Baby Girl and Naughty Boy Ch. 04


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"38" I said softly.

"Oh," the girl said quickly, "these come in Small, Medium, Large.... like that."

"Probably a Medium, then." Patty offered. "A white one."

"Let's take a Medium and a Large," the girl replied, "just to make sure."

"So..... uh, how are we going to do this?" I asked.

"We sell men's clothes here, too." She said, flicking her wrist toward the other side of the store. "I'll just take you over there. I work the suit department two days a week. I could just say I was measuring you for a suit, or something."

Patty raised her eyebrows at me as we followed the salesgirl to the other side of the store. She stopped by the cash register counter and picked up a measuring tape and a few steps later, we were walking right toward the changing rooms. She looked back over her shoulder and said, "Just to make sure, we should measure you first."

"That's a good idea." Patty answered, looking at me to see if I agreed.

I figured it was just a measuring tape and we're only talking about my chest..... no big deal. When we got to the changing room, the salesgirl went in first and I followed. Patty came behind me, and when she came in, she pulled the door closed. "We have to measure across your chest.... under your arms," she began, "uhm.... and, uh.... across your nipple line."

"Paul, honey," Patty said, "take your shirt off so we can get to your nipple line."

Once my shirt was off, the salesgirl had the tape measure around me and Patty helped straighten the tape over my nipples. Jokingly, Patty pinched one of my nipples and the girls started to giggle. "Oh, look! His nips are getting hard!" Patty observed.

"Hey!" I replied. "Those are MY nipples you're pinching."

"Look," Patty pointed out, "there both hard now."

"My boyfriend's nipples get so hard sometimes," the salesgirl chimed in, "they're like little pebbles."

The girls were giggling again. I don't know who was having more fun, Patty or the salesgirl, or me with my nipples getting all the attention. After the laughter died down the salesgirl looked at the tape and said "37. I think you're right," then looking at Patty she continued, "that's a Medium."

Patty held out the white bra and giggled. "Here you go."

The salesgirl took a step back and said, "Maybe I should step out while you..."

"No," I interrupted her, "don't worry about it. You should stay. I'll put it on real quick and we can see if it's the right size."

Patty looked at me and nodded, giving her unspoken acknowledgement that she admired my new found courage. The salesgirl, though, didn't look so sure. "There's no clasp in the back for that bra," she replied, "the best way to put that one on is to step into it, and pull it up your body, and then hook your arms into the straps."

"Oh," I answered, "no problem."

I started to bend down, and when I lifted my foot it became obvious to me that the bra wasn't going to go on over my shoes and jeans. I stopped and looked up to Patty standing next to me and she was shaking her head. "You're probably going to have to take your jeans off." Patty said.

There was a hush of quiet that came over us. "Oh, Damn." I thought.

I knew the door was closed. And, the salesgirl said she works in the men's department twice a week and measures men all the time. She'd told us herself her boyfriend wears panties and bras. But, still, I wasn't sure I was ready to be seen by a virtual stranger in the ruffled bridal panties I was wearing. On the other hand, though, this was a hell of an opportunity to try out my exhibitionist wings and make a pretty strong statement to Patty that I wasn't so sensitive about being a panty wearer.

"I better just step out." The salesgirl decided.

"No." I stopped her. "I don't mind and you probably do this all the time, so just stay."

Patty's face went stone cold lifeless. "Paul," she replied, "I can just wait right outside the door with her and you can tell us when you get it on and...."

"No." I said, quickly. "It's like you said - I'm totally fine with it as long as you are. I don't want to act like a pussy about it. Not anymore, anyways."

"Paul, are you sure?" Patty asked. "I mean really sure about this?"

I didn't even take a moment to look at Patty or answer her. I kicked off one shoe and then the other one. My shirt was already off, so without another second of delay I unbuttoned my pants, pulled the zipper down and pushed my jeans down before anyone could say another word. As I did all this, I thanked my lucky stars that I didn't have a hard-on. Although, it did cross my mind that this would be an excellent time to have a nice bulge in the front of my panties -- just for the girl's benefit.

The changing room had mirrors on three sides and when I bent down to pick up my jeans, I happened to glance in the mirror in front of me and I could see the reflection of my bridal panties stretched across my butt. The ruffles caught my eye and apparently Patty's eyes, and the salesgirl's, too.

When I stood up, my first inclination was to cover myself, but I fought back the urge to do that. Both Patty and the salesgirl were looking at me standing there in just my panties and when I saw them looking, I put my hands on my hips and cautiously let them look.

"Oh, Paul." I heard Patty gasp. "Those are so perfect for you." Patty told me as she stepped close and laid her hand on the back of my butt, fluffing up the ruffles.

"They're new," I said to the salesgirl, "this is her first time seeing them on me."

The salesgirl was watching Patty stroke the ruffles on my butt and once I said something to her, her eyes went right to my crotch. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was happy with what I saw -- my cock and balls completely filled the crotch of the panties in the most magnificent way. I wasn't falling out anywhere and the outline of my penis could be seen through the silk.

"Are they real silk?" The salesgirl asked.

"Yes," Patty answered, "I bought them at the bridal store here in the mall."

"Want to hand me that bra now so I can try it on?" I asked Patty. The salesgirl, who was gawking at me standing there in my new ruffled panties, just kept looking as I reached out to get the bra from Patty.

Almost in a coma, Patty handed me the bra and I held it down by my feet and stepped into it. I pulled it up my legs without any problem. When I got the bra to my waist, I had to let go of the straps so I could get a better grasp on it, which left the bra sitting right at the waistband of my panties. Both girls' eyes went right to that spot and I felt my cock react.

"What now?" I asked.

Patty stepped up to me and looking at the bra, she answered, "Just hold your arms down and I'll pull it up. You stick your arms through and then we'll pull it up the rest of the way." I did as Patty suggested and she pulled it up my chest. As she did, I felt it get snug, but it wasn't tight.

When the bra was up on me, the salesgirl reached up to straighten the shoulder straps on both sides. Patty adjusted the way it sat across my chest, and once she was satisfied, Patty gently placed both her hands on my man-breasts and lightly scratched my nipples through the material. Instantly, my nipples jumped to attention and just like the salesgirl's description of her boyfriend, they looked like little pebbles poking out.

"Look." Patty urged, turning me toward the mirror. What I saw was beyond words. The color and the material of the bra looked very similar to the panties Patty bought me, almost to the point where they could be a set. Both were shiny and thin - thin enough to show everything underneath.

In the reflection, I could see Patty on one side and the salesgirl on the other side of me, both of them running their eyes up and down my body. Believe it or not, there wasn't one ounce of embarrassment in me, and I could see in their eyes they were in complete amazement of the way I looked -- and I was digging it -- really digging it.

I didn't wait for either of them to say anything. "I like it," I said, clearly, "can I just keep it on and wear it under my shirt?"

Almost in unison, both girls said "Yes."

The salesgirl's eyes were still looking me over and I felt myself getting hard. My package was swelling, becoming larger, and I could see the silk panties would be giving way to a hard-on soon.

I turned to Patty. "I'm going to need my pants soon," I said, "I think....... I'm starting to get...."

The salesgirl immediately snapped out of it, saying "Of course." She reached down to pick up my jeans and handed them to me. Still facing the mirror, and in direct view of both girls, I reached down to move my thickening cock so it was lying sideways inside my panties, about half hard. Then I stepped into my jeans and pulled them up and stepped into my shoes. I left my jeans unzipped and hanging completely open as I looked back into mirror and ran my hands over the bra. Patty's eyes followed my hands, but the salesgirl's eyes were still on my crotch.

I couldn't resist the urge to have a little fun with the salesgirl, so I flexed my cock and when I did, it visibly pressed out against my panties causing them to noticeably tent in front of her. I heard her gasp and then she quickly apologized, saying "I'm sorry..... I just.... uh... I'll wait for you out there." She pointed to the door and immediately walked straight out.

Patty reached her hand down into my jeans and took hold of the growing cock inside my panties. "Well, I guess you do have a bit of a budding exhibitionist in you, after all." Patty whispered to me. Then she quietly giggled, looked at me, and held her finger up and said much louder -- loud enough for the salesgirl to hear if she was standing outside the door, "Look how hard you're getting."

And Patty was right. I was getting hard and I was loving it.

Patty quietly handed me my shirt and I put it on. Sure enough, just like the salesgirl said, there was absolutely no indication I was wearing a bra. The thing was so thin and light, I couldn't even see any strap lines -- there wasn't a trace anywhere. I'd found a way to break the bra rule -- a way to have the bra and protect my masculinity.

"I love the way it looks and feels, Paul," Patty openly offered, "we've got to get some more of these."

I agreed with her and once we gathered up our things, we opened the door and saw the salesgirl waiting for us several feet away. As soon as we stepped out of the changing room, the girl immediately stepped up to us and began apologizing for what she thought was her unprofessional behavior in the changing room.

"Stop," I said, holding my hand up, "I was the one that asked you to stay, remember."

Then I continued, "I really like the bra and appreciate your suggestion of it. We want to get a few more and then I think we're ready to pay."

The salesgirl took Patty and I back to the display rack and together, Patty and the girl selected several more bras for me. Patty explained that we wanted to get matched 'outfits' for the both of us, but unfortunately, they didn't have any Extra Smalls for Patty. The salesgirl suggested we come back next week, saying she'd watch for some and set them aside for her.

When we got to the counter, the salesgirl gave us a card good for free lingerie the next time we came in, and gave us a discount because we bought so much. When Patty and I got out of the store, Patty said, "Paul, I'm very impressed! You were amazing in there.... courageous and brave. You handled all that with confidence and strength. I'm so proud of you!"

I was happy. Patty's praise was beautiful and I was especially happy to hear it because I, too, felt I was strong and confident.

Standing there, we both realized we'd bought enough now, and we had two more bags filled with panties and bras. Looking at my watch, I noticed it was starting to get late and thinking about dinner, I suggested we head for the car and see if we could find someplace to eat.

"Listen," Patty said, "I need to swing by one more store. Come on."

Patty took my hand and we walked half way through the mall until we got to a children's store. "Hey," she said, "you wait here and hold our stuff and I'll be right back." Then she turned and walked into the store.

I sat down on a bench outside the store to wait, and when she came out, she was carrying a bag. She sat down on the bench next to me and we talked about where we should go for dinner. During the conversation, I curiously picked up the bag from the children's store and looked inside.

Patty tried to grab the bag from me saying, "Hey, that's mine! Don't look in there." But I held it out away from her and looked inside, anyway. Wondering what she'd bought at a children's store, I pulled some of the items out and looked at them. There were some packages of little girl's cotton panties -- all different colors with cute characters on them, and several 'Bralettes' of different colors.

"What's a bralette?" I asked.

Patty was completely silent and she wouldn't look at me. At first, I though she was simply acting like she was pouting, but, after a second I realized she wasn't acting.

Patty finally answered me, saying, "It's what little girls wear before they wear a real bra."

"Who are these for?" I asked.

Patty looked at me for a second, and then she looked down, as if she had been scolded. She took a deep breath and said, "For me."

"Well, we just bought you a bunch of panties and a bra too -- and you told me you didn't ever wear bras. But, you wear little girl panties and bras?" I asked.

"Yes," Patty answered, "Sometimes I do."

" You do?" I asked.

She turned her head to me and I could see tears welling up in her eyes again. "Please don't make me explain this right now, okay?"

"Oh, damn, Patty," I said, "listen, I didn't mean anything by looking in your bag. I was just joking around.... you know, like you were in that first store with the saleslady and the panties. Did I hurt your feelings?"

"Paul, it was going to be a surprise for you." Patty explained. "I thought we could play dress up, and.... I also got some Baby Dolls for us."

I looked down in the bag and there were several girl's nylon Baby Doll sets, and two packages of different color rumba panties. Now it was my turn to feel bad; I could have almost strangled myself. I'm sure she came up with this idea after hearing the part of my story where my Mom was going to dress me up as Sissy, and she was just trying to recreate that with me.

"That's so sweet," I replied, "you were going to surprise me and dress us up together? Like my Mom did?" She nodded her head up and down and wiped a lone tear away from her cheek with her hand.

"We still can," I said, "and you can still surprise me. I promise I won't ever snoop again and you can surprise me when I'm not expecting it. Is that alright?"

"And you promise you'll play along and do whatever I say?" She asked.

"Absolutely. You have my word on that." I answered.

Patty seemed satisfied, but I was still upset with myself for being so thoughtless. As she started to gather up all our bags, she pulled me around so I was facing her and said, "Since you were bad, though, you're going to have to have a spanking -- just like a bad little girl."

I grinned and she grinned back. "Sure," I said, "I probably have it coming after being a snoop. I'm surprised you haven't already turned me over your knee and spanked my butt right here."

"We'll take care of that when we have our little dress up party," Patty replied, "you can count on that, you Naughty Boy."

I felt like I made some points back because Patty grasped my hand and interlaced her fingers into mine and we walked through the mall toward the exit close to where we parked. On the way, we passed another kid's store where they had a window display of girl's party dresses. Patty pulled me to a halt in front of the store window and whispered to me, "You'd look so cute in one of those, don't you think? Especially with it pulled up over your butt getting your spanking."

The party dress she was referring to was a far cry from the way Mom dressed me that day in her room, but Patty didn't know that. Mom had picked out some of Sissy's clothes she knew would fit me, and I looked more like a teenaged slut than a little girl. But, Patty studied the dresses on display with an intensity that told me she was cooking something up in her head, and I couldn't deny the fact that it was causing me to get excited again. I made a silent pledge to myself not to do anything to derail whatever plans she might make for her dress up party, and when or if it happens, I was going to let her have her fun.

Shortly, we arrived at the car and put all the bags in the trunk. I opened the car door for her, but before she got in, she put her arms around my waist and hugged me. "I've had such a good time with you today, Paul." Patty sighed.

Her eyes were searching my face for a reaction, and the way she looked at me almost stopped my heart. I wanted to say something meaningful to her, to let her know I felt the same, but before I could say something, she added, "And I forgive you for being bad and ruining my surprise, but, you're still going to be punished."

"The way I'm feeling about you right now, you could do almost anything you wanted to me and I'd love it," I replied, "dress me up, spank me.... whatever. I can't think of anything I wouldn't do for you, Patty."

We stood together, just hugging -- standing right there by the side of the car. People driving up and down the parking lot looking for a place to park looked at us as they drove by, but we didn't care. The feeling that came over me was one of satisfaction and completeness. It was a feeling I'd longed for my entire life.

Continued in the next chapter.

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agamottoagamottoabout 11 years ago
I agree with Wheet,

How do you know if you can trust the sales lady with your secret? I am always to scared to go shopping for my self because of this.

wheetwheetover 15 years ago
For you, Salesgirl

Salesgirl- thanks for your encouragement. Really! I wish I were near you, lol!

- Are there any signs to look for that a salesgirl/lady is "like you" in that we could be feel to ask?

- Also, what signs to you look for that a guy is there to buy panties for himself?

It's always a scary (but exciting) thing for me!! I'm always nervous (and usually only buy panties, saying my wife hates the bras I buy!)

One saleslady at an upscale sex-shop in MD was the only one to ask if I was buying for myself. On a couple trips, I said no (but had asked for a certain nylon panty they didn't have once). The third trip, I just admitted it! Whoa!!!! What a rush! She was helpful, as you said. I know, though, she told some of the other girls there, but that's another story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

A story I love,as a small breast man and a panty wearer,I love it.

Wish I knew where there was a lingerie sales lady like that one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

While I have never had a panty fetish, I do enjoy wearing them and seeing them on women. This series is incredibly hot. It has definitely opened my eyes to other aspects of liking panties.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
From a lingerie sales girl:

I've been watching this story since the beginning and hoping for a chapter like this. Now you're in my playground. MEN: don't be afraid to come into the lingerie store! Please Please Please. We love it when you come in. Don't be embarrased, shy or feel humiliated. We don't care if you're shopping for your wife, girlfriend, sister, grandmother or yourself. Really, we don't. If you'll just have some faith and try it once, we'll help you shop for yourself. Now, don't expect us to let you into the changing rooms, but, I enjoy helping men find the right size and style bra so it's not uncomfortable for you to wear. We can even outfit you with panties, stockings and anything else you want. No kidding guys - I really love it when you come in, so please do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Am loving this!! Keep it up!

Yes, being caught in the bra by my wife was far worse than being in the panties at the time, so you're right about that!!

Love the store fun and humiliation! It is so exciting but scary to buy panties!! I'm hard here, and don't have my panties w/me...will have to cum back, lol!

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