Baby Challenge - New Version


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The end result would be the same, I was going to divorce the bitch. Cheating on me tonight was enough reason for that. But I wanted to know why. I needed to know how it came about. This could not be some spur of the moment decision on her part after a bit of flirting. Had the affair been going for a while? She told me about the other couples. She claimed this was the first time for her and Gary to have sex. Did she mean fucking or did she include kissing and fondling or maybe even oral?

She would realize in the morning, I was not going sit there and let her actions slide. I would not be there to take her back. Nor would I be home when she got there. I was going to get out of town for a while. Disappear. Maybe I could go to Vegas for a couple weeks of drinking and gambling. But that was not really practical either. I really needed to think but first I needed to take care of myself. I could do both at the same time but not at home.

I began to pack clothing I would need for a week or two. That produced another set of concerns. How upset would she be that I had the audacity to not go along with her dumb ass idea. She might burn all the clothes I left behind or give them away just to screw with me. I packed all the clothing I wore on any regular basis. I left a couple old shirts and some briefs, but the majority of my clothing would go. Then I realized she very well might sell my possessions to screw with me. She might sell my gun collection. I'd heard of women who sold a soon to be ex's coveted car for a hundred dollars. You could buy a nice car for what I had invested in those firearms. Nope! I had to secure them.

I opened my gun safes and looked inside. I could not keep all these in my car. Especially not the ammunition. I went to the spare room to get my gun cases and my range bag. I stacked everything in the living room and looked at it. All this and my clothing would barely even fit in my car. I'd have to leave the reloading equipment in my shop. I decided to take it all to my company office. There I had a closet that was mainly used to store old files.

A couple hours before sunup I was transferring the stuff inside when the security guard came by. He saw the gun cases and the clearly labeled boxes of ammunition and immediately got concerned. I told him what I was doing and why. He started helping me transfer it all inside. 'Are you gonna just kinda conceal what's in the closet or put a lock on it?" he asked. "You really ought to secure these firearms." He was right. I decided both. My things filled the closet and the clothing concealed the valuable stuff from view if the door was opened. I decided to put a locking doorknob and a dead bolt on as well. Somebody could still get inside if they wanted but would have to work at it.

I went back home to get my drill and some tools. I'd have to wait until later for the stores to open to buy the hardware. Linda knew the combination to the gun safes so I changed the combination. I still had documentation in the safe I wanted to keep. I was glad I went back to the safe because I remembered the money I had stashed on a back shelf. Linda knew I kept some there for emergencies but not how much. I had two thousand in cash. I stuffed it into my pocket. Changing the combination might have been enough to secure my firearms, I thought belatedly. Unless she was so angry she hired movers with equipment to haul the whole loaded safes out. It would take only two or three big guys with a commercial dolly. Nope. I made the right decision. Right now I did not trust the bitch one bit.

I left a note on the table simply saying I was going away for two or three weeks to think about what I wanted to do. I was going to fall off the grid. She could call me or text, but not to expect an answer. As a punctuation point, I left my wedding ring on the note

I was in the big box store an hour after dawn picking out my locks when my phone pinged announcing a text. I read it. "Where R U? Checked. UR not in room. Breakfast soon." I decided I was not in the mood to answer. She'd figure it out soon enough.

I got back to the car with my purchase and decided maybe if I baited her, she'd reveal some information. "Not interested in breakfast. No desire to see the smirks knowing I was cuckolded." I wasn't even out of the parking lot before she replied. My phone pinged three or four times as I drove back to the office. I'd read them later.

The closet looked good with the new locking door knob and dead bolt. I stacked the file boxes that had originally been inside in front of the door as added camouflage. I'd call my boss later and explain what was going on. Right now I was starting to crash. I'd been up for almost twenty four hours. The adrenaline that had kept me going all night was gone. I needed caffeine and food. After I ordered breakfast I pulled out my phone. I'd have liked to been a fly on the wall during breakfast at the resort. I read Linda's texts.

"Nobody is going to say a thing. You were not cuckolded. One night of sex and you knew about it. We need to talk. Remember check out is at 11." I shook my head. I wondered if she even knew the definition of the word cuckold. "Well, I am not gonna be there to check out, bitch." I thought.

I called my boss to tell him what was going on and how I stored my guns and clothes at the office. He was sympathetic. His first wife had cheated on him. He gave me some quick advice on how to protect my assets. My trust fund she could not touch. But we had the house, checking and savings accounts, a fairly good sized joint investment fund and our separate retirement accounts. Plus the 'baby' account. I shook my head. Now THAT is one account that is going to sit idle for sure. I told him I was going back to the office to put a flag on our investment accounts. We'd done that many times for couples facing divorce. It would take a court order for her to get a nickel out of those accounts.

While at the office, I went online to pay off our shared credit card and cancel it. I could have a separate account in my name only but they refused to mail the card to an address not on file. It was a measure to prevent somebody from stealing my identity. I had plenty of cash to last a while and could get more when I went to the bank in the morning for half our balance.

Next I called my lawyer. He had been a personal friend for years. I preferred to use him for any business instead of the lawyers at Linda's firm. At that time it was not a matter of distrust. I simply did not want any of her coworkers knowing my private business. Ron gave me the same advice my boss did. He told me to stop by his office and give him copies of the bank balances so he could confirm I took only half. He wanted to forestall any accusations.

My phone had pinged a couple times while I was busy. Now it began to ring. I let it go to voicemail. I was not in the mood right now. I needed sleep. I glanced at my watch. It was ten thirty. I guess Linda was beginning to realize she would have to catch a ride with somebody as I was not going to be there. She could ride with the asshole. I'm sure she rode him plenty last night. I found a motel and was glad the guy let me have an early check in without charging me. I paid for two nights and gave him an extra twenty for being considerate.

I muted my phone so it did not disturb me and went to sleep. It was after dark when I woke up. I needed to eat again and wanted to buy some paper to make notes. I checked my phone just to see how many missed calls and texts. Ten calls but only eight went to voicemail. I guess Linda was pissed and hung up a couple times. I had made sure to clear all voicemails that morning so I had plenty of storage available. I had only two dozen texts. I would have expected more. Linda might have suspected I did not want to listen to her but might read texts.

In the voicemails, she began by telling me I was acting childish. She had explained her need to have sex with Gary and I should accept that if I really loved her. She assured me I would get over it once we talked. And how she would rock my boat to make me forget all about it. In a later call she said she understood how I was hurt at first and my feelings were raw but would come to accept it over time. She loved me and wanted me to be the father for her kids. We'd have a great family. I could not believe her babble. Her texts said basically the same thing. She was angry about my not being there to drive her home and barely caught Sue and Dave in time to catch a ride before they left. The last one said she was home and saw the note I left on the kitchen table and would give me some time to get my head together and to realize nothing really has changed between us. We'd stay married and we'd raise some great kids. I carefully saved everything to the cloud.

I texted Dave to ask him to meet me for a beer the next day but to not tell a soul about it, not even his wife. I started to say ESPECIALLY his wife but did not. I needed to know what he knew first. I asked him if he could do me a big favor. If he could get to Sue's phone would he send a copy of all the texts between her and Linda to my email. He said he would. He was pissed Sue seemed okay to help Linda hide her cheating. Sue was wore out after the drive home and was sound asleep.

I sat down and begin to write notes about everything that had happened and what was said. I tried to remember the actual words. I was looking for reasons for her cheating in the words she said. I had already picked up on some very disturbing things that were discussed.

Her cheating alone was enough for me to divorce her. Surely she should realize that. But somehow she thought I would come to accept it, given time. That I could not understand. I did not read the texts Dave sent when I heard my phone ping.

I got up early the next morning and went out for breakfast. As I ate, I reviewed the notes I had made the night before. I did my banking and stopped by Ron's office to give him the bank statements. I told him to start the divorce paperwork. I said I was 95% sure I was going to divorce her for cheating. But the other 5% was reluctance to give up on fourteen years of supposedly happy marriage. I had a sliver of a chance to forgive her. But just the thought of that almost made me lose my breakfast. I wanted to think about things for a while. I could not even talk to Linda right now. He understood.

I went to a local coffee shop to review my notes again. As I sat drinking coffee, I read the texts between Linda and Sue. Once again, my blood pressure went through the roof.

I got a few answers when I talked to Dave. Dave quickly asked me how I was doing when he entered the bar. I told him I was still in shock. I wanted to get him talking. I needed to know what he knew and thought before revealing anything myself. We retreated to a corner booth. "Man, things got a little tense after you left. When I got back to my room after we met, I asked Sue if she knew anything about Linda and Gary. She said Linda was a big girl and could do what she wanted. She told me to be quiet in the morning and not say a word about it to anyone. Not even mention I saw you leave."

'I'm glad I did. It got real interesting at breakfast. Greg and Bob's wives set a place for you. It had to be one of them since both Sue and Linda knew you were not coming. When you didn't show, Evelyn, Bob's wife asked where you were. Linda said you two had a disagreement and you were not coming to breakfast. Evelyn said a disagreement was no reason to stay away the group. She was going to go get you. To save her from running around looking, I said I did not see your car early this morning when I went outside at dawn. I didn't say anything about when you left or why. Judy, Greg's wife, wanted to know, though. She asked Linda directly how she didn't know you left. She saw Linda calling you a little earlier telling you breakfast was ready. If you guys got into an argument last night and you left that early she'd know you wouldn't be eating. Linda started squirming. Greg changed the subject, QUICK. So either he knew or guessed why Linda did not know you left or when."

I told Dave I suspected he knew. But it was obvious the two wives had no idea. "A little later Gary asked me how good a shot you were. I told him damn good. With both a rifle and with a pistol. I wanted to make him a little nervous so I told him how you could hit a small target with your rifle at over a half mile and described how you and I went to the pistol range often. I swear the man was sweating a bit. Linda told him you never hunted though and had never killed anything except a bunch of paper targets. I think he is scared." Dave laughed.

"Maybe some." I said. "but it sounds like he is covering his ass. If ANYTHING happens to him, people will remember he was afraid of me."

Dave nodded, "Gary left a little while after breakfast. I was surprised he did not give Linda a ride. I think he was trying to hide her sleeping with him the night before. Linda kept saying she knew you were going to come back to get her, but finally she asked us for a ride. She never told anyone why you guys argued. Sue did not bring it up either. That surprised me. She knew exactly what the issue was and when you left. I had the impression they did not want to talk in front of me. It made for a real quiet trip home. I could tell Sue was texting but neither phone pinged to show they were texting each other."

"Did you read the text file between Linda and Sue?" I asked. I had already concluded he had not. He was far too calm. He told me just after he copied and sent the file, Sue got out of bed to go to the bathroom. He barely had enough time to delete the email to me and get it back on her nightstand. He asked if it revealed anything we did not already know. I nodded. I had read them at breakfast this morning.

"Before I show it to you I need to ask you a few questions. I spent half the night writing notes about everything that happened and what was said. Linda's big thing was now she is ready to have a baby and after she screwed Gary the one night she would come back and make it up to me. Really rock my boat. I'd forget all about her one night and come to terms with it and we'd start our family. I'm thinking she decided to have a baby now because Sue got pregnant or at least it got her thinking. I don't want to get personal, but how did you two decide to go ahead and get her pregnant?"

"We'd been talking about it for a while but she wanted to get settled with work. She's been there three years. So what, she is two months along according to her doctor so about four months ago she tells me she thinks she is ready to try. She went off the pill." I asked him how it went. He grinned. "Talk about rocking the boat. Sue was a sexual dynamo. We'd have sex every other day. That was her idea. I said we should do it every day but she said she wanted my balls full when we did it. She never even gave me blowjobs anymore. Well she did, but not all the way until I came. She get me about ready to explode and have me cum inside her. Even after we were pretty sure she was pregnant she'd want to fuck like a rabbit. Well we went to every three or four days but the sessions are still hot. We even fucked last night. Sorry to say this, but she said she wanted to get my mind off your problems and show me how much she loved me." Dave paused a minute thinking and took a sip of his beer. "You got something on your mind. Spill it."

"One more question. If Sue did to you what Linda did with me, what would you do?" I asked.

"I'd want to shoot the bitch and the guy she was fucking but I wouldn't do good in jail. I'd probably divorce the bitch though. Okay, now I need to know what you are thinking." Dave said.

I told him about the three pills missing from the pack of birth control pills and how Linda acted. How she did the same thing with stopping the blow job and having me ejaculate inside her. Dave said,"It sounds like she is already working on getting pregnant. But it makes no sense to fuck Gary the next night and risk him knocking her up. Unless she thinks the risk is low that early in her cycle."

"Or unless she does not care which of us gets her pregnant." I pointed out. Dave looked astounded then he grimaced. "Remember that discussion we had Saturday afternoon about penis size and shape? We were all half drunk. Who brought the subject up? Gary?" Dave said he was not sure if it was him or Greg. But then I knew all about that stuff already and explained how it was an evolutionary thing. The penis is actually designed to act as a plunger and remove a load of semen that was already in the vagina so the man could deposit his own and increase his chances of being the father. Primitive men might be away hunting and not able control who their mates had sex with. And being away would mean he'd be extra horny and really get with it and pound away. So vigorous sex actually worked to help the second man remove the first guy's load. Sperm remained viable for up to 48 hours.

"Wait a minute, are you suggesting that Sue and I screwing every other day to get her pregnant might be for me to remove any remaining semen from another man? Then he'd try to remove mine as he deposited his load?" Dave asked, his face turning red.

"I'm suggesting you might want to get a paternity test done." I said. "The sooner the better. They can do it early unless the woman has issues maintaining a pregnancy. But they are getting really good."

Dave demanded to know who the other guy was. I told him Greg and what Linda had said about Sue and him screwing to scratch an itch. "Wait a minute. You fuckin' dickhead! You KNEW Sue was fucking around on me and you did not come right out and say it?" Dave said glaring at me. "like as soon as I sat down?" I apologized and explained I needed to know what he knew about the whole fucked up situation first. I also said Linda told me he was fine with it or at least accepted it. Her words were 'going along' anyway. But how he'd be embarrassed to have anybody else know so for me to say nothing. Now I was not the only man in the room who wanted a divorce. 'How the fuck would Sue even think I'd be fine with it? As soon as I found out, I'd divorce her." he said.

I shook my head. "Not if you found out late in the game. Think about it. You have been thrilled she is pregnant. You are getting invested in the idea of being a father. You were not supposed to know another man was even involved. Babies look a lot alike. Say you are not the father. You might not see he did not resemble you for a few years. By that time you would be the kid's Dad no matter what. Even if you found out and was pissed and hurt would you punish the kid? A kid you loved and raised? I bet not and I bet Sue is counting on that. Plus your name would be on the birth certificate and if you left her then you'd still have to pay child support. The courts don't care who the biological father is. And if you are the father of this baby, you are on the hook for support anyway." OH FUCK!!! Dave exclaimed loudly.

"The question is do you want to know? And what are you going to either way? I am betting Greg does not know either. There is some kind of challenge or bet going on here. I want to know what that is. For the women, it is like they are playing Russian roulette with their pussies. They stand to win either way. I think Linda screwed the pooch as they say when she let me know she intended to screw Gary. In fact I am sure of it. It was supposed to be a secret. What do you know about Julie, the office manager? Has she talked about getting pregnant?"

"Do you think this is a full blown office thing?" Dave asked. "Steve, Julie's husband, said they have a couple kids but after Sue got pregnant Julie is getting the itch to have another kid. Who is she screwing, Bob?" I nodded and told him according to Linda she was.