Art Model Ch. 05

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Mellow evening heats up.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 02/02/2003
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I instinctively turned toward the voice, as I turned several shades of red. My hands involuntarily moved to cover myself, but caught them in mid movement and tried to act as if it was no big deal.

“Honey, I think that would look just great on you if it were not for those white briefs. And don’t be embarrassed. Think of me as like a doctor, I have seen it all and I am here to help you.” The middle aged woman made not attempt to hide the fact that she was checking me out from head to toe. She was thin, with ample tits and nice legs. “Turn around for me again honey, slowly.”

I followed her instruction without a thought. As I turned I looked over at Kathy, who was just standing there smiling.

“By the way, I am Tina. I own this place. Helping folks like you back here almost makes peddling all that crap out front worthwhile. Anyway, I think I have something that will work better for you over here.” She walked around a rack and pulled off a leather bikini brief and a wide collar with a leash clipped to the single ring.

“Sweetie, you would just look great in anything!” Tina was talking to Kathy as she held out my selections. She was checking out Kathy as much or more than she had me.

“Thank you.” Kathy replied.

“What do you have there?”

Kathy held up the corset.

“No, no. For you more is not better, less is better.” Tina took to corset and then handed Kathy a red leather crop to match what she already had on. “I would suggest you remove the bra and just go with the bottoms. Why don’t you two get changed and we’ll see what we have. And honey, this time loose the briefs” she was talking to me again.

Kathy just slipped out of the bra as I returned to the changing room. I closed the door and changed. “Sweetie, you do look awesome. Have you considered modeling? I know some people that would pay very well, whether you were clothed or not.”

“Thank you, again. That is kind of you to say. I keep that in mind.” Kathy smiled and winked at me.

“Ok, honey. How are you doing over there? About ready to show us your new look?”

“Ya, one sec.” I replied as I pulled up the bikini briefs. I grabbed the collar and started to put it on as I pushed out the door.

“Let me help you with that, honey.” Tina stepped over and took hold of the collar, securing it snuggly around my neck. She grabbed up the handle of the leash with her left hand, as her right hand roamed my ass. “Here you go sweetie.” Tina said, extending the leash to Kathy as her right hand now groped my growing cock.

Kathy took the leash, which was fully extended now. She gave it a slight tug, and I moved closer.

“Well, what do you thing?” prompted Kathy.

“I like what I see.” She paused. “But there is something that is still not just right.”

With that the curtain parted and three girls entered. They looked to be high school aged, or at least questionable for meeting the posted age requirement. Looking at us they froze.

“If you ladies are 18 or older, come on in. If not, get out now.” Tina said sternly.

One girl started to turn as another spoke, “were all 19” grabbing her friend and continuing into the room.

They were staring at me and Kathy. I could feel myself turning a darker shade of red. Kathy pulled on the leash, tugging me closer to her until my head was next to hers.

“You ok with this?” she whispered.

“I am a bit uncomfortable at the moment.” I replied.

“Ok, let’s go then.” She released the leash and returned to her dressing room, as did I.

Emerging fully clothed we handed the items to Tina.

“Oh, are you sure you don’t want any of this? It did look great on you.”

“Oh, no thank you.” Kathy replied.

“It was interesting to try, but I’m not convinced enough to buy now.” I said.

“Well, come back any time and I would be glad to help you find just the right thing. I can order other things if you have anything specific in mind. And, you sweetie, remember about the modeling. I might even be able to convince them to include your honey here too.”

We slipped past the curtain as the girls continue to watch us and whisper back and forth.

“Ok, girls, how can I help you?” Tina was on the girls now.

Kathy and I held hands as we exited he store.

“I need a drink” I said as we turned to head down the street.

“That caught you off guard, didn’t it?”

“Ya, it was fine until the girls walked in. I mean it was a bit uncomfortable with Tina there, but I was getting past that. I just flashed to Tuesday when I’ll be buck naked for the class and figured wearing underwear in front of a stranger was not much different.”

“Well, it is different. That stuff in there is supposed to be sexual, whether you are fully naked or not. Class on Tuesday is ‘art’, which is not intended to be sexual. More like when we were at the lake today.”

We reached the first bar a block down from Tina’s and ducked in to find it relatively empty for 11pm on a Saturday night. Then again it was a “local” bar, rather than the student hangout just off campus. Sitting at a window table for two we were immediately greeted by a waitress.

“What can I get for you?” the waitress asked.

“Do you have Fat Tire draft? If so, we each have one.” I replied.

“Ok, let me check your ids and I’ll have those for you in a minute.”

I pulled out my wallet and handed over our ids. After a quick glance she handed back the ids and left for the tap without another word.

“She modeled for Kate earlier this year. It is surprising the number of folks I run into that do modeling.” Kathy noted. “She posed with her six month old girl. It was heart warming to see the baby snuggled up to mommy and sleeping. I think it would be nice to have pictures like that if I ever have children, but I have to find the right guy first.” And with that she nudged me with her knee under the table and winked.

“Wow! Now that was a leap down the relationship path.” Is all I could managed to say, as I slipped our ids into my wallet.

“Hey, you never know. I think we have been having fun thus far.”

“Ya, that is true. It is just looking down the road that far, it really hadn’t crossed my mind. I guess I was just enjoying the present, not trying to set any expectations or goals.” My head was starting to spin, and I hadn’t had that much to drink yet. Now I really needed something stronger than an ale.

“Oh, me too. It is just that the mind wanders and the mouth moves.” Kathy paused as the waitress returned with our drinks.

“Here you go.” She placed two pints on the able with a basket of popcorn. “Can I get you anything else? We have some hot wings and fried calamari that are pretty tasty.”

I was a bit lost in the conversation and staring it Kathy’s eyes.

Without breaking our gaze Kathy replied “one order of calamari, please.”

“Great, I’ll have that out to you in a few minutes” and the waitress disappeared again, leaving the uneasy seriousness that descended on our table.

“I am glad that you feel comfortable enough with me to be able to share things like that. It is the way it should really be. I just didn’t expect it so fast” I managed to dribble out after a pause that seemed to last forever, I broke my stare to reach for the pint, which was now screaming my name. I needed something in my mouth before I said something stupid.

“So, does that mean I can still stay over tonight?” Kathy asked without looking away as she reached for her pint.

‘Yes, of course.” I replied after a couple large gulps of the cold liquid, the taste not even resisting.

I reached out and caught her hand going for the popcorn. Her hand was warm. I gave it a gentle squeeze and a kiss. She returned the squeeze as our hand rested, intertwined on the table.

We sat in silence drinking our pints and nibbling at the popcorn as our hands danced together. The silence was broken when the waitress returned with the calamari.

“Careful now, this is hot.” She paused. “I’m sorry, but you look familiar.” She continued looking at Kathy. “But not from here. Do you go to the community college?”

“Yes. You modeled with your daughter for one of my art classes. It was really beautiful to see the two of you together.”

“Oh, thanks. Kate talked me into that. Normally I only pose for private sessions for her and a couple other local artists, but I needed a few extra bucks.”

“Kate can be persuasive. I have been modeling for her classes too. Bill here is going to be giving it a try for the first time next week.”

“Oh, really? You to posing together? You do make a cute couple.”

“Thanks. This time he is going solo. We have not discussed posing together. Might be best to wait until after his first session.” Kathy giggled and gave my hand a squeeze.

“Ya, it doesn’t always workout, but I am sure you will find it fun.” She was now talking to me. “If you would be interested in posing with me, and she will let you, I could use a guy to work with that I know, before showing up at the studio. Actually that goes for you too.” She smiled back to Kathy. “My name is Mindy.” He extended her hand toward me.

“I’m Bill, and this is Kathy.” I said, shaking her hand.

“Nice to meet you both, here’s my number if you are ever interested.” She said as she scribbled her name, number, and a URL on a napkin. “I think I should give this to you,” handing it to Kathy, “or you can stop by here any evening. I am always here.”

“Thanks, we will keep you in mind.” Kathy replied. “How often do you pose?”

“Oh, usually I have something every other week or so. It all depends when I get away from here and have child care, also what they want. There are tons of calls for photo sessions for the web, you know the lingerie and stripper stuff, but I avoid most of that stuff. Most of what I pose for is drawing, painting, or private photo work. Although, the web stuff can pay a bit better if you get a good contract. How about you?”

“Most of my modeling is for Kate and her circle of friends, so it is mostly paint and drawing. I have done some sculpture and plaster castings.”

“That’s cool. Well, I’ll let you too be for a while. Let me know if you need a refill on your drinks or anything.” With that Mindy moved of to another table and started chatting with the folks.

“I can’t believe you got two job offers in an hour.”

“Correction, we got two offers.” Kathy corrected. “Remember? Tina included you and Mindy was actually after you. Don’t let it go to your head though, most are just because they want to see you with your clothes off, but Mindy seems cool. So, would you pose together with me?”

“I already posed with you, kinda. Remember back at your place when we sitting around and playing twister?”

“Well, I guess that almost counts. When you are posing it is different.” Kathy paused to chew some for the calamari. “Hmm, this is better than I expected.”

“I guess I should try it then.” I took a bite. “This is much better than what have had before. I never really liked it because it was like chewing on rubber bands, and didn’t taste much better. I could almost get to liking calamari if it were like this all the time.”

“It makes a huge difference if they get it fresh and don’t over cook it. So, you never answered about posing with Mindy” Kathy said with a sparkle in her eye.

“I guess I could, but I doubt I would ever do it. It doesn’t seem right somehow.” I glanced at Mindy across the room. She had a firm, not to large ass, nice legs, decent tits, long brown hair, and a girl next door face. “Would you?” I countered.

“Sure, but it would also depend on what poses, not anything too sexually suggestive or explicit.” She smiled. “I think it might be kinda sexy to watch you pose with her, or another girl, within limits and if you were comfortable with it. Although, I would really prefer if you posed with me.”

My head was starting to spin a bit more. It was hard to tell if it was the pint I just finished, on an empty stomach, or where the discussion was headed.

“Can I get you refills?” Mindy was back.

“Yes, please.” Kathy replied in a cheery voice before I could protest.

Mindy was back in a flash and cleared the empty calamari plate.

“I surprised you again, didn’t I, about posing with someone other than me?” Kathy said.

“Uh, ya. I guess there is a lot about each other we still need to find out.”

“Ya, but there is no rush is there? It is not like we are planning a family or anything.” She giggled and smiled.

I laughed, sucking down more of the fresh pint.

“So, is there anything I should know now?” I probed.

“No. I think you have enough to think about for now.” Another smile and a wink. “What are you hiding?”

“Are you kidding? I am the average, boring geek.”

“I still doubt that. You think about it some more while I go to the little girls’ room.” Kathy slipped out of her chair hand headed toward the back of the bar. She put a little extra wiggle in her stride, half way across the room looking back over her should with a wink and a smile.

As soon as Kathy was out of site, Mindy came over.

“Here, take this just in case you are interested and she isn’t.” She handed me a wallet sized photo of herself in lingerie with her name, phone # and URL. “I think we could have some real fun working together.”

“Ok, I’ll keep it in mind.” I replied as she started away.

I slipped the photo into my back pocket. A minute later Kathy worked her way back across the room with a little more giggle in her chest.

As she sat down she said “open your hands, palm up on the table.”

I did and she placed her fists on my hands. Smiling she opened her hands face down, releasing her bra into my left hand and thong into my right.

“I didn’t feel like wearing them anymore and thought you could hang on to them for me.” She leaned over and gave me a kiss.

I closed my hands around her underwear and deposited it in my shorts pockets.

“What do you say we finish off our drinks and get some fresh air?” I asked.

“Sounds like a plan to me” was Kathy’s reply as she scooped up her pint and chugged down the remaining quarter.

I followed her lead and polished of my drink.

“I am guessing that you are ready for the check?” Mindy had just drifted over.

“Ya, what’s the damage?” I answered.

“Eighteen fifty,” she said as she placed the ticket on the table.

I pulled out my wallet and dropped my Visa card on the ticket. What the heck, it would be about the last thing I could charge before I reached the limit.

“Be right back,” Mindy said she scooped up the card and headed back to the bar register.

“Any place specific you wanted to go?” Kathy asked.

“No, not really. I just felt it was getting a little warm and crowed here.”

“Bill, do you have another card or cash?” It was Mindy again. “I am sorry, but it appears you have reached your limit on this card.”

I grumbled to myself and produced the last twenty dollar bill from my wallet. Mindy retreated to the register to make change.

“Are you really that tapped out?” Kathy asked.

“No,” I lied. “It is just the bubble from tuition, books, and stuff. You know how it is at the beginning of the term. Everything piles on. I just lost track.” Well, the sum of my savings and checking would only about half the balance.

Mindy returned with the change, “thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you soon.” She winked at me with a smile before turning away.

I left the change for a somewhat weak tip.

“Let’s go,” I said as I stood up. I waited for Kathy to get up, and followed her out the door.

We walked about half a block in silence before she spoke.

“I know that was a bit embarrassing, but don’t worry about it. Things like that happen. I have done it a couple of times my self.”

“Thanks. It just that I should have known and I don’t want to come across as a looser. Heck, we have only known each other less than a week.” In the back of my mind I was wondering how much modeling with Mindy would pay. Enough to pay of the credit card and cover some extra spending money?

“Now who is thinking about the future!?” Kathy said with a giggle and an elbow to my ribs.

“Alright, busted. So it does rattle around in my brain.”

She slipped her arm around my waist and gave me a squeeze. “What do you say we head back your place and get some sleep before we do much more thinking?”

“Sounds good.” I checked my watch and it was half past twelve. “Hopefully Rick and Matt opened a window or two by now.”

I put my arm around Kathy as we walked. She leaned in and rested her head on my chest. It felt so good, and we walked the rest of the way back in silence.

When we arrived back at my apartment, it was evident that Allison had shown up to keep Rick company. Also, Eric and Annie where home. As we walked in, it was obvious that Rick, Eric and Annie were all shit faced, as laud as they were and as slurred as their speech was. Matt was appeared to still be drinking beers and Allison was nursing a wine cooler, looking a little embarrassed for Rick. Well that was about par for a Saturday night, except for me not occupying a chair and nursing a beer.

“We were wondering when or if you would be back!” Eric blurted out.

I just ignored him and asked Kathy if she wanted to have a beer or wine cooler. She declined.

“So what you feeling good?” I asked Eric.

“I feel buzzed. Just about ready for a little ride with the little lady,” punctuating his statement by giving Annie’s ass a swat, as best he could with his arm around her while sitting on the couch.

Annie replied with an elbow to the ribs, “now you can give your self a ride tonight! I think I’ll be heading home now.”

Eric pretended to be surprised and worried, but we all knew that she wouldn’t be leaving, at least with out having a little action or taking Eric with her.

“See you later this morning,” I said as I lead the way up to my room.

Getting up stairs it felt hot. Obviously they had not opened any windows to cool the place off. We entered my room closed the door again. It was as almost as cool as when we were walking outside. I was thankful I had left my window open earlier.

Kathy turned the light out. As my eyes adjusted, I could see by the moonlight she was already slipping out of her shorts and tank top.

“What’s taking you so long? Getting shy again?” She said as she moved over to me and started to unbutton my shorts.

I removed my shirt as she finished removing my shorts and briefs. I managed to kick out of my shoes as we embraced and kissed. It felt so indescribably wonderful to feel her warm, soft skin against me, the firmness of her body against mine. I could also feel my cock starting to grow, pressing against her.

She pushed a bit harder against me and backed into my bed, easying us down so that she was laying on top of me. Kathy began grinding her pelvis against my hardening manhood, eventually sliding up enough for it to spring up between her legs. She closed her legs and I could feel the warm wetness of her pussy caressing my cock.

I was so engrossed with the sensation of her hard nipples rubbing on my chest, her pussy rubbing against my cock, our tongues twisting about, and my hands exploring her body that I didn’t realize what was happening when she reached down and guided my cock into her pussy.

All at once my cock was in her. She was hot and wet. As she rode me, I could feel her tighten down as she pulled up and relax as she slide back down on my pole. I was getting close to blowing my load, sure that with each stroke it would go.

She stopped kissing me and put her mouth by my ear and whispered, “hang on just a little longer,” and with that bit my ear lobe. It was just enough to be uncomfortable, then she pushed up on her arms and started riding me faster. The bit of pain had taken my back from the edge a bit, but watching her tits move above me in the moonlight and her increasing motion were bringing me right back. Her rate of breathing increased and I could feel her clamping down on my cock on both the up and down strokes now.