Arcana's Path

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Kitty thought all she needed was a bike and the open road.
16.1k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/16/2021
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The bike beneath her hummed and growled as she sped along the highway, her hair trailing behind her on another cool night, on another abandoned road.

This was her freedom, stretching out beneath her, behind her.

Her t-shirt flapped rapidly in the wind, briefly obscuring a splash of green and blue that denoted the existence of a band that was now so esoteric that finding out if they ever even formed was an investigative task.

The left side of her head had been shaved down to stubble, whilst the right stretched long enough to reach her ankles, trailing behind her like a banner in the breeze. Her fringe was swept to one side, usually obscuring half her face and her violent eyes.

She loved the feeling she got when she stood upon this world that had so mistreated her, and when a single grunt sent the insects scrambling to get the hell away from her.

She did sort of wish that it paid more, though.

"No, no, no! Lookout below!" Came a voice out of the sky, like a bolt of lightning.

A quick glance in the mirror followed by a headcheck showed Kitty that she was still alone on this awesome curving stretch of road. Had she just imagined it?

"Pull up! Pull up! Pull up you dumb bastard!"

Kitty slowed her bike to a crawl, looking around in utter confusion. She trickled to a stop, resting one foot down. The voices had to be -

A flying ball of scales, claws and flames shot right through in front of her, shattering the road and blistering through the guardrails and back out into the night sky.

The punk woman's jaw dropped as she stared in confused wonder at the somersaulting dragon spinning around nearby. It was beginning to climb again, and curve back in her direction.

Staring at it in shock, she realised not only was she looking at something right out of myth, some bastard that was even crazier than she was had strapped a seat to its back and was trying to fly the damn thing.

Even she flinched when the giant beast came crashing down in front of her. It stood up proudly, towering above her from all fours, gave a small shake to dislodge the passenger, and then took off into the sky with a shove that shattered the road in every direction.

"What... The... Fuck...?"

The passenger stood up, brushing themselves down. They were wearing a crash helmet, and similar sort of safety gear to most bikers. The person swore at the sky and shook an angry fist, before turning around slowly and seemingly spotting her for the first time.

Kitty cocked her head, "Dude. When did I get high?"

"Oh, shut up." The person said and ran up, jumping on the back of her bike, "We can't let him get away! Floor it!"

Usually, Kitty would be questioning her sanity and considering never touching a drink bought for her by someone else at a bar again. However, in this particular case...

Her eyes lit up and she gunned the engine, whirling her bike around the crater, "Which way we going?"

"Sed amir arakinir!" Her passenger yelled, and Kitty felt a massive jolt of adrenaline as the bike wheeled upwards with the familiar feeling of a complete loss of traction.

It shot through the air for a moment before crashing solidly to the ground with a jaw-shaking rattle atop an overpass. She spotted the flaming ball in the sky, and pulled a U-turn that had her nearly grazing her bare knees before they shot forward again.

Again she got the sense her passenger was completely insane as they stood up on the bike, balancing delicately behind her and waving their hands, "Kant kor ka'nar!"

The words seemed like nonsense, but the dragon jerked and struggled for a moment before crashing down well ahead of them on the pass. It took one look at the bike headed for it and began sprinting away, tearing up the road as it went.

"Oh, that little fucker." The person cursed and dropped down behind her, grabbing around her waist, "Can't you go any faster?"

Kitty couldn't help but laugh as she pushed the bike to its limits, ducking around the potholes that the beast had left behind. Here she was, thinking the world was running out of challenges to give her.

She couldn't ask for a better Friday night.


Taking yourself out to a cafe is supposed to be a treat.

A little bit of self-care, a little bit of luxury. You're supposed to enjoy yourself, feel refreshed, and move on with your life again. All it is supposed to do is give you a brighter perspective.

"Why the fuck are you in my house!?" Rin screeched as she came fully awake.

There was a woman sitting on her couch, legs tucked under her as she read a book, casual as could be. They placed a bookmark delicately, and laid the red-covered item down on the coffee table beside some porcelain that Rin definitely didn't own.

The waitress from this morning's cafe trip looked over at and smiled, "Oh, finally. You're awake! I was thinking about you, so I decided it might be nice to visit. You have a terrible tea selection. All instant. So I brewed us some nice jasmine and rose petal, if you'd like a cup."

"You... You broke into my house." Rin stared and began reaching for her phone.

The woman giggled and held up her hand, the phone suddenly in it and not dragging down Rin's pyjamas anymore. "Now then, that wouldn't do. If you go telling the police about a witch, who knows what they might do to you."

"... Witch." Rin said slowly, patting at her pockets, "Thief. Stalker. Those words come to mind. Not... Witch. Are you just a crazy person?"

"No, I'm a witch." The waitress pouted, "And I didn't break into your house, obviously. I walked through the front door. Are you sure you wouldn't like some tea? It has a calming effect."

"I don't feel like being roofied... No." Rin stared, still petrified.

The woman stared at her in horror, "I would never taint tea. That's an awful, very bad, sick idea. I just... That's sacrilege. I always make the best and finest."

"Just... Get out? How did you even know where I live?"

The waitress blinked, "I can always find what is important to me."

Rin rubbed her temples. Going to tea wasn't meant to be stressful. She took one day to actually take care of herself, and it follows her home like a bloody demon.

"I'm a witch. Not a demon." The waitress glared at her, "That's really offensive, Rin. And after I went to the effort of making you a decent cup of tea to wake up with. You really should try and fix your sleep cycle. Waking up twice a night isn't healthy when you work all day."

She stared at the woman.

The waitress crossed her arms, "An apology wouldn't be too much to ask for."

"You stalk me. Break into my house. Make yourself at home whilst I'm still sleeping... And you want me... To apologise to you..." Rin swallowed nervously, "... You wouldn't happen to be a serial killer, would you?"

"W. I. T. C. H." The woman spelled it out. "I am a witch. A witch! Witch, witch, witch! Not a demon. Not a stalker. And I did not break in! I walked right through your door."

"Locked door."

"Through the door, not the doorframe, silly." The waitress giggled at her. Like that made any sense.

Rin backed away slowly, wishing that she still had a landline phone. Then she might be able to call the police on this crazy thing that had somehow followed her home.

"I am not a `crazy thing'. Why do you have to be so offensive? Simply call me what I am. A witch."

She swallowed nervously, "So... This gimmick where it seems like you can read my thoughts? That's just creepy. Like turning up in my fucking house! Out!"


Rin stared in shock, "What?"

"I said no." The witch replied, crossing her arms crossly, "Not until you apologise for all the mean things you've thought about me."

She swallowed nervously, "I don't even know who the hell you are. This is my friggin' house. Please get out? Please?"

"So mean, Rin." The woman pouted, "I'm the witch that you went and bewitched this morning. You were so sweet, and you appreciated my tea so -"

"Yeah. You're a waitress. Still don't know who you are or why you're stalking me."

The waitress clenched her fists hard enough for them to crack audibly. "I am not a stalker. I am a witch. I have been exceptionally polite, Rin. I came here to offer you a midnight treat, and you have been completely unreasonable."

"What is unreasonable about freaking out about a home invasion!?"

The woman stood up slowly, and snapped her fingers. The porcelain teacup and book vanished from the table. She spun on her heel and started walking towards the front door, "We will speak about this again when you are feeling more reasonable, Rin Kisaki."

Rin followed at a distance to make sure the woman actually left. True to her word, when the witch approached her door, she seemed to glide right through it like it wasn't even there.

Her phone clattered to the floor, behind the woman, scaring her.

At least the witch hadn't stolen that.

Rin picked up her phone and decided that she was exhausted. It was still Friday, so... Time to go back to bed.


"Bad dragon!" Arcana said poutingly, tapping it lightly on the nose as she clipped the chain in place. The beast snorted and looked at her in hurt shock, before its eyes went wide and the pupil engorged to fill them.

Then, predictably, it let out a pathetic keening sound as if she'd just beaten it senseless.

She ignored it and waved at the truck driver, "All secure back here."

He began to drive away, and she took a moment to rest from all the craziness, leaning back on the side of the damaged highway pass with her helmet under her arm.

The cleanup crew were already on site, sealing the area and beginning to try and repair the rubble. There wasn't much left for her to do other than to get scolded and fined.

"That... Was... Fuckin' amazing!" Came a ear-splitting scream.

Arcana stared beside her at the person she'd hitched a ride with and seeing them for the first time. The woman had their hands balled up and their eyes were sparkling. One ear had an earring, and the other eyebrow was pierced. There was even a hint of a tattoo down their back. Who the heck had she just run into? Some gangster wannabe?

The person danced excitedly, "Dragons. Dragons are fuckin' real, aren't they? Do you like catch them or some shit?"

"Trains them." A stiff voice replied morbidly, "Or at least, that's what she is supposed to do."

Arcana groaned and turned with a cringe to see the inspector and his damn writing pad. "Hi, Tom."

"Inspector Aides will do." He corrected her, "Reckless endangerment, failure to contain a controlled animal, damage to public property... There's more, too. Do you ever not break a dozen laws and regulations, Miss Astria?"

She winced, "I'm sorry. He spotted a bird and took off with me only half in the stirrups. I wasn't even planning on taking a test flight yet."

"Sorry." Tom said and looked around, "Sorry going to pay for this, too? I know you come from a wealthy family, but this is a bit much, isn't it?"

"And you know I won't ever take a cent from my mother, so why not stop trying to piss me off, Tom?" She shot back at him, "Look, he's a youngling. Shit happens. I try and keep things together, but you can't always."

"How young a dragon was it this time?" The inspector flicked a page in his notebook, "Seemed at least three or four years old to me. Should have been better trained by now, unless you've started to take in strays?"

"Shows what you know. He's a heraclaide. Which means that at this size he's no more than a week old." Arcana replied derisively, "I'm getting started on his training early, because heraclaides get big, fast. Just be glad that they're rare."

"Sort of wish they were extinct." The inspector shuddered, "But, the beast has been impounded. The DA will have to look over the notes before they issue the fine, but I wouldn't count on keeping your license this time, rich girl."

"You want me to punch you, don't you?" Arcana glared.

He shrugged, "Tucking you into a cell would make my night."

"What the fuck are you two sprayin' about?" The woman looked from one to the other, "That was a motherfuckin' dragon! You're just talkin' like this is your usual Friday night or some shit."

"It is certainly more of a regular occurrence than I'd like." Tom shrugged and waved at the woman, "You going to take care of the mundane, Miss Astria? Or do you need me to clean up that mess as well?"

"Piss off, relic." Arcana glared at him, and turned to the woman, "If your bike is still running, mind giving me a lift home? My ride has sort of disappeared."

The inspector turned and walked away, muttering to himself about paperwork. Like Arcana didn't have her own problems to deal with now. She wasn't looking forward to explaining this one to her landlord. The dragon hadn't exactly taken off in a gentle manner.

The biker grinned at her, "So... Like... Dragons are real? And you can ride 'em?"

"... Yeah."

The woman punched the air excitedly, doing a dance, and then spun back around and grabbed her shoulders roughly, "You said some weird shit. That makes you a witch, right? Or was that some kind of creepy language for dragons? Like you use German for dogs?"

Arcana smiled sheepishly, "Uh... I'm not a witch. But it was a spell. And before you get too excited, no one is ever going to believe what you saw."

The woman's face fell, and she glared at her, "Aw shit. I didn't take a photo. What the fuck is the point of seeing a dragon if you don't get to brag that you did?"

"Can we... Just go?" Arcana shrugged, "I can answer all your questions. But right now, I'm tired and just want a nice cup of tea and to crash on my couch."

"Oh." The woman relaxed, seeming put out, "Sure, I guess. Which way we headed?"

"My street is off Grendale Road." She named one of the major areas in downtown, and walked towards the bike, putting her helmet back on to try and end the possibility of any other questions.


A dragon! She had chased down a friggin' dragon on a motorbike. Then, to top it all off, the person who had been a dragonrider had turned out to be this cute little thing that went pink every time she got in their face.

This had to be a dream.

Kitty was hoping to hell that she'd never wake up again.

She parked the bike in an underground garage, pulling her keys and looked over as the woman beside her... Astria? Cute name for a magic something.

Astria climbed off the bike and pulled her helmet off again, shaking out her shoulder length hair with a motion that made Kitty even more certain she was dreaming. Nobody did that in real life, not that perfectly.

Kitty spun her keys and put them in her pocket, peeking around the first garage she had ever been in that didn't even mildly smell of piss. The cars that were spaced out were way nicer than she expected for a midtown place. "So... You really are a rich girl, then?"

"Don't touch a dime of my mother's money." Astria said angrily, "And if you want tea and not a punch in the face, you'll remember that particular fact about me."

She held up her hands, "I dig, I dig. Wasn't lookin' to mess things up."

They arrived at the elevator, and the woman swiped a card and punched in a code. Kitty had heard of that kind of thing, but had never actually seen it before. Total rich girl.

The scene when the doors slid open only confirmed that particular idea. There was a guy standing there in a little uniform, white gloves, a fake smile and a welcoming greeting. Whatever she was dreaming up was whack.

"Arcana." The man said happily, "I see that you have returned intact. I take it that you came by foot?"

The woman's face dropped, "I'll deal with the roof. Nothing for your boss to worry about. Mostly. Oh, and I didn't walk. This one gave me a ride, uh... I never asked your name."

"Kitty." She raised her chin, and the doorman recoiled and frantically whispered something about suitable company to... Was her name Arcana or Astria? Seems her dream couldn't keep it straight.

Arcana waved her in, and they spent a quiet ride upwards. It wasn't actually all that long, but it was unpleasant. Kitty felt her ears pop and a wave of vertigo that told her she was going somewhere way up, fast.

The door opened directly into the apartment.

She barely stopped herself from making a quip about how the other half lived. She popped her cheeks idly as she stepped into the house, which it sorta felt like. Full blown house, not apartment.

Arcana tossed her helmet onto a table, and began stripping off the leathers, dumping them as she walked. Kitty would have thought her dream had taken a left turn to sexyland if it wasn't for the fact the entire apartment was a mess.

In point of fact, if it wasn't so massive, it would remind her of her own. Clothes strewn everywhere, weird trinkets scattered about. Cheap shit that you picked up because you liked it, and then never know what to actually do with it.

"What kind of tea do you like? Friend of mine runs a cafe. Got it all." Astria/Arcana called from the kitchen as Kitty skipped over to stare out the window at the city. She was right about the elevator, they were crazy high up. Might even be reaching towards the penthouses from here, which would explain the size.

"There's different kinds?"

She heard a laugh, and smiled slowly. The woman had brought her home, supposedly to explain things like dragons, but if Kitty had anything to do with it she'd be laying her out on the ground soon enough.

Letting something this cute go just wasn't in her.

"Clear the table, would you? Just dump it on the floor." The magical girl said, appearing with a pot and two handle-less tea cups on a tray.

Kitty looked at a tiny table, like kid height, and swept stuff off it quickly, pausing and holding up a bunch of cards. "Oh, cool. Tarot. That a thing, too?"

"Those aren't Tarot cards." The woman said sitting down, and pouring, "But they are... I suppose. Something similar, anyway. Fortune telling is mostly bullshit. Reading someone's emotions, that's magic. I picked those up... Somewhere. Never really had a use for them, though."

"Do me." Kitty said excitedly, holding them out.

The woman chuckled, "Fine, fine. Introductions, first. So... Kitty. I'm Arcana Astria, dragon trainer, and student of mythic animal studies. Wanna work on the reservations when I finally get my doctorate. Bit institutional, I suppose. What about you?"

Kitty leaned back as Arcana shuffled the cards and blew her hair out of her eyes, "I don't know. Ran away from home as a kid. Do retail here and there to get by. Old man still expects me to join the family business, but cracking skulls and taking names doesn't feel like me. I just want the open road, you know? So long as I can get by and ride my bike, I'm pretty chill."

"I'm never happier than when I'm in the sky." Arcana smiled briefly, and then looked down at the weird cards she'd laid out. Her smile had vanished and she had a serious look on her face that Kitty didn't like.

She scratched her head, "Four of those are the same. Like, aren't these kinds of cards meant ta be all unique?"

"Magic cards. They take the shape that they want to." Arcana said and held out the deck face-up, "See, it's a faery thing for me. Take it."

Kitty picked up the card and it became the fifth duplicate of some weird shadow thing. She put it on the table cautiously, "Got to say, this is the craziest dream I've ever had. Longest, too."

"Wish you were just dreaming." Arcana said, "So... This particular freaky card? See how it's all shadows and tentacles? It has a name. We call it a managuise. Because it likes to hide inside... People."

She shrugged, sipping at her tea, "Okay... So what's a... Mana-whatever?"

"A demon. Bad luck demon, to be precise." Arcana said, "And it has been listening to every word we've been saying..."

As she trailed off, Kitty followed her gaze to see that her shadow was somehow stretched out way behind her and halfway up the wall. She hadn't felt scared of a shadow since she was a kid.
