Aurora - Way of the Goddess Pt. 03


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“Spain, Sydney, Timbuc-bloody-tu, it doesn’t matter. Fact is, here were a couple of straight-laced A-listers with two teenage girls sitting in their laps,”

“Getting their rocks off while their Mum and Dad were flaked-out downstairs.” Tanya butted in.

Caddy cocked her head. “Do you want to tell the story?”

“Alright, alright, don’t get your tits in a tangle. Sheesh.”

Caddy tossed her hair back. “Now where was I? Oh that’s right. There I was, on one side of the table sitting in Paul’s lap, while Tanya was perched on his old lady’s knees directly across from me. And, well... as they say in the classics, one thing led to another.”

“What were you wearing?” Maya cut in.

“What are you? The fashion correspondent?”


“Well I was in a bikini. Aunty Tan was in a one-piece since her tits those days wouldn’t fill a thimble.”

Tanya’s jaw sagged. “You bloody liar. They were an egg cup at least.”

“Yeah, yeah. So we were in our swimmers and so were they. Poor old Paul had spent the whole day on a sun lounge, with a newspaper over his lap, ogling us in the pool.”

“Who could blame him?” Watson said with a shake of the head.

“You better believe it.” Caddy concurred. “And he wasn’t the only one enjoying the view.”

“The neighbour had a telescope.” Tanya cut in excitedly. “No, really, he did. He was this old American guy. Property billionaire. He used to watch us through his telescope while he jacked off.”

“Uh huh,” Caddy nodded, “because Tanny’s little one-piece was virtually sprayed on, while my bikini was the size of a postage stamp. And not even a big one. And they weren’t the only ones who liked to watch. So did his wife. I mean Paul’s.”

“Used to hang round in the bathroom while we got changed.” Tanya nodded.

“She wasn’t bad for forty-something. Fake tits aside.”

“Yeah,” Tanya said and gave her breasts a loving caress, “why would you do that?”

“Low self-esteem.” Caddy replied

“Uh huh.” Tanya sighed. “Lots of those high-powered types have it.”

‘With bloody good reason.’ Watson thought.

“It’s true.” Caddy nodded. “Still, I guess we can’t all have standy-up titties like yours.”

Tanya looked from one to the other. “I guess they’re okay. Now come on, Cads, back to the story.”

“Well,” Caddy continued, “cut to the patio chairs. There we all were, sitting around just talking shit, when all of a sudden I felt a hand slide up my thigh. Paul had one elbow propped on the table, acting all innocent, while his fingers were trying to get into my swimmers. Next thing you know, what pops up between my legs?”

“A rabbit?” Tanya suggested.

“Dirty old hedgehog more like it. But you know me, dyed in the wool animal lover. I started stroking the poor little thing and rubbing its eye.”

“And meanwhile,” Tanya piped up, “Alicia was groping my own naughty bits. So, what the hell, I figured the least I could do was return the favour.”

Watson caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Maya pulled her knees up to sit cross-legged on her chair and her hem rode up to within a gnat’s whisker of Nirvana. One inch, the old man thought, if he leant forward one measly inch he’d be rewarded by a sneak peek of wet, pink heaven. He leant back instead, crossing his arms, squeezing his thighs together to prevent a breakout. He could smell her now, the scent of her still damp hair, the unmistakable musk of arousal. When he looked up, Beck was staring levelly at him, wearing that same bemused expression, as if she knew something he didn’t.

“So what did you do?” Maya asked.

The two women burst out laughing.

“What do you think?” her mother replied dryly.

“Let’s just say they had some cleaning up to do.” Tanya said.

“What a cack!” Caddy giggled, “Here they were, getting it off with these two horny girls, neither wanting the other to know. And when Paul... you know... did the goo... his face went as red as a beetroot. Tried to make out he was having a coughing fit.”

Tanya nodded. “While his missus sat there, giving him the look of death.”

“I’m surprised he didn’t have a stroke.” Caddy sighed. “Ever tried to keep a straight face? While you’re cumming all over some hot little jailbait?”

Tanya tapped her chin. “You know... now you mention it...”

“Those poor folks.” Watson chuckled ruefully, “Corrupted by a pair of randy hellions.”

“Corrupt them?” Caddy demanded. “Too late, they were already totally corrupt. Paul was an incredibly rich and powerful man. And utterly ruthless. He once bankrupted a small South American country for a bet.”

“You mean company?” Watson frowned.

“Country!” Tanya said dryly. “Do pay attention, there’s a good boy.”

“And his wife was no better.” Caddy continued, “Not only did she challenge the meaning of ‘inundation’ in court, she actually won, so her company got out of paying thousands of flood victims. That one win in court was worth over a billion. The circles we moved in of course these were magnificent achievements. Having covert sex with a couple of horny teens was absolute peanuts.”

“Wow.” Watson breathed, the tip of his cock leaking inside his board shorts. “And here I was thinking I was some sort of deviate.”

“You?” Tanya scoffed. “Pure as driven snow.”

“That’s the trouble with being super rich.” Caddy sighed. “If you can buy literally anything nothing has any worth. Politicians, governments, whole bloody countries... you can have what you want. You can also afford the sort of depravity most ordinary people couldn’t even imagine. Sane ones in any event. Unfettered luxury becomes completely mundane. Boring as batshit in fact. It’s depressing.”

“Right.” Watson said under his breath. “What do you give the man who has everything?”

Caddy looked at him. “Penicillin.”

“No. You have to look for alternatives.” Tanya went on

“Forbidden fruit?” Watson ventured.

“The very best kind.”

“Fruit?” Beck frowned.

“Girls like you.” Caddy said, “And Maggie.”

“What’s so forbidden about us?”

The elders swapped glances, patently stumped. “That’s a very good question.” Watson replied.

“The idea, Sweetheart.” Tanya sighed. “That’s what’s forbidden.”

“What idea?”

“The old and degenerate consuming the young and the pure. And I mean consume. Suck the life energy out of them then throw them away.”

“Know what I’ve learned,” Tanya said, “about the true measure of a man? What he’ll do if he absolutely knows he can get away with it. We, Caddy and me, we might have had a taste for off-the-wall sex, but a lot of those guys, the super rich...” she shook her head.

“Into some very nasty shit.” Caddy intoned.

“Such as?”

“Eating babies.” Maya said darkly.

“Shoosh, Darling.” Caddy said then pointed at Watson with a sliver of pitta bread. “I’m telling you, Damon, you don’t want to know.”

“Trade secret?” Watson scoffed.

“No.” Caddy said, “We don’t want to spoil our day with undue ugliness.”

“I see.” Watson nodded. “So what you’re saying is money can’t buy class.”

“You’re wrong.” Tanya shook her head. “It can buy just about anything, Damo, including class. But class is all about show. It’s just advertising, who you are and how much you own. But power itself, true power. That’s all about unbridled self-gratification.”

“It’s an addiction.” Caddy cut in. “Crack cocaine for the soul.”

“And every bit as deadly as the physical drug.” Tanya said. “Let’s face it. How long have we been around? Modern humans? One hundred thousand?”

“It’s closer to two.” Watson shrugged. “Depending on who you ask.”

“Okay, two. Well for ninety eight percent of that time we were cavemen. In fact we still are, and while we might fly round in Gulfstreams these days, our desires and appetites are still essentially unchanged. Greed, lust, violence, aggression, that’s what drives us.”

“And the super-rich are the most driven of all.” Caddy cut in.

“It’s true.” Tanya confirmed, “Those men are amongst the most primitive humans on Earth. And I say men because they’re mostly male, plus a few females who behave like men. And for all the trappings of wealth they’re basically animals. Predators, Damo, cold-blooded carnivores. “

“So what does that make the rest of us?” Watson frowned.

“Prey.” the sisters chorused.

“Livestock.” Caddy affirmed.

“At the height of our addiction,” Tanya said in a wooden voice, “Roger and I referred to ordinary people as ‘roaches’. I’m not proud of it, and it horrifies me to think of it now, but when we hit the slopes in the Alps, for example, we’d complain about all the roaches spoiling the snow.”

“What about when Becky and I rocked up?” Watson asked, “Out on the reef?”

“Yep...” Tanya nodded. “You know Roger’s biggest complaint? Not that he’d just totally fucked our brand new million-dollar boat. No. To use his own words he said, ‘Well here come the roaches’.”

“And what did you think?”

“Me?” Tanya smiled, “I was looking forward to having somewhere to chill the Champagne.”

Watson hefted a shoulder. “At least you’re honest.”

“I pride myself on it.” she nodded. “That’s just one of many things that sets me apart.”

“From whom?”

“The lions.”

“The what?” Watson grimaced.

“That’s what they call themselves.” Caddy replied without any hint of irony. “Lions.”

“Uh huh.” Tanya nodded. “Our parents were lions. Luckily Caddy and me broke out before the money could ruin us.”

The old man looked around. “Broke out?”

“Turned hedonist.” Tanya beamed. “One of the luckiest things that could have happened to us. Still love the money, don’t get me wrong, for what it does though, not what it is.”

Caddy nodded. “Same goes for me.”

“I’d much rather a long, leisurely fuck with a swashbuckling adventurer and his gorgeous little gal than busting my butt to make another mil.”

“Me too!” Caddy declared.

Watson nodded pensively. They were kidding themselves, of course. As sweet and fuckable as these sisters were, they were both obscenely and ostentatiously rich. “I thought you said you’d just discovered what money is for?”

“What I really meant was,” Tanya replied. “we’ve finally realised enough is enough. And using it is more important than having it.”

“So you see,” Caddy said, reading his mind, “you could hardly call us super rich. When was the last time you bought a country, Sis?”

“Oh, hell...” Tanya searched the surroundings, “...must be going on for weeks.”

“There you go then. We’re not super rich. We’re not even rich. Just comfortable.”

Tanya wrinkled her nose. “You can tell that by our squeaky-clean morals.”

* * *

The sisters surely had shares in the House of Veuve Cliquot, Watson thought, closing one eye to focus on a table now crowded with empties. The sun had long gone and the nibblies had come out, and all seemed well with the world. Arms up, Tanya stretched, then got to her feet and nearly fell over. “Ooops,” she giggled, “I think I’m... titty much... protally... fit-shaced. Be a dear, sis, carry me inside.”

“It’s a bit like that, isn’t it?” Caddy said then stifled a yawn. “What do you say, gang? Time for beddy-bies?”

Half sozzled herself, Maya raked her hair back. “What sort of beddy-bies? The good beddy-bies or the boring beddy-bies?”

“The sort of beddy-bies,” her mother slurred, “where you lay down your pretty little head and go to sleep.”

“Naww... but it’s not even ten.”

“Come on, Darling. It’s been a long day.”

Maya crossed her arms in a huff. “That’s not fair.”

“Sweetheart, please, look at our guests. Beck, you poor little lamb, you look exhausted.”

Beck shook herself out of a shallow reverie. She’d been busy plotting how to engineer a sleepover. With Maya. In her bed. It would drive the old boy crazy for starters, and if this budding aristocrat tasted half as good as she looked.

“But what about my project?” Maya whined.

“I told you, all in good time.”

“Awesome. So now you’re stiffing me out of it. I’ve been waiting for flippin’ months you know!”

“No one’s stiffing anyone out of anything.” Caddy said testily. “Least of all me.”

“Listen to Mum, Pookie.” Tanya said gently, trying to mollify the angry little teen.

“Is there anything I can do?” Watson innocently asked. “If it’s homework I might be able to help. As long as it doesn’t involve maths.”

Maya opened her mouth to reply but Caddy cut her off at the pass. “Oh just ignore her, Damon. Do her the world of good to learn a little patience.”

Maya crossed her arms in a huff. “That’s not fair, Mum. You promised.”

“And I’ll keep that promise, Miss Bossy Britches. If you keep your promise to just trust my judgement.”

“What was the project?” Beck asked, pretty sure she already knew.

Caddy draped an arm over her shoulders. “Not now, possum. I mean look at you. Dead on your feet. And poor old Tan, look, she can hardly stand. Come on. Let’s all have an early night and tomorrow I’ve got a surprise.

* * *

The guest room was on the third floor.

Guest rooms, in fact, because the suite had its own separate study as well as a full-sized bathroom and walk-in robe that could have hangared a small aeroplane. Beck jumped into the shower then returned a few moments later towelling herself. Dry-mouthed with a Champagne hangover, Watson treated himself to a quick wash down, cleaning his teeth at the same time, and emerged ten minutes later feeling half human. Beck was on her back on the bed when he walked in, legs spread, running a finger lightly up and down her slick slit. As the old man sat on the bed beside her, she rolled onto her side and propped her head on a hand. Reaching into his lap, she wrapped a small warm paw around his penis, still long and fat in the aftermath of several hours’ provocation.

“Naww...” Beck said, “poor widdle guy. Look at him.”

“Bugger off. He’s trying to sleep.”

“After standing up at attention all afternoon?” she said and gave it a shake. “What a little trooper. Are you a little trooper? Yes you are.”

“Yeah, well, dragging me into the pool didn’t help.”

“Oh go on. Are you seriously telling me? You didn’t like the feel of Maya’s hot little body slithering all over you?”

“Of course I liked it.” Watson grumbled. “I liked it a lot. That’s the problem.”

Beck got up on her knees and draped her arms around his neck. “She’s different, isn’t she?”

“To what?”

“Well, I guess, to every other girl her age I’ve ever met. I mean she’s not even pregnant for starters, with another snotty brat underfoot. And she’s not on the dole, or ice for that matter. She doesn’t smoke, doesn’t stink, isn’t the size of a hippo-”

“Beck, Sweetheart,” Watson waved her down, “hate to tell you this. But you’re the odd one out.”

Beck narrowed her eyes. “Because I’m povvo?”

“What? No! Because you’re the soul survivor of an experience that would have crushed most normal individuals. That’s soul, as in ‘S O U L’.” He commenced counting off on his fingers. “Survivor, adventurer, mermaid, sailor, not to mention Olympic athlete in the sack. Scientist, artist, cray-catcher extraordinaire... these are just your bad points mind you, I’ll get to your good points in a minute. Look, Moosh, I don’t want to sound mean, but Maya’s pretty average compared to all that.”

“Oh, go on.” Beck pulled him close for a hug. “Flattery will get you nowhere...”

“But don’t let that stop me?”

“Correct. But she is cute, isn’t she?”

“Cute enough.” Watson conceded.

“Cute enough, huh? Go on, I saw you. Your eyes popped out of your head when she turned up in her bikini. And when she came down in that slip...” She slapped her knee. “The look on your face! It was priceless.” Beck looked left and right in search of concealed cameras or listening devices. “You know. When we went up for a shower. She stripped. Stark naked. Right in front of me.”

“Some people have all the luck.” Watson hurrumped.

“Oh you should see her. Absolute hard-body. She does jit-juicy or something, two times a week, plus ballet class twice a week at school.”

“Jit what?”

“I don’t know. Juice? Some kind of fighting.”


Beck snapped her fingers. “That’s the one.”

“That explains it.”

“Oh, Dommy. You should see her tits.”

“I did. For all intents and purposes. Under that shift.”

“I mean with nothing on. Close enough to count the goosebumps.”

Watson dipped his head. Sure enough, in spite of the hiding it had taken from several bottles of Veuve, his cock was sticking straight up at the thought of Maya and her bouncy little appointments.

“Wouldn’t it be funny?” Beck said wistfully.

“Wouldn’t what be funny?”

“You know.” Beck said and got up on all fours. “If Maya...”

“If Maya what?”

Beck commenced slinking around Watson like a randy little cat, rubbing her head over his chest to his arm. “You know. If she... you know... meoww...”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

“Pfft!” Watson blew a raspberry, “You must be tripping.”

“Oh no I’m not. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”

“Come off it. If you think some fit, young-”


“-filthy-rich little stunner like her...”

“Well I do think so, as a matter of fact. I reckon she’s hot for it.”

“Oh, Rebekah,” Watson sighed, though the very thought was making his head spin, “that Champagne must have addled your brain.”

“Wanna bet?”

“You know,” Watson said with a faraway look in his eye, “I’ve always believed it’s morally wrong to take money off children and imbeciles. In your case, however, I’ll make an exception.” He stuck out his hand. “One hundred bucks.”

“One hundred?” Beck crawled past him with her ass in the air. “Mreooww... Come on, can’t you do better than that?”

Watson stuck his finger in Beck’s butthole and she batted him away. “Okay then. Make it a million.”

Beck grabbed his hand and flattened it over her pussy. She was wet, and her lips parted as if her flesh had turned to warm liquid. “But you don’t have a million.”

“I won’t need a million. I won’t need anything, cos’ I’m not gonna lose. She’s a dish, don’t get me wrong, but I’m telling you Beck there’s no flippin’ way.”

* * *

“The zoo?” Maya cried. “Are you frikken’ serious? The zoo?”

“Yes, Maya,” Caddy confirmed, “the zoo. And if you’re not careful I’ll jolly well leave you there.”

“But the zoo.” Maya whined. “That’s for kids. Can’t we go shopping? Can’t we take Beck to the races? Have nibbles and Champers in the company chalet? Even a movie would do. But Mum. The frikken’ zoo?”

They turned at the sound of bare feet slapping the polished marble tiles and Beck flew in the door. “Maya! Maya! Guess where we’re going?” Maya looked dumbly at Beck as she took both of her hands. “The zoo!”

Maya’s jaw dropped. “No way!”

“Yes way!”

“We’re going to the zoo?”

“Isn’t that awesome?”

“The zoo? Oh, Becky, you’re so gonna love it! Just think. We can see the lions and elephants-”

“And the tigers and zebras and rhinos. All the animals I’ve ever dreamed of. Monkeys and lemurs, meerkats and snakes. Even Panda bears.” Beck wrestled a spiral-bound notebook from her handbag. “Look at this. I just can’t wait to add all the names to my list.”


“My binomial nomenclature collection.”

“Binomial what?”

“Scientific names.” Beck explained, then turned and pelted away again, almost incandescent with glee. Fists on her hips, Caddy gave Maya a look of smug reproach.

“This is gonna cost you.” Maya growled.

“Is that so? Well when it’s all done and dusted, after these next few days- you can take it off my bill.”

The first leg of the expedition, from Caddy’s suburban mansion to the city centre, was a leisurely twenty-minute drive with Tanya at the wheel of the Porsche Cayenne. Grimly clutching a grab-rail, Watson looked over his shoulder at Caddy, with the girls either side, swaying from side to side with the shifting G-forces. “Poor Tan.” Caddy sighed as they scorched through an intersection, “That broken fetlock’s sure slowed you down.”