Bane of my existence


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"Well, good for you, Ed," my mom said with dripping sarcasm, "But some of us have to work for a living. So can you ignore whatever the dog is doing and give me your attention for five minutes?"

With another superhuman effort, I turned my attention back to my mother. Casey, meanwhile, was mouthing a word to me over and over while she hovered her pussy just above complete penetration. Even in my periphery I could see she was saying the word: "Lie. Lie. Lie." Over and over again.

I lifted my head and, as I did so she sank down a fraction. When I brought my head down in a long, slow nod, she sank with equal slowness down my length. I did this three times, maintaining eye contact with my mom as I did so, until I was completely engulfed in the constricting little furnace of Casey's pussy.

"Yes, yeah, uh, Casey," I fought hard to steer my mind back from the miracle occurring on my lap. "Yeah, she's at home."

Immediately Casey began to rise up. Where our skin broke contact my dick felt cold.

I grabbed her hip and stopped her climb. She gave me a threatening look.

"What I mean is that she is home sick." I spoke through my teeth, letting Casey know I was not finished with her or my lie, "Wait that sounded wrong. Not homesick. She is home... sick. She's not feeling well."


Casey settled her rump back down on my lap, letting my shaft penetrate deep inside her. I felt her clench her sheath around me as a reward.

"Yeah, that's what I said," I grunted, " she's really, really sick."

Casey flipped me the middle finger, but it did not stop her giving my slick cock a long, wringing stroke with her insides.

"So sick," I muttered.

"Well, why didn't the school call me then?"

"They don't know. It was really sudden. One minute Casey was fine and the next she was down on her knees. You should see her, mom, she's a real mess." Casey tossed her hair and gave me a stony glare.

"She called me directly and I rushed over to help her." The lie began to build more easily as Casey and I settled into a very slow, patient rhythm which would, hopefully, not register over the phone.

"I know I should have let the school know I was fetching her but I forgot. Sorry, this is all my fault."

Casey rewarded this self-sacrifice by shifting her weight slightly forward so that she could take me in even deeper. I used my free hand to draw a line up the depression over her spine, brushing the ridges of bone beneath soft skin.

I hoped my mother could not hear the soft wet sounds of our two bodies locking gently together over and over. I had never penetrated anyone so carefully. It was both incredible and frustrating at the same time and I ached to buck my hips up and slam into the soft pillow of my sister's ass.

"Oh, thanks, Ed. But you really have to let the school know if you taking her out. Casey knows better too, she should have gone to see the school nurse. Anyway, it can't be helped now. I am glad you were there, I am trapped here waiting for a client to call. I would not have been able to fetch Casey until later. It's a good thing you were there to pick her up."

"No problem, I am more than happy to give her a ride any time."

Casey ignored this one, she was so intent on her actions. I could feel my cock thicken inside her. Her tight, clenching walls rasped against the head of my dick with increased friction as it grew harder for her to maneuver on the broad shaft that filled her so completely.

I heard her moan softly as she shifted her weight forward again. With her hands on my knees, she was able to lift her backside up and down with improved leverage on my dick.

She was so wet that, as she began yet another slow descent down my cock I could see liquid being squeezed out between the almost negligible gap between our bodies. It ran down my length in a thin stream that beaded in my pubic hair.

"Are you sure she is okay?"

"Huh?" I was too mesmerized by my violation of my sister's perfect body to fully comprehend what my mother was saying.

"Casey, is she okay?" She spelled it out in the same way she spoke to foreign people, "I swear, something is up with that girl lately. She has been skipping school and answering back. Honestly, I don't know what has gotten into her."

Unable to meet my mother's eye after this comment I coughed and looked sideways.


"Nothing. She's fine, mom." I definitely wasn't though. If the earlier torture of trying not to come before my sister had been infuriating, this slow-paced incest fuck was beyond what any mortal could endure.

Casey looked thoroughly pleased with herself, enjoying how her languorous movements were taking me right to the edge, but never quite letting me see over it.

My mom sighed, "I wish she would talk to me. Or talk to anyone, she's clearly going through something."

"She's still a teenager, mom. They're all going through something." Those words, combined with the renewed realization of what we were doing right in front of our mother was nearly, but not quite, enough to make me spurt inside my eighteen-year-old sister.

Casey must have sensed it because she stopped riding me. She sat down fully on my lap so that I was buried as deep in her as I could go. Which, given the cramped feeling I had all around my member, was as deep as she could take me. Then she began to very subtly roll her backside around on me like a ball resting in a socket. Her hips swiveled and the teasing of my cock went to a fresh new height of exquisite discomfort.

"What about you? Will you try to talk to her? You two used to be so close."

"I am really close," I muttered.


"I said we're still pretty close, Mom. Closer than you might expect, anyway." I tried to stop my voice from coming out as a hiss. The look my sister was giving me, back over her shoulder, her long hair falling across her face in a soft cascade, was devoid of all mockery. All I saw there now was hunger. I did my best to stop myself from mirroring that look, which I felt tenfold internally, for fear that my mother would figure out immediately what I was doing when she saw it.

"That is good to hear. Will you check on her for me anyway?"

"Check on her?"

"Go and feel her and see if she is hot or anything. I'll wait. I'm still waiting for that client to call me back anyway"

"Uh," I looked to Casey, but she just met my questioning look with a smoldering gaze that melted my insides.

It was the last straw.

"Yeah, okay. I'll go see to her." I spoke through clenched teeth, giving Casey some warning of what was to come. Then I dropped the phone onto the couch, face down and covered it with a cushion, just to be safe.

Casey gasped as I wrapped my arms around her, under her heavy breasts, and pulled her back against me. Then, with a grunt, I stood and lifted her with me. She was generously built and not easy to carry, but I was fueled by an unstoppable desire.

Casey raised and spread her legs as I took a step forward. I was still buried deep in her pussy. Our heads were together and she turned her face to mine. I could not help it, I was so kinetically charged with desire for her I planted a rough kiss on her lips. Her reaction was a feral snarl, but turned into another kiss. Our bared teeth clicked together, our tongues fought each other for dominance and our lips felt bruised from the force of it.

I managed to heave Casey over to the opposite couch before I dropped her onto all fours. I landed with my weight atop her and used the momentum to thrust even deeper into her core.

She cried out. I covered her mouth with my hand and curled my body over hers, the sweat between us making our skin slick. "You're going to have to be quiet while I fuck you and make you come harder than you ever have before, little sis."

She mumbled some retort back through my fingers, which I had no doubt was laced with derision. But, I could see a twinkle of anticipation in the one eye she had turned to me in profile.

I pulled back and slammed into her, driving her hard into the sofa, nearly toppling her over. She moaned wetly into my hand. My other hand was busy too, obeying the request of my mother, and feeling my sister.

I groped rudely at one of her swaying breasts, pawing over it until I felt the hardened nub of her nipples poking out between my fingers.

As I began to pound into Casey, aware that my mother could grow suspicious at any moment, I tugged and worked her little nipple until she was panting into my hand, her voice coming in a series of muffled groans.

I knew we had little time, and Casey was already primed, so I did not give her breasts as much attention as they deserve. Instead, I released my grip, eliciting a sigh of disappointment from her, and I used my fingers to dig into the tender oyster flesh between her thighs until I came up with a pearl.

My thighs were slapping violently against her ass, sending bowshocks of force rippling through her fleshy rump, as I tickled her hardened bead of a clit.

I could feel my climax rising inside of me again. But, my heroic stand earlier had set a precedent, so I bit down hard on my lip and rubbed forcefully into her slippery crevice.

Her tight bundle of nerve cells was a switch under my rapidly moving fingers. I flipped it up and down with increasing speed.

Casey would have been baying loudly if I had not kept my hand clamped tightly over her mouth. She was insensible to everything around her but the pummeling her brother's dick was giving her bruised pussy.

Finally, I sensed the repeated stress my switch-flipping was putting on her internal circuitry was starting to have an effect. Her system could no longer handle the alternating and cumulative power input it was getting. In a sudden live-wire spark of a convulsion, Casey cried out into my hand as her insides twisted around me in an almost painful muscle constriction. The pressure she put on me as her orgasm drew tight was like someone stepping down on a full juice box.

I let out a long, satisfied groan as I burst inside of her. Casey's climax peaked a moment after mine and, as she descended in sharp, jagged switchbacks from a tremendous height, she shuddered and made small animal cries into my palm.

I poured out another full load, and what felt like many times more, into her cramped, thirsty, passage. I drenched her cervix in hot seed, not caring to ask if she took precautions, knowing, even as I filled her up, that my sperm could right now be swimming into my sister's womb and seeking an egg to impregnate.

In that moment I could not have cared less.

As the last sputtering spurts were pumped into her from my depleted balls I sucked in ragged breaths, draping my naked body heavily across hers. When I finally released her mouth she too was panting and barely able to stay up. At the same time she seemed to buzz with a satisfied energy that, if she were a cat, I could have sworn would have manifested as a purr.

She buckled and I went with her, down onto the sofa. When I rolled off her, resisted by the sticky, clinging sweat and body fluids between us, my drained cock slipped out of her snug channel. A thick mess of white come was squeezed out of her contracting vagina. It narrowly missed the sofa cushions and, rather fortuitously, began to form a decent sized puddle on the floorboards between our feet.

I only realized this later because, even before her head hit the sofa cushion, my mouth was on hers and we met in a far more gentle, passionate kiss than the one before. I knelt beside her as she turned her face to meet mine. We could hear each other breathing hard through our noses as our tongues slid over each other.

I might have carried on like that until I grew hard again which, given my sister's effect on me, would not have been very long. But, Casey broke the kiss and pushed me back. It had none of the force and aggression she had shown me earlier, but the wide-eyed expression she gave me made me pause.

"Mom!" She hissed.

"Shit!" I had completely forgotten in my overwhelming lust.

"Uh" I stammered as I vacillated over what to do.

"Pick up the phone," Casey whispered insistently. "Go!"

I stood up on shaky legs. Casey came up with me. More of my seed slopped out of her as she moved, adding to the already impressive creamy puddle on the floor. I hesitated over it, knowing it would have to be cleaned up but Casey shoved me. "Leave it and go and talk to mom!"

She was right. Already too much time had passed. I gave her one last look and then made a dash for the phone. Casey moved fast in the other direction, back towards her bedroom, her hand cupping her sex in an attempt to catch my come, which was still dripping out of her and running down her thighs. She gave me one last enigmatic look over her shoulder, before she moved out of sight.

I knocked the cushion off the phone and picked it up. I had the presence of mind to turn the phone away from me so that my mom was not presented with a close up of my junk, still semi-erect and dripping with my sister's juices.

I was still out of breath from fucking my little sister when I turned the screen to face me.

"Ed?" My mom asked, sounding peeved, "What took you so long?"

"Sorry mom, I was giving Casey a hand."

"And a lot more," I nearly added.

My mom gave me her best you-have-wasted-my-time look before asking, "And?"

"And what?"

"And, how did she feel."

The word "incredible" burned on the tip of my tongue, but I settled for the less suggestive, "Hot. She felt really really hot."

"Oh, okay." She sounded dubious, "Are you out of breath?"

"Yeah, I ran back from the bedroom."

"You are really unfit, Ed. Maybe you should get some exercise while you are on vacation."

"Maybe, yeah. Good idea. I think I might have found a training program I can really get into."

"And, Casey?"

I hesitated a moment, a small flicker of panic that maybe she had heard what we had been doing.

I was relieved when she added, "Can I talk to her?"

"I guess," I shrugged and began heading to Casey's room, happy to pass my mom onto someone else. I needed a moment to get my head right.

"Hey, Case?! Mom wants to talk." I practically yelled it, hoping she would figure out a plan before I got there. It was just as well I did. From outside the room I could see she had been using a hand towel to try and mop up her dripping mess of a pussy. At the sound of my warning she dropped the towel and rolled into bed, wriggling her beautiful, naked backside under the covers.

When I got to the bed she was just squirming into place and cramming her enormous breasts back into her top.

"Here she is." I gave her a cheeky grin as I handed over her phone. She stared daggers back at me, clutching her duvet tight across her chest, but she took the phone all the same.

Immediately, as she took the device, her manner changed. Her eyelids drooped and her mouth sagged. "Hello?" She said in an exaggerated croaky voice, "Mom?"

"Casey? Are you alright sweetie? You sound terrible. And you are so flushed!"

I looked at Casey again and saw what my mom did. Casey still had pink rosy cheeks from the vigorous fucking and the knee-shaking orgasm I had given her. That, combined with the stubble rash I had left on her cheek, the running mascara from our exertions, and the mussed state of her hair added up to a pretty messy picture.

I grinned widely at her. But, she was too good a little actress to respond to me directly in her present state.

"Yeah, Mom. I'm okay. I just feel exhausted. Sorry I left school without telling anyone. This thing, whatever it is," Casey gave me a pointed glance, "It was completely unexpected. It hit me hard and fast and it left me thoroughly wiped out."

"I can see that, baby. You really don't look well. I am sorry to have bothered you. Rest up well, alright?"

"Okay, Momma. Sorry again for making you worry. But, I'm feeling much better since Eddy took care of me." Casey replied in her best little girl voice. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I'm glad to hear it. Make sure he keeps looking after you. I know he's not doing his chores, so if you need anything make sure you ask him."

"Okay mom," She gave a theatrical yawn, "I feel pretty sleepy, I think I'd like to go back to bed now."

"Alright, Casey. Sleep tight."

"Bye Mom." and with that, she hung up the phone.

After a moment she looked up at me through thick lashes. Despite her messy appearance, she was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. I felt something give in my chest then and I knew I had to get out of there before things got too intense. I couldn't let her see that this was starting to mean a lot more than just a once off fling to me.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well... I think I'm going to go take a shower," I said as I turned towards her door, "Will you delete the videos?"

"That depends."

"On what?" I sighed, not feeling like I had the energy for more of Casey's mind games.

"On whether or not you follow mom's orders."

"What orders?"

"She said you have to do whatever I say, and I say that before I delete these videos I want to complete the trilogy."

I stopped. Unsure of what to do next, I turned back to Casey. There was heat in her eyes now and I felt my limp cock perk up and thicken.

I really did need some time to try and process all this but no matter what my brain was thinking, my hand pushed the door closed anyway and I took a step back towards the bed.

Casually Casey tossed aside the duvet. Now I could see all of her again. She was naked from the waist down with her knees bent and her thighs parted to present her sloppy, cream-filled pussy to me.

I swallowed hard on a lump in my throat.

With one hand she directed the phone's camera towards me. With the other she tossed a small bundle in my direction, saying, "Better get into character."

Thoughtlessly I snatched the object out of the air and let it unfold in my hands.

It was a pair of panties.

The same pair of white panties she had been wearing when she came home from school.

"Let's see that Bane impersonation again, big boy."

A heat burned inside me and I could not stop the smile spreading across my face as I pulled the panties over my face and took in a deep lungful of her scent.

"I think I already have title for our little film," She smiled and her sexy little dimple returned. I followed the direction she was pointing the camera down to my crotch.

"We can call it The Dark Knight Rises."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Fantastic. Remarkably engaging and vivid. Probably the best short/single-scene story I've read on this site. Easy 5 star.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 2 years ago

Some good hot and sexy brother/sister incest with some panties thrown in. Enjoyed the buildup but when the call from Mom came in, the story took a turn from believable to WTF? Mom can't be that dumb to buy the garbage Ed tried to sale her. He picked up Casey from school, but he also told her he just got out of bed, because of no shirt and messed up hair. Good story, just not a five.

Stex1978Stex1978over 2 years ago

This story really needs a follow up, really enjoyed reading it.

JaceyTreyJaceyTreyover 3 years ago

Funny! Loved it! 5 stars

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 4 years ago

continue their fun. keeping them exclusive would be nice.

thedayafterthedayafterover 4 years ago

Well! that was hot... great story, well written and very hot. I liked that Ed hinted that he was feeling more than just lust for his sister Casey. Although this appears to be a standalone story it deserves another chapter just to see where their relationship goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The best

After a disappointing ending to a great story jazz reading onlit, I almost walked away from for an extended break. I am glad I decided to read your head perfect (to short) masterpiece.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Fucking amazing!

This story has it all. Interesting characters and a good plot but best of all you oaced it really well. Lesser writers would have dropped too quickly into the animalistic fucking but you kept the suspense up and really built up to it. Nice work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This Is the Best Literotica Story That I've Read

Write more, please. You are quite talented!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
VERY well written. Loved it.

Holy fucking shit. It's hard to strike gold on this website, but stories like this keep me coming back. It felt like, in these four pages, there were actual character arcs and depth of characters. This is the shit I like. Hell, with page two it seemed like an antogonist and a protagonist battling it out with a test of will and skill. I was both horny and thoroughly entertained. I never comment on this website, hence anon, but five fucking stars and GG.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very well done!!!

I hope you turn this into a series. Great story all around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This was GOLD

Really enjoyed this read. Thanks. Don't stop Shakespeare!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Growing Groin Pains

Simply one of the best hanging on every word as excited as I possibly could be. I would have given up begging her for me to pleasure her with my mouth and wanting to be her sex slave for a lifetime just to sniff a whiff between her generous thighs and gorgeous butt checks of her overheated little clam shell of a flower so she would sit on my face everyday to drink her sweet pussy juice and bury my face between her gorgeous fleshy breasts and butt cheeks forever.

Rdk781Rdk781over 4 years ago
Just a thought

Loved the story, good build up...Maybe her friend covering for her comes buy her house and catches them

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 4 years ago
Excellent Coming Together

Casey may have been a bitch starting out,but after the back-and-forth orgasm fight both Eddy and Casey came to realize their attraction for each other and Casey knew she couldn't resist her Brothers cock,so she sucked and fucked him to Mindblowing Orgasmic Bliss for both of them.

So it worked perfectly for both of them,oh and unsure if Casey was on the pill but I kinda hope she wasn't and both Eddy and Casey had just conceived their first baby and continue to have multiple babies and raise their Sister & Brothers/Daughters & Sons to carry on the family genes.I love stories like this.

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