Babs Ch. 03


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I suppose I should not have been surprised when Babs began to mutter "Oh God" again. She shook with another orgasm, and Robert made a sympathetic groan and redoubled his efforts. That prompted an "Oh God, Robert!" and they were off to the races!

I was sure he had cleaned her out completely. Then she turned over on her back, resting her head on the decorative pillows, and grabbed his head and pushed it onto her pussy. I suppose strict sanitary practices didn't really apply in this particular situation. He dove in like a terrier going down a rat hole. Maybe there is a sermon somewhere in that image, too. Babs took complete control of his head, using it like a loofah on herself, and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy his role in the drama.

"Right there, Robert, right there!" she cried, and he snuffled even more loudly. She grabbed him by his ears and roughly pushed him down even further. She looked up at me with a surprised but triumphant expression on her face.

"Do you mind if we keep the room for a while, Adam?" she crooned while Robert ate.

I had some trouble speaking, but the first thing that occurred to me was very businesslike.

"He has customers coming in early tomorrow morning, so he has to be there to meet them!" I suppose when you are a small company CEO, you sometimes must focus clearly on results.

I knew what Robert was focused on right now, and he was getting results, because Babs was coming again. It looked like she was in the stirrups in a hospital birthing room, and she had just delivered an adult male, feet first, and only the head remained inside her. A lyric from an old song I heard on YouTube occurred to me. Perhaps another one of those things that sounded biblical but was not? "Out of woman comes a man, spends the rest of his life getting back when he can." Was Robert getting back into his marriage, in an incredibly unique way? I pulled on my clothes and clicked the door shut behind me.

Sally McCord was waiting for me in my apartment when I got home. I had to tell her the whole story twice, with lurid detail on the things she did not believe at first.

"I can't believe she let him pleasure her like that!"

"But she did. She must have come three times that I saw, and who knows how many after I left? "

Sally gave me a contemplative look. "I wonder what their conversation was like on the drive home?" She looked amused, but then her expression changed, darkening considerably. Something unpleasant had occurred to her. "Is Barbara on the pill?"

"What possible difference could that...." Suddenly my brain froze.

My face must have too. It WAS possible. Mother Nature only has one goal for sexual activity: offspring. I flashed back to health class in middle school. The teacher warned us that it only takes one single sperm making it through to penetrate the egg. You can play the odds, but if you throw the dice enough times, they will come up snake eyes at least once. Robert's warm mouth was hardly spermicidal, and Barbara's string of orgasms likely made her quite receptive. Had one little swimmer made it home? Modern marriage, eh? Suddenly Barlow's phrasing in the legal agreement took on new import.

Sally McCord's face was white with fear. "This could be a fucking disaster!"

Literally. I suddenly identified with a teenage girl praying that one momentary misjudgment had not resulted in an unwanted and life altering pregnancy. I would have to re-evaluate this hole situation! Whole situation, I guess. My b school training kicked in. Important decisions required systematic analysis. The minimax algorithm? What are all the scenarios? The worst possible outcome, the best, and the least worst?

If Babs was on the pill or had an IUD, the chance of pregnancy, even from 'normal' intercourse was less than 5%, wasn't it? Less than 1%? If she was not so protected, it was more like 20%. This case would be somewhere in between. Decision tree. The negative value of a pregnancy at the end of the branches in this situation was almost infinite, so the expected value of any branch connected to me was awful. Come to think of it, even with a condom and without Robert's intervention, this could have happened already.

Sally must have reached the same conclusion. "Let's not panic. I will talk to her tomorrow and try to gather some more data." We just held each other that night. All thoughts of sex were negative at that point. Before we both left for work the next morning, Sally advised me to go see Barlow ASAP and see what the legal situation might be.


Barlow was happy to take my call, and invited me to lunch, his only opening, to discuss the situation. I knew it was verbal voyeurism on his part, but at least I would get a lunch. Come to think of it, he would probably bill the food to my account. But I wanted some answers, which may or may not ease my mind and/or my conscience. I described the recent events and my fears of their consequences. He looked just as excited as Robert had been, but creepier, but he was not worried about the legality.

"Legally it is crystal clear! The child would be his issue and his responsibility, not yours. In fact, you have no rights and no standing at all, even without the agreement that further reiterates and reinforces that. Scott free, don't worry, be happy, and all that jazz. Or should I say jizz?" He giggled.

"But I don't want my offspring to be raised by those two! What can I do to prevent that?"

Barlow sat back. He should be on familiar ground, with a client dealing with an incredibly emotional issue while JT stayed cool and charged a lot for it. But this time he seemed pretty worked up himself and asked me to repeat the lurid details again. His breathing was getting labored.

"So, he actually, I mean he used his mouth to, I mean...."

Sally McCord, a stickler for details, had taught me the proper word for it. How would Barlow react?

"He felched it. "Orally retrieved semen from the anus." I realized I did not know a word for using your mouth to put semen into a vagina. I hoped I would never need that one in polite conversation.

JT Barlow did not look polite right now. He looked up and to the left and sighed. "Did she, I mean, was she..."

"She had several orgasms, while calling his name."

His face turned bright red.

"Wow! Well, in any case, let us hope pregnancy did not result. But if it did, your best bet would be to talk her into an abortion. But that's all you could do. Persuade and convince. If she wants to carry the child to term, it is totally up to her." He paused and thought for a second.

"If she put the child up for adoption, the adopting parents might want you to sign away your parental rights, if they somehow found out you were the father, and were really worried about it, but legally Robert is the father on the birth certificate, and they don't need you to sign off. Most likely, you would play no part at all."

I thought we were finished, but then his expression changed. "Tell me, Adam, did her husband, Robert, seemed to enjoy all this, or was he acting under duress, so to speak?"

"He seemed to be having a good time. He came in his pants without being touched, at least, and he was still chowing down on her when I left the hotel. He came to work this morning chipper and energized, brought in some customers for an early meeting, and closed another big order before I left for our lunch."

Barlow just sat there and looked funny. I thought about asking him to tell me more about his wife, but I decided that was a story I might not want to hear.


Sally McCord talked to Barbara Wednesday evening. She had been taking the pill before all this happened, but she said she might have missed taking the right pill on the right day a few times with all this turbulence. Barbara said she would keep Sally in the loop on her next cycle but did not seemed worried. She inferred that Barbara had not tumbled to the possibility of a pregnancy from me, because she told Sally that "maybe a pregnancy would not be so bad now that Robert and I are getting along so well." She went on to say that Tuesday night was the best sex she ever had, and she now wanted Robert to be there every Tuesday.

After Sally related all this to me, she also said, "I want no part of being there to see any of this, whether it makes Robert more excited or more motivated or not! I want you to get out of this situation ASAP any way you can! My alarm bells are ringing. Loudly."


Robert was tied up with his visiting customers until after dinner Wednesday, but he showed up for my Thursday morning open office hours with a big grin on his face. I told him to close the door before he began talking.

"I must tell you Adam, you have turned my personal crisis from a potential tragedy to a personal victory! I know it's kinky, and I wouldn't want it published anywhere, but I have accepted my own urges and now I can't imagine not letting them run free! Some people would call it humiliating, but Tuesday night was the most exciting and fulfilling night of my life. I realize I love Barbara with all my heart and now I know exactly how to please her and myself."

I steeled myself against giving a disapproval lecture, and instead focused on business results. "Well, as long as you close the big orders frequently enough, it should work out for all of us."

"But Barbara wants me to be there every Tuesday!"

"That's not our deal, Robert, and you know it. If Barbara wants to indulge you at home, that's up to her. If she wants to do you only and not do me first, that's okay with me too. I can find something else to do on Tuesday nights". His face fell. "But if you want to be there to see me do your wife and enjoy the aftermath, you will have to keep bringing in the big orders.

He was apoplectic. "But Adam, now that I have had it like that once, I have to have it again and again!

"And you can! And I am rooting for you, so to speak." I tried not to laugh at my own crude joke. But then, his panicky looked turned into a determined one. Teamwork makes the dream work, baby!


Sally McCord had now taken a hands off approach to my relationship with Babs, even though she had originally advised me to be Babs' bull, she now retreated to an island of plausible deniability. "Do what you must, Adam" she said, "but I don't want to watch, be involved, or even hear about it anymore! I think there is going to be trouble no matter what you do now. If Babs is a woman twice scorned, she could be four times as much trouble, especially if she doesn't care about things being publicly disclosed. I think the agreement that Barlow drafted will protect you legally, but not your reputation if it all comes out into the open."

I didn't laugh at her crude joke, either. But it made me think. If we really got a buyout offer on the company, and it was lucrative enough, my previously supportive board members would vote with the medical types to sell. And since they would each perceive my stock options as coming out of their little slice of the cap table pie, they would love to activate the "morals clause" of my employment agreement to fire me before I could cash in the options. I made a note to ask for some specific things to be included in any purchase agreement, but I had to be careful how I worded them. Another section of my growing to do list, and maybe another reason to have to talk to attorney Barlow again.

Sally McCord's employer was on an expansion kick, and they were buying and absorbing a regional competitor to grow their sales and their geographic footprint. That meant my Sally, as one of the most senior executives, and the HR VP, was a key member of the team designated to knit the two companies together with the least drama and interruption of cash flow. Middle managers can get in real tizzy about whose job is considered duplicative and ripe for elimination, and the resulting turbulence can last for months post acquisition. Sally already knew who was going to get the axe, and she had advised her CEO to pull the band aid off quickly and get it over with. She said people inside the target company already knew who was performing and who was just taking up space, and if the buyers didn't show they were wise to that the employees at the acquired company would not respect them. The result of all that was that Sally got the face to face assignment to fire the affected individuals. To me, the important thing was that she was away at the other company's site, several hundred miles away, from Monday until Friday for two weeks in a row.

Babs called on that first Friday and proposed we get together next Tuesday, sans Robert unless he pulled a sales rabbit out of his hat. I was horny enough to agree to see her. I soon learned that she not only wanted to get her ashes hauled, but she also wanted me to change my mind about Robert's ongoing involvement. Sally's warning about a woman twice scorned was running though my head, and I tried to approach Babs logically, without making her angry. That was my first mistake.

We met at the Airport Courtyard, in a busy industrial area with lots of in and out traffic we could hopefully blend into and go unnoticed. The biggest nearby operation was an almost unmarked blocky building that housed industrial scale clinical drug trials, hosting a parade of automobile traffic from college students, dropouts, druggies, housewives, and slackers.

I had become more aware of parking issues lately, as the combination light industrial and office park that housed our company headquarters also had lots of in and out traffic. The state government, saving money versus renting more expensive space downtown, had satellite offices for many functions in lower rent districts like ours. The attorney general's office, child welfare, and the state workforce commission operated next door to us, generating a steady stream of visitors who had never been there before and were looking for a quick parking space. Our employees who went out to lunch or to a midday meeting often returned to find a strange car in their space, forcing them to park in the vacant and sometimes muddy field next to the parking lot. It was one of those nagging problems that got kicked upstairs until I had to become involved. We ended up putting up lots of highly visible warning signs and attaching special glaringly purple and black decals with QR codes on authorized vehicles and then paying tow truck drivers an extra bounty to haul away cars without those stickers from our spaces during office hours. I was used to looking for and seeing those distinctive stickers.

As I approached the hotel, accompanied by the sound of jet engines climbing out after takeoff, I noticed two of our stickers in the hotel lot. One on Barbara's big SUV that Robert sometimes drives to work, and another on his usual four seater BMW. Robert was not supposed to be here! I was on alert as I checked into the room, but I saw neither one of them in the lobby. Babs arrived a few minutes after I did, without Robert, and she was dressed to kill.

No understated business outfit to blend in this time. It was a strikingly sexy dress in black and white, and less than 50 shades of grey that emphasized her perfect breasts like it had been specifically designed for her. She did not find this outfit at Ross Dress for Less! It looked like two big hands wearing black and white gloves had approached Babs from behind and cupped and squeezed her amazing breasts, pushing them up and almost out of the dress, and almost but not quite popping the nipples out the top of the plunging neckline. The pattern continued to her waist, curving to make it look waspish compared to her ample hips. The end effect was that I wanted to suck on her nipples, put my hands around her waist, and fuck her with reckless abandon. And she knew it full well!

She smiled with a seductive confidence I had not seen her display before. She licked her lips and pouted slightly, looking at me with an expression that said she knew exactly how much I wanted to put my cock up to those lips. She was right about that.

"You know Adam, I just love it when I know you are just about to come in my mouth! It is so deliciously naughty to be a dirty cheating wife, and to have you know that I am going to suck all your come out of you like a willing whore. Because that is what you make me into, Adam! A hot slut for you. I'll do anything for you, and my husband knows it and gets to watch you take me any way you want!"

It was an attractive offer, and she knew it. She had good sales technique, to, because she did not go for the immediate close by bringing up Robert and her desire to have him here at this point. She dropped to her knees, looked right at my crotch, and made a little pantomime kiss at me. She held her arms up and open slightly, and my legs propelled me toward her without any conscious thought on my part.

She cupped my buttocks with her hands and kissed my cock through my pants, and for just a second, I thought I could relax and let this wonderful woman please me. But then I remembered she had an agenda and so did I. Might as well enjoy the negotiations.

I grabbed her head and wrapped her hair up in my hand. I pulled down my zipper and just fucked her mouth. I told myself she liked it as much as I did. We were both breathing hard, she through her nose. I got numb again, even though I wanted to just finish off quickly. I popped that dress down and slipped my cock between her breasts. I hoped that nice dress would clean up well. It would need to go to the dry cleaners I'd guess, after I got it nice and wet.

Somehow that triggered me, and I shot all over her, covering her face, hair, breasts, and the front of that dress. It felt like all my tensions and worries were flowing out of the end of my cock, purged by my copious emissions. When my breathing returned to normal, Babs stood up and laughed. "Too bad Robert is not here to clean up. He would love this!"

He probably would, but he was around somewhere, and somehow hearing her say that made me lose all respect for her. I realized it also made me lose all desire for her, too. I could not do this anymore. But how do I keep Babs from going off on me and ruining everything?

She took the initiative. I didn't have to.

"Adam, I want Robert to join us every Tuesday from now on! He will enjoy it and so will I. Don't you agree?"

A thousand things went through my mind. I hadn't had the chance to talk to Barlow about how much trouble she could make if she wanted to. I was paralyzed.

"I should also tell you that my pregnancy test was negative. The more I thought about it, the less I wanted another child, with Robert or anyone else. I understand now why you were nervous about that. So, I am getting my tubes tied, after they get another negative pregnancy test a few weeks from now. So, you have no worries going forward. We can all be even more uninhibited in the future. I understand Robert's drives now, and I can work with them, and enjoy it. I'm looking forward to it."

I was not. I needed some time to think. "Let's just hold on until that procedure is completed."

She seemed to buy it. I had some work to do. I was on the way home in less than a minute. When I started my car, I remembered that Robert must be there somewhere, and he would see her while that dress was still wet. Good for him I suppose but not a wonderful image for me. Modern marriage.


A Tuesday without seeing Babs in action proved to be an effective motivator for Robert. He closed two big orders that had been forecast but slipping for two quarters. Remembering something about random reinforcement from my industrial psych class, I proclaimed that next Tuesday, he could watch but not touch, and listed four other previously forecasted orders that if he closed would get him some face time with Babs, so to speak. That was my second mistake.