew out of it. It swirled around the room, upending blankets and pillows, washing over Yun's body and fluffing the carpet. It blew against the walls and fluttered back to Nal, leaving all clean and fresh in its wake. The scent of semen was a fraction of what it had been and all the walls and floor looked freshly washed. The bed even made itself as the wind disappeared.

"Wow! That's handy." Yun exclaimed.

"And so boring." The succubus sighed dejectedly.


Yun put a pair of burgers on the stove for lunch a few hours later. She had spent the morning doing long needed chores, washing clothes and such. Nal complained most of the time, pining on about her need for sex.

The meat started to sizzle as the pan heated up. Yun flopped down on the couch and Nal snuggled up next to her, "So, fuck?"

"It just never ends with you. Humans do other things besides fuck, you know that right?" Yun said, glancing sideways at her.

"Yes and you are so boring during that time. Unless you are killing or fucking, you are vasting time zat could be spent killing or fucking!" Nal exclaimed.

Yun stared at her and shook her head, "Or I could call my boss and try to lie my way back into my job. Maybe I could get Hail to sign some paper saying I was doing something for the police department. Make a believable story so I'm not fired."

"A job? You have a job? How are ve supposed to fuck all day if you aren't home!" Nal said, throwing her hands up.

Yun just rolled her eyes and picked up her cellphone off the coffee table. She dialed her work and asked for her boss. Ten minutes later, the results were rather clear. "Fired. They don't care that I didn't have an option in my missed time. Said they can't trust a secretary that will just up and vanish for a few days with no notice. I'll receive my severance in the mail."

"Zat is a good thing, yes? Now you don't have to work!" Nal said with a fanged grin.

"No it is not a good thing! I don't have a job! I hardly have any savings and I've got student loans to pay off. My schooling was all in business, I have to find more work or I'll lose my apartment! This is all awful! Why did this have to happen to me? I'm nobody special. I just wanted to live my life. But first you, then this body, then my dad is the Monkey King, and now I'm the Monkey King. I have super powers but they don't just make me bricks of gold. Hell, I don't even know what to do with these stupid powers! What does it even mean to be the Monkey King?" Yun covered her face and laid back on the couch, trying not to cry. Everything had been happening so fast lately and now there was time for everything to catch up. It did so all at once and her head couldn't take it.

Nal slid an arm around her shoulder, "Calm down. You don't need to panic over such trivial issues."

Yun sniffed and rubbed her eyes, "What do you suggest I do?"

"Sit and breathe. Nothing vill change or go wrong in the next few minutes. Gather yourself." She suggested.

"Meditate. Yea. That seems like a Monkey King thing to do. Wonder if my ancestors can answer any questions." Yun gave an empty chuckle. She pulled her legs up to herself and closed her eyes. Nal got off the couch and went into the kitchen while she tries to focus.

It came easier than she expected it to. Once she had a mind to try and meditate, her body reacted instantly. Her heart slowed down, her muscles went limp, and her mind began to slowly empty like a blocked stream finally released. It was as though she had done this a million times before and she only needed to remember how. Her breathing slowed and she felt comfort in the dark and the quiet.

As the last thoughts faded from her mind, she felt a soft breeze ruffle her hair. She opened her eyes to find a small but rich meadow before her. Tall mountains of some unknown Chinese valley loomed around her and the only thing in sight was a gorgeously blossoming mandarin tree on a hill in the little meadow. She got to her feet and walked towards it. Beneath it's shade sat her grandfather, his body still and his face peaceful. He wore worn white robes and his cane was leaned against the tree next to him.

"Grandfather." Yun said as she walked up the hill towards him.

"Ah. Hello Yun. It is good to see you. You look troubled. Come, share my shade." He said, patting the grass next to him.

She walked over and sat beside him, "Thanks. Can't seem to make sense of things the last few days. I just lost my job and my apartment probably isn't far behind."

"Hmmm." He said thoughtfully, "Why do you find yourself so overwhelmed?"

"Because there is just so much happening! I'm the Monkey King and I can't even keep my job. Why can't anyone just tell me what I'm meant to do with these powers?" Yun leaned on her knees and rubbed her forehead.

Her grandfather leaned over to her and held his hands out. In them was a beautiful white bloom from the tree above them. He held it up and looked at her, "What do you see?"

"A flower." She said the obvious.

"I see an mandarin that is yet to be. I see the tree's hope. I see a promise." He said, turning the blossom around.

"Yea, I guess that's true too." Yun nodded.

Her grandfather smiled warmly, "You are like this blossom. You are yet to bear fruit but you show promise. No matter how things seem, you still have room to grow."

"I've never liked all this metaphor and mystical crap. Why can't everything be straight forward and simple. Maybe I'm a bad choice for Monkey King." Yun groaned, shaking her head.

That made him laugh. He held his belly and gave a great bellowing laugh that seemed to make the grass sway and the wind sing. It brought a smile to Yun and she felt its warmth soak into her. He took her hand, still chuckling, and put the blossom in it. "My dear sweet granddaughter, you are more like Sun Wukong than any Monkey King since him. None were more bullheaded, stubborn, and implacable as he. You and he are more alike than you can possibly imagine."

"But he was wise and powerful. He did things I can't even imagine. Fighting a whole army? I was almost bested by one gorgeous demon woman!" Yun scoffed.

"He grew wise with age. You will too. But believe me when I tell you that he was just as stubborn the day he finally died as he had been the day he was born from stone. He was never one for hyperbole or mysticism. He liked simple solutions to simple problems. He was tricky, yes, but when he asked a question, he wanted an answer... Not more questions." He said, still grinning.

Yun turned the blossom in her hand and sighed, "I don't suppose you can tell me how to get a new job in the next week, could you?"