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One sunny afternoon they were having a picnic by the lake. Sabrina was watching the blue waters with an unreadable expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked her holding her and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Everything's happening so soon," she said with a shrug.

"You can take as much time as you want. I'm not going anywhere," he reassured her. "However I know two girls who would be deeply disappointed if we don't end up together. Maggie and Emma have decided it's so, so it's so."

"No pressure." Sabrina muttered.

Michael laughed. Then he got serious and suggested, "I could go back to my apartment with Emma if you need some time alone to think about us."

"No!!" she grabbed his arm possessively. The thought of Michael being with another girl caused her chest to ache.

Michael continued. "I love you and you love me. Everyone thinks we were meant to be together."

"You make it sound so simple," Sabrina said wearily.

"It is simple. Don't make it hard. Do you love me?"

"Yes," she admitted.

"Respect me."

She nodded.

"Trust me?"

"With my life," she said without hesitation.

Michael grinned as he said, "I don't need to ask if you want me sexually."

Sabrina blushed and whispered, "A lot."

"All those things combined make up love," Michael assured her. "Whether you realize it or not."

She caught his face in her hands and whispered, "I do love you. But we also have Emma to consider." Sabrina added.

"Do you like her?"

"I love her."

"If we get together, are you opposed to adopting her?" Michael asked with a serious expression in his face.

Sabrina shook her head. "Of course not, I hope to be a good mother to her."

"I have no previous experience with children, so I'm playing it by ear." Michael murmured, bending to kiss the tip of Sabrina's nose. Then he straightened, and asked her, "I presume you do want children?"

"Yes," she admitted. "Do you?"

"Definitely," he assured her. Letting his hands slide to her waist.

"And where would you like to raise those children?" She asked him.

"Here, with you," he said simply. "Your work, your family, your home and your friends are here in Middletown. I can work anywhere." he pointed out. Then he raised one eyebrow and said with a grin, "You're running out of excuses."

"I love you, Michael. I just need more time," she assured him, and then kissed him again, this time a slow, soft, sweet kiss that left them both hungry for more.

Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "Home?"

"Home," she agreed.


The next day Paul went out with Michael, Emma and Maggie leaving Sabrina alone with her mom. Michael, her Dad and the girls were going out together a lot lately. There had been hushed conversations that suddenly stopped when she appeared.

The house felt empty and quiet. Sabrina hadn't realized how much her life was intertwined with Michael and Emma's lives. The thought of being parted from them made her stomach cramp. How was she supposed to bear the prospect of never seeing him again? Never seeing his face light up simply because she had walked into the room? Never catching his eye when they were out, feeling the subtle heat that came with standing alongside a man she knew wanted her more than any other?

She felt that way every day they were together, even when no words were spoken. She had never felt so connected, so why the doubts?

Sabrina wasn't sure what she wanted. She knew what she didn't want though, and that was to be left in Middletown alone without him. But she didn't know what to do about it.

The door of her room opened and Sabrina saw her mother standing there.

"May I come in?"

"Of course, Mom." Mary sat at Sabrina's side and hugged her.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"

Sabrina let out a long sigh and said, "It's Michael."

"What about him? Did you have a fight?"

"No, we didn't. He's so different from the other guys I dated in the past. He's sweet, he's funny, he's mature, he is not afraid to show his feelings. I think he might actually be the one."

"You're smiling and laughing a lot. I can tell he's making you happy, Sabrina. When you are with Michael your face brightens up. You two seem right together. Are you serious about him?"

"I am. That's the problem. He IS right for me. That's what scares me."

"A committed relationship entails assuming responsibility for the long-term welfare of a person other than oneself. This is a really scary thought."

"Dating was fun in high-school. And then the dating game got old fast. After college, I decided I would be by myself till I find the right guy. And now that I've found him..."

"Do you love Michael?" Mary interrupted Sabrina.

"I do but, how can I be sure it will last? What if things don't work out between us?"

"Did you talk about sex, religion, money, child-raising, and politics to make sure you're compatible when it comes to those things?"

"We talked about most of those things. Michael is a really easy-going person. He has strong opinions about certain things, but I share his points of view so there's no problem there. He's kind of old-fashioned about values, like Dad."

Mary smiled. "Your father and Michael get along really well. There'll be no problem there. You also know Michael's family. Molly is a good friend of yours."

"Molly told me a lot about Michael before I met him. All good things. I know her parents too. They were all shaken by the death of their son, but they are really good people. You'll like them."

"Trust your gut, Sabrina. It is always, always, always right. You won't be able to put it into words. You'll know if he's the one. You won't have to ask yourself or anyone else for confirmation. You'll just know. You feel it in your gut for a reason. If you're ever lucky enough to meet someone with eyes and heart enough to peer into your soul, and he genuinely loves what he sees and vice versa, don't EVER let him go under any circumstances. You've met your soulmate."

"Did you feel like this when you met Dad?"

"Your Dad was a Man with capital M. I felt so loved, so secure in his love for me, that it was really easy for me to know he was the one. Plus he loved and cared for you, making sure you felt good."

"And I loved him back in the same way, Mom. I still do. Michael, he's really good with Emma. I can see how much he loves her. Emma loves him back the same way. She has him wrapped around her little finger. However that's another thing to consider. Michael and Emma are a package deal."

"Oh! You are not sure about starting a new life with a man that comes with a teen girl?"

"No! You got it all wrong. I love Emma. One of the things I talked about with Michael is how I feel about adopting her. On one hand I would love it. Emma is an amazing girl who has suffered a lot. She deserves to be happy. She hides it pretty well, but I know she's still suffering inside. On the other hand, I wonder if I'm ready to be a mother of a teen when I don't have any previous experience."

"Sabrina, I had no idea of how to be a mother when I had you. I was a scared single mother with no one around to turn to for help. Considering the outcome I think I did pretty well."

"You are the best mother I could have wished for, Mom."

Mary and Sabrina hugged really tight.

"Emma loves you, baby girl. Everyone can see that. From what you told me about your adventures, she even played matchmaker between you and Michael."

Sabrina laughed.

"That she did. She's a brat for sure."

"Sabrina, it seems to me you have found the kind of love that I always wished for you. It's okay to take your time to be sure of your feelings. You owe loyalty to no one other than yourself until you pledge loyalty to Michael in marriage. However don't overthink things too much. Sometimes you just need to jump into the pool."


Sabrina lay on her bed, with her hands behind her head, replaying the conversation with her mother over and over. There wasn't a single moment where she didn't feel happy or fulfilled. Once his walls were down, her relationship with Michael flowed so naturally that it scared her. She wanted him in bed at night. She wanted to come home at night and have everyone gathering around the table for dinner.

She fell asleep without even realizing.

She woke up when she heard the sound of laughter coming from below. She stood up and climbed downstairs. The scene there surprised her.

Michael had a fur rug on his back and he was chasing Emma and Maggie around, grunting and howling like a wolf. The girls were giggling and laughing deliciously while they ran away from him. Sabrina's parents were laughing too. Michael caught Sabrina's eye briefly before he turned away. Her lips curved in a smile.

Sabrina walked around to get a better look.

"What are they doing?" Sabrina asked her parents.

"Maggie asked Michael something about the next book and he's acting the scene for them." Mary explained her daughter.

"He does a really good werewolf impersonation," Paul laughed along with Mary. Sabrina finally joined them.

She looked at Michael, but he was focused on the girls. He looked relaxed and was clearly enjoying himself. He had both girls wrapped around his finger like he was meant to be in their lives. They were acting like monkeys. He was not fazed by them in the least. He tickled them and their laughter was music to her ears.

"Michael, I have something to say." Sabrina announced suddenly.

Michael stopped running. Both girls were staring at her now, wondering what she was going to say. Her parents were watching her too.

Sabrina watched Michael with a nervous expression in her face.

"I've been so stupid these past days. I was afraid, but I'm not afraid anymore. I love you, Michael. I want be with you and Emma. I want to be part of your lives if you accept me."

These were words Michael had longed to hear.

"You do?" he said teasing her, a smile curving his lips.

"Of course, I do. You're perfect. How could I not love you?"

"I'm not perfect," he said at once. "Emma can testify to that."

Emma laughed and nodded.

"You're perfect for me," Sabrina assured Michael.

Michael said, "You're all I could have wanted in a woman and more, Sabrina. I'm happy when I'm with you. I love you."

She sighed, admitting, "Mom helped me to realize how silly my fears were."

Mary gave Sabrina an encouraging smile.

"I like your mom. Your dad too." Michael said. Sabrina parents smiled back at him. "And Maggie...." He belched in his werewolf voice tickling her side much to her delight.

Sabrina continued, "I want to be with you and Emma. I want to be part of your lives... if you let me."

Michael closed his eyes briefly, as if savoring the words, then opened them again and gave an indication to Emma with his head.

"What do you think, Emma?"

She ran upstairs and climbed the stairs down a couple of minutes later.

Emma stood by her uncle and they both went down on their knees.

"Let's make it official then." Michael said.

"Michael," Sabrina gasped as he took her hand into his.

Emma brought her arm in front of Sabrina and revealed a blue velvet box.

Sabrina's beating heart rushed up her throat. She opened the box and there it was. A shining diamond ring.

Emma's voice made her lift her astonished gaze to them, "Sabrina, will you marry us?"

A sob slipped out of Sabrina's mouth and she looked at Michael to see the tears already shining in his expectant eyes, gleaming with warmth but also with a little bit of anxiousness.

He poured all his love into his gaze and asked, "Would you be my wife, Sabrina?"

"YES! YES! Yes, of course, I will marry you!" She answered steadily despite the tears and she dropped to her knees in front of them to grab both of her loves into her arms. Emma squealed her joy.

"I love you, I love you," Sabrina repeated in Michael's ear, before trailing a path of kisses to his mouth.

Michael pushed Sabrina away gently only to take the ring from the box Emma was guarding and finally, slid it on her finger. Sabrina grabbed him gently by the neck and kissed him again, hoping he could feel all her love. He kissed her back just as fiercely.

They heard a burst of laughter and applause. They broke the kiss with a laugh of their own as they turned to see Sabrina's parents and her sister clapping and cheering them.

"Congratulations," Paul said approaching them. He kissed Sabrina's cheek while Mary and Maggie did the same with Michael and Emma. "Welcome to the family."

"I was so nervous you would say no, Sabrina." Emma let out an exaggerated sigh.

"How could I, Emma when I love you two so much? Of course I would say yes. You, Michael and I are my family now."

"Family? The three of us?" Emma asked Sabrina, wide eyes on her.

"Sabrina and I had been talking about adopting you, if that's all right with you..." Michael said tentatively.

"Of course it is! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She let out a cry of joy and started a happy dance pumping her fists up. "Everyone needs family, and you two are pretty cool."

The words startled a laugh from Michael as he said, "Pretty cool, huh? Well, that's a change from Grouchy Smurf."

"I'll give you a few pointers about how to handle Mrs. Crapper, the social services lady." Paul offered placing a hand on Michael's shoulder.

"That old cow is still alive?" Sabrina asked with her eyes wide open.

"Alive and kicking, but I don't forsee any troubles considering she'll be dealing with a famous writer and my fiery daughter." Paul stated.

"I'll call my lawyer and instruct him to start the paperwork." Michael said. "How do you feel if we settled in Middletown, Emma?"

"I'd love that," she stood between Michael and Sabrina to hug both of them. "I love you, Uncle Michael." He kissed her uncle's cheek. "And I love you too, Sabrina." She turned her head to kiss Sabrina's cheek.

They stood there enjoying the moment. Then Emma said, "Well? Aren't you going to tell me you love me too?"

Michael and Sabrina laughed, hugged Emma and kissed her cheeks at the same time. "We love you too."

Michael sighed deeply and said, "She's going to be trouble, but I love her."

"No doubt," Sabrina said with amusement. "But we can handle her, can we?"

"My love, you've handled a cow giving birth. You can handle one teenager. And together we can handle Emma and ten more," he assured her climbing on top of her.

"We... I like that," her eyes widened, and she squawked, "Ten?"

"One at a time," Michael assured her, kissing the tip of her nose. She caught a glimpse of the grin that claimed his face. Then he scooped her up and started to walk to the SUV, "Come on, Emma."

Michael paused beside his car; Sabrina grabbed the door handle and opened it for him.

"See, you're perfect," Michael said with a grin as he set her on the passenger seat. "I didn't even have to ask. We're a good team."

Sabrina just shook her head and laughed.

"Where are we going?" Sabrina cried, clutching at his shoulders.

"I'm taking you to our house," he told her.

"Our house? What house? We don't have a house of our own."

"Oh yes, we do." He said shaking a set of keys in front of her. "Remember that two-story cabin you showed me? I bought it for us."

Sabrina's shriek of joy almost left him deaf. She wrapped her arms around Michael's neck and kissed him hard.

Michael glanced at Emma and made a gesture with his head, "You better hurry if you want to choose your room."

"Can Maggie come with us?"

"Of course, she can." Michael assured his niece.

When they were settled Michael turned on the car and reached for the gearshift, but paused when he saw that Sabrina was simply sitting there smiling at him. Tilting his head he asked, "What?"

"You know this is madness, right?" Sabrina asked cheerfully. "We've only known each other a handful of weeks."

Michael pulled his door closed, and eyed her uncertainly. "Scared?"

"A little," she admitted.

"Second thoughts?"

"Oh, no, definitely not," she assured him with a laugh.

Michael leaned into her as far as his seat belt would allow and gave Sabrina a quick peck. When he started to straighten again, she caught his face in her hands and whispered, "I love you so much it hurts."


"Are you ready?" Mary asked Sabrina.

She gulped and nodded.

Mary was doing a last minute fix on her make-up, as Sabrina was nervous and kept touching her face.

"Stop touching," her mother scolded her daughter, slapping Sabrina's hand. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Because I'm the bride?"

Molly laughed. "My brother is a great person. He is going to make you really happy, otherwise I'd have never introduced you to him."

"You and Emma played us like a fiddle," Sabrina said, squinting her eyes.

Molly smiled and winked at her. "I'm glad we did. Now we are all family."

"You don't really mind that we are going to adopt Emma?"

"Of course not! She'll be with two people who love her deeply. Besides, Emma is old enough to make her own decisions, and she chose you two. I'm truly happy for her. That poor girl went through enough already, she deserves a break. All she talks about is you two, Maggie and her cabin in Middletown."

Sabrina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "What if Michael's not there? What if he changed his mind?"

"Oh my God, Sabrina, get a grip. It's time to go." Her mother pushed her toward the door and opened it. Paul was standing there, waiting for his daughter. Sabrina gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Dad. You look very handsome in your tux." Sabrina greeted her father with an air kiss.

"Hi gorgeous. You are the most beautiful bride ever. Michael is a lucky guy."

"He certainly is, Sabrina." Molly opined.

"Thank you too for being here with me, Molly."

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world."

Maggie and Emma were waiting for her in the vestibule. They looked like twins.

The music started and Mary went first, signaling that the procession was about to begin. The girls followed her a few seconds later. Their dresses matched Sabrina's, except with straps. Their beautiful hair was braided to match Sabrina's, with pieces curled and hanging down.

Molly, in her role of maid-of-honor, was next. Sabrina counted to twenty like they practiced in rehearsal, and stepped out too, holding her father's arm. The lilies that made up her bouquet were held tightly and shaking in front of her.

Sabrina smiled at the guests on the sides, all eyes watching her until she passed. Most of Middletown was attending to the ceremony. Each pew was decorated with lilies and white ribbons. The ladies from the church had done a wonderful job with the flower arrangements.

She looked toward the front to see Michael. He was dressed in a black tuxedo. His hair had been cut and styled nicely. Michael's dad and his brother-in-law, were standing at his side. He looked really handsome. Sabrina's heart started beating faster.

Michael's eyes connected with hers and her heart went boom. She loved that man madly.

Sabrina couldn't take her eyes away from him, and he was staring back at her. Good luck her father was walking her because she didn't know what she was doing anymore.

Before Sabrina could realize what was happening she was standing at Michael's side in front of the minister.

The words from the minister rang out over the church. He talked about love, life and finding someone that makes you happy. The words he said really hit home. In the short time that Sabrina and Michael had been together, they were both happy. Their lives changed for the best. Michael made her smile and she felt loved. Emma was so special she couldn't picture her life without her too.

"Michael, please recite your vows to Sabrina."

Michael rolled his neck and shook out his shoulders. The guests laughed.