Ægir’s Bride Ch. 02


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He leaned his face against her mound and smiled, "Don't you remember, dear wife?"

She shook her head and whispered, "No, Sir."

He licked her clit once more, not for any other reason than to bite back those words...good girl. Once he had himself back under control he met her gaze, "You still have not drowned me in your sweet pussy juice."

Those eyes almost popped out of her head as he grinned and added the single word..."Squirting."

He saw her chest heave, her nipple tightened, and the dark pink flesh puckered. He did not give her time to think then. He replaced the hand which had held her firmly down with his face, burying his tongue within her folds and once more working that sensitive button with it. He used the hand that had been there to return once more to her cunt.

He pushed three fingers inside of her this time. It was more than he had dared before. He went at her like a man possessed, an animal. His tongue on her clitoris, three fingers stuffed as far as he could get them inside her tight pussy and another now fully buried in her ass.

And it was just what it took. This time as he probed as hard as he could against that bundle of nerves just inside of her cunt, he pressed from the other side as well. Squeezing her g-spot between his fingers. Her legs dropped. He knew that she was trying to find some way to plant her feet upon the bed and arched against him. But he had tied her back too tightly.

Her scream then was louder than he had ever heard. For a moment, he feared that it might wake his brothers...or his daughter. But he was beyond the point of caring as the first of her sweet juices drenched his face. He lapped at them like a man dying of thirst in the desert.

Then he went back for more. It was not enough. He was not sure it ever would be with this woman. And as much as that bothered him, he was too busy lapping up her pussy nectar to give a shit right then.

He knew he should not. That she was too inexperienced still, but he was beyond caring as he slipped his fingers out of both holes. She whimpered. Fuck, that sound drove him mad. He lifted his head and used the hand that had been inside her cunt to slap her mound once more. Barehanded...and hard.

"Did I say I was done with you, bitch? This pussy is mine...you offered it to me for the night. Remember...I chose Mikael. Well, Mikael is nowhere near being done using it yet, slut," he enjoyed the way that her tits bounced against the rope as she tried to breath.

"Yes, Sir."

He smiled as he shoved two fingers in that tight ass then. And it was tight. Virgin tight. But he knew that too would not last. He lowered his head and began to suck on her clit like it was a third nipple. But even that was not enough as he rammed four fingers inside her tight pussy, finding that ridge of nerve endings and tormenting them as much as she was fucking with his mind.

He had warned her. He would push her beyond every limit she had...and that was just what he did.


Kirsty was mindless...truly mindless by the time she felt his knife against her throat. She knew she should be scared but she was too far gone by then. His face was blurry but she thought she managed to smile at him. She tried anyway.

Then he flicked his wrist. She felt the pull around her neck as the rope tightened. She was beyond counting how many times that had happened. Beyond counting how many times this man had made her come. His face glistened with what she knew was her own bodily fluids. This close she could even smell it upon him. Her pussy. Her cunt.

He had threatened to force orgasms upon her. And he had...more than she could have counted. She was so lost in mindless wanderings of her mind that she chuckled, "One million. Thank you, Sir."

His eyes danced then. It was the first time this man had looked half way human...except when he was with his little girl. And for just a moment, she felt hope build inside of her. She believed that she could do it. Could be what this man needed as easily as she could Bjorn...or even Sven. But then it was gone and that mask was back in place. Her heart sank with it.

The knife that thrilled her more than it frightened her...although the combination of the two was a powerful force...slipped once more between the layers of rope. With one more quick jerk she felt the self-imposed noose around her neck tighten painfully. Tighter even than Bjorn's hand had been. Then the pressure was gone completely as her legs simply fell down without the tension to hold them up.

She was certainly not capable of controlling her own body at the moment. He had shown her that...over and over...and over. It was not just the orgasms, which seemed to all roll into one continuous one. She had lost count of the number of times that she had...

He laughed again, "What? I warned you, did I not?" He said as he turned to the right. Instead of cutting this rope, he untied it. His big hands enveloped hers. He rubbed them as they began to tingle. "Move your fingers for me." She nodded her head and began to wiggle them as he turned his attention to the other arm.

Then he worked to unravel the maze of rope that had held her legs back. She had no idea how long he took but it did not seem very long as she just sort of floated. But he brought her back to reality quick enough with the solid thud of his barehanded connecting with her outer thigh. All she could thank was, "Thank you, Sir."

"That's better, slut," he said as he tossed the rope to the side and repositioned them both so that she was half draped across his upper body.

They stayed like that for a bit, not speaking at all. She drifted in and out of reality. Wondered for a moment if there really was such a thing. At the moment she was not so sure. Especially when she would have sworn that he kissed her forehead and whispered "Good girl."


When he was certain she was asleep, he rolled her onto her side and snuck from the room. He headed first to the bathroom, but his half hard cock made that one damned difficult.

Then he slipped quietly into Monika's room. He knelt next to her little bed and felt that all too familiar tightening in his chest. The same one that he had gotten since the moment he saw that first grainy grey photo of the blob that would become his child. The same one that choked him and brought tears to his eyes from the moment the nurse handed her to him.

When she slept, she was just like any other child. He could almost picture her laughing and talking with other children on the school playground. Imagine her going on a first date. Graduating college. Smiling up at him as he walked her down the aisle. He bit back the pain and tears. He was not certain if any of that was in his child's future.

He thought about the woman he had left in that big bed. The bed that had greeted generations of brides. The bed in which generations had been made and born. Did she hold the key? Was it possible that she might be able to unlock his daughter's world? Help him to bridge the chasm that separated them?

He knew he had gotten carried away. Had gone too far. Again. But every time he was around her, she just seemed to push his buttons. Unleash the pain and angry, the beast which dwelled inside of him. But he knew he had to get that under control and quickly.

Too much was riding on this. Not just his brothers' futures. Or even his parents'. He knew his father's dreams, but as long as Monika and he needed them, he knew they would remain just that...dreams. But most importantly this little girl's future was at stake. He had already lost one mother for her. He could not afford to be the reason that another abandoned her.

He remembered them in the car that afternoon. The way that their heads are bent together over than tablet. The way that his daughter rocked so happily in her boaster seat as the woman smiled and laughed at her. That was what was important, he reminded himself. A mother for Monika. One that might have the very expertize necessary to save his daughter.

He brushed the soft brown curls back from her forehead. Even in her sleep she frowned and turned away from him in the gentle glow of her night light. His heart broke. When would he ever learn? He could never be enough. Not for the women he loved. He had not been able to soften the pain when his mother needed him most. He had certainly not been able to reach Greta. Now even his own daughter turned away from him. Was it any wonder that she would too?

"I chose Mikael," he could almost hear the words. Almost believe for a single heart beat that she had meant them. But he knew better. It was just a temporary infatuation with the bad boy. It would pass...all too quickly. And he would once more be left locked alone, on the outside looking in.

"I promise you, baby girl, Papa will do whatever it takes. I won't let you down again," he swore as he resisted the urge to touch her just once more. Instead he rose and walked across the room, stood in the door way for a long moment, just watching her sleep. And wondering about all those what ifs in this life.

His eyes were cloudy by the time he turned and ran into the wall that was his 'baby' brother. "Everything all right?" he asked stiffly.

Mikael clinched his fists by his side. He was not in the best of moods anyway after the way he lost control with her. He certainly did not need Bjorn reminding him of that. "Nothing I can't handle. You making it a habit to hang out in hallways these days?"

Bjorn smiled and shrugged, "Just needed to pee, man."

"Yeah, well, I was heading downstairs to get some water, so if you don't mind?" he replied as he tried to shove past him.

"Don't forget to bring some back for..."

Mikael spun around. He shoved Bjorn against the wall, pinned him with his forearm across the chest, "I do not need you tell me my responsibilities, Baby brother."

Bjorn's nose flared as he met Mikael's gaze, "Are you sure about that?"

Mikael was certain that Bjorn's face would not have been quite so pretty tomorrow had not the other door opened. Sven stood sleepy in the doorway, "Enough. Both of you. Before you wake the child or the woman." He turned first to Bjorn, "You need sleep so go fucking get it. You think she's going to be pleased if you look like shit tomorrow too?"

Bjorn snorted as Mikael released the arm lock from across his body. He stared at both of them for a long moment, before he disappeared back into his room. Sven shook his head at his disappearing back, "Seems baby brother is not so whippy on the whole sharing thing when it is not his turn."

Mikael laughed sardonically, "I still have not figured him out. Why the hell would he even want to when he could have any fucking woman he wanted?"

Sven's face darkened for a moment, "Too many of Mama's fancy fairy tales. Remember by the time that he was old enough to remember much of anything she had come to terms with things. Everything in his world always was the roses and never the thrones."

Mikael's throat tightened at his own childhood memories, "Stig should not have allowed Mama her own way with that one. He would have been better off if he had come to sea sooner...or maybe not at all."

Sven sighed as he looked at that closed door, "He did what he thought was best at the time. Who are we to judge him for that?"

Mikael nodded, "Well, good night, big brother. Like I said I was just going downstairs for some water."

Sven laughed, "Remind me and we will pick up one of those mini-fridge things the next time we are in the city."

"What? And ruin the whole doom and gloom atmosphere in there? Mama's damned quilt is bad enough without some fucking mini-bar contraption," he joked.

Sven laughed, "I don't know maybe get Olaf to hide it under a spanking bench?"

Mikael chuckled, "Don't give the old man any ideas. He spends enough damned time in that workshop as it is."

"It is good to see you laugh, little brother."

"Not like you do it very much either, big brother," he replied.

Sven shrugged, "I don't know maybe we will both have something to laugh about," he said as he stared at the closed bedroom door once more. "Well good night."

Mikael nodded and headed down stairs. It was anything but...a good night. Well, other than those words echoing so clearly in his mind..."I chose Mikael." If only...but his was a life time of 'if onlys.'

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Even though there hasn't been any comments for 8 years, I still want to say something. I have not read the 1st "book" and after this chapter I won't be reading anymore. If I wanted to read about the sadism in BDSM, even De Sade would say this was too much. No limits whatsoever and no safe words which is Not BDSM practice at all. It ment the man was abusive as possible, humiliation and pain, using rope to cut off her breathing (if she unintentionally jerked her legs which the rope was tied to) to pain over her genitals with a hand and a tawse. She is Very inexperienced in painful practices and all aspects of BDSM including breath play, such as choking and strangulation by rope, both of which are fucking dangerous and have to have the verbal consent from the woman and the man an advanced practitioner. Too many women and girls are choked or strangled to death during rape by a man, which has reached pandemic proportions in the world now. Also some girls and women have a hard time coming to terms with, during rape as they had an orgasm. This is physiological due to friction and Not emotional (although the man's defence is that she had a orgasm and therfore she enjoyed it) the woman in the story being beaten with the tawse and having an orgasm is also physiological and also producing vaginal lubrication, to minimise damage and tears to the vagina. This is also a man's defence in rape as she got "wet". She didn't consent to a finger (without lubrication) into her Anus and Rectum and later a 2nd finger. She has not done Anal before, also another commentator mentioned that having 4 fingers in her vagina and 2 in her Anus was too much (though 1 commentator wanted her to be fisted and more, for some men it's never enough and if you want that try Fetish, but you also want her tied up and didn't give a true consent, so try non consent stories. But this is fantasy fiction and keep it as such, it's not a manual to harm women and girls but some men sadly can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality) I mean sadly for the girls and women coming to harm in sexual assault and rape (and murder) The man in the story is full of anger and hurtfull rage that his wife left him (I wonder why?!) and takes it out on the woman and she thinks she can reach and change him (making her look weak, an easy plot ploy by the Author) lead to several comments on her to grow a backbone. Unfortunately 50 shades of grey has alot to answer for, alot of relationship and sex experts have said that this was an abusive relationship. The BDSM community disowned the author and her books and films. BDSM is about trust, limits and safe words. Also aftercare is essential. And most of all love. You don't take someone who is a BDSM virgin and don't ease her into the lifestyle, not straight to beyond De Sade!! I would recommend reading "Raw" and "Raw and Broken" stories which shows good practices of BDSM, unlike these stories. Not giving any stars as the way you vote, even if you hated it, 1 star is given!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I freaking love this story, but it would be so much better if she grew a backbone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I like them all

I don't think Mikael is evil - and I am not into the whole bad boy thing. But I think he is like most people who have been gravely hurt. He is afraid of surrendering completely because it hurt so bad the first time. But he is also an adult so he will need to take that leap of faith if he doesn't want to stay miserable. I am rooting for him,

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 9 years ago
Ugh. I am not a Mikael fan.

His complex about not being good enough drives me crazy. I'm a middle child and it really isn't that bad! I hate the way he treats our girl... borders on abusive, in my opinion.

This chapter was better since the knife (thankfully) didn't play a major role. But as I understand Mikael more and more, I like him less and less. He wants to be horrible and push her away? Fine. Let her choose Bjorn and Sven. That would be a-okay with me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Do you plan for her to have any personal limits and will the men allow any? I guess she/you are letting them vent their demons upon her. I get that. We are seeing her strength but not her spine. I just need to know if we ever will see her stand up to them, and will it be about herself and not just something to do with Monika.

I like your writing but you are hitting too many of my limits. I don't know if I can continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Can't wait...

I have loved this story from the beginning. You have reached deep and brought us all an amazing love story. This is not just about sex, this is about relationships. I love it. Checking every day to see what's next.

I know you have a lot on your plate. I hope all is well with your child. Thank you for sharing with us.

bodybychocolatebodybychocolateabout 9 years ago
*good sigh*

Loved it, too :)

bearsladybearsladyabout 9 years ago

Just simply wow. This chapter made my morning perfect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
drool worthy

Well, it would'be been if that had played out with Sven. Mikael just comes across as a brat who's punishing her for his own failings. She's trying to get thru to him and he pouts and whines. Totally wishing his brothers would take him out back and flog his dumb ass. But, I do want to say that I'm enjoying the story and that you have a talent for words and imagery.

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69about 9 years ago
I love this so fucking much!

But why oh why throughout human history do women continuously believe that we are/ might be "the one" who can change certain men? This one thing about us cracks me up every time... P. S. Mikael drool on his tool!!!

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