Atlantea Ch. 03


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"Yes, Dr. Thorn."

"Just to be clear, Toy: who decides when, where and how my toy's sperm is used to impregnate women?"

"You do, Dr. Thorn," I said meekly.

"Do you have any say in the matter?"

"No, Dr. Thorn."

"Good, I'm glad we have that straight. Now let me show you how this is going to work."

She held up a large, bright pink rubber condom, right in front of my face.

"Feel the tip of it," she commanded.

I took end of the rubber between my thumb and index finger. Thorn had cut a small hole there, about the width of a pea.

"Each prophylactic has been modified in this way. The toy will not be experiencing true vaginal sex with the clients, yet it will be providing them pleasure, and also will allow them to be impregnated. We will repeat this exercise every two days until all seven have passed their pregnancy tests. Any questions?"

"No, Miss-- Doctor Thorn!"

"Pet," Thorn said sternly, now turning to look down at her wife, "you are to clean Toy between each conception. Under no circumstances are you to remove your blindfold. Also, you may not touch any of the women, and are to kneel in the corner quietly while they are conceiving."

"Yes, Doctor Thorn," Pet said obediently. "How will I find the toy, though, if I can't see?"

"That's your problem," Thorn said sternly, "And if you can't figure it out, you will be punished. Now, no more questions!"

Thorn left the room and Pet began to prepare my body, shackling my arms and legs, inserting the combination gag and dildo into my mouth, and sliding the safe word clicker between my fingers. The procedure took twice as long as before, because she couldn't see, and had to feel around for the bondage implements. Another reason the preparation took longer was that Thorn had added a new wrinkle to the black sheet. Around the area of my mouth was another grommet like the one for my dick. The rubber toy extending from my mouth would now be exposed directly through this orifice. Unseeing Pet struggled with this additional setup, which included rolling a condom over the top of the dildo.

My bare cock was sticking straight up already, even without Pet having touched it yet. It had been stiff for a while, in fact, anticipating the imminent conception attempts.

"It's harder than usual," Pet said, as she rolled the first, intentionally-sabotaged condom over the tip of my penis, "did you take that stuff from Rhea?"

"Yep, you can tell the difference?"

"Uh-huh! Most people probably wouldn't, but I've seen, and felt, a lot of your penis lately."

Pet crawled to the corner to assume her mandatory kneeling position, and soon Thorn returned with my first so-called client. I could feel Thorn's feet brush against the sides of my torso as she straddled me, and then, I suspect, she took the anonymous woman's hands so that she could maintain her balance while descending onto my cock. As the woman got lower, so did Thorn, and by the time I felt a familiar pressure on the tip of my dick, Thorn's pussy was hovering above my face. Based on the enticing odor, I suspected she was not wearing panties and was, herself, getting off on what was about to happen.

"Just take your time, Jane, it's a really substantial toy," Thorn said in her everyday, gentle, radio DJ-like voice.

Each hopeful mom-to-be had a fake name, to preserve anonymity, and I heard the woman whisper a question to Thorn. I could not make out the response, but Jane began to rub her vagina along the shaft of my penis. Whoever she was, she had athletic legs. Even considering that Thorn was helping her, she was moving her hips up and down without much support, and without, as far as I could tell, even breathing hard. Gradually I began to hear, and, to a lesser extent, feel as Jane's pussy started to get wet. At last, a hand reached down, I'm not sure whose, and held my cock in position. Jane now pushed down with enough force to breach the opening of her vagina.

Even more so than Pet, Jane had clearly not used many sex toys on herself. Up to that point in my life, my cock had never been inside such a tight pussy.

"Jesus Christ that hurts!" Jane yelled as the head of my cock slid an inch inside her.

Although she had spoken out loud, I didn't recognize her voice. She swiveled her hips up to pull me out of herself, a bad move. The sudden absence of my wide dick allowed her vagina to contract sharply and painfully. She screamed again and began breathing heavily. It sounded like she was close to hyperventilating.

"Are you okay, honey?" Thorn asked softly, "You can take a break and try later if you want?"

Jane grunted angrily. Someone gripped my cock again, and she pushed down hard, stifling a scream as her lips unwillingly parted. She bore down slowly, letting herself open up, groaning painfully all the while.

"Let me help you open up, Jane," Thorn said.

I felt Jane's body shift around me, and heard an occasional moan of pleasure mixed in with the more frequent groans of agony. Thorn was rubbing Jane's clitoris, which struck me as hypocritical, since Pet wasn't even allowed to look at other women, let alone touch their genitals. 'Relationships are rarely fair,' I mused.

As painful as the experience was for Jane, it was intensely pleasurable for me. Knowing that I was going to knock her up, by itself, was powerfully arousing. The pressure her narrow canal and panicking muscles put on my shaft felt wonderful, as well. And lastly, thinking about the mere fact that she was putting herself through such agony to fit my cock inside was turning my brain into a pretzel.

Thorn rubbed more and more vigorously on Jane's clit, bringing about a loud orgasm, and eventually I felt her narrow vagina clamp down so hard that I briefly wondered if my cock would burst. After a number of spasms, her muscles relaxed again, and she began tentatively to move, only to stop again as she discovered her post-orgasmic vagina was far too sensitive to handle further stimulation.

"Did the toy release inside you yet?" Thorn asked.

My cock throbbed in response to this sexy comment. Jane whispered a response that I was unable to hear, and Thorn responded by sitting down, with almost all her weight, and grinding on the exposed mouth dildo with her pussy. Soon I felt liquid streaming from her, around the edges of the grommet, into my mouth, and I lost my mind, shooting waves of sperm into Jane.

"Holy fuck!," Jane vocalized, as she felt the sensation of a man's cum shooting up inside her for the first time in her life. Thorn directed her to stay still while until all the semen had finished entering her body. Then, after slowly pulling off of me, the panting woman was directed to the other room.

"When you get to the bedroom, Jane, lie on your back, grab behind your knees, and roll back for about twenty minutes," Doctor Thorn said, possibly more for my benefit than Jane's, "It will help with conception, dear." Meanwhile, Pet, after fumbling around blindfolded, cleaned me up and easily got me rock hard again after about ten seconds of stimulation. Even taking into account the heightened eroticism of the situation, this was record fast, and I'm sure it was due to the drug Rhea had supplied for me.

The next four clients had the false names Mary, Lucy, Lisa and Beth. Mary, unlike Jane, must have used large toys a lot, as she slipped the better part of my rubber-clad cock inside herself without complaint. She did not seem inclined to move much, and her vagina, despite feeling wonderful, did not stimulate me as Jane's tighter one had. Thorn masturbated Mary to get her muscles to clamp down, all the while keeping up a stream of sexy conversation, and ground away at the mouth dildo to keep me excited. When Mary came for the second time, her pussy clenched more tightly than it had the first time, coaxing me into cumming at last, drenching her cervix with my seed.

Lucy had a shallow vagina that could only take in about three inches of my shaft. Even so, she did not mind the girth of my penis, and bounced up and down energetically for almost half an hour without any moans of pain. She finally brought me to orgasm without any help from Thorn, or even having cum herself.

Lisa's vagina was only slightly deeper than Lucy, and she rode in a reverse cowgirl position, again without help from Thorn. She came easily, having three orgasms before I did.

Beth ended up being the most nervous of the lot, even more so than Jane. She screamed in pain as I entered her and needed several breaks, as well as lots of gentle support from Thorn, before keeping me inside long enough to ejaculate.

"Did you try opening yourself up with those toys I suggested, dear?" Thorn asked gently, when Beth's ordeal was over.

"We tried, Ros-- Doctor Thorn!" she said. "But it just hurt too much and Tr--, um, my partner, couldn't bring herself to keep forcing it. I'm sorry! I just still wanted to go through with it."

Beth sounded embarrassed. Although I couldn't see, I imagined her face being bright red.

"That's okay, dear," Thorn said, although knowing her as well as I did, I could hear an undertone of exasperation. "Now run along and assume the position like others did, okay?"

"Yes, Doctor Thorn," Beth said timidly.

During the clean-up session following Beth's impregnation attempt, I became certain that the substance Rhea had provided was a true wonder drug. If I had had any money at the time, I would have tried to invest in that startup. Despite having just come inside five women, with no breaks, Pet was still able to get me fully hard with only a few bobs of her head.

"This is almost too easy," she whispered, a note of disappointment creeping into her voice.

Next, for reasons that would soon become clear, Pet groped blindly around my face for the protruding mouth dildo, and removed the rubber. So far, only Thorn had made use of the implement, so there had been no need to swap it out. As Pet was rolling down its replacement, Thorn interjected.

"Pet, dear, I'm afraid that won't do. The next client does not want a condom on there, I'm afraid. And I believe I've used that dildo raw before."

Pet sat back, clearly unsure what her wife was driving at. I believe that had she not been pregnant, Thorn would have spanked her for this.

"I suppose I should not expect you to be quick on your feet all of a sudden, Pet, since you've been so slow up to now. You will need to clean my old vaginal fluid off of the dildo with your mouth, dear. Be quick about it please, I would not like to have to punish you with a crowd so close by."

Without hesitation, Pet bent over me and put her lips around the tip of the protruding rubber dildo. It would have been easy for her to take in the whole thing, as its overall size was significantly smaller than my dick, and Pet was able to take that balls deep. She was reluctant to go much further past the tip, however, and belatedly I realized why. If she went all the way, she would be perilously close to making out with me, her best and strictly Platonic friend.

"All the way down, Pet," Thorn said warningly, "there is plenty to clear off near the base."

With, I would guess, an extreme degree of embarrassment, Pet swallowed the rest of the dildo. Thorn was not satisfied until her wife's wide open lips were making a tight seal with the grommet. My own mouth was less than a centimeter from my best friend's, and the ball gag was being pushed towards my tonsils. I could barely breathe, although I'm not sure how much of that was due to the pressure at the top of my throat versus the wildly taboo nature of almost kissing my best friend on the lips. Irrationally, that seemed far more intimate than her giving me blow jobs.

"You need to move more to clean it properly," Thorn said.

She put one hand on Pet's forehead, and one on the back of her head, and began to piston her wife's head. At first, I could feel Pet's neck muscles tense on the down-stroke, vainly trying to avoid almost kissing me. Her wife was unbending, however, and continued to control Pet's head until she relaxed. Only after about thirty more strokes of compliant quasi-kissing did Thorn let up on her humiliated wife.

* * *

The next woman to be impregnated was supposed to have the name Cleo, but I figured out who it was almost immediately. For one thing, she was the first client to bring her partner to help her, instead of allowing Dr. Thorn to do so. For another, she was unable to stay quiet for long.

"Oh my fuckin' God, check that out, baby!" Cleo said to her wife, upon seeing my bright pink rubber-encased dick, already having forgotten to whisper.

I could only imagine the annoyed look on Thorn's face; she disliked it when her role-play was invalidated in any way. It was too late, though; I recognized the voice as Alicia's. The other woman would, of course, be Ruby, her spouse. The couple were regulars at the Caps bar, and Phoebe and I had chatted with them often. They were not hockey fans, but liked the ambiance even on game nights, so were often around when we were there. The other patrons called them "the Twins", even though they were not blood relatives. This was due to their remarkably similar appearance. Both were the same height, a few inches over five feet, and had similar bodies. Both were also Latina, and had the same rectangular face with pretty, soft features and beautiful eyes so dark they looked to be all pupil. The mischievous pair played up this similarity, usually wearing the same outfits, and maintaining meticulously identical makeup and hairstyle.

"Oh sorry!" Alicia said, and then realized she still wasn't whispering, "Shit! Oops!"

"Don't worry about it," Doctor Thorn said unconvincingly, "Let's just move on before the toy gets fatigued."

Ruby whispered something in response, and then I heard Thorn walking into the other room. Alicia sat unceremoniously on my cock. With a few strokes, I was buried halfway inside her, and soon after was hitting her cervix. She began to moan loudly as her wet pussy ground up and down. At the same time, her wife sat on the mouth dildo, and began to move in a circular motion. Ruby's vagina had a different scent from Thorn's, a pleasant smell not unlike Gruyere cheese. The pair, facing each other, embraced and began making out noisily and massaging each other's boobs. Alicia came first, and her vagina squeezed me with medium pressure compared to the other clients that night. Ruby followed with her own climax, right above my face, a few minutes later, and then Alicia came again. At this moment, a number of things happened at once.

"I think it broke!" Alicia panted, still in the throes of cumming.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Ruby asked.

Before Alicia could answer, I figured out what Alicia had actually meant. The small pea-sized hole in the condom must have failed, growing wider until it slipped past the head of my cock. I could now feel her well-lubricated canal sliding directly on my sensitive, bare skin. Completely unprepared for this, I began cumming inside her, my body jerking violently. It was the first time I'd had raw vaginal intercourse since breaking up with Meg.

"Ooh!" she exclaimed, as warm semen sprayed her cervix, then, remembering her wife's question, "I meant the condom broke, honey."

Alicia did not seem at all disturbed by this turn of events.

"That felt... amazing!" she said happily as she slid off of me a minute later.

I could hear Pet rustling in the corner, making to crawl over to us. Thorn was still in the other room checking on the five other clients.

"That's okay, chicka!" Ruby called out to Pet, "You can just hang there! If, um, 'Cleo' got it raw like that, it's no fair if I have to have that rubber thing on there."

"But it was on there most of the time, honey," Alicia said in a pouting voice.

"Okay, well, how about if we start with it on, but pull it down after a while?"

This was getting complicated, but I couldn't talk, so couldn't help resolve the situation. Fortunately, Ruby had a simplifying suggestion.

"Or, how about I ride the toy bare, and then you can ride it again, but also bare too, honey?"

"Okay, that seems fair enough," Alicia said, "But then you'll probably wanna do it again too."

Apparently these two were as big on matching experiences as they were on matching their appearances.

"Pho-- I mean, Pet," Ruby called out, "can Toy here go that many times?"

"I wouldn't worry about that," Pet replied, "I'm guessing it's hard again?"

There was a pause, then Ruby said, "Yeah, like a frickin' obelisk!"

"Well then, you've got nothing to worry about. He took some kind of uber Viagra earlier, and I think it's really working; it could fuck its way through the entire Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders squad tonight," Pet explained.

Spurred on by Pet's encouragement, the pair wasted no time in switching positions. Alicia's vagina, now buried to the hilt on the mouth dildo, had much less scent, and Ruby's, about the same depth as her wife's, was already wrapped around my cock, contracting rhythmically.

"Can you feel that?" Ruby asked me.

"Mrph!" I said, hoping they'd understand it to mean yes.

"Are you doing your Kegels?" Alicia asked in mock annoyance, and then add an "ooh" sound as her pussy lips rubbed around the base of the dildo.

"Yeah!" Ruby replied.

"Show off!" her wife chided her.

In the end, I came inside both women twice that evening.

* * *

Two days later, Mary, Alicia, Ruby and I were back at the house for another conception attempt. Only Mary and Ruby had not had positive pregnancy tests, and were back for another session with Doctor Thorn. Alicia was there to support her wife, and have fun with my dick, which she was now referring to "our new favorite sex toy." It was fortunate there were only two women to impregnate this time, plus one to just cum inside for pleasure, as I didn't have any more of Rhea's drug available. Ignoring Thorn's disapproving look, Alicia and Ruby both refused to use a condom at all, this time around.

Phoebe texted me the following morning with the good news that Mary had conceived. Rosalind theorized that Mary's cavernous pussy had simply leaked out too much semen the first time around, before she could get into position on her back. I wasn't sure that was likely, but could hardly complain about penetrating Mary's unique vagina one more time, even if she had been among the least enthusiastic clients. Ruby still had not conceived, however.

"The Twins have a request," Phoebe wrote, "and somehow I think you're not going to mind."

"Lay it on me," I replied.

"They want to skip the Thorn stuff and just have you come to their place and keep trying?"

This was like finding out I'd have to eat ice cream every night for a week, in the name of Science.

"Yeah, you were right. No problem."

"Okay, I'll give them your number if that's okay. They're kinda flighty, so it might be awhile before you hear from them."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You do realize one story can be in multiple different sections? Like if there's zero sci-fi/fantasy elements, don't post it in sci-fi/fantasy until it becomes sci-fi/fantasy. I skimmed a couple chapters ahead and still no scifi/fantasy. Just a dude suckling on a woman's breast like an infant. Give your story proper tagging please, it's pretty rude what you're doing

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

".... "Just to be clear," Phoebe said at last, "we don't want you to be Dad. This going to be a strictly two mommies situation."

"That's fine!" I said, then added, "But can I be Uncle?"

"Yes, you can be Uncle Jay," Phoebe said with a smile. ..."

Oh how tremendously generous of them to graciously allow him to be an "uncle" to the child he didn't know he was creating, and who will share half of his genetic code. What an absolute Saint of a couple. I'll notify the freaking Vatican.

And I just went back and finished the chapter, and it actually gets fucking worse. Brilliant. Also, wtf isn't there a femdom tag on this... lovely story about a man who is content to act as a spineless, characterless sperm bank for lesbian couples, happily not giving a quantum of a damn about any of his children or what might happen to them in the future?


Tags exist for a reason. Now I need some freaking brain bleach, thanks so much. This is probably the most impolite comment I've ever written here, but I never expected this sort of content in a fairly highly rated sf/f story, especially without any femdom tags. ("Bondage" is not freaking sufficient, tyvm) I feel like I stumbled over a rock, and fell into the fetish, bdsm, or LW categories.

3* because it's certainly not illegible, but I can't go higher. I'll give the rest of your work a miss, but good luck to you.

NervyPleatNervyPleatover 2 years agoAuthor

thanks for comments i promise it's actually sci-fi/fantasy, it should be more obvious soon, please bear with myself

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

im with the other guy here... fantasy doesn't mean YOUR fantasies, its more the genre of fantasy ranging from supernatural things occurring in our world to a Tolkienesque world of myhtical beings and magic. still a very good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm beginning to think this series is mislabeled. Three chapters in and no real fantasy angle I can see, this follows more closely with a bdsm genre. Still a fantastic story though.

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