Audrey's Awakening Pt. 06


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Alone together, Audrey moved over and embraced me. "This is a beautiful thing you're doing. Are you sure about it?"

I nodded and smiled, "I am, yeah," I said feeling as though a weight had just been lifted from my shoulders. We kissed long and lovingly, and I felt her respond, her tongue finding mine. She sighed as I cupped her breast, and I felt her hand pressing between my legs against the rise of my erection.

The sound of Jo clearing her throat startled us both back to reality and Audrey moved quickly away blushing highly.

Jo laughed, "I'd tell you guys to get a room," she said, holding out her arms and looking around, "but I see you already have one."

"Sit," smiled Audrey, patting the cushion beside her. Jo resumed her seat and picked up her almost empty glass with a wiggle of her eyebrows. "It seems I'm a little low," she smiled.

I laughed and picked up the champagne bottle. With our glassed full once more, Jo raised her glass. "If I might be permitted to make a slightly rude and inappropriate toast, I like to raise this glass to Audrey's sexy dress and her amazing cleavage."

"Here, here," I chimed in raising my glass as Audrey's cheek flushed and she smiled self-consciously.

"Seriously, you two," said Audrey with a smile as Jo and I clinked our glasses together. "Can't' you find something more appropriate to toast than my boobs?"

"Well, we certainly can't toast mine, can we?" Said Jo as she set down her glass and raised her top to bare her breasts.

Audrey's mouth gaped and I smiled. Jo's breasts were beautiful, small but wonderfully rounded and formed with perky erect nipples. I looked at Audrey and smiled, "How 'bout it, Mom? Shall we drink to Jo's breasts too?"

Audrey and I clinked our glasses and drank as Jo laughed good-naturedly. "Seriously though, you you think I should get a boob job?"

"NO!" Said Audrey and I simultaneously, making Jo laugh. "They're perfect just the way they are," smiled Audrey.

"Would it be too much for me to ask to see yours?" Asked Jo, looking hopefully at Audrey.

Audrey glanced at me and smiled, wordlessly slipping the thin spaghetti straps from her shoulders and lowering the bodice of her dress to bare her breasts.

Jo's eyes widened and she smiled, "God, Audrey, your breasts are absolutely amazing."

I sat back with a satisfied smile thinking life was pretty good at that moment to be in a room with two beautiful women with their breasts bared. We all sipped from our glasses and neither woman made any attempt to cover their semi-nudity.

"So..." said Jo, breaking the silence as she looked from me to Audrey and then back again. "I believe one, or both of you has promised me the full juicy story of your romantic weekend together."

Audrey glanced at me and I nodded. "It's all yours, Mom," I said, raising my glass to her.

"God," smiled Jo, "I think it's so sweet that you call her Mom."

Audrey laughed aloud, "I've had to remind him not to do it when...well, in those inappropriate moments."

Jo laughed uproariously. "Oh, God, I can imagine," she said. "How kinky would THAT sound? But, don't let me interrupt, go on with the story."

Audrey related to Jo in detail how she and Ken had planned to visit Las Vegas to celebrate her birthday and how she had attempted to surprise her husband with a visit to his hotel room, consequently discovering him with another woman and her feelings of shock and dismay.

Jo reached over to take Audrey's hand as she spoke, "I'm so sorry," she said, frowning sadly.

Audrey nodded to me, and I continued the story, telling how I had taken it upon myself to, at the very least, attempt to bring some measure of happiness into Audrey's seemingly impossible situation by taking her out to dinner to celebrate her birthday and subsequently surprising the hell out of her with a limousine ride and a birthday dinner in Las Vegas.

"And, I seriously hope you aren't going to try to tell me that you did all this for her without having any romantic designs on her at all?" Chided Jo, reaching over to playfully smack my knee.

"Absolutely not," I replied honestly. "In fact, I booked two adjoining suites here at the Bellagio."

Audrey smiled and nodded enthusiastically, "He did indeed," she admitted. "My room was the suite right next door."

"So, then, it was never actually preplanned, by either of you, for the two of you to...come together romantically?"

Audrey looked at me and smiled, "It was never my intention, no," she said. "And I'm pretty sure Jessie never planned for it to happen either."

"So," smiled Jo, rubbing her hands excitedly, "how then did it happen?"

Audrey looked at me and smiled. "It probably all started because of my dress," said Audrey, continuing the story. She told Jo about the sexy dress she had kept for many years tucked away in her closet and her unrequited fantasy to ever wear in out in public. She related how I had discovered the dress while helping her box up a bunch of her clothing for charity, and how I had brought the dress along and how I had persuaded her to throw caution to the wind and wear the dress out in public for the very first time at dinner the previous evening.

Jo laughed and sipped her champagne, "I find it extremely hard to believe that you own a dress that could be any sexier than the one you're wearing tonight."

"Why don't you show her?" I smiled, giving Audrey a little wink.

Audrey nodded, a sly smile on her face as she stood and made her way to the bathroom where her other dress was hanging. She returned very quickly wearing her other dress, having only taken seconds to remove the first and slip into the other.

Jo's eyes widened and her lips parted when Audrey returned, and I sighed appreciatively, being truly fond of that dress. "What do you think?" Asked Audrey as she slowly turned to give Jo a good look.

"Yes, Jo," I said with a laugh, "Put your tongue back in your mouth and tell her what you think of her dress."

"In-fucking-credible," said Jo, her eyes moving lustfully over Audrey's body as she bent and resumed her seat on the sofa cushion, curling her legs beneath her. "Listen, don't get me wrong, because I absolutely adore your other dress. But, without a word of a lie, Audrey, you in this dress are the literal personification of every fantasy I've ever had about another woman."

Audrey blushed noticeably and smiled.

"So, please go on, "urged Jo. "Tell me more about going to dinner in this dress, while I continue to indulge in my fantasies."

Audrey smiled, glancing at me, and then went on to relate how it had been for her going out to dinner and how much it had excited her to just let herself go with a pretense of utter shamelessness.

"It turned you on, didn't it?" Smiled Jo, reaching over to place her hand on Audrey's arm affectionately.

"Oh, tremendously," said Audrey, inclining her body toward Jo.

"And you as well, I suppose?" Said Jo, looking at me.

I gestured at Audrey and smiled, "Jesus, Jo. I'm a guy. How could it not?"

"After dinner, we kissed goodnight at the door of my suite," smiled Audrey, "and...well, the rest I believe we can leave up to your imagination."

Jo laughed and tossed her hair out of her eyes, "I don't know, Audrey, leaving it up to my imagination can be a dangerous thing. My depraved mind can imagine a great many things."

We all laughed, and I topped up our glasses once more.

"Seriously though," continued Jo. "You guys were never involved romantically before last night at all?"

Audrey shook her head, then paused, looking thoughtful. We shared a meaningful glance that made Jo laugh. "Ah, ha," she said. "And now the truth finally comes out."

Audrey laughed, "It's not what you're thinking, Jo," she said, looking at me and smiling. "We DID, in fact, have sex once before last night."

Jo gasped aloud and her eyes widened.

"Wait," said Audrey in a rush. "It was sex...physical sex, but it really wasn't what either of us would call a romantic encounter."

Jo sipped her drink and leaned back against the sofa with a smile, "Unromantic sex? Oh, I just can't wait to hear more about THIS," she said.

Audrey sighed and began the explanation from the very beginning, how she and I had often talked about my marital issues with her daughter, and how I had openly revealed to Audrey how Laura had been seemingly unable to have an orgasm during normal sex.

"I told Jessie, at that time, that I had the very same issue and had never had an orgasm during sex," said Audrey, looking directly at Jo.

She went on to explain about the magazine article that I had found and how it had the described position that reputedly guaranteed an orgasm for a woman during sex and how it had actually worked for Laura.

"Jessie wrote down the mechanics of the sex position for me and then Ken and I tried it," said Audrey. "But, for me, it...well, it just didn't work, and I couldn't help but think we somehow weren't doing it correctly." She glanced at me and smiled, "It meant a great deal to me, I was almost desperate to be able to orgasm with Ken. I somehow found the unmitigated courage within myself to ask Jessie if he would be so kind as to physically demonstrate the position for me, to make sure Ken and I had done it correctly." She smiled at me and reached over to lay her hand on mine. "It wasn't a particularly romantic experience, we did it on my living room floor. And, even though it was a very intimate thing between us, I don't think either of us thought of it as being romantic. I thought of it as a kind of science experiment."

"And?" Queried Jo, sitting forward with interest.

Audrey blushed once more and nodded, "And...It worked exactly as promised. But that was all it was for both of us," she continued. "Nothing more than just a science experiment."

"Really?" Asked Jo, looking at me rather skeptically. "That's all it was for you too?"

I shrugged, "Hey, listen, Jo," I said with a smile. "Suffice it to say that it was a VERY pleasant science experiment."

Audrey smiled and nodded in assent. "It was," she said.

Jo sighed and smiled contentedly, "It's plain to see how you two have some real feelings for one another," said Jo. "So, exactly how dicey are things going to be once you two get home to your respective spouses?"

I shrugged and shook my head, "Hey, for me, it's a no-brainer, Laura and I are officially separated."

Jo shook her head and frowned sadly, "I'm really sorry to hear that, Jessie," she said. "I know how devoted you were to her."

I shrugged, "Hey, shit happens," I said. "And I'm actually beginning to think it's probably the best thing for both of us if we just go our separate ways."

"And YOU, Audrey?" Said Jo, with a look toward Audrey.

Audrey smiled and squeezed my hand, "Oh, dear," she said with a shake of her head. "That's the big question, isn't it?" She looked at Jo thoughtfully, "Look, I honestly don't see Jessie and me riding away into the sunset together and living happily ever after. I AM, after all, old enough to be his..." she paused, considering her words, "Well, let's just say I'm considerably older than he is and leave it at that," she said with a laugh. "This weekend together has been one of the best things that have ever happened to me and something I'll never forget. But...For better or worse, I still have a husband and a family that I'm still very much committed to.

Jo looked at me and nodded, I was sure she could see the same resolution in my eyes that I was seeing in Audrey's eyes.

"Well," said Jo, reaching over to take both of our hands in hers, "For however long it lasts, I think you two are beautiful together. I'm actually very envious of you both." She took up her glass and drained the contents in one large swallow. "And, right about now, I think it's high time I left you two alone to get on with your evening."

As Jo stood, Audrey and I rose as well. She embraced me and kissed me warmly on my lips. "I'll see you tomorrow night, right? Both of you?"

I smiled and nodded, "I'll call my manager first thing tomorrow and resign from the band if you still want me."

Jo nodded her head, looking serious, "Oh, God, yes, Jessie." She kissed me once more, her lips lingering ever so slightly on mine. She turned toward Audrey, who was already reaching out for her, and the two women embraced, holding one another tightly. "Promise me you'll wear this dress tomorrow night too," said Jo.

Audrey smiled, their faces very close together, "I promise," she said. Jo leaned in and kissed her then. It wasn't a polite peck, or even the kind of kiss one gives to a family member or a very close friend, as she had just kissed me. It lingered...almost lovingly. Audrey's eyes fluttered and her hands clenched against Jo's back.

When Jo pulled away, Audrey's eyes widened in surprise and she placed her fingertips on her lips.

Jo stepped back, her face a mask of embarrassment, "Oh, Audrey..." she stammered, "I'm sorry...I..."

Audrey reached out and took Jo's face between her hands, leaning in and returning Jo's kiss with every bit as much warmth as Jo had done, her lips lingering provocatively on Jo's. "You've nothing to be sorry for, Jo," she said a moment later when the two women parted. "It just...surprised me, that's all."

Jo looked from Audrey to me, her face flushed with arousal. "Okay, now I REALLY better go before I do or say something completely inappropriate." She quickly leaned in to give me yet another little kiss and turned away. We walked her to the door. She left quickly, smiling at us. "See you tomorrow," she said, wiggling her fingers in a goodbye wave as she turned away.

As I closed the door, Audrey stepped into my arms. She kissed me passionately, her body molding into mine. Her hips moved against me, her meaning implicit. "I want you, Jessie," she said, her voice trembling with lust and arousal. "I want you inside me."

She pulled me toward the bed, pulling the hem of her dress up over her hips as she moved. She lay back onto the bed, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her eyes imploring as I opened the front of my jeans and unzipped my fly and pushed my jeans and my briefs down to my knees.

Without removing her shoes, Audrey parted her legs, lifting her knees as I leaned forward, her pink vulva lips glistening with arousal. She reached for me, her arms around my neck, and pulled me to her as I lowered myself between her thighs. I felt her pubic mound with my cock, sliding it through her silky pubic hair as she raised her legs to bring her slick glistening lips up to wet the shaft of my erection.

I pressed forward, parting her lips with the tip of my cock as she crushed her mouth to mine with a soft moan. I thrust forward with my hips and penetrated her to the full extent of my erection. I held myself motionless, pressing my pelvis tightly against her as we kissed. She moaned softly from deep in her throat and I felt her begin to move beneath me. Her hands moved over me almost frantically. She clutched my buttocks tightly, her fingers probing almost painfully as her hips began to thrust up forcefully into me.

I matched her movements, thrusting with equal force. Once...twice...a third time, and then Audrey was cumming. She tore her lips from mine and cried out as her orgasm swept her away. I felt my orgasm beginning to swell in the pit of my stomach and thrust into her rapidly to bring myself to the brink.

"Yessss..." Hissed Audrey, sensing my growing need to release. "Cum for me, Jessie...fill me up inside...fill me up."

I needed no further encouragement and I looked deeply into her eyes as my first ejaculation erupted inside her. "Audrey!" I gasped as I surrendered to the pleasure of her vagina.


(The story continues in Audrey's Awakening Pt. 07)

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Writer2000Writer2000almost 3 years ago

Oh! I was expecting, hoping for a hot threesome. Maybe this was a tease and the threesome is yet to come? I'm loving the way the story is developing.

OldBullUSOldBullUSover 3 years ago
And then??

You have kind of left us hanging here, Jaymie! Please go on with Part 7!!

Cmikey11Cmikey11over 3 years ago

I love your storyline but I find myself extremely down when I come to a final chapter it’s not so final. So very much hope that you will find closure in the near future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story

I really hope you continue to write more of this story.

chytownchytownalmost 4 years ago
Just Some Good Storytelling*****

Thanks for sharing this very entertaining story.

old_riderold_rideralmost 4 years ago
Oh Me Oh My!!!

This is going in a direction that promises be very hot. I'm anxious to read the next installment!!!

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