Average Wifey Files #19

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Beware: Not all of wifey's fantasies are safe to reveal.
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Part 19 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/08/2013
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(Sometimes I have fantasies that I could not and would not ever share with my hubby. They are just too naughty and over the edge. I am always shocked when one of these ultra-dirty scenes somehow invades my mind and captivates me. This brief story is one such fantasy. Michael will never know about it. I would NEVER act on it.

It is edgy arousals such as these that drove me to Lit. This is my safe place to release such forbidden thoughts and experience a cleansing, or further arousal, or ideally both! I advise that you do NOT read on if you prefer to keep your image of me in tact, that of a demur, faithful, shy but sexy, average wifey who loves her hubby dearly and takes delight in pleasing him, not betraying him.)

Michael and a few his buddies had plans for a day-long, deep-sea, fishing trip. He isn't much of a fisherman. For him, this annual trip was more about hanging out with the guys than it was about fishing. For the past five years, I was happy to see him off on his sea ventures with them. He always looked so cute in his fishing hat.

Unfortunately, this year's trip got scheduled on the same weekend Michael & I had marked on the calendar for our own getaway. So, we settled on a compromise that included a first for us; tent camping at a campground. The one we chose was less than a mile from the bay where he and the guys would board their fishing scooter. Michael said we would even bookend the weekend with a day on either side to make up for shared time lost to his fishing trip.

We both love the coast. But neither of us are much into camping. We have a place at the coast that is right on the beach. We spend a lot of time there. Camping was kind of a romantic idea though.

The week before the trip, we went shopping for a tent and other gear we figured we would need. It took me back in time to a few dates we had in college when we would pretend we were a married couple shopping in a store. It was the new, unchartered territory that gave it romance. That was the case now because there was nothing all that special about purchasing camping tent and gear!

Michael's fishing trip was on Saturday. They had to board the boat at the ungodly hour of 3am. This meant Friday night would be an early bedtime for him. So it was nice that we arrived on Thursday afternoon. Michael had executed a "practice" set-up of our new tent the day before back home, allowing us to work out the frustrations and irritations of the project ahead of time.

We looked proudly on our new tent staked to the ground. We proceeded to move in and got things arranged. What it lacked in the conveniences of our place at the coast it made up for with the romance of first-time experiences and the intimate setting. It was labeled as a "six man tent", but the two of us and our stuff covered the floor space.

I smiled as Michael laid out our sleeping bags, fully unzipped both, and then zipped them together.

That evening we discovered that neither of us were very good with camp stoves or kerosene lanterns. But as we cuddled with each other next to the campfire, I thought I could not have been happier. An hour later I retracted that thought as we cuddled with each other in our sleeping bags. Naked and "under the stars" we drifted off to a pleasant sleep after a delightful, soft, love-making experience that seemed to be as good as it gets.

Friday we slept in. Friday afternoon I took a nap. When I awoke, I heard Michael laughing and talking with someone. I peaked out the flap of our tent and saw him helping our "neighbors" put up their tent. I stretched and smiled as I watched him play the part of Mr. Fixit with this young couple who could not be any newer at tent building than Michael. He saw me and said, "Come on over here Kathleen and meet our neighbors."

I smiled and brushed my hands down my top and jeans, wiping away those naptime wrinkles as I walked toward them. I looked up and said, "Hi, I'm Kathleen."

The perky little wife extended her hand towards me and shook mine as she giggled, "Hi Kathleen. I'm Mary." She nodded at her hubby a few feet away, "and this is my husband, Joey." We exchanged brief pleasantries, then Joey got back to working with Michael on the tent.

Mary and I chatted. They were married for almost two years now; had no kids, yet. This was their first camping trip. As she spoke, her sparkling eyes matched her bubbly personality. She was adorable. Barely five feet tall, her pixie-girl looks were undeniable. Short blonde hair, slender hips, and a bustline I was certain Michael had already admired for being both perky and full.

Joey was no less a prize. I heard him mention to Michael something about having been a wrestler in high school. His body still appeared to be chiseled. His dark, wavey hair was cropped short and neat. His smoldering, brown eyes reminded me of puppy dog eyes. He and Mary made a cute couple.

Finally the guys finished the tent. Joey glanced at Mary to make sure they were in sync as he said to Michael, "Thanks for your help. Could we thank you by treating you to some campfire cooked hot dogs?"

Michael laughed as he said, "No need, Joey. Was happy to help. Besides, early night for me. I am heading out on a deep sea fishing trip at 3am tonight, or technically tomorrow morning."

Mary's eyes flinched with surprise as she looked at me and asked, "You are going deep sea fishing?"

"Me? Pfft, no way" I said, waving my hand playfully at Michael. "That's his thing. I will be here enjoying my leisure." We both giggled. And with that, Michael took my hand and pointed me down the road to initiate a nice walk together. We bid farewell to our new neighbors.

I quietly said to Michael, "What a cute couple."

He offered nothing more than a cursory "yes they are" as we walked on. He expressed not another thought to me about them. My mind was not so removed from them.

As nighttime fell upon us, Michael was preparing for his early bedtime and early rise, getting all his gear arranged and ready to go. With everything finally in order, he sighed, "bed time for me." I was way too alert to join him. He kissed me goodnight and said, "I guess it is safe to say that I won't see you in the morning, but I will see you about 4pm tomorrow." He kissed me again, then retired to the tent. I curled up with a book on my new camping chair next to the glow of our new kerosene lantern.

Perhaps an hour or so later, I set my book down. I dimmed the lantern so that it was burning on the lower setting. I stood up and began to walk towards the restrooms. As I listened to the crunching ground beneath my feet, I felt so conspicuous. All was quiet for the night as I crossed in front of Joey's & Mary's tent.

After using the facilities, I made my way back. The bright lights of the restroom made it challenging at first as I stepped out into the darkness. As my eyes slowly adjusted, I recognized that I was off course just a little bit. I curved back in the right direction.

This is where the fork in the road appeared. To my right was reality. It took me back to my chair. To the left was my fantasy. Allow me to not bore you with reality and share with you what awaited me on the left....

My course correction had delivered me just behind Joey & Mary's tent. When I realized this, I tip-toed quietly so as not to disturb or alarm them. My feet, soft as feathers floating to the ground, made not a peep. So quiet was I in fact, that I could hear a rustling sound inside of their tent.

I froze. A few seconds later, Mary's playful giggle tickled my ears. For a split second, I feared the worse; perhaps they had heard me or seen me. Before I could even begin to prepare my apology, I heard three successive smacking sounds from their tent. I knew exactly what those sounds were. They were the sounds of passionate kissing.

I remained frozen in place. My ears trained in on them, perhaps voyeuristic, but innocently wanting to hear just a little bit more. The more I heard, the more I wanted to hear. My feathery feet moved closer to the edge of their tent. My eyes dared to join the target of my ears.

My kerosene lamp which I had left dimly glowing, was in a straight line from me directly on the other side of their tent. Faint, but effective, it cast its light through the sheer nylon fabric of their tent. I could faintly make out their bodies. I stood in the darkness... they could not see me, but I could see them.

I shivered. They were on top of their sleeping bag. They both were naked. The first definitive image that greeted my eyes was Joey's firm ass as he laid on top of Mary. I did not look away.

I watched and listened as I felt a surge of arousal that began to consume me. I worried that someone might see me, but I was mesmerized.

They rolled over, Mary now on top, startling me as they moved up against the side of the tent where I stood. Mary sat up, straddling Joey's firm body. I saw that Joey's cock was still penetrating her pussy as his hands reached up and fondled those nearly perfect, perky, pixie-girl breasts.

Suddenly I felt a pang of guilt sharp enough to bring me to my senses. My conscience could bear no more. This was wrong! I had to pry my eyes and ears away. My silent struggle was intense. I managed to do the right thing though. I took a step back, fully intending to move away and never ever do something like this again.

My feathery foot made a mistake though. It landed on a dry leave crumpled on the ground rather than smooth, silent soil. The crackle sounded to me like a firecracker going off! Before I could move, Joey's hand reached over and quickly unzipped the window flap enough for him to peak out.

I was caught! "Kathleen?" he asked with a tone of confusion. I could not say a word. I did not know what word to even say.

He repeated, "Kathleen, is that you?" I looked at his eyes through the sliver in the tent window. It registered for him. "Oh my god, it is you."

I braced for what was sure to be one of the most embarrassing moments and deserved rebukes in my life. Instead, I was confronted by a second pair of eyes peeping at me through the tent window. "Hello, Kathleen." Mary's sing-song voice was anything but judgmental. In fact, it was welcoming.

My mouth opened, but still no words. Michael tugged the zipper to the flap open further so both he and Mary's faces were visible to me. His voice carried the timber of concern as he asked, "Kathleen, are you okay?"

Finally able to release at least a few words to them, I mumbled quietly, "I am sooo sorry. I was just..."

Mary smiled at me and interrupted before I could grouse another word, "It's okay." If blushing had a tone of voice, it would sound exactly like the tone that floated her next words to my ears.

"We kind of like it... you watching us."

Joey smiled up at me. Suggestive tease does have a tone of voice. He used it. "Would you like to come back later at around, oh-h, say 3:30am?"

I do not remember anything else that happened between that very moment and when Michael rose to leave. But I do remember counting his steps as I listened to his feet crunch off towards his destination. I sensed that Joey & Mary were counting too.

Moments later, I sat up. I was shivering at the thought of what I was about to do. Wearing only a tee shirt and panties, I crawled over the sleeping bags. I peaked out the tent. I slithered out and nearly hop-scotched around to the back of Joey & Mary's tent. I heard the flap unzip. Mary giggled as she peaked out at me, "NO silly, come INSIDE."

Shocked and surprised, I formulated my steps around the edge of their tent. As my shadow cast by the full moon fell on the front of their tent, I watched as the zipper slowly edged upward, inviting me inside. I bent down, poked my head inside, and proceeded to crawl inside.

They were both under the cover of their sleeping bag. They had zipped them together just like Michael and I had. Next to them was a pallet made of a few blankets. Mary patted her little hand on them and whispered, "Come over here, Kathleen."

More nervous than I could recall ever being before, I snaked my body to the pad of blankets. I was no more than a foot from Mary's side as she smiled at me and said, "Now relax. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just watch. Nobody is going to hurt you or touch you."

I sunk down and laid on my back, turning my head towards them. Although they were covered by the top sleeping bag, it was completely unzipped down to their feet. Joey was on the other side of Mary. As he turned on his side to lean into Mary, his and my eyes met. I watched him lean in and softly kiss Mary. The sleeping bag covered them both from the shoulders down. My eyes remained locked with Joey's as he kissed Mary's lips softly and tenderly.

I watched as his tongue extended to hers, both of them playfully flicking and swirling at the edge of her lower lip. Mary moaned faintly. So did I as I licked my lips.

I could make out a ripple in the cover over Mary as Joey slid his hand to fondle her breast. I turned on my side to watch, more connected with each passing minute. As I sensed her pleasure in having his warm firm hand kneading her breast like a firm lump of dough, I felt my large, light, pink nipples hard against the fabric of my tee. The more he fondled her, the more my sensitive my nipples felt.

Joey had a glint in his eye, still looking at me, as the cover slid lower over Mary's body, the upper flesh of her breasts peaking out. Of my own free will, yet compelled to somehow further our connection, my own hand tenderly slid the wide V-neck collar of my tee over one shoulder. It allowed my own breast to be delicately exposed in sync with Mary's.

Joey playfully tugged the cover back up over Mary. I instinctively followed his lead and slid the collar of my tee back in place. He and I were now in sync. I felt it. He was with Mary no doubt. But I felt as if I was Mary to him. I felt as if it were my body he was pleasuring, not hers. It was as if I were Mary.

I was intoxicated with that forbidden thought as he stared into my eyes, his hands all over her. Or was it me? My mind was taking over. I quivered at the next thought that was daring to form on my mouth.

My nipples were so hard now. My panties were snug against my smooth pussy, moist and warm.

I couldn't say those words. But I silently mouthed them at him, his eyes tracing the corners of my mouth as he easily read my lips.

"f - u - c - k M - a - r - y"

He pulled the cover back again, this time the upper right angle corner slid to her hip. One line traced under her breast closest to me and halfway over the other. The lower line angled over her upper thigh.

I reached down and slid my tee up, revealing one of my breasts to Joey. He smiled as he leaned in and sucked lightly her nipple. I could feel the heat on my own nipple. Mary moaned. I moaned. I again mouthed to him...

"f - u - c - k M - a - r - y"

He pulled the cover back even further. His hands smoothed over Mary's perky breasts jiggling in full view as he looked at me with those smoldering eyes. I slid my tee up over my other breast, tucking it under my chin. His eyes danced at the view of my exposed breasts in the background framing those of Mary's.

"f - u - c - k M - a - r - y" ... My eyes pleaded with him.

With another tug of the cover, Mary cooed as he slide the fabric across her pussy until her sweet little body was completely exposed from head to toe. I swallowed hard as wriggled my tee up over my head. He nodded and smiled.

I moved my hands down over my tummy to the waistline of my panties as he leaned in to kiss his way down from Mary's breasts to her navel. His mouth never left her body. His eyes never left mine.

Mary softly lifted her hips upward, eagerly offering Joey a taste of her pussy. I lifted my hips up in the same moment, allowing my hands to slide my panties down.

His mouth gave a light kiss to the edge of Mary's folds, then lifting his mouth up about two inches to reveal a line of pussy nectar dangling, connecting his lips with hers. I felt my panties sticky and moist making a small protest to leave that warm, moist nest of mine.

"f - u - c - k M - a - r - ieee"... My mind was now begging for him to do it.

My pussy was in plain view as raised his body up, finally revealing to MY eyes for the first time his young, thick, manly cock. My eyes grew big. I wondered how such a sweet little thing like Mary could absorb such a full cock in its entirety!

His hands spread her legs. My hands did the same to my body.

She wriggled underneath him. I scooted closer to them, barely an inch or two separating my right arm and leg from Mary's side. We were parallel, yet somehow merging into one. I watched as he moved between her legs, his cockhead glistening with precum.

I scooted again, this time so close that I made contact with Mary's side. He smiled. She moaned. I quivered. I again mouthed at him, but in my utter daze of arousal, I had a hard time fully enunciating those two silent words, biting my lip in a mid word stutter. What I meant to say and what Joey watched formed over my mouth was both just slightly different, and a world of difference.

"f - u - c - k M - m - m - ie"

He read my lips and moaned as he slid his cock into his young, perky wife. My fingers slid into my own pussy following his lead. In some incredible synergy of lust and fantasy and daring exposure and sharing, Joey fucked Mary AND Joey fucked me. My mouth opened and now purposefully mouthed those two silent words...

"f - u - c - k M - E"

His mind embraced it. My mind embraced it. Her mind embraced it. There was absolutely no doubt in any of our minds that he was fucking both of us... together... as one.

Never once did he touch me. But then again, oh how he touched me. Both of them did.

My pussy flooded with an orgasm before Mary did. I couldn't blame her. I wanted to keep his cock inside of me as long as possible too. As I laid against her side, I could feel the earth moving beneath me as her little body absorbed his thrusts.

Joey finally pulled out, and with his strong hand tugging a few final strokes, he aimed his throbbing shaft at her pussy. I could almost hear the sound of his thick cum blasting from his cock as it shot out several ropes of hot, sticky, ooze. He had good aim, but her body was just too little. No way he could keep his cream sequestered on her body alone with me against her side.

I got splattered. Some even dripped down her side onto mine. It was as close as we came to him actually making contact with me.

As he slumped to a heap on the other side of Mary, the predawn light licked at the top of their tent. I had to leave.

I admit, I was not in a clear state of mind at that moment. But I still could not believe, as I slipped out of their tent and begun to feather-foot it back to mine, that I was completely naked! I had forgotten both my tee and panties, leaving them crumpled on the blankets next to Mary.

I was more than halfway to my tent when it dawned on me that I was not only naked, but that I had Joey's cum dribbling down my right thigh. The birds were chirping. The sun was still beneath the horizon, but dark hews of red and orange were cascading along the eastern horizon. I quickly stepped towards the cover of my tent.

I knew where my tee and panties were. I knew exactly where to find them. Perhaps today's nap would be midmorning when I was still alone for several more hours rather than late afternoon close to Michael's return. It would be the neighborly thing do.

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StubbyoneStubbyone10 months ago

Whew ! Hot? I guess it’s hot !!

The excitement that you build is out of this world sexy. Would love for him to fondle one of her breasts as he pounded his wife inches from Kathleen’s trembling body. Very well done. Exceptional writing. 5-🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Averagewhore with another trashy story. If this was an average wife, there would be no marriages.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

An average wifey maybe, but definitely an above average whore.

catchandreleasecatchandreleaseover 7 years ago
very good!

I love the way you write!

DoogooderDoogooderover 8 years ago

That was some hot fantasy there. You paint wonderful pictures

Spenserforhire1Spenserforhire1over 9 years ago

Thanks for your erotic imagination and your willingness to share....please write more Wifey!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I agree with unh0...

Yes Kathleen... those of us who have digested your "Files" have noticed the interesting twist of perspective on the characters since "File #1". We would love to get more than just a glimpse of what lies beneath! Keep writing... and take a few risks to entertain us to what might be history to you, but "hotstory" for many of us readers!

unh0unh0over 10 years ago

LOVE the stories and the variety they encompass! But have a question that begs to be addressed: Are we ever gonna get the story on Kathleen's affair that was the background issue in File #01, birthing this whole series?? Her unfaithfulness spurs Michael to cheat with a friend's wife in their own kitchen while Kathleen is just outside. That's a HUGE betrayal! Brought on by what, exactly? You have simply gone on, ignoring that huge beginning, even to the extent of having Kathleen tell us in #019 that she'd "...NEVER act on it." concerning a cheating fantasy. Well apparently she certainly would and did. So pull back the curtain and let us in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
That was hot

its not easy to do hot without cheating, but you did it. More *****

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