Baby, You're a Rich Man


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"Who is Ben? Was he your boyfriend?" asked Becky's younger sister, Beth.

"It looks like you're about to find out," observed Leona when she noticed Ben was striding toward them.

"Becky, I need to talk to you!" insisted Ben as he stopped next to Becky's chair.

"Just leave, please," replied a surprised Becky. "We have nothing to talk about."

Everyone at the table watched in stunned amazement as Ben dropped to a knee next to Becky. "Please marry me! I'm in love with you and I think you must still have feelings for me."

Becky's mother was aghast at the sudden appearance of a very handsome young man asking her daughter to marry him. It was the day before her wedding and this fellow was trying to convince her to marry him instead! Her two daughters shared her confusion as they watched the drama unfold.

"I can't marry you, Ben. I don't trust you, so a marriage would be doomed. Why can't you see that?"

"Because you can trust me with your life!" insisted Ben. "I'd never hurt you. I certainly wouldn't lie to you."

"There's the problem. I know you're lying to me. We had a nice time together, but it's over now," concluded Becky.

"That night meant more to me than a nice time. I know it meant more to you, too. Why won't you just give me a chance?"

"You know you're a good lover. You think the sex is good enough to make me overlook your cheating and lying. That won't happen. Just leave me now or I'll call for help."

The women watched Ben dejectedly stand and walk off with his shoulders slumped.

"I'm sorry about that," apologized an emotional Becky. "I wasn't expecting that. He doesn't take rejection very well."

"Did you just tell that hunk he was a good lover?" asked Beth.

"Yes, I guess I did," admitted a flustered Becky. "I'm sorry I said that in front of everyone. That should have been a private conversation. In fact, it never should have taken place at all. What would possess a guy to embarrass himself like that?"

"I think I can answer that one," declared Amber. "That guy is so deeply in love with you he can't think straight. I doubt he even knew the rest of us were at the table. I have to wonder what he did to make you so determined to drop him from your life.

"I dropped Jason, but he was a pompous ass and a bully. Ben is courteous, thoughtful and handsome as hell."

"Yeah, Sis," added Becky's sister, Nancy. "Your fiancé must be something special to make you disappoint a hunk like that so badly. Will you give me his number?"

"Ha ha," replied Becky. "I certainly will not. I don't want a snake like that anywhere near my family. Forget you ever saw him."

"Could you at least tell us what made him such a good lover?" teased Candice. "I can't say I'm surprised at all, but inquiring minds want to know."

"My Mom is sitting here. I don't think she cares to hear the sordid details," responded Becky in an effort to end the conversation.

"Actually, my curiosity has been piqued," her mother stated, much to Becky's surprise. "He's an exceptionally handsome young man. It was obvious he's in excellent physical shape. I'm quite curious about him."

"Mom! We are not going to have that discussion. I'm getting married tomorrow. Please just be happy for me and forget about Ben. He's just a mistake I've managed to correct."

Candice watched Becky closely and could see she was unhappy and quite upset, although she strove to conceal it. This would be a topic for later, when Becky's family wouldn't be present. Something was very wrong and Candice was going to do her best to help her friend through it.

"Becky called me 'skanky'? I thought we got along great and were friends," said Vickie to her mother the morning of the wedding. "I wonder what Ben did to upset her so much. We were getting along famously the last time I saw her. You know how I took a day off law school so I could meet the woman Ben claimed to love. Where did it go wrong?"

"Now I'm wondering if she was the right choice. I didn't tell Ben who he was marrying today. He didn't seem to care very much. If it wasn't Becky, it didn't matter.

"The staff told me he approached Becky while she was having lunch with her family and her college friends, He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him! She flatly refused and sent him packing," marveled Olivia Blake.

"I'm afraid she'll refuse to go through with our deal once she sees it's Ben she's marrying. How will that make him feel? He's quite depressed already," worried Olivia.

"Mom, she loves him. I know she does. Let's hope she lets go of whatever it is that's pissed her off so badly and comes to her senses. Ben is the best catch in the state. Why did Grandfather have to be such a jerk about Ben's youthful indiscretions? He's trying to control Ben from his grave."

"My father was a man of honor. When your father died, he assumed the role of father to you and Ben. Of course, Ben had to rebel. He was in all kinds of trouble, much of which you were never told.

"When Dad learned he had terminal cancer, he decided it was time for Ben to grow up. That's why he set up the company the way he did. Ben knew he had to follow Dad's instructions or we'd all lose everything. Dad made it clear he'd pass everything on to charity if Ben didn't get with the program."

"I can understand wanting Ben to show more maturity, but insisting he go into the Marines right after graduation was pretty cruel. Ben could have been killed. He did a tour in Afghanistan, for God's sake!" complained Becky. "We're just lucky he's still alive."

"Dad felt it was less risk than Ben running with some of his high school friends. Two of them have died since graduation, and another is serving a ten year prison term," pointed out Olivia. "Look at how Ben grew and matured in the Marines. He went to college and got a degree after his tour of duty was up. I was angry at Dad back then, but I see how much good it all did Ben. I'm very proud of the man he's become."

"I still don't see why Grandpa put in that last provision that Ben be married by his twenty-seventh birthday or all of the company's holdings would be dispersed to charities. Hasn't Ben done enough?" asked an emotional Vickie.

"Dad felt that marriage and fatherhood should be one of the fundamental goals and achievements of a successful man," explained Olivia. "The will was written so I was to select a bride for Ben if he failed to find one through his own efforts by his birthday, which, as you know, is Monday. Ben understood and agreed to it, long ago. I know he expected to find the right girl before it became necessary for me to become involved, but it is what it is."

"That's why you're not telling Becky or Ben who they are expected to marry, isn't it? This way they'll be face to face and either hash it out or put an end to it.

"Ben making a scene at lunch was just him trying to marry the girl he loved before his mother stepped in and found a bride for him," marveled Vickie. "I wish that girl knew how much Ben loves her. That must have been embarrassing."

"My spies tell me he was devastated. All the staff is talking about it and wondering what the hell is wrong with Becky," acknowledged Olivia. "We're just a few hours away from finding out if Becky will go through with it. I have a very strong hunch that Miss Wentworth will stand in if we need a warm body."

"You mean Beverly?" asked Becky as she made a face expressing her displeasure. "She'd marry a damn donkey if it allowed her to get her hands on our family checkbook."

Shortly before one, Candice was with Becky, trying to talk her out of going through with a loveless marriage. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone about you getting ownership of this place for marrying some sick bastard who can't find a wife on his own, but this is killing me. Ben's the guy for you! He loves you. I know he does. Why do you refuse to tell us what he did to upset you so much?

"He banged my future sister-in-law a couple days after he promised we'd be exclusive, okay? Are you happy now?" demanded Becky as she wiped tears away in an attempt to save her makeup.

"Ben did that? Are you sure? It sounds pretty strange to me. You said she was only here the one day and you got along great with her."

"Well, she was also here for one night and Ben got along ever better with her," replied Becky bitterly. "I can't be with a guy like that. If I accept lying, cheating and disrespect now, it'll only get worse."

"I just wish there was another way, Becky. Leona, Amber and I all liked Ben a lot. He seemed like such a good guy. We'll try to like your new very wealthy husband, just as much. It sounds like the music is starting. Your dad is here to walk you down the aisle. "

Ben stood waiting at the altar in the chapel at the resort, waiting for his bride. Tim Mason was his best man and Jim Peak was his groomsman. He had been told the bride would only have a maid of honor and one bridesmaid, so he should choose his attendants accordingly.

As he waited, he thought back when his grandfather told him he needed to become a man and stop being a burden to society. He wasn't entitled to the family wealth simply because he was born into the family. He needed change drastically, and permanently. That was why his grandfather insisted he join the Marines. Even in the current situation, Ben silently thanked his grandfather for insisting he turn his life around and make it mean something.

The bridal march began playing and Ben turned to watch his future wife enter the chapel. Her heavy veil made it impossible to identify her, but Ben had surprisingly little concern. If it wasn't Becky, it really didn't matter much. He noticed Candice, Amber and Leona standing with their mouths hanging open in surprise. Ben wondered if his mother had invited them, and if so, why?

The chapel was filled. Many of the seats were taken by employees given some time off to attend and fill the seats. Ben chuckled at their obvious shock at him being THE Bentley Johnson Blake, son of Olivia Blake and heir to a vast fortune. They all knew him as Ben, and that was the way he preferred it.

In the front were the other women who had been with Becky when he had humiliated himself so publicly the previous day. They were animatedly chattering to each other as the bride and her father stopped in front of him. Ben watched as the man lifted the veil and was stunned to see Becky!

Becky had forced herself to remain calm as her father escorted her down the aisle. She had decided to not look at her future husband until it was absolutely necessary. She had conducted an internet search and found nothing once Bentley Blake graduated from school. He had greasy long hair covering much of his face in every photo she could find on the web. It was a small wonder his mother had to buy a bride for him.

As her father lifted her veil, she raised her eyes to finally look at her future husband. It was Ben, looking incredibly handsome in a tailored tuxedo! The fact he looked so good served to fuel her anger.

"What in hell are you doing here?" she demanded. "I agreed to marry Bentley Blake, not Ben Johnson, if that's even your real name. If this is supposed to be a joke, it isn't funny."

"Your name is Bentley?" asked Ben's best man. "I wish we knew that over in the sand box. We would've busted your balls good."

"Not a good time, Tim," stated Ben. "Why are you here if you didn't want to marry me, Becky? I thought you believed I did some horrible thing to make you hate me. Did the money change your mind?"

"Fuck you and fuck your family's money!" shouted Becky. "You're a damn liar, a cheat and an asshole. There isn't enough money in the world to get me to marry you!"

"How did I ever lie or cheat? My name is Ben Johnson, or at least it's the one I used in the Marines. That's the closest I ever came to lying to you, except maybe posing as an employee here to learn more about the way Centerfield is currently operated" insisted Ben.

"How about that damn beautiful bitch standing by your mother?" yelled Becky. "Did she spend the night with you? It was the same day she lied to me about not wanting to steal my guy. That night she slept with you! You both make me sick."

"You mean my sister? You're upset because Vickie stayed at my place one night?"

"We didn't sleep together, thank you very much," broke in Vickie. "Ben told me he had fallen in love with some beautiful, if somewhat judgmental and neurotic bitch, so I drove down to check her out. You fooled me. I gave Ben my blessings the next morning, right after he got up off the couch and visited the bathroom."

"Vickie is your sister," stated Becky like she should have known it. "You didn't sleep with your sister. You slept on the couch, like a good brother would do."

"You thought I slept with my sister? What kind of creep do you think I am?" asked Ben angrily.

"No! I mean I didn't know she was your sister. I saw her leave your condo that morning. She hugged you and kissed your cheek. You were only wearing pajama bottoms, so I thought she had seduced you, or maybe you seduced her. I didn't know she was your sister."

"Didn't that night we spent together mean anything to you, Becky? Was I just a hookup, or was it more?"

"It was a lot more. You made me pregnant. You broke my heart when Vickie left your apartment and I thought you were lovers. I hated you, her and even myself. I don't know...

"Did you say you're pregnant?" asked Ben softly.

"Is that all you got out of my expression of despair and grief? I'm not sure it's yours. It could have been someone else. I have lots of lov..." was as far as she got before Ben pulled her to him and kissed her soundly.

Once he pulled back, Ben smiled at her. "Don't bullshit me. I know you haven't been seeing any others. You're not the only person who stalks their lover. Is this your father?"

At Becky's nod, Ben extended his hand to the older man who had escorted her down the aisle. The man tentatively took it and shook with Ben. "Sir, I'm in love with your daughter. I'm asking for your permission to ask her for her hand in marriage."

Becky's father had listened to everything that had transpired, but was totally confused at the turn of events. One thing he had gleaned was his daughter was pregnant. He felt the need to protect her.

"I don't know about that," began the man. That was as far as he got before Becky's mother elbowed him while his other two daughters called "Dad!" at the same time.

Those were actions the man understood. "If my daughter chooses to accept your proposal, we'd be pleased to have you in the family."

Ben once again dropped to a knee in front of Becky. "Becky, I love you and want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" responded Becky emphatically.

"Dude, I never saw a man propose on the altar during his own wedding before," observed Ben's groomsman, Jim. "Is your name really Bentley?"

Once the ceremony concluded and Becky and Ben had accepted well wishes from everyone, Becky's mother-in-law hugged her tightly. "Olivia, I feel guilty about taking money to marry your son. If I had known it was Ben and he wasn't sleeping with your daughter, I would have gladly married him with no compensation."

"Ben, along with his wife, will be the majority owner in the family businesses. He'll receive some input from his sister and mother, but will rely a great deal on his wife," replied Olivia with a chuckle as she hugged Becky a second time. "When you need someone to watch the baby, please think of me. It's well worth any price to have my son happy and a grandchild in my arms. As far as my family's concerned, you're a blessing."

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davezqdavezqabout 2 months ago

Is your name really Bentley? :-)

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Very goofy. And absolutely silly and maudlin towards the end. Even after Becky comes to realise that Ben is Olivia's son, she keeps blabbering about good that you didn't sleep with Vicki. How stupid can one get? She knew that Vickie was Olivia's daughter and still she couldn't put two and two together and realise that Ben and Victoria were brother and sister? Extraordinarily idiotic.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Kind of goofy and over the top, but a good story. The final pregnanxy announcement wasn't needed imho. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good tale HDK, my first read, doubt my last! 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It is obvious why Becky never got any dates when out wiypth her three friends,she is totally insecure.Also who is Martha?.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Olivia is a cunt like her bitch father. Ben should have ran from neurotic bitch Becky

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Goof story. It was fairly obvious Ben was the mysterious son. I enjoyed it thoroughly and was ready to give a 5 star vote when I read the I'm pregnant line which was just way too silly for the story so am giving a 4. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The author knows how to right a romance ticking off each box with perfection.

The Hoary Cleric

TrambakTrambak6 months ago

Completely over the top!

Absolutely crazy!

Brilliant work.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Contrived. But still a good read. Four stars.


Ravey19Ravey196 months ago

Great story, just read it again after 3 years.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good one, although the ending was short.

oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

Nice one, I have to admit I did see it coming early on but you wrote it well, the characters were good, maybe you should have written a bit more at the end, it just felt that you had somewhere to go as you ended it so stopped it dead.

Just_GymJust_Gym9 months ago

Five stars even though it was an idiot plot. But most romance plots are. If Becky had just told Ben why she was breaking up with him it would have almost been a 750 word story.

There's another problem. If she doesn't communicate better chapter 2 will be a story about how she gets the idea he's cheating on her, maybe from Beverly, she seems the type, and how she doesn't give Ben a chance to defend himself but gets 'revenge' by having a gangbang, maybe including Jason.

I hope she grows up before that happens.

(Yes I know she's a character, not an actual person.)

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