Astra Pt. 09


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Camille nodded, "Yes, fuck yes."

He then sped up on her again and unloaded into her on her fifth. Camille looked back, "More tolerable than I thought. I am still not the gibbering fool of Lacy."

John nodded, "You would be if I did that to you for an hour at fast and frantic."

Camille sighed, "You are probably right. Still, you did me right."

John carried her into the bathroom. That allowed her to get cleaned out and cleaned up. John carried her back to bed.

Lacy crawled on top, "Raise a hand if we need more wives?" He looked and saw 3 hands.

He nodded, "Alright. As he slid into her pussy in one go and she moaned out. "Again?"

John smiled. As he let her go to sleep on his impaled cock.

The following morning, he woke up with Lacy laying to the side and two ladies playing in the shower. Lacy looked up. "It told me you are eternal, that I will likely be eternal."

John nodded, "The first of any color will likely be eternal. Generally, the first two; which is why I try to get my wives in first. I get tired of having to replace wives."

Lacy nodded, "It told me a lot about you. Said you were special yet you feel incomplete."

John felt crushed by that statement but nodded, "Without the others, I felt like the last survivor. We had close to over 200 hybrids in that timeline. I had helped to try and set humanity on a better course. I hope they succeeded.

John heard in his mind. "I had an elder check into your other timeline. He said humanity was progressing but had not quite gotten there yet. He said Lady Justice was a force of nature and a tireless advocate. You chose well with her."

John thought back, "They are far ahead of where I am but I will work to make this timeline work."

Lacy shook John, "You alright?"

John smiled, "Yes, sometimes the Drakor contacts me to tell me something. He said that Grace was still going strong and fighting the fight. She would be 300 in that timeline."

John had 4 bricks of the metal fly in and he turned so she sat in his lap. He held his left hand over her stomach. "I will pour some of my willpower into you. You will hold your hands over the 2 bars in front of you and then picture in your mind the perfect sword for you. Be honest about who you are. Focus on the sword with your hybrid hand and do not let me know anything about it. Close your eyes and start now."

He waited for the will to ebb off and he told her, "Call it to your hands."

He looked at a longsword with an intricate weaving pattern on the handle. A small pommel and the dark purple blade of justice. He looked at the name and wanted to cry a bit. 'Lady Justice.'

He thought, "Did I influence that? I stayed out of her way with the sword."

John heard, "She liked the idea of being a lady of justice when Astra told her about Grace's sword. The choice, as always, was her choice."

He whispered in her ear, "Lady Justice. Only in English."

Lacy nodded, "Astra told me the sword names when I asked her about them. I hated Latin."

John chuckled at that.

Lacy sunk back into him, "I feel like I just got into something a whole lot bigger than myself."

John nodded, "You did. You just agreed to become a protector of humanity. You are our advocate with the courts. Brush up on your civil right side to go along with the property, patents, eminent domain, and become our personal and family attorney."

Lacy smiled, "You want it all."

John held her to him, "I wanted you the moment I saw you. What are the odds? I asked Astra to get me in touch with a patent attorney and I ended up face-to-face with you. You were meant to be a part of this in any timeline. You are different, you are decisive, she wavered on the decision. Grace held me off for months for a big wedding. You were willing to get married aboard my ship. You are different people but when I hold you like this; I feel the two of you are connected across timelines."

Lacy smiled, "Maybe she will have some good advice for me."

She went quiet for several seconds and then a tear formed in her eye. "She misses you deeply. Even after 250 years. She is happy to know you found me. She said she helped to guide you to me. She is glad you did not turn away from me. We are connected. They are strong and progressing. A few have died in conflicts but only 2 of the eternal ones. Another woman became eternal for you after you left. One of the judges on Meos. The one you liked. Sprits died a long time ago. She had no more children after the 20 you gave her. None of the Eternals have."

John looked at her, "If you can communicate with her, remind her procreation is part of the deal. To find love again. She is holding them back by holding herself back. Time to love again. Did she find me in that timeline?"

She sighed, "She did not find you in that timeline. She figured it was too much change. She did check. She was working on it, with all the ladies. They plan to use the table on one of your offspring, not from them. He is a blue eternal. Replaced Sprits.

Olivia also passed in conflict and another woman took her spot. Katlyn was never eternal and worked the breweries and married a few times over the years to have heirs to run them all. She died 30 years ago."

John sighed, "Ask her if she is more powerful than me now?"

She smiled and laughed, "She said nobody is more powerful than you were, even after all this time. She just focused on trying to connect to you. To your timeline. Every day for years. She said she finally saw you looking at the death on Geos. The battle with pirates. The lonely years with just you and Astra to build the Wormhole Engine and modify the ship."

John began to wonder if he could travel into her timeline. He heard, "One day perhaps, but not for long. It is too disruptive. You do not have the power or the people to even try at this point. It would kill you to try at this point."

John smiled, "Tell her someday when my power is strong enough, I will work to cross the timeline and see her once again. I cannot stay but I could visit one day."

She smiled and laughed, "She said, 'Just like you. Love them and leave them. But always love them. She said to love me for me. Not for her. As we are different.'"

John smiled, "Tell her...yes. I got the decisive one who does not want to put me off for months for a big wedding. She is my first in this incarnation."

Lacy laughed, "Grace said 'You are off to a good start at seeing the differences. You are right though. We are connected because of you. We are still individuals. She said she will help me when she can. She has over 270 years of law experience to back it up."

John laughed, "Then you have one hell of a co-counsel."

John's heart ached heavily for the ladies left behind and he was in mourning all over again inside.

Lacy smiled, "She does not regret becoming a justice. She only regrets you were forced to leave. The time events did stop. The president did recognize your service to humanity and to stopping the threat by returning, something you could not do on your own. The next president wanted to overturn the treaty but the new congress feared the repercussions as the hybrids controlled all the military ships being built. There was not another contractor who would do what they were doing and keep the cost reasonable.

The prison colony left 3 years later because they could not get the colony ships built fast enough. As directed, they ensured they got to the first system. Justice informed her they ran into the Grepona in the Pena system. They destroyed all the Tera Military vessels and left the system. Justice has been watching and they are more chaotic than he expected. Said Gonzalez was dead within 2 months over a leadership argument; she never got a large enough base. Even with the military ships.

They cut her neck slowly. Let it heal, and they repeated it several times. All while defiling her ass. 'For the joy of it' before finally cutting her head off and fucking her corpse. Shortly thereafter the military had installed a military leader to control the colonies and put down the 'rebels.' It was held until the colony landed with no effective military left. They spread out and formed more into tribes than villages. Sub-human was very accurate from what he could see. It will be millennia before they have FTL again if they do not kill each other. The two colonies In Tau Ceti are 200 million strong each.

Mixtios finished Terraforming 150 years ago and is the center of hybrid activity and alien relations as you had predicted. Over 3,000 hybrids they monitor over. They expanded into 3 of the other areas and your son set up the satellites for communication. Tera slowed on colonization because they were losing too much of their trained workforce. Another one will go out in 10 years when the next president comes into office. She will stop this because she feels me tiring out."

Lacy looked up, "Hell of a woman and you see her in me."

John smiled, "I see you in you. The two of you are a lot alike but very different."

Lacy smiled, "Good answer."

The other ladies came out and he repeated the ritual on each of them. Kiru had a red Kitana. Named 'Truths Vengeance.' The surprise was Camille who had a twisted sword rapier saber type of blade that was red. Translated into 'Sword of ancestors.'

Astra was surprised, "I thought she would be a blue."

John shook his head, "She always wanted to be the fighter but her size held her back from most. Not anymore."

Astra looked over, "Need to find you two blue blades then."

John sighed, "I will see what comes along."


John had time to catch his breath for a few days as he had the facility secured, the production going, and even put in and won the bid to build Tera 8. He hired crews to start on it from Tera right away instead of waiting another 10 years. It would be 150% the size of Tera-7 with three space docks. Two to handle up to battleship sizes and the third, which was built onto the top of the station, would be able to build dreadnought-sized ships when the time came. It had 4 times the number of engines needed to reduce sabotage efforts.


Astra came in with the ladies which meant he was in trouble for something. Astra held out a pad, "A message that came in."

John read over the message as contained a marriage proposal. Sindy Zaiden, from New Zealand. No living family. Biologist, marine biologist, and xenobiologist. 29 years old. 'All about the women but something about you John that I was attracted to. Something about the way you fought those intruders reminded me of my mother.'

Medieval sword fighting group. Woman's champion for the last 5 years. John hit her comms. He looked up at the deep blue-eyed woman and black hair. C-cup, maybe a D cup. She was so shocked she dropped her towel and picked it up red-faced. Definitely a D-cup. "I had not meant to show that much just yet."

John nodded, "I found something curious. How did I remind you of your mother from a space battle?"

Sindy sighed, "Your attitude was like hers but...give me one second." She walked away and came back with a child's doll. She popped the head off it and pulled out a Drakor sword.

John sighed, "A Drakor sword that reads 'Shield from Abuse.'"

Sindy looked at him, "You know it? You know what it is and you can read this?!"

John nodded, "I can."

Sindy sighed out, "I have not shown this to anyone since the night she was killed. By my father 19 years ago. He was upset about something from a doctor he took me to. Blamed my mother."

John nodded, "You have 2 hearts."

Sindy looked white, "Alright we have to meet. If you are half the man, I think you are then you can help me come to terms with all of this. I have not trusted a man since then. I remember watching her practice with this."

John nodded, "Blue blade."

Sindy nodded.

John got there in 12 hours and docked. She came on board to see the wives lined up and they each hugged and kissed her. Camille even groped her breast and smiled at her. Camille laughed, "Love our wives?"

She nodded and grabbed Camille's hand and had her sit with her. He pointed, "Kiru wishes to take your shuttle to her home and the local hospital in Tokyo."

She nodded, "You are licensed?"

Kiru nodded, "Up to battleships."

She smiled, "Alright then. What will we do?"

Lacy joined Kiru. He walked her over to take a seat as Astra came out and the door closed. Astra hooked her up with earphones and a pad and she watched all the information before her. She looked at John, "You are how old?"

He smiled, "50."

Sindy nodded, "My mother always joked she felt 40 at the end. I found her birth records showing she was. Now I know how that happened. She always looked 20."

John nodded and whispered into her ear, "Still wanting to get married?"

Sindy nodded, "Yes. Then you can show me how to work this thing." He drew it up to his hand and sent it into the cockpit.

"No, we will make you your own after you become a hybrid if this is the route you choose. That one was on loan from the Drakor. I can help you to build a sword that represents you."

Sindy nodded, "Alright."

John looked at Camille, "Your hand, which hand is your primary?" She held it up and Camille held her hand and interlocked her fingers.

Camille whispered, "It will hurt but you will find there are perks to it."

Sindy nodded as he sliced through both hands and Sindy screamed bloody murder.

John picked up Camile's hand, "Hold this to the stump and say I want to be a hybrid."

She did it and then she screamed bloody murder for all of 30 seconds before passing out. Astra took the old one away.

He stripped as did Camille. Astra went and sucked his cock while they waited for her to come around. 40 minutes went by when she came too. She looked at him, and her body, "The color change?"

He nodded, "24 hours." She looked at the two naked women as Astra was naked as well.

John whispered to her, "Will you marry me knowing I will own your ass in bed. I will work to add others when the wives say more is needed. Else I will fuck them around the clock as I do not need to sleep?"

She looked shocked, "My ass too?"

Camille put her hand on her arm, "He is very good at virgins."

Sindy looked, "How did you know I was a virgin?"

Camille looked at her, "I was referring to anal but Kiru was a 27-year-old virgin. He was good with her too."

Sindy nodded, "I took my hymen years ago with a vibrator. I had a couple of girlfriends over the years but they always found me a little odd as I wanted to keep going. I do."

John looked at all of them, "I accept you as my bride from this day forward into eternity. As you will likely become eternal. You can kiss me now."

Sindy kissed him and held him tight. She looked at his throbbing cock, "You do use lube right?"

Astra nodded, "Yes, I ensure he stays stocked." He slid down and looked at her hair. Camille came back and cut it all away, "Better this way."

Sindy looked at her, "Alright. He went down on her and frustrated her for 15 minutes. Astra lubed up a couple of his fingers as he pushed the other two into her pussy. He pressed up and in and massaged it vigorously while he attacked over her clit. She started to scream and he stuck a lubed finger in her ass.

Sindy caught a fresh lung full of air and howled out as she sprayed over him and he did not stop until she stopped spraying. He had two fingers in her ass by that point. Sindy looked up, "Fuck...every day?"

John smiled, "Sometimes the nights as well."

She laughed at that. He slid into her and she wanted to be on top.

Camille continued preparing her ass which aroused the hell out of her. She sped up while riding him and she eventually took it too fast and frantic after 45 minutes and he unloaded into her as she sprayed across his chest. Camille looked at her hand, "Got it to four fingers when she slammed down on me."

John nodded and bent Sindy over, he had Astra getting him hard while he looked at Sindy who panted heavily, "Alright you can keep pace with me."

John slid into her ass and she moaned out. John kissed her shoulder, "It is you who cannot keep pace with me."

He held her legs open while Camille snacked on the cream pie oozing from Sindy's pussy while Astra was on the floor attacking Camille's pussy and ass with her penetrating tongue. He fucked her ass long and hard for an hour before he unloaded in a frantic frenzy.

Sindy looked at him, "Point taken. Can any of them keep pace with you?"

John smiled, "Only Astra and she is an Android built for sex. He popped out of her ass as Astra took it and cleaned him up. Astra then attacked Sindy's ass and went deep, sending her off from the android-loving efforts.

Astra pulled back, "Toilet now."

John picked her up and put her onto the toilet and got cleaned up as she emptied herself. Sindy looked over, "When do I get my sword?"

John looked down, "After you have swallowed mine."

Sindy laughed and joined him. Camille and Astra gave pointers and she was soon covered in cum. That sent the two women into a tongue fight that sent Sindy into fits of laughter. They helped her to her feet and got her cleaned up. He went out and set two bars down and looked at her, "Your sword will be built from this."

She looked at it and Camille who nodded, "He knows what to do."

He thought to her, "This is your sword and not your mother's blade. It should reflect you alone."

A few minutes went by and she seized her blade, a blue one that was white metal but Drakor styled. The words were in English, 'Shield for the Defenseless.'

Three days later and the ladies were back at it again. "Meet Kelly McBride."

He looked at her and she was a busty Irish woman who was a Doctor. John looked over, "No."

Astra looked at him, "What do you mean no. She is perfect."

John looked at Astra, "I lost Katlyn 4 years ago, 30 years ago, and just a couple of weeks ago. She was my Irish Rose."

Lacy looked up, "You are certain?"

John nodded, "Yes."

John heard from Astra, "She was a good match."

John thought back, "I would like to see my list of messages you rejected."

She huffed out, "Fine I will open the criteria some. I was trying to find some like your last wives."

John thought back, "Not what I asked of you. I have only ever asked for good candidates. No replacement copies. Go through them all again."

She groaned out, "I already sent out letters to those women and just deleted them. Do not have the storage here yet." John knew better.

John sighed, "We will wait then before reviewing anymore."

She sighed, and growled out, "You need to get over this depression and move on."

John thought back, "I am in no rush to rush the process. I will find them myself if needed."

Astra sighed, "Will you look at one more?"

John shook his head, "Not until I get a diagnostic from you."

Astra growled out, "Fine."

She went offline for almost an hour. She came out of it and looked across, "I found a couple of errors and corrected them." John held out a pad, "Give me a thousand options and I will look them over and divide them out myself but if there is not an even amount on each side, I will wait until I find her."

He heard her groan, "You are very confident in yourself to think you have that many who are not gold-diggers."

John asked her, "How many messages did I have on my first trip with half the money? My 'rise from the grave' and how many messages? Send them all to me if you are unable to filter them."

She sighed, "I can filter them. I think you just don't want another wife."

John thought back to her, "Not one that you find is a carbon copy mash-up of a previous wife of mine. The advisor, I have rejected women before and have not gotten this kind of pushback from you. Something is off, send me a copy of that diagnostic report."
