Ax Mountain


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"You going to get an ax? Or do you have to wait till the last moment so it doesn't make you fall over?" Melissa says rather cruelly as she sees Eric has no ax. To her it's just trash talk to try and get in his head. To everyone else, it's her being a bitch.

Eric is slender, but he's by no means overly skinny. He just is very active but doesn't eat that much, giving him his lean visage. You can see that he is very toned, especially in the arms.

"Oh, right. I forgot," Eric says, pretending to slap his head. He then unhooks his hatchet from the other side his belt. The entire time he had an ax attached to his belt loop as his cover has a belt hook. It is on the right hip, so Melissa never really saw it, not that she cared to look.

Bringing it up, Eric removes the personalized leather cover for the blade that has his name engraved in it. Once he sets it down, everyone nearby tries to get a look at his ax as it looks very fancy and clean, unlike the common axes they let the public use here. It doesn't take a genius to know that he spent a lot of money on it.

"You two ready?" Maria asks, clearly wanting to move this along as Melissa will practice all night otherwise. Eric looks back at her and nods to show that he is. Melissa throws another practice throw and then says, "Yeah bitch, I'm ready." Melissa fails to notice what nearly everyone else does, that Eric hasn't throw a single practice throw.

"First throw open," Maria announces, doing as she was taught by the staff. Nearly everyone now crowds around their lane as they want to see what happens. No one in the entire building throws anything which gives the place a weird sort of silence, even if there is music playing overhead.

"Ha HA!" Melissa yells out excitedly after she throws her first throw using both hands for max power. It lands perfectly on the 3 ring, giving her three points. She was aiming for the bullseye, of course, which would give her 6 points, but 3 isn't bad for her first throw.

Eric then causally throws his ax one-handed. His ax seems to float through the air so very smooth until it lands on the board, right in the middle of the bullseye. The corner of his blade sinks into the wood, looking like a picture perfect shot.

When his lands, the crowd damn near erupts in cheers. Melissa stares at his board, not believing he was able to hit a bullseyes on the first throw. But she quickly shakes her head as if it's not a big deal. She knows she will be able to catch up easy.

"Just lucky, skinny dick," she tells Eric as they go collect the axes. Eric doesn't respond to this, but he does have a wide smile. It's the sort of smile that you can tell he's trying not to smile but can't help it.

"Second throw open," Maria announces. Melissa throws right away, barely even collecting herself before she does. This time her ax lands on a 4, to which she yells out happily.

Eric throws and again his ax lands right on the bullseye. As the cheers ring out, Melissa stares at his board. It's only now that she notices his ax. She sees the logo that's on the handle and how it's the same logo that's all around the building on the posters. It's the official ax throwing league logo, making her believe it's a professional ax.

"Hey, hey, that's not fair. You are using some fancy shit and I have to use the shit axes they make you use here," Melissa protests angrily. This produces a few jeers from the crowd, but there are a few that actually agree with her. Once again Eric shrugs as if saying, "no problem" as he walks back from collecting his ax.

"I'll use one of the house axes then," Eric tells Melissa, putting his ax down on the side of the lane. He then picks up one of the house axes that they leave for customers. To this Melissa nods, knowing that this is the turning point. That she'll take over now that he can't use a fancy professional ax. She even muses about making him start over.

"Throw three open," Maria calls out. Melissa throws, this time landing on a two as the ax seems to slip out of her hand. Eric throws the house ax and once again gets a bullseye, to much laughter and cheering.

"No fucking way!" Melissa gasps, her face going pale at the sight of his bullseye. Eric doesn't say anything to this, just goes to collect his ax. Melissa then turns around to look at her group.

"Just so you know, the house axes aren't shit. They are professional hatchets that are sharpened at least once a month," Eric tells her as he pulls his ax from the board. Melissa looks at him in disbelief and then looks back at Maria who is the one keeping score.

"I think...he's a p-professional or something," Melissa tells Maria as if Eric is cheating. With a smile Maria nods yes excitedly, making it seem like Melissa should have known. This stuns Melissa as others in the group comment that they knew he was a professional.

"You didn't notice? He's one of the owners," Maria states and then points at the side wall. Looking over Melissa sees several framed photos of people having fun at Ax Mountain. One of them has Eric, gathered in front of the staff. It even says his name in the faceplate. And in the photo he's holding an Ax State Championship and pointing to his staff as if to say it wasn't possible without them.

Only now does Melissa see she was set up. That this was a trap. A con. And she fell right into it.

Staring at Maria and Annie, Melissa can see in their smiles that this was their plan. They were the ones that planned it all. That this is some sort of sick prank for them. Something invented to humiliate her for some unknown reason.

"No. Hell no. Not going along with this," Melissa then protests, feeling humiliated and tricked. In a huff she starts to walk off the lane, planning on walking right out and going home.

The moment she steps out of the lane, Annie holds up the contract-napkin and waves it. As Annie does this, Maria nods her head as if to agree with Annie. The others just watch on, not fully understanding what this means.

"Sorry 'Queen Ax,' it's legal, remember? If you break the bet, you'll have to pay him $20,000 a year for 5 years. I mean, you signed off on the contract. And you never said anything about the difference in skill levels," Annie mentions as if she's innocent in this and it's really Melissa's fault for not requesting it.

Melissa's still tipsy brain stares at the napkin, feeling a cold fear move over her. She then gulps, not able to think up what she needs to do to get out of this. She did sign, that's true. But no way that could hold up in court or anything, right? A part of her says that yes, that contract could never hold up in court, but her tipsy brain seems to pump fear into her that it would.

Annie, Maria and many others start to laugh. They laugh because they see Melissa's face go pale as she gets what she deserves. One of the group even does the crotch-crop and yells "Suck it!" at her much like she had done earlier during a game the two had together.

No one feels bad for Melissa as they have been taking abuse from her all night long. The evening was quite fun until she showed up and turned what should have been a friendly fun event into a tense, nerve racking experience. Where the sound of her gloating voice got on everyone's nerves.

"Throw four, open," Maria tells Melissa, laughter in her voice. Eric who has been politely waiting, watches the scene unfold. A part of him feels bad that he didn't tell her that he was a professional, but he figures most people would have asked this before taking on a bet.

"If I'm going to do this, need to...need to...throw with your other hand then," Melissa protests, panic in her voice as the threat of losing is very real. Eric looks at his left hand and then shrugs yet again as if it's no big deal. He switches his ax to his left hand and tires to aim it.

Feeling somewhat confident again, Melissa aims carefully and throws her ax. This time it lands barely on the bullseye. When it does, she immediately rings the bullseye bell that is nearby, which is just a cow bell painted red. She does this for herself to try and remind herself how good she is.

Then Eric throws his ax in his off-hand even with the noise of the cow bell. Once again it lands right on the bullseye, which makes Mellissa stop ringing the bell. The ax doesn't sail like it normally does when he throws it, but it lands on target all the same.

"You son of a bitch," Melissa tells Eric, pointing at him like he is some criminal. Still calm, he looks at her with raised eyebrows as if he doesn't understand why she's upset. Thankfully she doesn't have the ax at the moment, otherwise she looks like she could use it.

"You tricked me. Fucking bastard. You all tricked me. Why? Why you freaking grifter?!" Melissa demands while pointing at Eric. To this Eric looks very confused. He then looks at the group, then at her. The way he looks is as if he can't believe she doesn't know.

"Hey, I just came to check in on the place and make a deposit. Your friends are the ones that served you up to me. I take it they don't care for you that much, probably because you are acting like a drunk bitch," Eric says, guessing at the last part.

Melissa's eyes widen in anger when he says this. But then she turns back to look at the group to see Annie and Maria still with smiles on their faces. As if to accent being tricked, Annie waves the contract again. Upon looking at the crowd who are eagerly watching, she sees the truth. That everyone is really against her.

Melissa stands there for several minutes, trying hard to figure a way out of this. She finds that it is hard to think knowing that she was set up like this. And more over, that everyone is basically against her. With no other ideas Melissa then does probably the worst thing possible, which is to grab the bottle of wine she had been drinking and taking several gulps. This does nothing to help her think clearly.

Seeing no other way out of this, Melissa goes back to her lane after a couple of minutes. She knows that if she doesn't, one of the bitches will say something about taking too long which is a disqualifying reason for her to lose. So she steps back to the line for the next throw.

Before Melissa was filled with confidence. Now she is scared, nervous and humiliated. Instead of feeling like she has a rock hard arm to throw her ax, her arm feels weak and limp like some sort of cooked noodle.

Melissa aims and throws after Eric goes, where he hit another bullseye. Hers lands on a 2 as it feels like she no longer knows how to aim. The same exact thing happens on the next throw as well.

"So, we can keep playing if you want, but there's no way for you to catch up to my score unless I drop on every throw," Eric tells her in almost an apologetic manner. When he says this, there's much laughter from the group behind them. A few people even clap as if signally that Melissa is going to get what she deserves.

Melissa is about to tell him to fuck off and that she's going to play till the end, but even she knows she is beat. Even in her drunk state she knows that she fell into this trap and there's no way out. She's going to get fucked one way or another, rather it be from the skinny bastard or from having to pay him a shit ton of money. Her only hope now is that he won't really go through with it.

Melissa, looking to be in a daze, says nothing as she rests her ax against the pen's wall. She then faces the group, looking pale and worried. She tries hard not to hear the snickering or laughter coming from the group, but it's hard not to.

The overwhelming confidence she had earlier which made her feel that she was better than all of them has long since left. The only thing she has now is the fact that no one tried to stop this. That everyone was ok with it happening because of how they feel about her. It's a huge wake up call, one that seems to sober her up.

"Well?" Annie asks, eagerly. Eric opens his mouth to say something, but stops himself. He figures that if this was a plan of the group's to humiliate Melissa, he shouldn't get in the way. In a way, he's just a passenger on this trip.

"He wins," Melissa says softly, all cockiness gone. Even the anger she has is gone, at least for the moment, as she can't believe what's happened. That everyone is against her. That they tricked her into something so incredibly horrible. That she isn't some star ax thrower.

"I didn't hear that, what?" Maria asks loudly, pretending to have not heard. Everyone knows that she heard, but she wants to humiliate Melissa even more. This provokes others to say the same.

"He won, ok? I lost you stupid bitch," Melissa fires back, her anger returning as she glares at Maria. To this, the group cheers and laughs. There's even some clanking of glasses as people toast. Even people that don't know anyone in the group cheer as they've never seen anything so...perverse.

The mood in the building seems to change now. Before there was a great deal of anticipation over how the game was going to do. Now there's a huge feeling of curiosity to see if they really are going to go through with this. If she is going to be made into some sort of whore for the next thirty minutes.

Many look eager to see this exact thing happen, while others look nervous. The thrill of seeing Melissa get a bit of payback is enough that no one in her group tries to stop it. The few that may think it's a bit too much simply turn and have their own conversations, pretending it's not happening since they had no part in it. A couple actually decide to leave.

"Alright. Well then...I get started, I suggest you make her strip," Maria tells Eric, looking eager to see Melissa humiliated to an extreme level. Eric gets a bit scared of Maria in this moment, as he sees how vengeful she can be. Even after knowing how badly Melissa is humiliated at the moment in front of everyone, she wants even more for her enemy.

Maria's words hang in the air as Melissa stares at her. Melissa holds onto the belief that she really won't have to do anything. That this is enough to satisfy the crowd. She hopes this to be true, but her fear is that it won't be. And not just that, but she'll have to do it out in public like Maria wants. Where everyone can see her.

"Well...if you don't mind, I would like some privacy for this part. There's a back room with no one in it at the moment. How about we go in there," Eric tells Melissa. He still has his calm and friendly demeanor, not acting at all like someone that just won free sex services for a half-hour.

His suggestion doesn't go over that well as most people groan loudly. There's a definite bass in the groan with mostly the men complaining about this. Most of the group understands as truth be told they don't know how they feel about seeing sex acts right in front of them.

"What are you waiting for whore? Go!" Maria barks at Melissa, showing her intense dislike for the woman. Maria in excitement of what she was able to do has drunk quite a bit in a short time. She too is feeling the effects of the booze, making her act more confident and in charge than normal. More than anything in her life, she wants to see Melissa used, abused and humiliated to teach the bitch a lesson or two. To her there's always someone like Melissa and it's about time they get what they deserve.

"Through that door," Eric tells Melissa as he points towards it. He then grabs his hatchet and puts the cover back on after checking the blade. With a smile he hooks it to his belt and then keeps his smile as he walks. The way he tells her what to do is in a polite and friendly manner, not in any way a demand. It's almost like a couple that are about to have a private fight and want to have it in secret.

In a walk of shame, Melissa starts to walk towards the door that Eric pointed at. She walks very much like a zombie, not believing this is happening. In a way, she's signed up for her own rape. Of all the people she could have sex with, this skinny lying bastard isn't one of them. And now she's going to have to let him do whatever he wants.

Only there's a weird tingle inside of her. It's an emotional tingle instead of a physical one. It's a feeling she's not felt for a very, very long time. In fact, her drunk mind recalls the last time she felt anything like it, and that was way back in college.

Melissa remembers how one night back then she was hanging out with a bunch of friends in a dorm room, where they were all drinking. They were all tipsy and laughing as they asked stupid, silly questions. Then one question someone asked to one of her friends is if she had to lick someone in the room's pussy, whom would it be. Her friend answered it would Melissa's.

That answer produced the same sort of tingle. Melissa had never done any sort of bi or lesbian stuff before then, never even thought of it to be honest. When her friend answered that, the thought was forced into her brain, where she both found the idea gross and violating as well as intensely arousing. It was strange to her as it was something her brain said she shouldn't like but her emotions wanted so badly to try. Like she wanted to do it but was too scared to admit it.

"Oh Eric. If she doesn't do exactly what you want, if she refuses, hell if she complains too much, you let us know," Maria calls out when Eric and Melissa are halfway to the door. When she says this, Maria waves the contract yet again, smiling a wide smile as yet another way to humiliate Melissa.

Melissa, still in zombie mode, reaches the door and goes in. The first thing she notices is that the room is mostly empty except for a table in one corner, and a few beer kegs stacked in a different corner. Otherwise the room is very clear and clean with the floor looking like it is swept and mopped daily.

Still walking in a daze, Melissa moves into the center of the room, her pale face. Eric proceeds to walk in behind her and close the door. Doing this gives a false sense of privacy as there is a rather large, tinted window that points to the main floor. Since Melissa's focus is on her own thoughts and emotions, she doesn't notice the window nor how people from the group have taken to flocking to the window to look in. That despite not being on the main floor, people will still see what happens.

"Alright, 30 minutes," Eric tells her, setting the alarm on his cell. Right before he says this Melissa was about to ask if he's really serious about doing this. That it is a bit pathetic. That surely he has a girlfriend or can get someone else to do whatever sick things he wants. She even considers pointing out the huge age gap as she's old enough to be his mother.

"Go ahead and remove your clothes. You can put them on the table there," Eric orders casually as he looks at Melissa. She looks back, her eyes wide.

Melissa then has only one thought, and that's he's going to make her do this. He's really going to make her do this.

Melissa then notices something that is more embarrassing than anything else that has happened. She's wet. Very wet. Feeling this makes her realize that she's actually aroused. This confuses her as how could it be? She was tricked and cruelly pranked. Now she's going to have to through with getting used against her will, but she's aroused.

Trying hard to push the arousal away, Melissa tells herself that it's the booze. That she could never want what is about to happen, especially from someone looking the way Eric does. But even as she tells herself this, she knows it's wrong. That she's lying to herself. It only makes that strange tingle more intense.

Melissa, in her drunk state tells herself to stop lying to herself. To admit why she feels like this. This is when she discovers her arousal is coming because of how he looks. If he was a 6'5" muscular man, she wouldn't feel anything. But since it's someone she basically hates, it makes it powerful. The fact she is going to have to be submissive to the likes of him, makes it crazy hot for her. That's when she comes to another realization, and that's she wants to be used against her will.