Back to You Ch. 10


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Ollie reached out his hand and ran a finger underneath the boy's leather band, feeling the warm skin against his fingertip. "What do you want, Matty?" Oliver asked in a calm voice. Waiting for Matt to finally meet his gaze he went on, "Do you wanna stay here or do you want to go to some college in another state?"

"I want to be with you" Matt mustered, in a voice as clear as the open sky outside the window. It was naive and oversimplified, but it was the truth. It was the most honest confession he could have made at the time.

Oliver simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "Then be with me." He offered, making the decision as easy as it could be. "We could both go to Berkeley, or I could go to Berkeley. You can go to St. Mary's just like your parents did- or USF or Sac or SF State. It's really up to you." He closed his palm over Matt's hand, "This love that I have for you isn't dependent on a college acceptance. Even if we end up in separate schools, I know that we'd do everything we could to see each other." Oliver chuckled, "We could come back on the weekends and finally learn how to make my mom's miso soup. Or come back for Katie's dance recitals."

Matt added, "Yeah she's definitely expecting us at all of them", as he rolled his eyes.

Squeezing the boy's hand, Oliver went on, "It's you and me, Matty. There's no way that I'm gonna let you slip away from me again."

Matt looked up at Oliver with a smile. Then, after pausing for a second, he asked, "How do you do that?"

Oliver pursed his lips, "Do what?"

"That thing where you know exactly what I'm thinking and then respond with the words that always seem to put me at ease?" Matt asked, genuinely curious as to how Oliver always knew just what to say in every circumstance.

"I know you, Stevens. I've known you since we were kids." He raised an eyebrow, "We've been hard wired to each other since that first day when you sat next to me at lunch. I was new and no one wanted to talk to the new kid. But you did." Oliver finished, "And the rest, as they say, is history."

Matt nodded and squeezed the boy's hand, feeling the relief cleanse through his worried mind. He took a breath, centering himself beyond any lingering shreds of doubt. Just as he inhaled, he took in the aromas of smoky bacon and vanilla scented waffles as their server came by with two huge plates of food. The boys scarfed down, regaining their strength from their night (and morning) of strenuous activity. As the food filled his belly, Matt felt content both physically and emotionally. Brunch aside, he felt like the emptiness within his gut was now filled with hope. He wanted to be with Matt. It was that simple.


After their stomachs (and aspirations) were full, the boys headed inward towards the heart of the city. Fifteen minutes later, they found themselves at a clearing among the trees. Between them were hurdles of roller skaters and people of all ages engaged in a silent disco. Beyond the trees, a little girl was blowing giant bubbles that would rise a few feet into the air before bursting, sending a cascade of clear soapy water drizzling on her head. They walked along a marked path, weaving through the park until they found its center- a clearing anchored by two large expansive buildings with a courtyard in between. They opted for the closer one, a large mass seemingly wrapped in sheets of corrugated metal much like the present Matt had given Oliver this morning. Entering the de Young, they made their way up towards the observatory and took in the view. Miles of San Francisco, seven by seven to be exact, stretched before them, halted only by the ocean that seemed to battle the land for control of the border. Oliver held onto Matt's shoulder the entire way, holding him close like the most precious object he'd ever own. But Matt didn't complain, enjoying even the slight damp skin that formed between their palms from holding onto each other's hand for so long.

Their next stop was an overlook near the edges of the city. They looked up to see a mass of steps stacked above them as if leading straight to heaven. Their exposed faces were carefully crafted mosaics- shards of blue, purple and yellow tiles intricately arranged. It was a fragmented art piece, with the broken lines and jagged edges accentuating the image. After taking in the beauty for what felt like a half hour, Oliver broke the silence and turned towards Matt.

"Race you to the top?" Oliver asked as a sly grin crept across his face.

Matt raised an eyebrow, "And what do I get when I win?", he responded with an unmatched confidence.

Oliver shot back, "The winner gets the loser's ass tonight."

Matt busted out laughing, "Ollie, I don't think there are any real losers in that situation."

Oliver chimed in, nodding, "Okay I'll give you that one. How about..." He paused and pressed his thumb over his chin, "Loser drives the entire way home and stops wherever the other wants."

Matt thought for a second, "And have to deal with your backseat driving? No thanks. Consider this race won."

On three the boys sprinted up the stairs, lifting their knees so high, they practically hit their stomachs with every step. Matt carefully weaved through the tourists too busy with getting the perfect selfie that they didn't even move when the boys raced between them. Oliver blew out his lead when the path narrowed between a pair of European families trying to get two separate shots off carefully placed tripods. Matt managed to get ahead just before the bottleneck and used his advantage to increase his speed even further, seemingly taking in two steps at a time. With the last landing just a few feet in front of them, Oliver knew it was now or never. He picked up his pace, matching the boy's speed. But Matt was just too fast. He remembered all the years the boy spent on a track field, evident on his perfectly lean body. What Oliver possessed in strength, Matt more than made up for it in speed. And it showed. Oliver looked up just in time to see the soles of Matt's vans glide through the air like a wave of goodbye as he took off and landed onto the top of the stairs.

Matt had just enough time to let in a deep breath when Oliver came crashing into him. The two collided with Oliver pressing the rubber on his shoes deep into the asphalt as he felt Matt's arms wrap around him, bringing him to a stop.

The boy let go and dusted off Oliver's shoulder, "Not only are you driving home, but it looks like that ass is mine tonight."

Oliver pressed his lips onto Matt's, breathing life into the boy as he panted, "I was gonna give up my ass long before we made the bet."


Sometime later, the boys made their way back to the hotel as the afternoon sun stood high above the clouds. They forced themselves to hold off each other, wanting to build up the sexual tension that would erupt the minute their bodies crashed into one another later that night. They stripped their sun soaked clothes in silence, knowing that even the slightest bit of flirting could lead to dangerous territory. Oliver donned a dark blue long sleeve shirt that he rolled up around his forearm, looking as effortlessly handsome as he always did. Matt meanwhile went for a slate grey shirt buttoned all the way up to his Adam's apple. The sleek color matched well with his ruffled hair that seemed to cascade like the grain of a wild oak.

Heading towards the elevator, they could feel the heat radiating through their palms like a surge of energy. Oliver stepped in first, feeling the cool metal rail press through his slacks onto his ass. Matt followed suit, leaning back into the textured wall with only their hands touching. He looked over to see those deep brown eyes melting through his pupils like dark chocolate.

Matt swallowed, feeling his Adam's apple struggle against the finely pressed collar. "One kiss won't hurt, would it?" He asked as he tapped against the rail.

Oliver jumped, replying, "God, no" as he crashed his lips into the taller boy. Matt steadied himself for the assault, raising his hands and taking Oliver's perfectly sculpted jaw in his palms. He could feel that pronounced bone with only a thin layer of flesh covering it. Oliver's mouth tasted like warm honey dripping between his lips and collecting in his mouth. He couldn't get over the taste, yet those soft lips were all he ever knew. He'd only ever tasted Oliver and if he had any say in the matter, he'd make it so that he'd never taste anyone else.

Oliver's hands wrapped at the back of Matt's neck, rustling all of the loose hairs just above the folded collar. He practically hummed into Matty's mouth- the only way he could continue kissing without detaching himself long enough for air.

And then they stopped, peeling off each other like fabric ripping at the seams. The familiar ring of the elevator served as their timer, leaving only a matter of seconds before the double doors opened before them, exposing them to the lobby and all it's patrons. Straightening themselves, Oliver wore that shit eating grin as he made his way out, cooling off as the central hair hit his body. Matt followed just behind him, bearing a smirk as he whispered to himself, "Ten seconds."


After a short Uber ride, the well-dressed pair were dropped at the front of the Ferry Building. The sun was making her rounds just before departing for the evening, casting a shadow against the cornflower blue building. If they thought the exterior was a sight to see, they were even more surprised to see the large double height spaces inside. The two-story building stretched with rows of shops like an arcade from one end to the other.

Stepping into the restaurant, the boys were led towards the far end of the space, following the aromas of coriander and mint oozing from the kitchen. Oliver remained standing long after the hostess showed them to their table, taking in the view of the Bay framed by the oversized windows beside them.

"Not a bad view for a birthday dinner, isn't it?" Matt asked as the older boy finally took his seat.

Oliver shook his head, "We could be eating french fries in the bed of my Dad's beat up truck, and I'd still think it was the best birthday dinner ever."

"I'll keep that in mind for next year. For now, I guess we'll have to settle for this." Matt said with a smirk as he fumbled through the menu. Oliver too, gave it a look, resisting the urge to gawk at the expensive prices listed out.

He cleared his throat, "Babe you gotta let me cover for this. I swear you haven't let me reach for my wallet once this whole trip."

Matt cut him off, "Nope. your money's no good here." He watched as Oliver fought the urge to protest, instead backing down and letting Matt have this. The younger boy offered, "Besides, I didn't work every summer at Mr. Harvey's seafood shop just to spend it all on rocky road for Katie."

"I swear that kid's got the both of us wrapped around her little finger" Ollie said as he thought about all of those afternoon candy store trips or their runs to Molly's Frozen Custard every time Mrs. Stevens folded, letting the three dash out right after dinner, so long as they brought back a dark chocolate cone just for her.

After a steak larger than Oliver's head and the red snapper that tasted like it could only have been caught this morning, the boys left the restaurant (along with a considerable amount of Matty's savings) behind. The huddled together, feeling the cool air around them as they exited the Ferry Building and went off on a nightly stroll along the pier. Matty pressed into Oliver's body, seeking warmth as street lights led them down towards a wooden bench.

Amidst the chattering of teeth and exhales of visible air, they heard the water crashing against the wooden posts beneath them. Straight ahead, the Bay Bridge shined against the night sky, glittered with flashing lights that looked like something from an elaborate Fourth of July show. Even freezing cold and weighed down by the oversized dinner they had shared, Oliver wouldn't have changed anything about tonight. He pressed Matty closer to him, feeling the boy warm up under his touch. Matt turned, exposing his green eyes that sparkled along with the bridge behind them. It was enough to take his breath away. And so he sat there, taking in his boyfriend.

Matt asked out as he rubbed through the older boy's slacks, "You okay?"

"I've never been happier, thanks to you." Oliver admitted as he leaned in for a kiss. Their cold lips thawed as they pressed into each other. "You know, I blamed you for leaving all those years, but part of that was me kicking myself for not running after you. I gave up too easily on us."

Matt ruffled the loose hairs on Ollie's neck, "I think if time has taught us any lessons, it's that you're meant to be with me. And nothing will stand in the way of that." He raised his arm and shook his wrist, letting the frayed ends of leather rustle in the cool ocean breeze.

He pulled Matty in close, taking the boy's scent of vanilla, "This trip, you, the past few months- have been nothing short of perfect."

"Tomorrow we go back to reality. Back to our families, and friends and god knows what else is in store for us." Matt offered, thinking about all of the uncertainty still ahead of them. But it was a calm realization. A hope that somehow grew in spite of so much hesitation- one fostered by his love of Oliver and the wisdom in knowing that he wouldn't be able to make it through with anyone else.

"Tomorrow will come when it comes." Oliver said, taking in the Matt's emerald eyes. He went on, "For now, at this moment, it's just you and me, Matty." He linked up their fingers, feeling the soft skin on Matt's palm. He nuzzled his hair into the boy's neck, feeling their bodies finally warmed up in the cold. Matt's arm rested just above the boy's back, rubbing through his shirt, practically able to feel the boy's skin. He swore that nothing could have felt better than that moment. Just two bodies, huddled together under a fleece jacket with the glittering bridge like a backdrop to their great love story.

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Ronny2782Ronny27822 months ago

Great story!!! I loved it ....5 stars all way


AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Superb. This is such an emotional read with finely etched characters and sparkling dialogue.

I enjoyed it all and so grateful to the author for devoting the time and thought to creating and emotional experience for those of us that like a "soppy" story with a happy ending.

It is a thousand pities that so few readers left comments and many of those nit-picking criticisms.

Thanks again thealphamale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved the story.... but the color of Matty's eyes changed in the last 2 chapters; please bring back the sapphire blue eyes!

GkbdwrGkbdwralmost 2 years ago

Good story, too much time spent on the sex scenes in my opinion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Phenomenal ending, but when did Matty's eyes change from crystal blue to emerald green?

PockettRockettPockettRockettover 2 years ago

This whole story was fantastic. I think it’s the third of yours I’ve read, and I’m not disappointed as usual. You’re a great story teller with wonderful descriptive quality. The stories are warm, romantic and sexually charged. Thanks for the wild ride. Would you consider a follow up with Matt & Oliver older in college ending in marriage?

FosBoydFosBoydover 2 years ago

This story filled my heart with joy, snd eyes with tears of love. Thank You. Just ask my husbsnd I'm a sucker for a great romance story with a happy ending.

Please do a follow up story on their wedding and the fairy tale happy ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great romance and scorching hot sex, all well told.

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