Bard's Tale 05 - Bk 02 - Westward Ho


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Her legs still on his shoulders, still bent in half by her husband's need to fill her, Tahna loved the heat of his semen spreading within her core.

He grinned down at her. "I love you, Tahna Whisper Wind."

"Mo ghrá, a thiarna, I love you so much."

"Your love and your lord? No less sure you are my lady and my beautiful wife."

She nodded. "Your love centers me, Reison. Wherever you go, I will follow."

"Because letting me make the decisions takes the weight from your shoulders?"

"I will continue serving the Lawgiver, but yes. You are our husband, the head of our family. Tia is First Wife. Tia plans on taking a sabbatical and I think I should do the same. The idea of being away while pregnant or leaving behind my newborn babies seems a betrayal to you and to my family."

She tenderly caressed his face. "And... I've noticed that I sleep better when you've given me your seed. It doesn't seem to matter whether I drink you down or you fill my pussy, when I receive your seed, the things that used to bother me seem less demanding, less important."

"That's... interesting. I seem to recall from your temple teachings that semen is more than just sperm, that it has some helpful properties. Is what you feel normal?"

"I have a good memory for things, but it's been nearly sixty years since I attended Tenth Year School. If I get the time, I will ask Tia. She's not a physician, but she is a great healer. As for us, I'd love to stay longer, but I need to return to the chapel in the village." She patted him on his bare butt.

"Yes, of course." Setting her legs down, he lifted his weight off her hips. Already their fluids were drying and the beginning of a seal was forming.

As his shaft withdrew, her gaping pussy closed before his gaze, squeezing out some semen. Tahna sat up, cupping her hand between her legs. Waiting a few moments, she was rewarded as several globs dripped into her hand. Replacing one hand with the other, she grinned at him as she licked her hand clean.

Reison grinned back, shaking his head. Turning around, he retrieved her panties and loose trousers, setting them onto the table within easy reach.

Taking her panties first, she put them on.

Reison noticed an extra pad in the gusset. "I think you were planning on me having my way with you."

"A girl doesn't expect it, but she hopes her man will show her the affection she craves." She knelt down and inhaled his softening erection. A few sweeps of her tongue, then she released him and stood up. "There, all cleaned up."

She took in the mess on the table and what had escaped to the floor, but he said, "Don't worry about that. I'll find something in the bathroom to clean it up with."

They quickly dressed.

As she readied to leave, he stopped her, cupping her face in his hands. "I know I already said this, but I need you to know this. I love you, Tahna. More than I can say with mere words."

Tahna nodded happily and hurried out.

After some searching, Reison found the bathroom; it was a large and forbidding room with bright lights, tiles on the floors and walls, with short lines of urinals and toilets, and sinks. Taking several paper towels, some dampened with water and soap, he returned to his study area and took care of their mess.

A mess lovingly made, he thought.

Tossing the soiled towels into a nearby bin, he washed his hands. Settling down, he resumed his studying.

Sometimes when I'm with you, my heart pounds with desire

Your heart beats true even as I burn with love's fire

Caught in your arms, sharing your charms, your walls they come tumbling down

Taking a chance with love's fiery dance, you reach for the prize of the crown

It's only me when you look to see, is it worth all that you dare?

Wounded and worn, heart nearly shorn, let me show you I care

-- Song of Tahna, Introduction

* * * * *

Part 7 -- A New Routine

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In the afternoon, Reison's youngest wife returned to the library, finding him ensconced with books on one of the mezzanines.

Mindal checked him on what he'd read and his understanding. After several minutes, she was impressed he'd finished both of the other books, satisfied with his recall and analysis.

"So, what are you thinking?" he asked.

"I'm really pleased," she told him. "I mean, really, really pleased, like reward you for such a good effort. If we had a bit more time, it might be fun to play a bit, but Tia wants us to eat together down in the Main Hall."

"Like hot and juicy teacher reward?"

She gave him a sultry gaze. "Maybe...?"

He chuckled. "What about the books? Do I need to put them away?"

"If I wasn't already on thin ice with Tia, I'd say screw dinner and screw me." She sighed as she walked over to the end of one of the shelves and found a rack filled with blue placards with the text Study Session in Progress. Mindal left the books on the table and set the placard upright atop the books. "When you're done with a book, it's preferred that you simply set them in one of the carts at the end of the shelves. The staff will return them to the shelves."

Reison was alarmed. "Staff? You mean if we got intimate, someone could walk in on us?"

"Well, the library staff work at night. However, we aren't the only library patrons. With the other exits, that one shouldn't have been hard to figure out." Reison flushed as she took his hand. "Ready? We should wash up first before heading downstairs to eat." As they walked out to the Sun Room, Mindal added, "Any progress on your songs? Like yours for me? Hint, hint."

Amused, he said, "Almost there, but not ready yet. Besides, I've been thinking. I don't think one song will be enough, even with a few verses and a chorus. What was that word you used? Ah, yes, a suite and some of the movements will be instrumental, or nearly so. I haven't decided yet. The first one will be as an introduction, a hint of the woman and her personality. After the children are born, I think another movement should be added."

"Why then?" Mindal asked.

"Motherhood will change each of you in ways both subtle and profound. I will need to work at discerning and distilling the musical imagery as I try to capture the spirit of who you become. I'll start bringing my own instrument, and spend at least some of the time composing."

Her large green eyes studied him a moment. "That's... remarkably insightful. And you seriously have me intrigued about what it will sound like. Just know that the longer you hold me off, the more I will want to hear what you compose. Gods, Reison, just the thought of that is making my pussy quiver, too! All right. There are years of work ahead to get you ready before you can even apply to the college of music. Part of your audition to enter the school will be for you to perform three musical pieces from your repertoire. Many applicants select one composition of their own and two well-known pieces. Nothing exceptional is expected, but you are expected to play competently. After all, you're applying to the school to transform yourself from a musician into a bard."

"How will your being my wife affect my chances?"

Mindal took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Truthfully? It shouldn't affect it too much. Some of the teachers feel if you are halfway competent and can pay for your books and tuition, you're a shoo-in. But there are a few who believe bards are not only special, they should remain that way. I do have some friends, but I also have some detractors. And you know what they say about teachers."

He grinned. "Despite everything, dear wife, right now I'm just an amateur musician. Also, remember that I'm actually a lot younger than I appear. You have the body of a hot young woman entering full nubile goodness and the practiced experience of that same woman's grandmother. Don't assume I automatically know what you're talking about. What do they say about teachers, and who says it?"

"I liked the first part about me being a hot young woman full of nubile goodness. As for the grandma part? I don't exactly care to be reminded that beneath this skin I'm an old woman who's seen too much."

"Do you love me, Mindal?" he asked.

She paused. "More than I believed could be possible."

"And I love you, too." Reison sighed. "I'm asking you, as a penitent to a master of her craft, would you please teach me some of your knowledge?"

Mindal gave him an inscrutable look, then laughed. "You loon! What do you think was the purpose of showing you this library? Of picking out books to help provide a good educational foundation in music? Or even teaching you chords and new songs and playing duets on stage together?"

"Each day is a treasure of possibilities." He shrugged, suddenly shy. "This library is a wonder, and by its magical nature, likely an incredible source of knowledge written down by wise men and idiots."

She huffed. "I want you to study these basic books as part of your goal to become a bard, silly. I love you, Reison. I want to help you." Then she laughed. "Wise men and idiots?"

"Not all books are worth the paper they are written on. But what is useless to one may provide useful knowledge to another. Thank you, Mindal. I know you said you would help me, but we never really discussed what that would mean. By your words, I gather it will mean a lot of effort from you, too. Tia implied that all of you, as my wives, would help with my study costs. While I love singing with you, I didn't want to presume..."

Her finger on his lips silenced him. "Reison Whisper Wind, you complete me. You gave me back my music. Of course, I'm going to teach you everything I know! Help you any way that I can!"

She leaned up and kissed him before continuing. "Music is my life, and now so are you. Sometimes I want to sob with joy with how much it means to me that you are in my life."

"All three of you are so unstinting in your willingness to help. All I wanted was to know what happened to my sister, something I mentioned in passing. That was all it took. Tia led the charge, but all three of you rallied without question, gave of yourselves unstintingly. She wouldn't say, but the magic she used, it aged her, didn't it."

"Yes," Mindal answered quietly. "But Tia had the right of it. Miriel became our sister, and you do what you can for family."

"I was blessed the day I married three wonderful, loving sisters."

"That's the nature of love," the woman said, causing both to jump. It was Lady Natasha. Behind her was an older woman, an attendant. "Love is when the needs of another matter more than your own. It's why parents will put themselves in harm's way to protect their children. It's why a lover or a friend will take a blow meant for another."

Dropping their embrace, they bowed to Lady Natasha. Mindal said, "Thank you for granting permission for my husband to make use of your library, my lady."

"Libraries are meant to be shared and preserved." Natasha gestured, hinting they should return to the Sun Room. "We have a little time yet before dinner. Please, sit with me. Mindal, you've told me very little about this handsome young man, waxing long on his qualities but short on details, other than the fact that he is loved and married to the formerly famous Landers Sisters. I did not mean to intrude, but having overheard mention of your husband's sister being rescued, I wish to know more about what has earned his gratitude toward you. Please, I ask you to share it with me."

The woman attendant cleared her throat.

Natasha looked at her. "Yes?"

Bowing her head, the woman said, "There's less than a quarter-hour until dinner, my lady."

"Ah." Natasha looked at them both. "Is this a tale fit for dinner?"

Mindal shook her head. "It is not. The story is grim, sad, and brutal, and the ending is still being written."

"I understand your curiosity, but I'm not sure I want to share the tale," Reison said. "As Mindal says, it is grim, sad, and brutal, and it's also very personal, involving my little sister. Tia assured me that what was shared between her and the duchess would go no further."

"Instead, you've heightened my interest," Lady Natasha replied.

Mindal frowned. "It involves a minor child, your ladyship. Please respect his reticence."

"I don't wish to be rude, Lady Natasha, but I need to discuss this with Tia and Tahna and get their perspective. Is that too much to ask?"

"I think you misunderstand the situation," Natasha said, looking both hurt and appalled. "My lord and I take the rules of hospitality seriously. You are a guest. For that alone, I would be a poor hostess to impose upon your privacy without good cause. You are also the traveling companion of my niece, Anya, and her child. More, you are the husband of three long-time friends. The Landers Sisters have usually made a short visit twice a year for decades, and my husband and I have always welcomed them. But above all that, Mindal telling me that the topic involves a minor is enough to stop all discussion of the matter. Unless aid of some sort is requested, there is nothing more that needs to be said. Goodman Whisper Wind, I am sincerely sorry if I have offended you."

"Whisper Wind sisters," Reison replied.

"Sorry?" Natasha said.

"You called them the Landers Sisters," Reison explained. "Tia, Tahna, and Mindal are part of the Whisper Wind family. My family."

Natasha nodded politely. "Of course. The Whisper Wind sisters of the Whisper Wind family. Since the dinner hour fast approaches, I shall leave you to prepare for tonight's meal. Good day to you both."

Turning, the lady of the manor strode away, her attendant following close behind.

Reison watched them leave and remained watching the doorway while he thought over the exchange.

Mindal waited a few moments, then asked, "Are you all right?"

"I'm not sure. It seems like my life before now was preparing me for becoming a part of your lives as much as you are becoming a part of mine. She seemed eager to hear about what happened, but then suddenly changed her mind. While she was the one who apologized, I'm not certain if she was angered or not."

"Lady Natasha is a follower of the Lawgiver. She sees children as being special. Most people are always eager for news, but she's... different. She had an extraordinary upbringing."

"Extraordinary? How?"

"Well, to start off, she's a daughter of Prince Caernach and Saint Charlotte. Added to that, the Lawgiver was around here quite often years ago, and I mean frequently spending time visiting in person, some times for hours at a time."

Reison's eyes widened briefly as he digested that bit of news.

Mindal was about to expound on that but paused, then shook her head. "This is the wrong tack. Let's go back to basics. The Irish and other Celts believe names have power. Well, so do we, and I mean those who are Ba'lorian. Do you know what our names mean?"

"That's never come up before," he replied.


"I expect this will happen a lot, Mindal. After all, we've known each other for less than three months. I have a lot of history to catch up on."

The bard looked flustered. "But... you..."

"So to answer the question you originally asked, the answer is yes I know your names, but I do not know what those names mean."

"Are you serious? This hasn't come up before? I mean, we're married, for pity's sake! When you look at me, it feels like you are seeing everything!"

Rising from the couch, he offered her his hand. "Granted, an attentive wife or husband knows a lot about their spouse. Knowledge is not the same as compatibility, but compatibility certainly helps foster friendship and love. Don't you agree, Mindal Theláyna Landers Whisper Wind?"

Before she could answer, he pulled her in for a searing kiss. When he let her go, she was panting. "What were we... oh, names."

"Come on," he said. "Let's at least wash up and put on something a bit fancier. I don't want to be late for dinner."

They quickly washed up and rejoined on the way to their shared room. Moving quickly, they dressed for dinner. Perhaps inspired by Tahna's choice the previous evening, Mindal choosing to dress in her husband's house colors. Joining hands, they trotted down the hall to the main landing, then stepped rapidly downstairs.

"My mother named me after Mother Galamindöl, which means playful deer. Mindal means playful," she explained.

He grinned at her. "I can see that."

Many were seated at the lower tables already. As they approached the raised, main table, Mindal froze. Tia and Tahna were also dressed in Whisper Wind colors.

Pulled up short, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Uh, it's nothing," she muttered.

Lady Natasha called out, "You're just in time! Mistress Tahna had just offered to go find you and we were considering accepting."

Reison escorted Mindal to her seat, pulling it out and helping her scoot to the table, then stood by his own chair. "My apologies for our tardiness, my lord and my lady. Mindal was providing instruction, and I was so absorbed, we overstayed our time in the library."

"Nonetheless, you should be--" Lady Natasha began, but her husband interrupted with, "Marvelous place, isn't it? Truly a wonder. I daresay, I've been lost inside there once or twice myself. Sometimes I think the layout in the library changes around on its own."

Lord Antumus squeezed his wife's hand, and she gestured at Reison. "Please, sit down, Goodman Whisper Wind, and let's enjoy our meal, shall we?"

This time, instead of Tia being on his right and Tahna being on Tia's right, the women had switched seats.

Taking advantage of the change, he leaned over and whispered, "Did you really volunteer to go get me?"

"Darn tootin'," Tahna whispered back. "Nearly lost you once. Don't intend to let that happen ever again."

As the servers began filling wine and juice glasses and serving trays uncovered, there was a call to hear another story for the dinner meal.

Lady Anya said, "Why don't you tell the tale of Bob, God of Eagles, Auntie?"

There were a few grins at the table, though Reison was curious as he'd never heard this story.

"You've all heard it before," Lady Natasha protested.

"Not true," Lady Anya countered. "I doubt young Goodman Whisper Wind has heard the tale, as it were."

Their hostess winced, then looked at her husband.

"Go on," Lord Antumus encouraged. "Tell the story. It's amusing in its own, macabre way."

"Very well," Lady Natasha said. And so she began.

* * * * *

Part 8 -- The Tale of Bob, God of Eagles

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This story begins early in the month of June in the year 2020. The twin cities that would one day form the capital of Tildor were but a dream of the future when this event took place. The only permanent structure was the giant A-frame that my parents and my mother's small retinue constructed. The first of the thousands who would eventually settle in the lush land were only just beginning to arrive.

My parents had been gifted with potions of Essence of Osh Mayan. They were unfamiliar with its potency and properties, but that was to soon be corrected. After hours of labor, my mother and Mother Shara gave birth to my two oldest sisters, Dorothy and Theodonra. Not wanting to endure the weeks of bed rest that normally followed, they shared the potion. The god is revered for his potency, and a potion made from his essence is enough to raise the dead, no matter how long deceased, to fully restored health. For those who imbibe the drink, it not only heals any injury and cures any curses and afflictions, and improves one's physical attractiveness, it also fills the imbiber with such vigor they immediately find themselves at the peak of their fertility.

Neither my mother nor her co-wife, Mother Shara, knew of these properties. And because they discovered that consuming the magical drink improved their personal allure and appearance, they convinced her to take a sip as well.
