Bard's Tale 05 - Bk 02 - Westward Ho


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Mindal pouted. "I like making you happy. Besides, I'm hoping you will hear more of our songs."

"About that. I don't think a single song will contain you or either of your sisters. Sometimes I think I am close to understanding you and then bam! A whole other part of you is revealed, and that shades what I already know."


"You mentioned that I should read some books. I can't exactly compose and read at the same time."

"I know! There's so much I want to share with you, musically as well as intimately." She ran her hand up and down his chest, enjoying his closeness and being able to touch him.

"I'm still pretty much an amateur, Mindal. You're the professional. You say there invaluable musical resources here. Which ones do I start with?"

She made a disappointed sound. "I'd rather work on teaching you how to make me come on your wonderful cock. I like coming on you, Reison. I want you to ride me hard and fast until I pass out from pleasure. I want you to work me over all day, filling me up, and as soon as you can get hard again, putting yourself inside me again because you need me so much."

"Oh, Mindal. I love being your husband, but there's more to me than what I can do to you beneath the sheets. I want there to be more to us, my love. One day, I want to be worthy of being your musical partner."

She leaned close, burrowing in against him, breathing in his masculine scent.

It was her trembling that caused him to kiss her forehead and wrap his arms about her more tightly. Switching from High Elven to Irish, he asked, "What troubles ye, me fair songbird?"

"I don't know?"

He nuzzled against her. "What is it yer unsure about, mo grá?"

"How strong my feelings are for you." She clung to him. "Only two and a half months, it's all been a whirlwind. Meeting you, marriage, and now babies on the way. I love knowing we're going to have babies together, yet I have doubts about being a good mom. I'm afraid Tia will end up taking up much of the parenting because I don't have the patience. Sometimes I'm afraid if I look away, I'll find it's all been a dream and you and my hopes will be gone."

Slowly rubbing her back, he did his best to comfort her. "I'm yer man, Mindal, sure enough, and ye be me lovely wife. Youngest of three lovely lassies, true enough, but me lovely wife all the same. Charmed me with yer winsome ways, ye did."

"I had five mothers growing up and I never thought it strange, but rather blessed with all the extra arms to love us. But it's different with a lover. I... I'm not used to sharing. Instead of taking my turn, if Tia gets you, I want to have you right after she's done, and if Tahna gets time with you, I want to be next after her, too. I can be self-centered and selfish at times, often too much for my own good."

He chuckled. "And that, ladies and gents, be a secret to no one atall. And still, me heart loves yours all the same."

She lightly slapped his arm even as she snorted. "You're not supposed to agree with me!"

He pulled close again. "There ye be, goin' on again. I dinna be perfect meself. A poor friend and a miserable husband to ye, says meself, if'n it's askin' ye to be perfect. Friends help each other in hard times, me sweet lass. Lovers help ye forget yer pain and hardship with love that reminds us we be not alone. Husbands, the good ones, mind ye, they be a wife's friend and her lover."

Mindal looked up at him; she was only a little shorter than him. "Are you a good husband?"

"Aye, there's the question, innit? A man thinks and hopes before the world, but if he has a wife by his side, he lives her words."

A look of happiness filled her face.

"Providin', o' course, she's no harridan," he added with a mischievous look.

"Hey, you! Watch who you call a harridan!"

"Which, thankfully fer us all, that be a sheer impossibility fer yer fine self."

She huffed at him. "Not sure if that's a good save or not. If I don't kiss you, I let you know how I feel about those remarks. Yet I like kissing and getting kissed, and that seems like I'm punishing myself instead of you."

"Heaven forfend punishing yerself! Close yer eyes, lass, and indulge yerself. Pay no mind to the scallywag ye be married to."

Mindal narrowed her gaze at him. "Did you kiss the Blarney Stone when you were younger?"

"No, lass, but me da be an elf, and he charmed me ma with his kindness and dedication to become his wife. And ye know sure enough that elves are close cousins o' the fae." He leaned in to kiss her.

Mindal closed her eyes as they worked their mouths together as lovers oft do.

When he released her, she licked her lips. "I suspect your heart enjoys being a scoundrel at times, but I like that you are my scoundrel."

Shifting back to High Elven, he suddenly laughed, giving her a knowing look.

"What are you laughing at?" she demanded.

"You, my sweet songbird. You, being my teacher, and I being your student. We are outside a magical library. You yourself have described libraries as classrooms for the common citizen, even while you confess to lusting after me." He leaned down and nibbled at her neck. "Oh, Hot Teacher, what special lesson do you want us to review today?"

Mindal's giggle quickly became a moan at his attention, but after a few heated seconds, she gently pushed him away. "You are so bad. I'm supposed to be with Lady Natasha after lunch, which is less than half an hour away. Books. Need to focus on books." She fanned herself a few times. "Okay, I need to show you where to find the books I want you to study."

Straightening up, he gave her a puzzled look. "We're going to be here longer than a few days?"

"Tia mentioned that Anya was working on some project involving some high-level magic. I'll see if I can learn anything more definite today, but the impression I had was we'll be here at least a week. My scrumptious husband, you tell me you want to become a bard. There are several good primer books in this library. As much as I would truly enjoy days of lazy debauchery, it truly would be a shame to pass on the chance for you to study here."

Pulling her back into his arms, he kissed her again. "Yes, my hot and juicy teacher."

"Oh, now that's just mean!"

She removed his hands and strode deeper into the magical building. Taking him to a section on the main floor, she showed him where two of the volumes could be found. He set them onto a large studying table. Next, she took him up to one of the mezzanines, showing him five whole shelves of books. Some were collections of sheet music.

"Browse through these and study what you want, you pretty much can't go wrong with anything you pick. But I want you to finish those first two books before you start up here. If I can, I'll be back later this evening to test you on what you've learned. I will work with you on future study sessions, too. Think you can do all that on your own?"

"Yes." The thought of having a naughty school session with Mindal turned him on. Before he could act on it, however, she dodged his grasp.

"As much as I want to yield to you, I need to leave right away, retrieve Rose, and meet Lady Natasha for an afternoon discussion. If I'm late, Lady Natasha will come looking, and I do not want to get caught in her library while you have your way with me."

Mindal scooted down the steps.

He watched her hips roll as she descended, thinking how beautiful women were when they moved, and how lucky he was that this woman was his wife. During his time at the temple, Reison had learned that women had wider hips to make it easier for them to survive childbirth. He had no idea how children would change his life -- he suspected it would be a lot -- still, it was fun imagining the notion that as soon as his wife healed up, he would hold her lovely wriggling body on his hard staff, thrusting while she was helpless with sensation till she came on his cock as he put another child in her. He found that pretty hot.

Amused at his passing fantasy, Reison had to admit all three sisters were passionate lovers eager to enjoy their time with him. While they might be less enamored of becoming pregnant right away, he imagined that they would appreciate and ardently respond to his desire.

Ah, well, he thought. Time to study.

Moving back to the first section, he found a wooden chair with a decent cushion. Retrieving paper, quill, and inkwell, he readied them on the table, then examined both books.

Growing up in his father's bookstore, he'd learned a lot about books. He'd come to appreciate both a decent table of contents and even more a good index. Some of the older tomes had neither. More, not all books by experts in their field were even readable. The better ones got to the point. Some made their points but had trouble with developing an overall picture.

The first one seemed to be a history of stringed instruments, with racial and cultural influences. The second seemed to be a primer on modern musical notation. Both seemed readable enough.

He jumped when fingers came around his face, settling on covering his eyes.

"Guess who?" the woman breathily whispered in his ear.

"Tahna!" he exclaimed, both delighted and puzzled by her presence. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to be with Tia all day."

"Tia's catching up with the local priest and his assistant. I'm on a lunch break." She turned his chair around and gave him a sensuous kiss, climbing onto his lap as they dueled with their tongues. Kissing across his face, she said, "I thought I'd come to see how you were doing. How are you, handsome man, studying here all by your lonesome?"

"Doing good. Even better, now that you're here, Beautiful."

She slid down till she knelt on the floor between his legs. At her indication, he spread his legs. Tahna cupped his balls and hardening cock.

"What are you doing, Tahna?"

"Trying for a quickie." The warrior monk began unbuckling his belt.

"Really? I pretty much just got here."

She snickered as she said, "Come on, Reison. I promise this won't hurt." Rapidly undoing the buttons on his trousers, she put both hands on his beltline. "Lift!"

He did, and she tugged down his pants and underwear together.

"Somehow I don't think this is what Mindal meant when she said she was going to test me on what I learned today."

Tahna snorted as she fondled his growing shaft.

He cleared his throat. "Not that I'm not enjoying your attention and wifely skills, but shouldn't you eat something?"

"If you insist," she answered.

He sucked air when she inhaled his member into her mouth. Then he tensed when her tongue swirled around his knob.

Managing to set the book onto the table, his emptied hands sought her out. One hand slid firmly into her thick hair, but the other gently caressed her cheek as she kissed, licked, and sucked his erect cock. He quietly moaned out, "Oh, Tahna."

"Like that, do you?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes. She seemed so happy as she attended to his pleasure, her hand slowly stroking him.

"If you keep it up, I will fill your mouth."

"Good. That's what I want." She moved his cock to her mouth.

"I love what you're doing, but is it so important?"

"Yes, it is."


"As if I needed any, there is the fact that you're my husband. Another is you've given me so much pleasure and I want to return some of that to you. Shall I say more? I know you love me and think I'm beautiful. You have been changing me, Reison, sometimes in fundamental ways. When I come home, I have more than food and a bed to look forward to. I'm still coming to terms with the reality that your babies are inside me! My belly will swell trying to contain them as they grow. My breasts will grow and fill with milk. You told me you want to see what kind of babies we can make together. I'm nervous and excited, Reison. If I'm not thinking about our babies, I'm wanting to make love to you. I want to memorize your scent and your taste. The best way to do that is to use my mouth."

"You're such a good girl. Stand up."

Startled, she stared at him as she did what he bid.

"Does it bother you when I call you a good girl?"

He undid the simple knot on her trousers and they dropped to her ankles. Picking her up under her arms, he sat her on the edge of the table. Keeping his eyes on her, he tugged off the trousers while leaving her low boots on.

"No, it doesn't. I'm yours and you are mine. I trust you, Reison. With that same sincerity, you have told me over and over that you love me. I thought about what you said last night, about being bitchy not making me a bitch. You're right, and I love you for that. Even as you assert yourself and put your cock in me and I yield as your woman, you still treat me with love and respect."

He moved between her legs and gently kissed her. "It makes me happy that you seek to please me. But no blow job today. Do you know what's going to happen next?"

Licking her lips, she shook her head.

"You are so beautiful and strong and graceful. You are so smart but underneath it all, I realized early on that you're a very physical girl. When you exercise, you revel in your finely honed body, making it respond to your every need. Even when you are tired, you enjoy pushing yourself past your limits. You like dodging an opponent's attacks and breaking them with the power of your punches. It's more than just defending your family, it's standing ready to protect the weak with righteous fury against the wicked."

Tahna stared at him. He didn't know everything, of course, and he'd make his share of mistakes, but in so short a time he'd learned essential truths about who she was as a human being. The woman she was responded to that with immense joy. She wondered if he knew her better than Tia or her parents.

He opened her gi and unhooked her bra, his hands squeezing her soft globes. She closed her eyes, giving herself over to his ministrations as sensations traveled down her belly, flooding her loins. Leaning down, his mouth engulfed one breast. One hand held her body close while the other hand kneaded soft flesh with strong fingers. Sucking and licking her nipple, using his tongue to flick its turgid nubbin while pinching and tweaking the other. Both sent signals into her belly.

As he nursed at her with such enthusiasm, Tahna's sensitive mounds transformed in her mind, and her husband was the cause; she no longer had breasts, she had tits. Those orbs would one day feed her future children, yet they also became his playthings to enjoy. The previous evening they'd both been overcome with hot passion. Their long second intimacy had been him making slow love to her and to her alone. She had seen love in his eyes while they'd been joined.

She gasped as her bare vulva begin to swell, blood filling her sex as juices oozed from her sheath. Tahna felt muscles deep in her core draw up, tensing in preparation for the explosion that promised to crash through her senses. Her folds continued swelling as the need within her for more direct touch began to make its own demands known. The first drops of lust beaded down her thighs, proof of her inner need. Fat lips pulled apart as blood-engorged and darkened them.

Reison pulled her to his chest, his hot breath burning her cheeks. As he kissed her, she melted against him, yielding her mouth to his demanding tongue.

She loved the way her hard nipples rubbed against his chest. Whimpered with growing hunger as his hard cock pressed against her belly with its promise to fill her emptiness.

When they broke for air, he gently pushed her down until she lay on the table. Wet and aching for him, she lay there waiting and willing to do anything to please him.

He picked up her legs, setting them onto his shoulders. "You're mine, Tahna. Do you understand? Mine."

Joy filled her heart. "I am yours and yours alone. I yearn for my mate's pleasure. Please, love me!"

Eyes locked, she gasped as he ran his mushroom crown up and down through her sodden slit, coating his member with her arousal. He firmly, deliberately rubbed his length against her hard clit and she sucked air as she tried to wriggle away from the intensity of direct stimulation. Adjusting her position and satisfied his cock was wet enough, he pushed himself inside.

Tahna began panting heavily as her pussy stretched around his thick length. Each time he reached a little resistance she gasped, her heart pounding as her pussy gave way before him.

Reison pulled back a little, then pressed deeper, forcing her pussy to yield further still. Bit by bit, she took him until he hilted against her, his sperm-filled balls snug against her bottom and his greater weight pressing down upon her hips.

Deep inside her was the heat of his length buried intimately within her sheath. His fat crown barely touched her cervix, yet it sent tremors throughout her loins. Tahna felt completely stuffed by his hard cock. Emotionally, she rejoiced in their union. It was new and familiar at the same time.

"How do you feel?" he asked, enjoying the scalding heat of her snug, wet flesh wrapped around his cock.

The walls of her tunnel rippled around him, the burning length of him impaled all the way to the entrance of her womb. He was her man, her mate. She reveled in the fact she'd already been bred by him, and this coupling was simply for their mutual pleasure. Once again, her husband was deep inside of her, her stretched pussy throbbing with excited anticipation as he prepared to make her come before filling her again with his virile seed.

Tahna almost exploded from how viscerally good he felt inside her.

"Oh, sweet man!" Her hands gripped his arms. "Ride me hard till I come on your cock, then I want you to flood my pussy. The rest of today, I want to feel my man's baby-making juices dripping out of me."

Grinning at her, he pulled partway out and buried himself again within her folds. "Tahna, your pussy feels so good. So hot and snug, so loving."

His praise added to her pleasure, and her pussy responded with more slickness. His strokes picked up speed. Hilting his cock within her pussy, he pushed against her mound, squeezing her clit between them.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

"Oh, gods!" she exclaimed. "So good. So, so..."

Tahna froze as he continued thundering into her core, her body overwhelmed as her throbbing pussy milked his cock, urging him to coat her insides with hot sticky seed.

He held her in place as his engorged shaft drove over and over into her swollen, gaping mound, stirring her juices into a hot, roiling broth of wanton slickness. Tension coiled in his groin.

A dozen more strokes and she yelled as a fresh orgasm blasted away her senses. Arching her back, awareness shrank down to his hard cock frantically and wonderfully pumping within her convulsing pussy. She latched onto him, grabbing his butt and grinding against him as they both tried to bury his stiff rod into her needy pussy.

More blissful strokes into her depths, thundering away into her center.

At last, his balls drew up and his cock swelled. "Tahna! Take it! Take it all!"

As the first blast coated her insides, Tahna bucked hard against him. "Oh, yes!"

Between the shaking of her body's explosion, ecstasy merged with serenity and satisfaction. A grip once fierce became tender and gentle as her man grunted, shoving into her while his balls continued pulsing and spraying semen in her welcoming loins.

"Yes, baby, that feels so wonderful," she murmured, gently running her hands across his back. Tahna moaned as a third wave crashed into her center, weaker than before, yet strong enough to drive away all thought and speech.

Hammering hearts eased their pounding as the afterglow settled in. Doing his best to keep his entire weight from her body, he leaned down and gently kissed her. Keeping within her still pulsing, gripping tunnel, he propped himself above her.
