Aurora - Wings of the Goddess Pt. 05


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"Now that I'd like to see." Bragg said under his breath. Tanya, Vicky and Beck. Enough sexual energy to knock the Earth off its axis. He looked at the old man. "Have you told you-know-who about the you-know-what yet?"

"Not yet." Watson said, looking him straight in the eye. "I thought I might leave that to you."

"Really?" Bragg said, then bowed. "Much appreciated."

"Told who about what?" Beck demanded, the only one in the gathering with no idea.

"You guys in a hurry?" Watson asked, ignoring her. "There's a few things to tidy up before I can bail out and kick back. Might as well kick it off with a brew."

"Hell's bells," Tanya muttered, "I thought you'd never ask."

"Who's 'you-know-who'?" Beck persisted. "Have you told them about what?"

"Stop being so nosy!" Watson chided then looked at Bragg. "Is Mission Improbable all good to go?"

"Sir, yes sir. All we need is a volunteer."

"Really?" Watson asked, shepherding the guests off the dockside onto his yacht. "Well here's one I prepared earlier."

Beck hooked her arm through Tanya's. "What are they talking about, Tan? Come on. Who is you-know-who and do they know about what?"

"Just ignore them, Sweetheart. They're just being silly."

"Boys!" Vicky said, rolling her eyes.

When the tea was made and everyone was seated- Tanya and Bragg on one side of the cockpit with Beck perched between them, Vicky and Watson side-by-side on the other- there was a furtive exchange of glances and Bragg cleared his throat. "Becks," he began, conversationally, "you still all fired up about flying?"

Beck took a sip of her tea and sat nodding. "Yup," she said after swallowing, "I've done four exams already and there's only three more to go. These are the hard ones though and they need lots of maths. Like Performance and loading. Here. Know what you get if you multiply a weight by an arm? You get a moment. Isn't that cool?"

Tanya shook her head as if to clear it. "What did she just say?"

"Wait till she starts going on about aerody." Watson said grimly. "Lift and drag and the angle of the dangle."

"Attack, old boy." Beck said wearily. "Angle of attack."

"Attack?" Bragg asked, sincerely mystified. "Is that like for fighters?"

Beck tittered into her hand. "No, silly, it's the angle between the chord and the relative airflow."

"Of course," Bragg frowned, "how silly of me."

"But the fact is," Tanya jumped in, "you're still interested. Are you?"

"No." Beck shook her head, "I'm not interested. I'm totally committed! Do you know what Dom... Damon says?" Beck leant forward and they all leant in with her. "The lift formula is a magic spell!"

"It was only meant as a joke." Watson said lamely.

"But it's not!" Beck said, "Because it is!"

"Okay, okay," Tanya raised her hand. "So you've still got the bug?"

Vicky raised her hand. "I can testify, your honour. Lift equals the lift coefficient, times half air density, times-"

"Thank you, witness," Tanya said, "you may step down."

Bragg patted Beck's bony knee and gave it a squeeze. "It's a hard row to hoe, you know. Aviation. You know that, don't you?"

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?" Beck groused with a furrowed brow.

"Because it's true." Watson replied. "It takes a lot more effort than just sailing around scratching your bum. A lot more."

"You have to be really, really, dedicated." Bragg affirmed. "Really, really, really, REALLY dedicated."

"I am!" Beck exclaimed, a little frustrated, "Really! Just ask Dommy."

"So how do you think it's gonna unfold?" Tanya asked, "Just out of interest?"

Beck looked to the sky for inspiration. "I don't know." she shrugged. "I have to pass the exams, that's number one. Then I guess we might pull up somewhere and I'll get a job. Or Dommy can sell one of his books or take out a loan, and I'll pay him back once I've got my first job. I actually have no idea. But we'll think of something, we always do. There is always a way. That's what you always say, isn't it Dommy?"

"And you don't mind if you have to fly around in shitty little aeroplanes for a couple of years?" Bragg asked. "And live in the outback? And sleep under the wing of your plane? And fly smelly old miners around?"

Beck gave her head a resolute shake. "Nope."

"Because that's what poor old Ally Cat had to do."

"I know." Beck nodded and her face lit up with a grin. "Know what Ally calls light aeroplanes? Bugsmashers."

"Effing bugsmashers to be precise." Vicky corrected.

"But ultimately," Bragg went on, "what's your ultimate aim?"

"To fly a Gulfstream Five Fifty. Just like Ally. More than that, I want to fly with Ally. She flies that plane like I sail this boat. Like it's part of her."

"Ally's gonna have grandkids by then." Watson said grimly. "You'll have to help her up the airstairs with her Zimmer frame."

Beck shrugged. Why were they all being so negative? It would be difficult, she knew, but she was going to be Ally's copilot come hell or high water. First she'd pass her exams. Then she'd get a job to pay for her flying lessons, work for Katrina maybe. She'd get her licence. Then she'd do whatever it took to get the necessary hours, or just fuck the Bragg's brains out until they begged her to fly their plane.

Bragg snapped his fingers as if he'd just thought of something, "Hang on. I just thought of something."

Beck looked at him, blinking. "What?"

"Well there might... just... be... another way."

Watson thought hard for a moment then snapped his fingers in response. "I know! I can sell my body."

"What for?" Tanya snorted, "Medical experiments?"

"That's not very nice." Watson said looking hurt. "Come on, Moosh. You gonna defend me?"

"Sorry old boy but she's right, no offence. That wouldn't buy a kite, let alone a pilots licence."

"Hell's bells. Macca?"

Vicky jumped, startled out of her reverie. She was breathing hard, waiting for the big reveal, lost in the fantasy of what it meant for her. If all went to plan, she and Beck would be living together and she'd have the hot little blonde on tap. They'd be a couple of sorts, if just a while. The creepy old pastor and her zombie ex-fiancé, the entire cult in fact were going to go totally apeshit. "What? Oh... no... sorry, Damon. That's not gonna fly. Literally."

"That does it." Watson said and made as if to stand.

"Beck!" Bragg said sharply, bringing the conversation back on track. Merely sitting beside her, his leg mashed up against Beck's bare thigh, had given him a thumping erection that was trying to bust out of his shorts. "The main thing is, you're still keen, is that correct?"

Beck closed her sky-blue eyes and gave a single nod. "I am. And don't waste your time trying to talk me out of it."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Bragg said. "In fact," he circled his finger to take in the gathering. "the rest of us... me, Tan, Vicky, Damon, we've actually been talking it over."

"How?" Beck asked, giving Bragg the eye. "We haven't seen you for ages."

"Well that's a coincidence, isn't it, because we've been talking about it for ages." Bragg cleared his throat and straightened his back. "You know, Rebekah with a 'k' and an 'a' and an 'h'. Our lives changed completely after meeting you and Damon out on that reef. I've discovered the world... we both have... the real world... in all its awesome beauty and-"

"For god's sake, Shakespeare" Tanya muttered, "spit it out."

"Right," Bragg nodded, "right. I was just saying, that's all. It's all about karma you see. Fate and destiny. You changed our lives completely now we want to change yours."

Beck inhaled sharply and opened her mouth to speak, then did a double-take and screwed up her face. Change her life? How? Maybe he was offering her another ride in the Gulfstream. "Change my life?"

Now Bragg had stepped up to the precipice he seemed unable to go on.

"We want to put you through flight school." Tanya said gently. "We've talked it over with Damon and he agrees."

Beck sat motionless, eyes wide, mouth hanging open.

"It's a prepaid course," Bragg continued, finding his voice, "down in Sydney. At the end of it you'll come out with an APL or something, a multiple engine rating, a night rating and an instrument rating. First things first, no flying till you've done all your subjects, but by the sounds of it you're already well on your way."

"My pilot's licence?" Beck breathed.

"Then you'll be off overseas. With Alana. To learn to fly the Gulfstream."

Tears welled in Beck's eyes and spilled onto her cheeks. "The Gulfstream?"

The Braggs nodded.

"Is this a joke?"

"No," Tanya shook her head, her own eyes brimming. "If you do the work, that will be the reward."

"And it'll be a lot of work!" Watson said woodenly. "And there's one or two things you'll have to give up." Pressing his thumb and forefinger together, he raised them to his lips and sucked.

Beck leapt to her feet. "Is this for real?"

Bragg removed his sunglasses to smear his eyes. "Last time I checked."

"I mean really? Is this really happening?"

Tanya took her hand. "Calm down, Darling, calm down. There's still a lot to organise."

"Dommy!" Beck squealed, "Dommy! We're going to Sydney. I'm going to flight school."

"You're going to Sydney," Watson chuckled as his heart broke, "I'm heading east. Looks like I'm in the market for a new cabin girl."

Beck froze. "What?"

Watson shook his head, slightly baffled. "'What' what?"

"You're coming with me, aren't you? To Sydney?"

"Now now," Tanya cut in, sensing a shift in the centre of gravity, "we can iron out the nitty-gritty later."

"But you are," Beck frowned, "aren't you?"

"Well... no."

Beck's eyes went wide in their sockets. "Wha... wha... what do you mean?"

"I mean no. I mean I can't. I mean, what would I do with Aurora?"

"Put her in Sydney Harbour. You have heard of it, haven't you? Sydney Harbour? The harbour? In Sydney? The one where Roger keeps his boat?"

"It's actually in..." Bragg began but Tanya cut him off.

"Of course I have, Moosh, but you don't understand... I can't go to Sydney."

Beck stood staring taking short, shallow breaths. "What do you mean?" she squinted. "You... 'can't'... go to Sydney?"

In fact he hadn't made up his mind one way or the other but in the face of Beck's effrontery held his ground. "I fucking hate that place, Becky, you know I do." the old man declared, then nodded at his startled guests. "No offence you guys, but I just frikken' despise cities in general. And the people who live there. That's how come I live on a frikken' yacht."

Beck gawked at Watson as if he'd just stepped up and slapped her. "So you're cutting me away?" she quavered, hyperventilating, "Just like that?"

"Cutting you..." Watson blanched, "What? Don't be stupid! Of course I'm not cutting you away. Anyway, you'll have these guys, so if anyone gets cut away it'll be me."

"But you're not gonna come?"

"I can't come, Moosh. You know that."

"I don't know that!"

"Becky," Watson pleaded, "Sweetheart, I can't."

"You can! We've already been. You had the time of your life if I remember correctly."

"But that was a holiday. The best thing about it was coming back home."

"Jesus." Tanya said with a shake of her head, watching Watson talk himself into a corner.

"Oh I get it now..." Beck growled, chest heaving, "you're trying to ditch me."

"Ditch you?" Watson demanded aghast. "Are you out of your freakin' mind? I'd sooner cut my leg off. I'd sooner tear my own heart out and eat it."

Hot tears were coursing over the little blonde's cheeks. "Bullshit! I heard you! You just said you wanted a new cabin girl."

"That was a joke!"

Tanya reached for Beck's hand. "He would never ditch you, Darling. He loves you. He adores you."

Beck wrenched her hand free and leapt to her feet. "THEN WHY ISN'T HE COMING WITH ME?"

Watson twisted in his seat, turning his back on her, while Bragg and Vicky looked on, horrified. "Jesus Christ," Watson hissed, "you selfish little bastard. Here we are, offering you the chance of a lifetime, and all you can do is throw a fucking tantrum."

Tanya got to her feet and swept Beck into her arms. "Shoosh, Damon. Beck, Darling, if you can just calm down for a minute."

"I WON'T CALM DOWN!" Beck shrieked pushing Tanya away. As they watched, mortified, she devolved in front of their eyes, turning from a rangy, confident tomboy into the frightened, desperate creature of the past. She rounded on Watson. "Don't go thinking I can't see what you're up to."

"Oh get a grip, you stupid little b..."

"Oh I've got a grip alright." Beck panted. "I can see what's happening here. You're trying to sell me."

"You fucking what?"

Beck thumbed over her shoulder at the gobsmacked Braggs. "To THEM! So you can just fuck off and find someone else. Someone prettier. Someone younger."

Watson gripped the seat to keep his fists out of mischief. "I just can't believe that you're saying all this. It's the chance of a lifetime. An incredible gift. And all you can do-"

"Good enough to fuck but not good enough to keep, eh? I'm just a cunt to you, aren't I? To all of you! I'm just a fucking fuck toy!"

Watson rose to a low crouch. "How fucking dare you!" he snarled, on the brink of doing the unthinkable, on the verge of striking a defenceless young girl.

"How much did ya get for me?" Beck sneered, her accent taking on an underclass edge, "A fucken' six pack? A fucken' deal?"

Watson felt like he'd just been eviscerated. Sweat sprang out on his forehead and his body was vibrating. "Rebekah. Remember that time you went overboard? And I jumped in after you. Do you know wanna why I did?" The old man levelled a finger at the little blonde's sternum. "So you wouldn't have to die out there all... on... your own."

"FUCKING BULLSHIT!" Beck screeched and her voice echoed through the marina. "You're lying, cunt, Vicky told me. She said the only reason you did it was to have someone to FUCK!"

Vicky's jaw sagged. "I most certainly did not."

"Yes you did. And up to now I didn't believe you. But I do now."

Watson stared at Beck as if she had just sprouted horns and a tail. "My god..." he breathed, "so much venom. In such a small girl."

"Fuck you old man! Fuck you! Fuck you! You want me gone? Okay, no worries. Give me five fucken' minutes and I'll go downstairs and pack. And I'll be gone. For ever. In fact I'll probably just kill myself like I should have done ages ago."

Vicky pushed up onto her feet, reaching for Beck. "Look here, Rebekah, if you'll shut the hell up and just listen."

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Beck shrieked, turning heads all over the marina "You're in on this as well. You all are. This was all just one great big lie. The lot. The sailing. The flying. All the 'ooh ahh Beck, I promise to look after you the rest of my life...' What a fucking pile of fucking dogshit."

"Someone..." Watson pleaded, "please..."

"FUCK YOU!" Beck bellowed. "She put you up to this, didn't she? The fucking Thing... She promised she'd destroy me and this is how. By giving me a life... everything I ever wanted then ripping it away. Well... fucking... done... you toothless fat cunt. That's it. You win."

Turning, Beck leapt straight through the hatch and landed with a crash down below.

Watson put his face in his hands, his worst fears realised. The demons of the young girl's life were still rolling in their graves, terrible things, unspeakable things she tried to keep buried. Yet he knew, all it would take was a tripwire, some hidden trigger to open the gates of hell and today, of all days, it had come to pass.

Bragg slumped, wide-eyed and winded as if he'd just been kicked in the solar plexus, while Vicky sat, eyes agog and hands over her mouth. Tanya, still on her feet, raked back her hair. "R-rrright." she said. "A little overdone in the surprise department."

The old man was weeping. Stepping up to Watson, Tanya patted his back. "Macca, my love," she said wearily, "be a dear would you and take these boys back to the Flow?"

Vicky sat, rooted to the spot, reeling from Beck's foul-mouthed tirade.

Tanya snapped her fingers. "Macca?"

Vicky roused herself. "Sorry Boss?"

Tanya jerked her head in the direction of nearby shops. "There's a white BMW SUV outside the cafe. Drop the boys home will you while I sort this out."

Watson surged to his feet, swabbing his face with a forearm. "That's okay, Tanny." he growled, "I'll deal with this. I am so... fucking... sorry you guys for that vile little girl."

Tanya slung an arm over his shoulders. "No can do I'm afraid." she said, herding him to the stern. "Now you just do what Aunty Tan says and go home with Macca. This is our fault. We wanted to make it a big surprise but none of us stopped to think. We're dealing with a badly damaged and highly sensitive young soul. I'm sorry, Damo. We should have known better."

"I was only trying to make her happy." Bragg said plaintively.

"We all were." Tanya sighed. "We all are. Go on, you guys, scat! She'll calm down when there's a little less energy."

"Tan?" Watson sobbed. He had never once cried in public his whole life.

"Come on, Damo. Macca can take care of you and I'll take care of Beck. I promise. By the end of the day we'll all be laughing about it."

* * *

Stealing downstairs, Tanya put an ear to Beck's door. She could hear the girl sobbing and sniffling inside, hiccupping through her tears from time to time. Curling her forefinger she rapped gently on the woodwork. "Becky? Honey?"

"Fuck off!"

"Are you okay?"

"I SAID FUCK OFF! I never want to speak to you again. Any of you. Just fuck off so I can get my stuff and go."

"Well would it be okay if I just sat outside your door?"

"Do what you fuckingwell like."

"Well, what I'd really like to do is give you a cuddle."

"Right. And I suppose you'd like to fuck me as well."

"Well, yes, that would be lovely, but we've got bigger fish to fry. Isn't that right, Beautiful?"

"Who fucking cares?"

"I do, Baby. I do."

"H... has he gone?"


"You know who."

"You mean the man who loves you? The man who adores you? Who'd die for you, who'd let you go to follow your dream without thinking for an instant what's it means for him?" There was a long, pregnant pause, punctuated by the sound of Beck's quiet sobbing. "Yep. He's gone."

"G... g... good."

Tanya tried the handle. Locked. "Can I come in, Sweetheart?"

"What for?"

"Well... the floor's really hard on my poor old bottom."

"There's a settee up fore'd. Go sit on that."

"Where's the fun in that? Come on Sweetheart, I really want to sit with you."

"Too late, I've already packed. So if you could just leave me alone I'm gonna fuck off."

"Where will you go?" Tanya asked, studying her nails. "Just out of interest."

"Who fucking cares?"

"Well, I care, Darling, and so does Rodge. And Macca cares, and so does Ally. And Caddy. And Maya. But most of all Damon cares."

"Well that's just bullshit for starters. You heard what he said. He wants to get rid of me."

"Oh, Becky."

"IT'S TRUE! I'm just a fuck toy to him, to all of you. Nobody cares about me. Nobody."

Tanya heaved a sigh. When she was eight she was given a black and white kitten, to the enduring disgust of her parents who had no regard for any lifeform they couldn't bill. She named it Molly. They were inseparable, and the kitten slept on her pillow each night, purring in Tanya's ear until they both fell asleep.

When Caddy's scream brought her running one day, Tanya found her beloved Molly, run over in the driveway- Tanya always suspected her father but could never prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The cat's back was broken yet when Tanya went to pick her up Molly lashed out, opening Tanya's arm with her claws and biting through her thumbnail down to the bone. Too traumatised to understand that Tanya was trying to save her, the little cat died without letting her near. And here was Beck, another little kitten, wounded and frightened.