BabySitter in a Blackout

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A blackout left her sweltering in the heat.
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It had been a hot mucky day in the middle of summer. It had been followed by a night that was just as hot and mucky. All things considered the day had been bearable, with air conditioning taking the edge off the temperature. The evening and night had been something else again, considering how I'd been spending it.

How you ask? I'd walked into a nest of psychic vampires and had been struggling with them ever since. Unlike their blood-sucking relatives you can't kill psychic vampires -- at least not without getting into trouble with the authorities. (No vampire fangs to show what they were.) So there I was, fending off these two evil brutes. Any time I had a chance to break free for a few minutes to recharge my own psychic energy there they'd be once more, battening onto me and sucking away all that energy, leaving me limp and helpless, total exhausted.

It was a good hour plus past their bedtime before they suddenly wound down and went to bed, promptly falling into the sleep of the dead. Nothing was going to wake those two little monsters before daybreak. Looking at them sleeping peacefully I found it hard reconciling two little angels with the monsters I'd been baby-sitting. This was one of those jobs where I'd definitely earned my baby-sitting money.

When I was leaving home to drive over here I'd told my mother that at eighteen I was getting too old for this baby-sitting lark. The unfeeling woman just laughed.

"In four or five years it will be your own children that you're looking after. That's when you'll appreciate what a good baby-sitter can do and you'll also appreciate the experience the sitting is giving you."

Right, mum. In her dreams. Children like the current pair should be put in cages and fed through the bars, never let out until they were adult. I mentioned this and my mother laughed.

"Funny. That's what your father said about you and your sister," she said. "That was just after you tried to pick up his bowling ball and managed to roll it off the table and onto his foot. He made it after he and his crutches got back from the hospital."

"I don't remember doing that," I protested.

"Ask your father. He does."

I arrived at the Adams's place and was admitted by Mr Adams. His brother, Don, was also there. They were going to the hospital for a few hours, ostensibly to visit Mrs Adams who was apparently in labour. Having two already hadn't taught her the evils of little children and she was going for a third, more fool her. I could at least leave them behind when it was time for me to go home.

Kids asleep I flopped down on the couch, making sure I was under the breeze of the air conditioner. And I was, and all was peaceful for the next thirty minutes. Then the lights went out and the AC died. I muttered some rude words under my breath, went to the front door, and looked up and down the street. No house lights and no street lights. Even the traffic lights you could normally see in the distance were out.

Why was I not surprised? The government had been playing the equivalent of Russian roulette with the power system, phasing out coal powered generation in favour of wind and solar. The trouble was the wind wasn't blowing and it was night-time. I guess that the extra demand on the system by all the air-conditioners trying to keep people alive had over-loaded the inadequate base power supply. The experts had been warning about that but politicians always know better.

I went back inside and turned on the laptop and logged in. The battery was fully charged so I could play on that for a while. No internet. Apparently you need electricity in the area for the internet to run, or at least this area did. I sighed and started playing stupid games.

After an hour the power came back on which meant lights, AC, and the internet. Seeing I had light I went to the bathroom and washed my face and arms with cold water, wiping off the sweat. Feeling a lot better I took off my dress and finished wiping myself down. Now I really felt better. I just wished I didn't have to put my dress back on as it was damp and sticky from all the sweat, clinging to my skin, but I hadn't brought a change of clothes. Still, I took the opportunity to dump my bra, stuffing it in my purse.

With the internet back I spent more time on the laptop, now with some decent games to play and some reasonable videos to watch. I spent an hour or so doing just that.

I was getting bored when Mr Adams and his brother returned. Good, because I could now get paid and get out of there.

"How are things progressing?" I asked as the men came in.

"She's being lazy. Nothing happening. Probably sometime tomorrow. She finished up ordering us to go home. Said we were getting on her nerves. Imagine that. We were just trying to bolster her spirits and cheer her up."

"The nurse backed her up," chipped in Don. "She said we were getting on her nerves, too."

I didn't say anything. If I had they would have thought I was having a shot at them, because I would have. Idiot men shouldn't hover around a woman in labour. They're likely to get bitten.

For some reason Don seemed to be looking me over. I have to admit that men do look me over at times and I've come to expect it but they're not normally as blatant as the way Don was looking. What was his problem?

"Hey, Mike, what do you think?" he said, nudging his brother.

Mr Adams took a closer look at me and then he was looking me over in the same way Don was. He gave a small shrug.

"Air-conditioner failure is my guess," he said. "Did you have a power outage?"

I nodded. "Yes, for a couple of hours a little while after the kids went to sleep. It was most irritating."

"And the house promptly became an oven, right?"

I nodded, wondering what he was getting at. Then it clicked. My dress was damp and clinging to me. That was what told him. I looked down at myself and nearly had a heart attack. My dress was thin and was clinging to me like a second skin. My breasts were the next best thing to bare, with the damp material hiding nothing. You could plainly see my nipples and areola.

I blushed and put an arm across my breasts. Then I had another terrible thought. I was only wearing light panties and they were also damp. With the dress plastered against me and the same with my panties just how much was I showing.

"Um, well I guess I'll be on my way now," I mumbled, looking to Mr Adams to produce my pay.

I proceeded to ignore Don, just idly noting that he was moving away. It turned out that he wasn't moving away so much as moving around. As soon as he was behind me he took the hem of my dress and lifted it straight up, peeling it off me with no problems, leaving me standing there in scanty panties that were clinging to me and not hiding much.

"Hey, give that back," I snapped, snatching at my dress, only to have it held out of reach.

"In a moment," he said, laughing at me. "First do a three sixty turn so we can see you properly."

"No. Give it to me."

He simply shook his head, laughing. I turned to appeal to Mr Adams but he simply smiled.

"You might as well," he said. "We've already seen everything."

The look I gave him should have killed him but it didn't. I had no real choice and did a slow three sixty turn. I had no doubt that if I'd spun around fast they'd have made me do it again until I got it right.

"Satisfied?" I demanded, holding out my hand for my dress.

Don was holding it just out of reach but I was damned if I was going to try to chase it. I just waited, glaring at Don the entire time. In hindsight that was probably an error.

"You know what they say, Don," said Mr Adams. "Might as well hang for a sheep as a lamb."

I didn't know what he was getting at and just ignored him, hand still out to receive my dress. Thus I was taken completely by surprise when my panties headed south, helped on their way by Mr Adams.

"You'd better lift your foot," said Mr Adams, tapping my ankle. "I'd hate for you to trip on your panties and fall down."

I'd hate it, too, so very reluctantly I lifted my feet while Mr Adams slipped my panties right off.

"That's much better," came the approving comment. "Now how about that slow three sixty again."

Emotionally I was all over the shop. I was feeling embarrassed because I was naked in front of two men. Irritated because they wanted me to do a three sixty to show off my body. Against that I was flattered that they so obviously liked what they saw. In addition I found that I was quite excited because I was naked in front of a couple of men who were looking at me. (If asked I wouldn't have guessed that last one. I'd have guessed red-hot fury, but oddly enough anger didn't enter into the way I felt. A mild irritation doesn't count as anger.)

I did the pirouette they wanted, taking my time so they wouldn't demand I do another because I moved too fast. With that out of the way I'd be getting dressed and out of there.

My intentions ran into a slight drawback. As soon as I'd finished the pirouette I started to take a step towards my dress only to find Don standing in front of it. At the same time Mr Adams had moved up and was standing right next to me. They both moved in an almost synchronised manner, each of them reaching out and stroking one of my breasts. I was totally taken aback. I hadn't dreamed that they might try to touch me.

"Hey, no touching," I snapped, slapping at their hands, relieved when they both dropped their hand and took a half step back. (Only a half.)

"Is she kidding?" asked Don.

"No. Just incredibly naïve," replied Mr Adams with a laugh.

They both turned and looked at me, both of them smiling.

"Are you by any chance a virgin?" asked Don.

Well, no, I wasn't. I wasn't very experienced but neither was I a tart. To be experienced and eighteen you'd have to be a tramp. And I wasn't particularly enamoured with sex anyway. From my limited experience if I had a choice between take it or leave it I'd leave it.

"That's got nothing to do with it. Virgin or not it doesn't mean I want you two pawing me."

"You're right," Don said. "Incredibly naïve."

He smiled at me. "Simone, sweetheart. We aren't going to paw you. We're going to take turns tasting your sweet charms."

I looked at him, frowning, trying to make sense of what he's said. Then it slowly registered and my first thought was they're right. I am incredibly naïve. It wasn't until that moment that I realised that they might want to have sex with me. And here I was, naked and flaunting my body before them. I suddenly felt very stupid and at the same time my feeling of excitement doubled and redoubled. I mean a man, no, two men were going to have sex with me whether I would or would not. I could feel heat pooling around my lady parts along with moisture, and the moisture wasn't doing anything to cool the heat.

"You're going to rape me?" I demanded, scandalised.

"Certainly not," replied Mr Adams, sounding shocked at the very idea.

"Not me," chipped in Don, apparently aghast at the idea that I would suspect him of such intentions.

"Then give me my things and I'll be out of here."

"Not yet," Don said. "We're still looking."

"And wondering how to phrase our request." That was Mr. Adams, with a smile.

I was nearly silly enough to ask what request but managed to shut up before I did. I knew perfectly well what the request would be.

Before I could do or say anything the brothers had already made their next move. It was the same as their last move, actually. They both cupped a breast and squeezed it, thumbs lightly massaging my nipples.

"Hey, I said no touching," I snapped, slapping their hands away.

At least, I slapped. The hands remained where they were.

"Relax, Simone. Take a moment to decide how it really feels. Don't go 'boy touching, is bad'. Let yourself feel what the touch is doing to you. Is it nasty or nice? The way your nipples are standing out I'm going with a guess that you're actually finding the touch quite pleasurable."

"It doesn't matter what it feels like," I protested. "What matters is whether I want you to touch me or not and I don't."

"Nonsense," came the quick retort. "What I should ask is can I do something like this?"

Mr Adams lowered his head and his mouth closed over my nipple, sucking softly. I could feel hair raising little prickles at the back of my neck, my breast felt as though it had just gained a size, and I was more acutely aware of my breast than I'd ever been. I gave a sort of strangled cry as Mr Adams lifted his head away, only to make another as Don's head moved to sample my other breast. When he lifted his head away both nipples were damp and standing out.

I was about to give some sort of cutting remark when Don just blew lightly across my breasts, the cold air against my damp nipples changed the potential reprimand to a startled squeak.

Don pulled his head away, his lips wandering over my face, dropping little kisses here and there. For his part Mr Adams sank down onto his knees, face in my crotch, his mouth open as he dropped some very personal kisses on my heated flesh. When he adjusted the angle he was on and his tongue dipped between my lips and started teasing me there I was ready to start screaming.

They didn't stay like that, both men being perfectly willing to switch places. I was simply left spoiled for choice, said choice being denied me as both men continued doing whatever they wanted.

I was totally confused when the brothers both took a step away from me, no longer touching me. I was totally aroused by this stage and I suspected both men knew it. Suspect hell, I knew damn well that they knew it as it was a deliberate choice on their part.

I was sort of resigned to the fact that they were both going to rape me. I probably wouldn't even consider resisting. They had me at their mercy and all three of us knew it.

"So how do you feel now?" asked Mr Adams.

Hot to trot would have been the right answer but there was no wait I could admit it, so I gave a sort of hapless shrug to indicate my inability to speak.

"Well, I suppose I should get your pay and let you get on your way," Mr Adams said, smiling happily.

"What?" What the hell was he talking about? They should have been bending me over a convenient piece of furniture and ravishing my unwilling body. Instead of that they were saying goodbye.

"Is there a problem?" he asked.

"Um, no, but I thought that you might be going to..." I waved my hand vaguely to indicate that I thought they might do something but didn't know what.

"Rape you?" asked Don, sounding properly horrified. "Why we'd never."

"Certainly not. We firmly believe in consent," agreed Mr Adams. "We've already asked once and you turned us down flat. If we continue to ask it would be sexual harassment. We can't have that."

"Mike's right. Of course, accidents could happen," said Don. "For instance if you were to bend over this armchair one of us might get the wrong idea and think it means more than it does. Of course we'd apologise it we got it wrong."

Oh, they would, would they? Just how wrong could things go? Mr Adams was busy placing the envelope with my pay on the seat of the chair. Normally he hands it directly to me. I moved to the chair and reached for the money. As soon as I leaned across the armrest a hand covered my vulva, rubbing it again.

Did I say anything or not? The envelope felt a little thicker than normal. Was I being overpaid a little? Should I mention it?

Before I could come to any decisions the hand spread my lips apart and I could feel Don's cock pressing against me. If I was going to stop this I had to do it now.

"Um, Don," I began.

"Mm?" he said and his voice wasn't behind me. I turned my head to look and he was off to one side. I promptly gasped for two reasons. First was because if Don was over there then that meant Mr Adams was the one putting a cock inside me. The second reason for gasping was because that same cock was pushed all the way home quite forcefully.

I nearly broke my neck turning it so fast to look at who was behind me.

"Mr Adams!" I exclaimed, trying to sound scandalised.

"That's me," he agreed. With that single comment made he started pumping faster, giving me a proper going over. His arms reached around me, stroking my breasts while his hips were moving back and forth, repeatedly driving his cock home.

He was taking nice long strokes and I was taking them eagerly, pushing myself to take him fully into me with each thrust. He was banging away happily when he suddenly missed his move, popping right out of me. I give out a bit of a whimper and was told not to worry. Then he was driving home again.

There was a subtle difference now, not that I was objecting. He was still helping me toward a climax but I had noticed something was off. I turned my head and stared at Mr Adams. He still had his erection but he wasn't the man behind me. That was now Don. They'd taken advantage of the change to switch partners. There was a subtle difference in their strokes and I'd spotted the difference in style.

Mr Adams laughed at the look I gave him and then tapped Don on the shoulder. They were a lot smoother this time in changing over.

From that point on they would go for a few minutes and then switch. I, of course, was there for the duration, and they brought me to what they considered a proper state of arousal and kept me hanging there while they played their little game.

Eventually it was too much for Don and he just upped the pace that little bit and I climaxed, finding him doing the same. As soon as he came down from his climax he was pulling away from me, letting Mr Adams take his place and have his own climax, very kindly giving me a second one while he was at it.

Once I felt like moving again I looked around for my clothes.

"Instead of scrambling into your dress straightaway why don't you go and have a shower. While you're showering I'll toss your clothes into the drier. They should be nice and dry after ten minutes and you'll feel better in dry clothes."

I wandered off to the bathroom. He was right. A shower would be just the thing. A nagging little voice was reminding me that if I'd thought of the drier earlier my dress wouldn't have been all clinging and see-through. Too late now. Way too late. I had a couple of questions that I wanted resolved and couldn't think of a polite way of getting the answers right then. It would be rude to open the envelope right there in front of Mr Adams to see what sort of bonus I got as I'm sure there was one. The other question was what would happen the next time I sat for Mr Adams. Wait and see, I guess..

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daniel2260daniel2260about 18 hours ago

Wendy, I would love to be Mr. Adams for you ;-)

Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btaken8 days ago

Oh would I love babysitting for them!❤️❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Boring story. You have written this before

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