Aunt Julia's Bad Day


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"Yes, as soon as possible, today even," she answered.

"Yes, if you promise to rest then too," he said.

"I promise but that probably means that you want to have your way with me again," she said, grinning.

He matched her grin and said: "Yes, I do! There are so many things on my agenda!"

"Yes?" she said indulging him.

"You're involved in most of them!" he said next and they kissed.

They continued their discussion then and she indicated that she would leave the house and its furnishing for Shawna, whom she knew liked the house.

"You get a free hand in decorating here!" he said, "You need a room, your own space. I know that."

"Thank you, John Linn," she said, hugging him again.

Mrs Darling was overjoyed at hearing that Julia was coming to live with them. She herself mentioned that she and Ms Julia would take care of the menus and such things in the future.

"She being the lady of the Hall, and all," Mrs D concluded, getting a hug from Julia who was simply blown away by all of it.

John Linn and Julia spoke for a while after that too.

"Work?" she said, "Maybe I can go back tomorrow?"

"Half day, do you think?" he said, "We're pretty good right now but there are a few items waiting; nothing is too pressing."

"Oh," she said, "My car! I forgot totally."

He smiled and took her by the hand and said: "Come with me."

They walked through the breezeway into the garage, where he had the Rover, the new, tan Benz and the Benz sport car.

Julia just stood and stared.

"You mean?" she said, stopping her words right there.

"Yes," he said, "These are ours. Just pick what you want. I mainly take the Rover to work."

She walked among them, running her hands over the outsides of them and simply making contented noises. She turned to him then and said:

"You are so kind!"

"I'm in love," he said, "I need to be kind!"

In the end, Julia made the predictable decision in favor of the Benz sport car, and they decided that the tan Benz would be for the two of them.

After that, Julia did have a lie down for a while. Everything was crowding in on her and the final effect, besides her absolute delight, was to make her tired.


It was the next day, when John Linn told Julia that he wanted to take her out to dinner, to 'show her off'.

She was grinning at him. He said: "I am so proud of you and so taken by your physical lovely perfection. I want everyone to see that and understand that."

She surrounded him with her arms, and commenced kissing him then.

For their night out, Julia opted for a short, white pleated skirt and a red silk overblouse. She wore hoop earrings, and a lovely diamond pendant, which John Linn gave her for the occasion.

He took her to an exclusive steak house and they were greeted there by various of his friends. He was pleased to be introducing her as his fiancé.

At one point, they stood talking to a group, and during a lull in the conversation, as John Linn and Julia were walking away, he slid his hand down her back and let it rest on her ass.

"I'm going to get your ass tonight, when it's all naked. Maybe, when you're asleep!" he said pleasantly.

"Really, big boy?" she asked, in the same pleasant voice. "Well, invite me to that party. I might just enjoy the ass screwing!" She let out a giggle, when she said it.

Their dinner was a huge success. When they got home, Julia went for a bath, as John got ready for bed and closed up the house. He settled into bed first, after his own quick shower, and was waiting for her.

She came into the bedroom naked.

He simply gaped and said: "I will never get over the perfection of you!"

"Oh, right thing to say, Johnnie Linn!" she said, kissing him. "Now what was it that you said about ass fucking!"

"Did I say that?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"Yep!" she said, "And I'm going to hold you to it!"

She got onto the bed and put a pillow under her hips. It left her lying there, on her stomach with her butt in the air.

"I'm gonna stay here until I get my ass fucked!" she said pleasantly.

He went to the bathroom and returned with some Vaseline. Then, when he was ready, he reached down and began by licking his tongue up and down her butt crack, getting appreciative moans from Julia all the while.

He moved a bit and used his hands to force her cheeks apart and stuck his tongue down further into her 'narrows'.

"Ohhhhhhhh, Johnnie Linn!" she squealed into the pillow. "How that feels! First the nice and then the spicy! Do me now! I'm yours forever!"

"Yes," he said, moving up to her and rubbing his erection up and down her butt crack, "This is my claim!"

"Yes, yes," She agreed and she made another squealing noise into the pillow as he finally entered her.

He paused to let her get used to it and then she said, her voice raspy: "Do it now! Do it all! But do it!"

She came in the middle of his passion and finally, they both lay there. He went for a cloth then to clean her and himself. When he came back. She rolled to him and rubbed herself against him and said: "Love me forever, Johnnie!"

"At least!" he said, kissing her.

They lay there the very picture of contentment. Now and again, John would run his hand down Julia's back and across her ass cheeks. It made her giggle and each time, she squeezed her cheeks in response to his hand.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, her face next to his, letting her speak into his lips.

"Marry me, Julia! Marry me soon!" he said fervently.

"Yes, yes, that's what I want," she responded, "As soon as you wish!"

"All this, all that I have doesn't mean anything, amount to anything for me, if I can't share it with you!" he declared.

"Oh, John," she said, "That's not ever what I've been after!"

"I know that," he said, "But it's the reality, and I intend to see it taken care of. I mean new credit cards, and a shared life and resources!"

"You are spoiling me terribly!" she said softly.

"With an ass like yours," he said, chuckling, "I guess you should be spoiled."

She laughed and bounced out of bed, going to his side of the bed and turning around, bent to put her booty in his face and wiggle it. He ended by biting her butt, and getting a squeal out of her, as he grabbed her and pulled her into bed again, kissing her.

He made love to her then, and they decided that they'd talk the next day.

"About everything," he said.

"Yes," she agreed, "About everything."

They did have their 'talk' over breakfast, and it did include what John called 'everything'. He spoke to her about finances and holdings. She was surprised by the extent of it. They agreed to plans to contact the bank that day. He was insisting on a credit card on their holdings for her. It left Julia smiling and giggling.

"You are so good to me!" she said.

Julia's return to work was pretty much a triumph. She herself was excited about it, getting back to the routine that she knew, and, to tell the truth, enjoyed. She was ready the next day and, after both of them had talked about it, did indeed go back to work. Both she and John Linn drove, since they had different schedules at work. She drove the silver Benz, loving the sensations of it. Arriving at the office, she was pleased that various workers in the offices and manufacturing floors were happy to see her back at work. She was greeted by many of them, as she entered the building. It made her smile.

It was a normal day for both of them. About early afternoon, John went into Julia's office.

"Just finishing these forms and requisitions," she said, "But everything looks good to me."

"Do you need to go home for a rest?" he asked solicitously.

She smiled at him and said: "I am tired. You mind?"

"I only mind that I have work here and can't come home and rest with you!" he said, grinning.

"Sure it's resting that you want to do?" she asked.

"Now whatever do you mean?" he asked with fake innocence, going to her and kissing her head.

"I love your head!" he said, kissing her again. She giggled.

"Can we, should we invite Shawna to dinner and talk to her about it?" he asked."Oh, that's right. That'll be such a treat!" she replied.

"Talk to her about it all," he said.

"Yes, that would be best, nice, I think," Julia said.

They contacted Shawna, who worked earlier that day and agreed to come to dinner that evening. Then John Linn talked to Mrs Darling about Shawna coming.

"Plans taken care of?" he asked Julia a little later.

"Yes, Mrs D and I conferred and have it all planned," she said.

He switched topics then and said, earnestly: "Julia, marry me, soon!"

She stood and said her 'yes' through her lips pressed against his. "Soon," she said. "We'll set a date tonight, and talk to Shawna about it! Think about it!"

"Yes," he said, "And shall we plan something really cool for a honeymoon?"

She giggled and said: "Cool is exactly what this girl needs! But you're the cool one, John my Johnnie!"

"Watch out or I'll have you on the desk right here," he said, "Panties down and my hot hands on your butt!"

She giggled again and got up and turned to wiggle at him. He swatted her butt once, getting an appropriate squeal from her and then, after a kiss and embrace, he walked her to her car in the company car park.


"I'll be home in just a bit," he said, as they were at her car.

"Yes, home," she said, and leaned against him. "Oh, John, is always sounds like such a dream that you mean, by 'home', where you and I live!"

"Yes," he said, "Where you and I live, and Maudie and Mindy!"

"And Maudie and Mindy!" she agreed.

"Lie down please, when you get home, and tell Mrs D that I'll be along in plenty of time for our dinner with Shawna."

"Will do," she answered, "I love you!"

"I love too, Julia, my beauty!" he said, kissing her farewell.

Julia was just getting up from a rest, when he did get home. Mrs D told him that she'd given Julia some tea and sent her to rest, and that the dinner was coming along nicely.

"Shawna should be here in about an hour," he said, "Give me time to clean up."

He went to the master suite and found Julia, just getting dressed from an afternoon bath.

"There she is!" he said, "How lovely is the lady of the Hall!"

She grinned at him and went to him, wearing just her panties and bra then. "Here's Johnnie's black gal!"

"Mmmmmm," he said, nuzzling and kissing her. "I need a shower to get ready for when Shawna is here."

"Yes," she said.

"Will you show her around?" he asked.

"Around our home?" she said, "Gladly, John Linn!"

Then she watched as he took his clothes off, making appreciative comments all the while. When he was ready for a shower, and had gotten a hug and more kisses from her, she went downstairs to wait for her sister. She realized, as she went, that she was fairly tingling with the possibility of showing Shawna around their 'home'. Just the thought made her smile and be thankful for her good fortune in all of this.

Shawna was on time, and greeted at the door by Julia with a greeting hug and cheek kisses. Then she got a hug from John Linn.

"Welcome to the Hall!" he said.

"Oh, thank you," Shawna said, "It's even lovelier than I ever imagined."

"A drink, ladies?" he asked.

They both said 'yes' and he went to fetch glasses of wine for them, while Julia showed Shawna around 'the Hall'.

"This is amazing," Shawna said, "And you actually live here?"

"I do!" Julia said.

"Oh, Jules," Shawna gushed, "Isn't it wonderful!"

"Yes," Julia said, slipping into a hug from her sister.

"Wine?" John Linn said, coming upon them and bearing glasses of a white Moselle wine for them.

The three of them sat in the living room and talked, until Mrs Darling, who was introduced to Shawna, came to tell them that dinner was ready.

They sat and ate quietly for a bit but then Julia opened the subjects that she and John Linn had agreed that they wanted to talk to Shawna about.

"Shawna, honey," Julia said. "I want you to have the house!"

"Ohhh," Shawna said, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes right away. "You always take care of me so well, Jules!" She reached out her hand and put it over Julia's hand then and went into a rift of 'thanks' for the generous offer of the house.

"We want you to know," John Linn put in next, "That at any time that you want, you're welcome to come and live here."

Now Shawna was almost overcome. "That's so nice," she said. "I might take you up on that but I think I might like to try it living in the house for a bit first."

(Shawna lived there for about two years and then accepted the invitation to live at the Hall with Julia and John Linn. She took a job with Dryfuss Inc, and, while on the job, met an engineer. They romanced and were married after a 7 month courtships.)

Then Shawna got quiet until Julia finally asked: "What is it, honey?"

"Um," Shawna tried to begin but then found her voice: "Jules, do you mind if Nicholas comes back to live with me?"

"It's your house," Julia said quietly. "You make those decisions. I'm going to sign it over to you legally."

There was a silence and Julia asked: "How is he?"

"Having a hard time," Shawna said. "He and his Dad don't get along and I think he's really, really sorry for what happened."

"I see," Julia said, as though undecided.

She turned at that point to John Linn, who stepped in and said: "Why don't you two leave this up to me? I'll sit with him and talk to him. Both Julia and Shawna showed concern on their faces. John Linn held up his hand:

"I won't hurt him or threaten him or anything like that. I love, you," —- to Julia —- "Like life has given me you as my greatest gift and possession, and having you," —- indicating Shawna —- "As family is a great gift to me. Let me try to make this right."

"Yes," Julia said, and looked at Shawna, who was also shaking her head 'yes'.

They invited Shawna to spend the night with them, which she was happy to do. After dinner, they settled down to a movie and then all went to bed. Julia told John that she'd be back, she was going to see Shawna.

The two of them spent the next forty-five minutes talking and giggling. It was like the old days for them.

"I'm going to bed now," Julia said finally.

"I hope he succeeds with Nicholas," Shawna said.

"I'm sure that he will," Julia said, and put her arms around her sister.

"Oh, Jules," Shawna said, "You're the greatest sister in the world ever! I'm so glad for your good fortune with John."

"Thank you, honey!" she said, and they shared a hug 'good night'.


John made arrangements for Nicholas to come and see him at his office. He did it at a time when they made sure that Julia was not there. She was home that afternoon. John went to the precaution of sending a car for him.

John waited for him, and Nicholas was finally shown into his office. John noticed right away how nervous Nicholas was. Here he was facing all of the trappings of success and he knew it involved his Aunt and Mom somehow but wasn't quite sure.

"Nicholas," John said, with a smile and his hand extended for a hand shake.

"Mr. Dryfuss, sir," Nicholas said.

"It's John," John mentioned and Nicholas called him that.

"Thank you for coming; we need to talk," John said, gesturing to the sitting area by the windows, where they both sat.

"Anything to drink?" John asked but Nicholas declined. (At that point it was all that Nicholas could do to keep from peeing himself about all of this.)

"Okay let me get to this, Nick —- you don't mind if I call you Nick?" John said.

"No, sir," Nick answered.

"Do you know who I am?" John asked softly.

"You're Aunt Julia's boss," Nick said in answer.

"Well, to tell the truth," John went on, looking intently at the young man, "I am going to marry your Aunt Julia."

"Ohhhhhhh!" Nick said, not having even suspected this. "Let me . . ."

But that's as far as John Linn let him go. He held up his hand and Nick was silent. Then John Linn went on:

"Nick, when I was your age and younger I did some things that were so stupid that I still to this day wonder what the fuck I was thinking about at the time!"

Nick shook his head 'yes' at that.

"It still grieves me to dwell on those things," John went on.

Again, Nick shook his head 'yes'.

"But my Mom and Dad gave me a second chance and more. They had faith in me and that made the difference," John then explained."It made all the difference to me," John said.

"Nick, I know about what you did to your Aunt, my fiancé, and I also know about the photos of you and your Mom, that your Mom knows nothing about. These are things that need to be made right," John concluded softly.

Nick was shaking his head again in an agreed 'yes'.

"I still shake my head in amazement at my colossal stupidity," Nick said. (It was obvious to John Linn that Nick really meant it.)

"I think that you owe your women an apology," John Linn said. Then he held up his hand and said: "And mention nothing about the photos with your Mom. That needs to be a dead and buried issue."

"Thank you, sir," Nick said.

"How are things?" John Linn asked then.

"Rough," Nick said, "Had to leave my Dad's; it wasn't working at all there. He spoke out so much all the time against Mom and Aunt Julia and I'd had enough of that. I need to drop out and work for a while, before going back to school but I can do that. I'm not afraid of that."

"Well, Nick," John interjected, "Let's talk about that some other time. Let's get this done first, to heal the family."

"Yes," Nick agreed.

John stood then and they shook hands. Realizing how shaken Nick was by their conversation and John's wonderful attitude, Nick was obviously emotional. John simply pulled the boy to him and hugged him. For a half minute, Nick simply clung to him. Then John saw him out. They made arrangements that Nick would come that evening to the hall to talk to his Mom and Aunt.

Shawna joined John and Julia for dinner again that night. They spoke a bit about the arrangements being made to make the house hers totally. She was really excited about that.

Then John told the two women that he'd talked to Nick, who was coming to see them that evening.

"I'll be there, if you want but maybe it needs to be done without me in the room," he said.

"Thank you, John," Julia said, getting up and kissing him, followed by a hug from Shawna.

After dinner they all waited for Nick, who was on time. John went to answer the door, when Nick rang, and showed Nick to the family sitting room, where they watched tv normally, and his Mom and Aunt were waiting.

"I'll be in my den," John said, "If I'm needed."

He busied himself with house accounts and such for the next hour, when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes," he said, and Julia came in. As she approached him, she had tears in her eyes.

"You are a Magus!" she said, "You wonderful man! You saved me and then you saved my beautiful sister and now you've saved our family!"

By the time she finished, she was holding onto him as though her life depended on it.

"It turned out well?" he asked.

"Splendidly!" she said. "I don't know what you talked to him about but he's a different young man."

"He just needed a second chance; we all need that!" he explained.

"Yes, Johnnie, you'r my second chance; shall we join them?" she said.

"Yes," he said.

"Squeeze my ass once for me?" she said into his ear.

With a chuckle, he put his hands on her magnificent ass and squeezed. "More of that later!" she said.

"Yep!" he agreed.

When they entered the family sitting room, Shawna was there for a hug from him, with the very same emotions as Julia had shown. He also got a hand shake and a hug from Nicholas.

"Shall we celebrate with ice cream in the kitchen?" he asked and they all agreed.
