Ashes to Ashes Ch. 01


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“What’s wrong, sweet thing?” the man with her asked after she ended the call.

“I think my husband is suspicious,” she said. “I’m going to have to make it up to him.”

“Don’t worry about him,” the man said. “Come on back to bed and I’ll make you forget all about him.” She shook her head.

“No, I can’t,” she said. “I’ve got to stop doing this. He’s going to find out and there’ll be hell to pay.”

“You really want to risk that?” the man asked. “You know the senator still has a nice collection of photos and videos and he’ll follow through with his threat.”

“Senator Jenkins can go fuck himself as far as I’m concerned,” she said. “He’s been holding those photos over my head for the last 13 months. After what just happened with Speaker Chastain and Barbara Pierce, I don’t think he’d really be stupid enough to open that can of worms.”

“Well, no one forced you to do that striptease and no one made you give Jenkins’ chief of staff a naked lapdance. What do you think your hubby would say if he saw those pictures?” the man asked.

“I was drunk and drugged when that happened,” she said. “You know that. And I’ve been paying for that stupid mistake ever since.”

“Yeah, I know it,” the man said. “Hell, who do you think drugged you?” She looked at him with disgust.

“I never would’ve done any of that if you hadn’t drugged me, you bastard,” she said. “You and your buddies have had your way with me ever since but that all ends now. Get out.”

“Now why would I want to do that?” he asked. “You know as well as I do that Jenkins has your career in his hands. You buck him and you can forget getting re-elected.”

“I’d rather be out of office than be your whore one more day,” she said. “My marriage means something to me even if it doesn’t mean anything to you. Now get out.” The man reluctantly got out of the bed and got dressed.

“Jenkins is gonna be pissed, April,” he said. “I think you’d better get your head out of your ass if you know what’s good for you -- and your husband.”

“OUT!” April said, throwing a shoe at him. The man dodged the shoe and left the apartment, shaking his head. Neither of them knew the confrontation had been caught on video. April sat on the bed, crying. Yes, all of this started when she had been drugged at a party thrown by the senator just a little more than a year ago.

After the party, Senator Jenkins approached her with an envelope full of pictures. She was shocked and horrified at what she had done. Worse yet, she didn’t remember much of it. He made it clear that she was to do whatever -- and whomever -- he chose for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, he told her, those pictures and video would be made public and she would be destroyed.

He also warned her not to say anything to John. So, she tried her best to live the two lives Jenkins wanted her to have, but that didn’t work out as she thought. At first, she was reluctant, but as time went on, it became easier to cheat on her husband. As time went on, she began to see her husband the same way Jenkins and the others did -- as a wimpy, inconsequential pencil-pusher. The fact that he had built his business up by himself and was a major contributor to the local Party meant nothing.

So she ended up being a whore for Jenkins and a number of others in his orbit. That also included Doug, who kept an eye on her back home and reported to Jenkins, and it included several of Jenkins’ high-power donors.

April went about her business and flew home two days later, having heard nothing from the powerful senator who had been holding those damn photos over her head for over a year. She hoped and prayed her husband would understand and not divorce her. If need be, she would resign and retire with John.

In the meantime, John had been busy as well, finalizing his plans and getting things set up so his second-in-command could do the job he had been doing all these years. He held a company-wide meeting and informed the employees that George would be taking over the day-to-day operations for an extended period of time. They hated to see him go, but they all understood.

The day April was set to fly in, John was at home, double-checking everything. The announcement had gone into that morning’s paper as planned, and several local media vans were parked outside the house. Before long, the house was full of reporters, politicos and family members, including their children.

All of them were confused, and wondered what John had in mind. They knew John and April’s 25th anniversary was coming up, and thought this was his way of celebrating it. But everything seemed off -- who marks 25 years of marriage with a memorial service?

John explained what was going on to his children in private, and told them of his plans. They were hurt and angry with their mother, and hoped their parents could work through their problems. After listening to their father, they agreed to maintain contact with their mother, as she would need their support.

After April’s flight landed, she collected her bags and made her way to the parking garage. She secured her luggage and called John to let him know she would be home soon.

“Hi, sweetie,” she said. “I just got in and I’ll be home soon. I can’t wait to see you.”

“I’ll see you when you get here,” he said. “Thanks for letting me know.” He ended the call, leaving April stunned and confused. He didn’t sound happy to hear from her at all. What’s going on, she asked herself.

She left the garage and headed to their large home, located on a ten-acre plot on the outskirts of town. When she got there, she saw the driveway was full of cars, including a news van from a local television station. Maybe, she thought, John had surprised her with an anniversary celebration. She made her way into the garage and entered the house.

A large man in a tuxedo met her at the door. John went all-out, she thought. The man looked at her and told her to follow him. She did, and noticed that all the photos in the house were adorned with black ribbons. He led her to the large patio out back, which had been set up with a number of chairs, many of which were already occupied. She saw Doug sitting in a back row, looking very nervous.

The front area had a small table set up a few feet in front of what looked like a portable curtain. Something was behind the curtain but she couldn’t tell what it was. A news camera was set up in the back of the area and several reporters were taking notes. She also saw the two bloggers John spoke to at the fundraiser. She didn’t have a good feeling about this at all.

As the man led her to the front row, she saw the looks from those already seated. They didn’t look very happy. What kind of an anniversary celebration was this, she wondered. The man ushered her to a seat next to her children. She smiled and reached out to hug them, but they pulled back, visibly angry.

“What’s wrong?” she asked them.

“As if you don’t know, Mom?” their son, Mike, told her.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked.

“Oh, please, Mom,” their daughter, Julie, said. “Knock off the innocent act for once, willya?” April started to respond, but saw her husband step onto the patio. She started to get up, but he motioned for her to stay seated and walked to the front of the group. Standing between the curtain and the table, he addressed the group.

“I want to thank you all for coming here on such short notice,” he said. “As you know, the Congresswoman and I were set to celebrate our 25th anniversary this week. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.” April gasped as he said this. My God, she thought, he knows. John continued.

“I’ve loved my wife exclusively for years,” he said. “She supported me when I started my business and she was always there for me. When she first ran for City Council, I supported her as well. I helped every way I could, walking precincts and working phone banks. I was her most ardent supporter. As you know, she served two terms on the council, then ran for the state legislature. After two terms there, she went to Congress and has been there ever since. She’s done a lot for our community and I’m proud of her achievements.” He stopped and took a drink of water.

“It was hard, but we managed to keep the home fires burning,” he added. “We raised two wonderful children and I had hoped to spend the rest of my life with her. But something happened in the last year. Something no husband should ever have to witness. So instead of celebrating 25 years of marriage, I’m marking the death of our marriage.”

April gasped, as did others in the audience. A man walked up to April and handed her a manila envelope.

“April Sullivan,” he said, “you’ve been served.” Tears fell down her face as she accepted the envelope. “Your rings, please,” he added. April tearfully took her rings off and handed them to him. The man walked to the front and gave them to John.

John put the rings in a small box, then took his own ring off and placed it inside a similar box. He looked at the audience.

“When a loved one dies, it’s normal to hold a memorial service,” he said. “So, I decided to mark the death of our marriage with a similar service. Yes, our marriage is now dead, but it didn’t die of natural causes. It was murdered, in cold blood. And my soon-to-be ex-wife is an accomplice in that murder, along with several others,” he added, looking at Doug.

The implication of John’s statement hung in the air and the audience followed John’s gaze to the shocked man in the back row. As everyone watched, the server approached him.

“Douglas Simpson,” the man said. “You have been served.” He handed Doug another manila folder. Shocked, Doug looked at April. He didn’t think John would actually take action, but he was more concerned about his political future.

“All of those involved have been named in the divorce filing, which is a matter of public record,” John said. “And yes, they will face legal action as well.” John picked up a piece of paper which everyone recognized as a copy of his marriage certificate. He held it over a burning candle until it caught fire and placed the burning paper inside a ceramic pot. When the fire died down, he placed a cover over the ashes.

He motioned to two men standing off to one side. They pushed the portable curtain to one side revealing an open coffin. April was visibly shaking by now and saw what was inside the coffin. John had placed her Vera Wang wedding dress, which cost over $1,100 brand new, along with the tuxedo he wore at their wedding, inside the coffin. Their wedding album, along with their framed wedding photo, was inside, sitting on top of the garments. Her entire bridal collection, including the veil she wore and the “bride and groom” glasses were also inside the coffin.

John placed the rings inside the box and set the ceramic urn containing the ashes of their wedding certificate on top, securing it so it wouldn’t fall over. He motioned to two men, who closed the coffin and secured the lid.

April nearly collapsed as she watched the events unfold in front of her. This wasn’t supposed to happen, she thought. She was going to confess to her husband and work it out with him. Hot tears poured down her face.

A young reporter raised his hand as the coffin’s lid was locked down.

“Mr. Sullivan,” he said. John looked at him and motioned for him to continue. “This is the 21st century. Things have changed. Isn’t there some way you can put your wife’s actions behind you and move forward?” John considered him for a moment before answering.

“Are you married?” John asked him. The reporter, who looked to be in his early 20s, shook his head.

“No, sir, I’m not,” he said. John nodded his head.

“I see,” he said. “Do you have a girl friend?” The young man nodded his head.

“Yes, I do,” he said.

“Do you love her?” John asked. “Are you planning to marry her?”

“Yes, and I’d like to marry her,” the reporter said.

“I tell you what, young man,” John said. “You marry her, love her exclusively for 25 years, raise two children with her, care for her when she’s sick, hold her hand and comfort her when she’s down, support her, provide for her and do everything in your power to help her live her dream. Then when she rips your heart out, you come talk to me. By then, you’ll have earned that right. Deal?” The young man nodded his head and sat back in his chair.

“What will you do now?” another reporter asked.

“I had thought about taking my wife on a cruise around the world when we both retired,” John said. “Those plans have been bumped up a bit.” The reporter made a note and sat back. “And now, if you will all accompany me, please,” he said to the group as a whole.

A group of six men took their places around the coffin, which had been placed on a wheeled cart, and followed John to the back part of the property. April, accompanied by her children, nearly collapsed when she saw the six-foot hole in the ground next to her beloved garden. A large pile of dirt sat next to the hole and a bobcat stood by, ready to fill the hole.

The coffin was wheeled next to the hole and the men used ropes to lower the box into the ground. Once the coffin was inside the hole, John dropped a black rose and a handful of dirt on top of the box.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” he quietly said. Standing to one side, he motioned to the bobcat operator, who filled the hole with dirt. It was then that April saw the headstone, which read, “Here lies the marriage of John and April Sullivan.”

“NOOOOOOOOO!” April wailed, falling on the headstone, wrapping her arms around it. Inconsolable, she sobbed as she beat the stone with her small fists. She didn’t care about the news cameras or the reporters taking notes of her reaction. All she wanted was her marriage and her life back.

John quietly motioned for everyone to leave, which they did. He hugged his children and quietly got into his truck, having already packed everything he would need. He took one last look at the house and drove away, a tear sliding down his face.

April remained draped over the headstone, crying uncontrollably, long after everyone but her children had left. They stayed behind as John had requested to look after their mother. She remained there for the entire night, soaking the ground with her tears. Surely, she thought, this was just a cruel joke and her husband would be back to exhume the mementos of their wedding. She never thought he had it in him to do... this.


To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I'm going to read the rest of this before commenting in full. Yes she cheated. Yes it went on for a long time. Yes she's being blackmailed. Yes she was coerced. All of these need to be taken into account. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Selfish bitch. Is John going to turn out to be a fucking wimp. Seems Mark has a soft spot for the slut.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a cruel bitch. The first time she was drug and blackmailed but after that as the wife said she started seeing him as wimpy cuck husband. And yes the husband was wimpy, wtf after he saw his wife kissing Doug at the party, and saying she wished she didn't have to do the speech so they can go fuck each other, if that's not proof of her cheating what is? And after his wife came home with cum on her underwear, he still needed proof of her cheating? He saw all of her text and how how much she was enjoying it. But still wasn't quite sure if he wanted divorce wtf? If he's not a wimpy cuck then I don't know what is. She put her career and reputation first. If he take's her back after more than a year of cheating. He likes getting cucked

nixroxnixrox6 months ago

5 stars - and we all know this writer, and I am willing to bet this not the end

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A little over the top and the end, but a great read. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I couldn't help but laugh every time she said something like "I love you." Hard to say if she's insanely delusional or just insane. It started when she was drugged and drunk, but she could have stopped it after that and still held her head high. Instead she chose her career over her marriage and ultimately lost both it appears. If she really loved her husband she should have confessed what happened right away and trusted him to love and understand that she was taken advantage of. But no, they never do that, do they? What a shame. And the way she mistreats him just makes it hard to believe. She should have been loving him the whole time if she was truly guilty and remorseful but instead he was made to feel like a wet blanket as she fucked around with the assholes behind his back. She got what she deserved.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I liked most of this chapter but the ‘funeral for the marriage’ at the end was just silly. He supposedly had evidence that the Senator was blackmailing his wife, he should have gone public with that in the press and nailed the bastard’s ass to a wall. Destroyed his career, probably his life. But a stupid funeral for a marriage? Nah.

4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So far so good.

He found out he was unknowingly been a cuck for too long and took steps.


Behind curtain talk and text messages should have totally convinced him she had become a worthless slut/whore as didn get paid in some form or another

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

How pompous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Chapter one was an excellent with one nagging exception. The idea that the wife treats the husband like a flunky does not work well, 1) because it is hard to believe that a successful CEO would not address that disrespect with his wife; and 20 the flunky issue not important to the story as it developed.

As good as chapter one was, the other chapters are dreck that reek of cheap sequels ground out to exploit the success of the initial effort.

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