Barn Rules


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Jerry stepped over in front of the door. "Want to get out and have a better look around. It's quit raining for the moment."

Mary Beth shivered as she slid across the seat in his direction, her eyes on his hard dick. "If it looked any better, I'd be in big trouble," she whispered.

Jerry laughed. "I was talking about the building site."

"Uh huh, that too," Mary Beth whispered as she stopped on the edge of the seat.

Jerry was grinning as he held out his hand and stepped back. When he moved back, Mary Beth's eyes dropped to the big X of a scar on his left knee. It was obviously older than hers by a long shot. The lines were a lighter color than his tan where hers were pinker than her white skin.

Mary Beth shivered and looked up at Jerry's face as she realized something. She hadn't really noticed his stiff legged walk since they had left the first feeder on her mom's property. She told him that.

Jerry nodded. "I haven't really noticed your rolling gait either. Its just part of who you are. But then again, with you being naked... I've... uh... been a little distracted."

Mary Beth smiled and took his hand. As she stepped down from the truck she whispered, "And you told me I didn't have any tactical skills."

"Female wiles and tactics aren't the same thing."

"I got you naked and out in the woods all alone, didn't I?"

"Uh, wait a minute. I thought that was my plan."

Mary Beth giggled and whispered, "I just let you think it was all your plan."

Jerry laughed. "I think this relationship is going to be a lot of fun."

"And very therapeutic," Mary Beth whispered as she squatted down slowly, her hands going to his hard dick.

Jerry's eyes grew wide as she pulled on his dick. He took a half step forward and she looked up at him as the tip of her tongue brushed lightly over the head of his dick. Jerry groaned softly and then groaned even louder as she sucked on the head and swirled her tongue around it.

"I... I... I..." he stammered and then moaned as she sucked even more of his shaft into her warm wet mouth. When she bobbed her head about three times holding suction on him, he came with a gush, his hips moving back and forth to a rhythm of their own.

Him suddenly coming caught Mary Beth totally off guard. Without thinking she swallowed and then moaned loudly. She had never done that before. She had always been a spitter. Her eyes closed as his dick continued to move in her mouth and she moaned even longer and louder. Her hips were shaking and shivering as she came right along with him.


Mary Beth sighed deeply and then giggled. Jerry's dick was soft but still in her mouth. She was still squatted down but her head was resting against his hip. She raised her head holding suction on his dick. It came out of her mouth with a slurping sound. She looked up to see Jerry looking down at her with wonder on his face.

"I've never done either of those before," she whispered.

"Uh... what?" Jerry replied.

Mary Beth felt her face grow hot as she stood up. "I've uh... never swallowed before and I've never came while giving a blowjob either. Not that I've given that many of them."

Jerry opened his mouth and then closed it. He groaned softly and whispered, "I've never came so fast in my life. I... I tried to warn you but it was too late."

"Over stimulation on both our parts would be my guess," she whispered.

Jerry nodded and said, "Uh... ya think so?"

Mary Beth looked down and giggled. "I think I broke it."

Jerry grinned. "With you being naked, it'll be back up in no time at all. I love looking at you."

Mary Beth shivered as she whispered, "I love you looking at me also. That's what got me so turned on in the first place."

"And I thought it was my irresistible charm."

"You're cute but... I'm almost twenty five and only today did I figure out I had an exhibitionist streak," Mary Beth said as she turned and walked to the front of the truck.

Jerry watched her walk away and then chuckled. "So I guess that makes me the voyeur."

"It's a dirty job but someone has to do it," Mary Beth whispered as she looked at Jerry.

Jerry walked over and stood behind her. He put his arms around her and she leaned back against him. "So what do you think of this as a building site?"

Mary Beth moved back until her ass was against his hot dick. She shifted her hips from side to side and then shivered as his dick settled between the cheeks of her ass as it hardened slightly. She sighed as she moved his hands farther up to cover her breasts. He gently squeezed the small mounds and she whimpered softly.

A moment later she whispered, "I think this is perfect and uh, the building site is great also."

Jerry laughed as he squeezed her breasts again. "Distractions are so much fun."

"Speaking of distractions... We need to be especially careful until we get the house built. Accidents can screw up more than..." Mary Beth paused and sighed. "Maybe bad things happen for good reasons."

Jerry leaned in and kissed her on the side of the neck. "You have to make the best out of the hands you're dealt, as my grandpa always said."

Mary Beth grinned and squeezed his hands, which squeezed her breasts. "My mother is going to have a fit, ya know."

Jerry chuckled and kissed her neck again. "And how is that different from normal?"

"What's your dad going to say?"

"He'll throw a party to end all parties."

"So he's that anxious to get rid of you, huh?"

Jerry laughed. "Get rid of me, no. Anyway, where else are we going to live until we get this place livable."

Mary Beth groaned. "I, uh, I... hadn't given that any thought. My mother would have a cow."

Jerry kissed and then nibbled on her neck. She shivered and tilted her head to the side more. More kisses, licks and nibbles made her whimper softly. He lifted his head and asked, "So are we getting married or living in sin?"

Mary Beth gasped and turned around quickly. He had a serious look on his face so she took the question as serious. "Uh, we're, uh, moving a little fast here aren't we? We're getting to know each other quickly but..."

"When something is right, it's right no matter how little time is involved."

"But, but, neither of us have even used the "L" word."

"Lust or love?" Jerry asked with a grin.

Mary Beth laughed and shook her head. "Lust has been so thick you could cut it with a knife."

"Love is something you grow like a flower. It takes time and cultivating," Jerry said softly.

Mary Beth's eyes grew wide and then she blinked several times rapidly. "Yeah," she said with a little awe in her voice at what he said. Then she grinned and added, "It also takes fertilizer and I ain't talking bullshit."

Jerry chuckled and winked at her. "What do you think the lust is for?"

The next thing she knew, Mary Beth was up on her toes with her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. Jerry wrapped his arms around her and kissed her in return. Soon they were both whimper and moaning as his hands roamed her body and she rubbed her body against his sensuously.

As suddenly as she had started to kiss him, she broke the kiss and looked up into his eyes. "We're crazy," she whispered.

"And?" He asked with a smile.

She leaned her head on his chest and sighed. "I think I've wasted enough time on ands."

Jerry nodded and kissed the top of her head. "I do love you."

Mary Beth nodded against his chest. "As crazy as it is, I believe you. I also love you."

"See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?"

Mary Beth grinned as she rubbed her lower belly against his hard hot dick. "There's hard and then there's hard," she whispered with a giggle.

The wind swirled around them and it started to rain hard. They were both laughing as they scrambled to get in the truck. The drops had been large and cold. He started the truck so they had heat. She dug out her t-shirt to use as a towel.

Jerry grinned as he took the t-shirt out of her hand, leaned over, and licked her wet breasts with his wide hot tongue. Mary Beth groaned long and loud as he did. She moaned as he licked and sucked on her sensitive nipples. Shot after shot of pure pleasure headed straight for her sex.

Somehow she ended up laying flat on the seat with him between her thighs as his tongue worked down across her belly to the short hair on her mound. His hands under her ass cheeks lifted and his tongue speared into her sopping wet sex. The building orgasm crashed down on her so suddenly she couldn't breath. When his tongue found her clit, she took a deep gasping breath as the orgasm rolled on and on.


The fluffy pink endorphin induced hazy in Mary Beth's brain was a wonderful feeling. Her body felt well and truly satisfied but... She wiggled her hips. Something was tickling her anus. A hot lick up the length of her ass crack made her whimper softly and to wiggle again. She opened one eye to see Jerry's head still between her thighs.

Jerry saw her eye open and grinned at her. "Things were so messy, I had to do a little cleaning up." He dipped his tongue between her ass cheeks for another full lick.

Mary Beth groaned and wiggled her hips. "You're trying to kill me right?"

Jerry chuckled. "Far, far from it."

"That's virgin territory back there," she whispered.

"Ah, that explains all the moaning and wiggling. I thought you just liked it," Jerry said as he licked her ass again.

Mary Beth wiggled and moaned. "I do, I do. It... was never done before. Mark wasn't all that oral, shall we say."

Jerry grinned and lowered her ass to the seat. "I'm oral enough to be considered a lesbian in some circles."

Mary Beth gave the young man a sharp look and asked, "What do you know about lesbians? In this town, where do you know about lesbians?"

"There is a group that comes over to the Community Dance ever so often. I've made friends with most of them over the years. Two of them own the farm across the road from my dad's place. They're great with a garden but don't know much about cows."

Mary Beth came up on her elbows and asked with a grin, "So you taught them about cows and they taught you what?"

Jerry laughed and shook his head. "I think I'll keep my mouth shut and save myself some hurting."

Mary Beth took a deep breath and whispered, "I know all about lesbians. There are quite a few in the military. Not that I ever did anything but I had offers, you understand."

"Your other two friends?"

Mary Beth nodded. "They were a couple even before they joined up."

"Nothing wrong with that," Jerry said as he backed up and turned to sit down. He then asked, "How are you getting to therapy?"

Mary Beth's eyes were on his hard dick. "Why didn't you... uh... you know?"

Jerry looked down at his dick and then over at the young woman with her legs still spread wide. "I was... uh... sorely tempted but no birth control remember."

Mary Beth grinned. "When I call the VA to set up my appointments for therapy, I'll make an appointment with the doctor."

"How about your appointments with the shrink?"

Mary Beth pushed up on her hands and grinned. "Those too. The conversation about today should be interesting."

Jerry chuckled. "Only in the fact that you'll find out you're more normal than you think."

"You're the best medicine I've found ever," she whispered as she sat up. Her eyes dropped to his hard dick. "Since I can't have a shot, I guess I should take my medicine orally."

Jerry groaned softly as he turned sideways in the seat. "You won't ever get any complaints out of me."

Mary Beth grinned broadly as she took her time moving over and laying down on the seat with her head right above his dick. As she raised his dick up, she whispered, "I wonder if I'll come when you do again?"

"Only one way to find out," Jerry replied and then groaned loudly as she tried to swallow him whole.

It took twice as long to get him off this time but they both enjoyed every minute of it. He came, she swallowed, and came, not as hard as before but satisfying in any case.


Mary Beth had a big smile on her face as she got out of the truck to open the gate between the pastures. Jerry pulled through. She closed the gate and got back in the truck. "We really should get dressed," he said with a grin. "I'd hate to roll up to the barn naked and find your mamma and sister have gotten home."

"In which case, we make a run for it out the driveway."

"Uh, that would be hard to do with your mother's truck in the way."

Mary Beth picked her t-shirt up off the seat and made a sour face. With a sigh, she shook it out and slipped it on over her head. Looking at him she smiled. "I'm half way there."

Jerry chuckled and opened his door. He took his time putting his clothes on as he watched Mary Beth. She had turned in the seat to face him, had her legs spread wide, and was teasing her pussy. She wasn't sure which made her shiver harder, her fingers or his eyes.

By the time he was dressed, Mary Beth was close to coming again. Jerry grinned at her after he had his boots on, reached out, and grabbed an ankle with each hand. The next thing she knew, she was flat on her back on the far edge of the seat with her feet high in the air.

It only took a few minutes for Jerry's tongue on her clit to set her off. Her hips were flexing so hard that he lost contact with her clit. The next thing she knew, she was rolled up with his tongue fucking her sex. That just kept the orgasm rolling.


Jerry stopped by the end of the back porch and put the truck in park. Mary Beth's mother's truck wasn't in the driveway. With a grin, Mary Beth turned and crawled on top of him as best she could with the steering wheel in the way. The kiss was long lingering and filled with promises of things to come.

As she broke the kiss, he asked, "What about the barn rules?"

Mary Beth laughed. "After what all we did, I don't think either of us will talk out of turn."

"Your mother would kill me," Jerry said with a grin.

"Make that, both of us, if she knew any of it. Me running around naked would be enough, believe me."

Jerry pulled her head forward for another kiss. This one held more passion. With a groan, Mary Beth broke the kiss and backed up off of him. "No, no, no," she whispered as she turned and sat down on the seat. "You need to get out of here before mom shows up and we have to make up some half assed lies."

"Uh, how about Saturday night?" Jerry asked.

Mary Beth grinned. "I'll be ready by seven so don't be late."

"That's good to know but I was talking about your mom's questions when I show up for us to go out."

Opening the door, Mary Beth slid over toward the edge of the seat and turned to wink at him. "That's easy. I'll start early with how I saw you coming in the driveway and how we got to talking as I rode around with you as you fed the cows. You asked me out so..."

Jerry grinned at her. "Keep it simple and use the parts of the truth that don't incriminate us. You're one devious lady and you'll go far believe me."

Mary Beth laughed as she got out of the truck. "As far as the back pasture anyway."

When Jerry laughed, she looked at him hard with a serious expression on her face. He stopped laughing sharply and said, "What?"

"You better have a brand new box of condoms and a can of wet wipes in the glove box of this truck or your dancing days will be over shorter than a New York minute," she said and then grinned as she shut the door.

Jerry just stared at her for several seconds and then laughed as she blew him a kiss and turned to walk down the porch with her rolling gait.

She bent at the waist to retrieve her shoes. As she straightened up, he blew the horn and waved as he pulled away. She had a big grin on her face as she went in the house.

"I think a nice hot bath is just what the doctor ordered." She paused to sniff at her armpit. "Not to mention I smell raunchy and mother has a sharp nose."

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theOMCtheOMC11 months ago

A great story, the characters were well developed. Having disabilities, and still finding attraction was a wonderful idea.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

Very interesting!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please write more and give that wonderful young man Jerry a hairy chest! He and Mary Beth have so much going for them. and they deserve all the sexual happiness they can get with each other!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

great inclusion of female vet...differently abled

Bourbon67Bourbon67almost 2 years ago

brilliant read, +1 for another chapter in their lives

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