Ask Me Why


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"Okay, I guess Jack has talked to you about it," reasoned Janet. "I'm glad to hear Jack didn't just run out on Laura without reason. Can you tell me why he left?"

"Only Dad, or Coach, can explain it to you. I promised Dad I'd never tell anyone," replied Kansas.

Dinner was waiting for Jack when he got home. After cleaning up, he sat at the table and asked Kansas how her soccer went as he speared a pork chop.

"It started out a little rough," admitted Kansas as Janet watched closely. "Coach seemed upset when I told her my name. We had a little discussion. Everything was smoothed over in the end."

Jack noticed his mother twitch as Kansas succinctly described her day. He knew it was a sure indication there was more to the story. "Is your coach a friend of Laura's? I should have considered that possibility. Do you think you'll get a fair shake?"

"Laura Masterson is my coach, Dad. "

Jack was speechless for a full minute as his mind worked to consider the ramifications of Kansas' declaration. He realized he had made a mistake in not finding out more about Laura's current situation.

Jack's mother was smiling broadly when Jack turned to look at her. She was still able to read her son's face and she knew what conclusion he had reached.

"Mom, can you tell Kansas and me more about Laura? It seems we'll be having contact with her on a regular basis," admitted Jack, reluctantly.

"Well, it's so nice of you to ask... finally. Laura is a middle school math teacher at Stone Ridge. She has coached soccer for three years. They lost only two matches last year. She's still single, or married to you, depending on what rumor you choose to believe. The consensus is her husband cut and run one dark and stormy night, probably because he had a girlfriend on the side."

"That's not true! Dad never cheated on that..."

"Kansas! What did I tell you about that kind of talk?" interrupted Jack. "I expect you to speak and behave in a respectful manner when you're around Laura. Please don't do anything I have to apologize to her for," insisted Jack. "That would be awkward, to say the least."

Jack noticed how Kansas's face flushed red as she quickly looked down at her plate. He drew a deep breath before speaking. "What did you do, Kansas? How bad was it?"

"I may have called her a pretty bad name, but I apologized to her!" added Kansas immediately. "I think we're fine now. She treated me like any of the other girls during practice."

"Exactly what did you say?" asked Jack as he cursed himself for telling Kansas the reason for his failed marriage.

"I need to whisper it to you. Grandma shouldn't hear it. I know it was wrong, but it just came out. I'm really sorry, Dad."

Kansas stood and walked closer to Jack and whispered in his ear. Janet wasn't able to hear what the girl told Jack, but his reaction made it obvious he wasn't happy.

"Kansas, I told you something in confidence and you failed to keep it in confidence," complained Jack as he worked to contain his annoyance. "This puts me in a very uncomfortable position. I expect you to learn from this mistake."

"I was sorry as soon as I said it," responded Kansas contritely. "It hurt her a lot more than I expected," admitted Kansas. "I forgot to tell you that she told the girls that you're her ex-husband. We can find a new wife for you now."

Laura had been an emotional mess. She struggled to behave normally to make it through the team practice. She was thankful she lived alone as she sat in her favorite chair and cried off and on for several hours.

School was still two weeks away, but practice for fall sports had begun. While she didn't have to get up early to teach class, she still needed to prepare for soccer practice. As she drove to the school the next afternoon, she told herself it would be a much easier day. Yesterday's drama wouldn't be repeated.

Then she almost collided with Jack Masterson as she hurried to the back of her SUV to remove the team equipment!

"Hello, Laura. Do you have a minute? I'd like to apologize to you."

"I... I guess," replied Laura even as the thought of Jack having to apologize to her seemed ludicrous. "Is there a problem?"

"Kansas told me what she said to you yesterday. That was wrong. I've tried to raise her better than that. Part of it is my fault. I never should have told her why we separated. She and my cousin Brian are the only two people I've ever told," Jack assured Laura. "She's young and she felt the need to hurt you."

Laura couldn't help but notice how great Jack looked in a plain cotton tee shirt and jeans. His stomach was flat and the muscles in his chest stretched the fabric covering it. His arms were muscular and defined.

He was wearing his hair longer than she remembered. She had to admit it looked good. His jaw line was strong and his smile infectious. He was a very good looking man in a very masculine way.

"She didn't say anything that wasn't true. We both know that, Jack, unless you don't think I'm beautiful. That was the only part anyone could dispute," replied Laura as she wiped stray tears from her cheeks.

"I don't want you to suffer now for something that happened six years ago," responded Jack. "It's over and done. We've both moved on. It's time to bury the past and look ahead."

"Over and done?" repeated Laura. "That sounds simple enough. We'll just act like we were never in love, never were married and I never fucked that asshole. This should work fine," managed Laura before tears began streaming down her cheeks.

Jack wanted to take Laura in his arms and hug her to his chest, but worried he'd be sending the wrong message. Unable to come up with any idea how to handle the sobbing woman, he simply stood close by and watch.

As he waited, he had time to study his former wife. Her legs were tanned and strong. Her ass looked a little smaller and tighter than he remembered. Laura wore her hair in a ponytail. It allowed Jack to see the curve of her jaw and her slender neck. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever known.

Laura finally gained control. She looked into Jack's eyes and spoke softly. "I'm sorry, Jack, for so many things. I was a damn fool when I slept with that asshole. I was just as wrong when I allowed everyone to think you left me for no reason.

"I kept hoping you'd come back and forgive me. Telling people what a dumb bitch I was would only have made our reconciliation more difficult. You never came back and I never told anyone the truth. You were gone and I was living here, so I took the easy way out. I let people blame you.

"I'll tell everyone the truth. You don't deserve nasty comments or the contempt of people in the community. I forced you to leave. I know a man like you will never be able to accept my actions. You'll never take me back. I wouldn't even take me back. I don't deserve forgiveness."

"Laura, I'm fine with the way things are. I haven't experienced any blowback for leaving. I'm sure people naturally thought I was a jerk to bail on such a beautiful woman. They're as likely to question my sanity as my character," Jack wise cracked.

"You were always a gentleman," marveled Laura as she faced him. "Your daughter is a delightful girl. I don't blame her for saying what she did. Please don't be too hard on her. I think she's going to be my star player."

"It was nice to see you and clear the air," replied Jack. "We'll be seeing each other a lot with Kansas on your team. I hope we can get along without any drama. I have to tell you that you're even more beautiful than you were when we were married."

"Thank you, kind Sir," responded Laura. "You look like you've put on a few pounds, mostly in your arms and chest. I never thought of you as chiseled before, but the term fits you now. Thanks for taking time to settle things a little between us."

Jake noticed there were around a dozen girls hanging off to the side watching him speak with their coach. He was keeping Laura from her duties, so he nodded and went back to his truck to leave.

"That was Kansas's father?" gasped a red headed girl to her friends. "He's a hunk! My dad's going bald and has a big belly. He looks a lot older than Mr. Masterson, too."

"Why would Coach Masterson ever dump him?" wondered another girl. "My mom has been looking for a new husband since her divorce. Maybe I'll tell her about Kansas's dad."

Laura had a standing invitation to stop at her parents' house for dinner during soccer season. Her mom always had dinner on the table shortly after practice was over. Her mother had begged off making dinner the previous evening because she had bridge club, but the family was together for dinner the second night of practice.

"How's the team looking," asked her father as he helped himself to the potatoes. "Are the girls going to do as well as last year?"

"It looks like I'll have the best team yet," allowed Laura as she considered how much she should reveal about Jack and Kansas.

"Your best player is back again, right Sis?" asked Kate. "I know she had another year before she went into high school."

"I'm pretty sure the team has a new best player," revealed Laura. "You saw her the other day."

"You mean Jack's daughter? She's playing soccer on your team? You can't make this stuff up," added Kate with a chuckle. "Tell us about her."

"She's obviously played a lot of soccer. She's fast, athletic, and smart. Most of the girls like her," explained Laura. "She's also a lovely girl."

"Wow!" exclaimed Kate. "How did she react to you? Did she know her stepmom was her coach? What did she say?"

"She was as surprised as I was when we met. I told her I was Coach Masterson and she knew immediately I had been married to her father. I think we'll get along fine. She's really a nice girl."

"Did you see Jack?" asked Janet. "Did he have the nerve to speak to you, at least?"

"I spoke with Jack today before practice. We ironed some things out. It wasn't as awkward as I had feared," confessed Laura.

"Just what exactly did you iron out?" demanded Janet. "Did he apologize, not that anything he could ever say would be a suitable explanation for abandoning his wife."

"We had an adult conversation without throwing blame or recriminations. Jack was a total gentleman," conceded Laura. "He even told me I was more beautiful than when we were married."

"Hallelujah!" interjected Janet. "It follows that you're not married to him anymore. You're free to find a husband who'll treat you with love and respect."

"I pretty much had one, Mom," managed Laura as tears trickled down her cheeks. "I don't deserve a good husband. I didn't keep the one I had."

"He's the one who left," pointed out Laura's father. "I should probably look him up and kick his ass!"

"I wouldn't advise trying it, Dad. He's got the look of a man who can handle himself quite well. Did he look ripped to you, Laura?" questioned Kate as Laura wiped her tears.

"That's an understatement. You're a big guy, Dad. I appreciate how you want to protect me, but please don't have words with Jack. He's different now than he was when he left. He's matured. He's obviously far stronger and more confident than he used to be. That was pretty apparent."

"That's it?" demanded Janet. "After six years, he comes back to town with a blonde daughter and not so much as an explanation to the wife he deserted? How did you keep from slapping his face?"

"Mom, it never occurred to Sis to slap the guy. She's still in love with him! Look at her. I can't explain it, but she loves him more today than she did the day he left," declared Kate.

"I'm just a dumb bitch! Go ahead and say it!" sobbed Laura. "I screwed up the best thing I ever had. I deserve to be laughed at, and even worse."

"Sis! You're not dumb!" responded Kate contritely. "I don't know what happened between you two, but if you still love the jerk, I'm on your side. I'll help any way I can. I want to see you happy again."

"There's nothing anyone can do. He divorced me. We'll never be together. Helping me accept that it's over is the best thing you can do for me."

Kate simply pulled her sister into a hug. She didn't say any more, but decided she would talk to Jack and find out why he left her sister, and see if there was any chance they could get back together.

The next morning Jack had just getting ready to deliver the day's instructions to his men when Kate Johnson walked into the building. The men knew enough of Jack's history with her sister, Laura, to remain silent when Kate approached him.

"What can I do for you, Kate?" asked Jack in a professional manner.

"I want to buy you lunch today at Ellie's. Would you meet me there at noon?"

Jack had no choice but to agree. He would never refuse a lady a request like that in front of others. In reality, he always liked Kate and was not opposed to having lunch with an attractive young woman.

Kate was already at a booth when Jack walked in. She stood and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "Thanks for coming, Jack. You look great!"

"You've become a very beautiful woman, Kate. It's good for my ego just to be seen with you," replied Jack smoothly.

"You always were a gentleman. How about we order and then we can catch up. I have a lot of questions," admitted Kate. "The first is what you've been doing to get so ripped."

Once they placed their order, Jack began answering Kate's many questions. "When I left Stone Ridge, I went to visit my father's cousin's son, Brian Masterson. We had only met a few times, but we had connected on Facebook and he was always friendly.

"Brian had ten years on me. His wife, Anna, had died a few years earlier from a botched medical procedure. Kansas was seven when I first met her.

"Sadly, her father was diagnosed with testicular cancer a little over eighteen months ago. He and I had become close. He could see I thought the world of Kansas, so he made it his mission to help me legally adopt her when he learned he was dying. It wasn't easy, but we had everything approved just before he passed away almost a year ago," stated Jack sadly.

"Oh, Jack! That must have been a very difficult experience for you. I can't imagine how Kansas managed. I saw you in our offices the other day and she's a stunning girl. I could tell she was very fond of you. I'm impressed a single man was allowed to adopt a preteen girl. I've heard horror stories about how difficult those adoptions are. "

"Between you and me, I didn't know Laura had actually divorced me, so I stated I was married in the documents. I honestly thought I was. Kansas is my life now. I can't imagine not having her with me.

"She's still worried about the adoption. She knows how closely authorities watch single men who adopt girls. She wants to help me find a wife as soon as possible, but really it's a mom she wants."

Kate knew that Laura believed Jack had divorced her. Now Jack was telling her he thought Laura had divorced him. Kate filed that information away, thinking it might come in handy at some point.

"That brings me to one of the reasons I wanted to talk with you, Jack," segued Kate. "You've seen Laura. You know how beautiful she is. She finished college and has a teaching degree. She bought a small rancher two years ago. Kids at school love her.

"I don't think she's dated anyone since you left. Is there any chance the two of you might get back together? You made the perfect couple," stated Kate with conviction.

"I'm sorry, Kate. That won't be happening. We're different people now than we were when we got married. We went in different directions. There's nothing left for us," replied Jack.

"You've both changed, but for the better, at least in my opinion," asserted Kate. "I'm sure she's still in love with you, Jack. What happened to make you leave?"

"She must have told you something about it," reasoned Jack. "Did she say it was my fault?"

"Not once. She said you two disagreed on something and you left. She kept expecting you to come back," added Kate.

"Well, I'm back now," offered Jack with a weak grin. "It just took me six years to make it."

"What did you do while you were gone? You've obviously gained weight and it's all muscle," noted Kate as she looked at Jack's arms and chest.

"Brian had purchased a large warehouse during the last economic downturn. Anna had a dance studio in a section of it. Brian put in a gym and then added a dojo. Two years ago we started having yoga classes in the upstairs area. You may not believe it, but I became a yoga instructor, a personal trainer and a weekend sensei for teens."

"You only had a semester left for your science degree, when you left. Did you ever pursue it?" quizzed Kate.

"Yeah, I took night classes. I even have a teaching certificate. It looked good when I was teaching martial arts and yoga. Brian and I both had degrees. I think it helped us appear more legitimate."

Kate hugged Jack again as she said her goodbyes. "I really enjoyed our lunch. I'm sorry you feel so strongly about getting back with Laura, but I hope we can still be friends."

"I'd like that," responded Jack. "I can always use friends. Say hello to your folks for me."

"Ah, Jack? I'd suggest you kind of avoid them. They're not very happy with the ways things turned out between you and Laura," advised Kate.

"That's not surprising," replied Jack with a chuckle. "Your folks were always dedicated to you girls. I don't blame them for disliking me. In fact, I'd be shocked if they didn't."

The next morning found Laura feeling better than she had in long time. She hadn't realized how her guilt and worry had shaped her life over the past six years. She had made peace with Jack, and with herself. She desperately wished she had never been unfaithful and Jack still loved her, but she had to accept her reality and make the best of it.

As Laura approached the practice field that afternoon, she saw Kansas doing some stretches while the other girls watched. Soon they joined Kansas, or at least they tried.

"How can you possibly bend like that and keep your balance?" asked one girl after she fell to the ground. "It seems like you're defying gravity."

"Dad helped me to learn my stretching routine. It borrows from both yoga and martial arts. He could teach you, but I can't. I'm not sure where to begin. I can do the stretches, but I don't know exactly how I progressed to this point," confessed Kansas.

"You dad can do these stretches?" asked an incredulous friend. "I thought men couldn't bend as well as women, especially guys with muscles like your father's."

"They can do it if they work at it, but most men hate to put in the effort it requires. They'd rather do the martial arts stuff where they can hit and block," replied Kansas. "A lot of Dad's physique actually came from yoga."

"Maybe he'd show us how to do those stretches?" suggested another girl. "I know he works, but maybe after practice, we could stay a little longer for some instruction."

"I don't know if Dad has time. Besides, I don't think Coach would go for it. She might think Dad is interfering with her team. He's very careful about being around underage girls. He always had at least one adult in kids' classes."

"Kansas, if Jack would be willing to show these girls how to do your stretches, I'd be happy to stay and chaperone," broke in Laura. "I can just see other teams watching you girls do Kansas's routine. We'd be inside their heads before the match even started."

Jack was surprised that evening after practice when he stopped to pick up Kansas. All the girls on the team, along with Laura and a few mothers greeted him.

"Dad, the other girls saw me do my pregame stretching and want to learn how to do them. I kind of told them you're a yoga instructor and might be willing to work with us after practice for half an hour or so."