Battle for Earth Ch. 02

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The survivors forge ahead together.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 01/29/2022
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Day 4

5, October 10022


New York City (U.S.A)

Northern America, Region 1

It was four days since the first five known human survivors and their non-human partners paired up to survive on the new Earth. The first five humans learned they were the last humans left and were going to oversee ruling their regions on the Earth. There was also news that twenty-one other humans were spread out in the different six habitable continents, but they were still unknown to the current five survivors.

In the meantime, Benjamin Hatfield, a former member of the U.S. Coastguard, and Thyia, his thick buxom grey elven partner who paired up with him, traveled together in a camper Benjamin had taken for himself days ago. For the time being, it served as their home on wheels, and what better way to travel across America's deserted highways and freeways than in a camper.

"The maps of your world's civilizations are so difficult to understand, Benjamin," Thyia said, staring and scrutinizing at an old map of different countries in an old hardcover atlas book.

"That's the map of the planet Earth you're looking at, Thyia. Keep turning the pages and you will find a map of the eastern United States. But I don't need a paper map to know where I'm going. Everyone might have disappeared off the face of the world. But the infrastructure of my species has been left undamaged and unchanged. G.P.S. works just fine on this camper's G.P.S. navigator, for how long I'm not sure. Thyia, you said that the last humans left on Earth need to repopulate the world with their non-human partners, correct?"

"That's correct, Benjamin."

"You also said the last humans must also repopulate their region of the world. Which region are we in."

Thyia looked in the atlas book she had in her hands to find out where they were. She flipped through the pages and stopped on the map of North America. She pointed at the United States, Canada, and Greenland countries.

"These three empty countries are what make up our region; region number one."

"Holy mother of God! That's gargantuan. And we're somehow supposed to repopulate this region all by ourselves? Do I even have enough sperm for that mission? Do you even have enough eggs for this enterprise?"

"You're troubled, Benjamin," she said with a curious expression.

"That's putting it lightly. Troubled doesn't begin to describe what I am feeling right this very moment." Benjamin replied to her.

"Contrary to what you might believe, Benjamin. Elves and humans can reproduce with each other, including all subspecies of elves. But for some species of elves, conceiving a child from a human's seed or vice versa takes many attempts to be successful. Elven pregnancies caused by non-elven males carry the risk of ending in miscarriages. Luckily for you and I, the women of my species conceive with minimal issue. Our pregnancies are quick, and the birthing process is painless."

Benjamin couldn't believe what he heard. "Quick pregnancies and painless births," he repeated to himself. "Eve must be envying the women of your species so hard right now. Poor girl."

"Who's Eve, Benjamin, is she a friend of yours?"

"She's the mythological mother of humanity. Her husband is Adam, the mythological father of humanity. When should we start repopulating our region?" Benjamin turned red in the face and swallowed hard several time.

"Whenever you prefer," Thyia said, smiling softly at him. A tinge of blush flushing over her cheeks.

"I know we're past the whole 'did the world come to an end' phase. But I need to know something from you. Are you okay with saving your species by having sex with a human?"

"I admit that I could never conceive of a scenario where I would willingly lie with a human man to procreate. If I had done so back in my world, I would have brought the ire of my elders and my entire family on me. They'll exile for committing that act with a human. But my subspecies is gone, Benjamin, and humans are down to less than two dozen surviving members. Think of it like this. If I do nothing, my species dies with me. If you do nothing, you fail to pass along your bloodline, and you die alone, which will leave your region open for contention for other breeding pairs."

"I understand, Thyia, but when you think about it, the two of us don't comprise a huge genetic pool for possible genetic combinations for our future children. Sometime later, if we survive long enough, there's going to be a genetic bottleneck situation."

"Your species has six million years of genetic history flowing through your veins, Benjamin, but if you're worried about a small genetic pool. Elves are twice as old as humanity in that regard. The lack of genetic combinations won't be a problem for our future children and their descendants. So long as there is no incest involved."

"That solves the gene pool problem, but what do we do about food? The food in supermarkets and peoples' homes will spoil in several days. Bottled waters can last forever, so available drinking water shouldn't be an issue so long as we can find as much bottled water as possible."

"The animals don't appear to have been affected in your world by this unknown event. Whatever caused this event, ignored them entirely. Surely there is enough big game roaming in less crowded areas of our region. That is where our sons and daughters will get their food. Finding shelter shouldn't be hard to find either. Before I forget to tell you Benjamin, grey elves always give birth in litters."

"Really?" Benjamin swallowed hard, "Lucky me." he said, rolling his fingers and re-gripping the steering wheel nervously.

"Where are we heading, Benjamin, if you don't mind me asking."

"If I'm going to be ruling a landmass as large as ours. I need a seat of power to rule from, don't you think so Thyia?" A seat of power is definitely appropriate for a landmass the size of the ancient Mongol empire.

"You mean like a castle?" Thyia's familiarity with ruling and rulers was a couple hundred centuries behind. The rulers of her world ruled mainly from large earthen houses and mounds. The other humanoid races ruled from stone houses she learned were called castles. While other races ruled from underground domains.

"Sort of, but not really babe. I-I-I mean Thyia," he stuttered, "I didn't mean to call you that. I used to call my wife babe when she was around."

"Babe? What does babe mean?" she asked him, sounding very innocent in her question.

"It's a term of endearment that someone gives to their beloved."

"I see. If it brings you any comfort, Benjamin. You can continue calling me babe if you want."

"If it's okay with you, Thyia, then I think I will. And to answer your previous question. We are heading towards the old seat of power of The United States, Washington D.C. The white house is there. We can settle down when we arrive."

Thyia smiled hopefully at Benjamin. She placed a hand down on top of his lap. He blushed and smiled back at her, shooting her a wink as they continued to drive forward.

"Benjamin, I think you have something in your eye!" Thyia said innocently.

**Chilpancingo, Guerrero (Mexico)**

Middle America, Region 2

Oscar and Menja sheltered in a R.V. Motorhome during their travels. They traveled on major freeways through the Mexican state of Guerrero. Because Menja was nude, he handed her clothes for her to wear after they introduced themselves to each other. Because she was the same height as a child, she had to wear children's size clothes. Menja's hair was so long it reached the back of her heels. Half of it hung down one side of her face, covering the right side of her face which made her look oddly cute. Since she was wearing children's clothes, it was hard to seriously take what she was saying.

"Are you still angry with me, Menja?" Oscar asked her, looking at her in his rear-view mirror.

Menja sat cross-legged on top of the bed inside the R.V. with her arms crossed over her small chest. "Don't talk to me, stupid ass!" she barked at him.

"Listen, I'm sorry about forcing you to wear those clothes. If you weren't wearing any clothes, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the road. Your breasts and your hairy pussy would be distracting me every passing second."

"What's wrong with my breasts and my pussy!? Their fun size, just like my round little plump ass! Nyahaha."

Oscar stifled back a chuckle to keep his focus on the road ahead of him. "I wasn't making fun of your breasts or any other part of your body, Menja. I was just pointing out that--"

"--You think they're small and that's an offense to me! TO ME! I would have reported you directly to him if his infernal majesty, Lucifer, were still here. Then I would be laughing maniacally watching you suffer in the deepest pits of Hell." Menja laughed and kicked her feet gleefully.

"What's inside of the deepest pits of Hell?" he wondered curiously.

"It's a big washing machine filled with blood, shit, and vomit. Oh! And animal guts for flavor."

"I'm glad I'm not in Hell then." He told her, relieved.

"You may be glad you're not in it. But I'm livid about what became of Hell." Menja levitated back towards the front of the Motorhome.

"Ever since Hell turned vacant, all the fun came to a stop. The orgies, gangbangs and most of all, infinite legions of damned souls being tortured for all eternity. Now it's all gone. The fires are no longer burning as hot and bright as before. You think the sun is hot and bright, Oscar, but the previous fires of Hell would make your sun look like a burning matchstick in the dark. I've wished for death before meeting up with you, but it will never come for me because I'm deathless."

Oscar felt a pang of sadness come over him listening to her story. "I can't believe I'm saying this to you. But I'm sorry for your loss Menja."

For a moment, the infernal imp looked touched by his words. Menja blushed slightly, her one exposed eye staring back at him wide-eyed with odd intrigue. "I don't need your pity, Oscar. Had I been assigned to torture you in Hell, I would have been your nightmare for all eternity."

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you telling me I am going to Hell?" he asked, worried.

"Normally, I would not have been allowed to tell you about your fate after death, Oscar. But since there is no power overseeing Hell at the current moment, I suppose it's okay to tell you. The choices you made up to this point in your life and the ones you would have made later would have destined you for purgatory."

"I guess that isn't so bad when I think about it. In the end, Heaven would be waiting for me after God purged all of my sins in the holy fire. So what happens next from this point on?"

"First things first, Oscar. Most humanity may be gone, but that doesn't mean the fun is over. Far from it. Did this seem to have a sense of a dark sense of humor? Every human has been paired up with non-humans to repopulate the world with hybrids. Think of it like an Adam and Eve project. With you playing Adam and yours truly, playing Eve. If we're being honest, I will be playing the part of Lilith; Adam's first wife."

"Do you have any idea who or what is responsible for this mess then, Menja?"

"I might, then again I might not. Right now, the only thing you can do is stop this vehicle. Take me to the back and start fucking my brains out. Afterward, I'll get knocked up with like twenty or thirty kids and--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on just a second there. We're moving a little fast, aren't we?"

"Not really, as I was saying. After I give birth to twenty or thirty of your children, we'll change the landscape of your country forever. When we have sizable numbers, we will ravage the next region and take it for our own!"

"I don't know if I can do that, Menja. And I don't mean that I can't find it in me to fuck you, not at all. It's just you're a demon, a female demon. And I'm a human man. If I laid with you, I would be damning my soul to hell."

Menja stared blankly at Oscar for a moment. Then broke out in a deep demonic laugh that echoed inside the R.V., startling him.

"Ahaha. Oh, Oscar, if only you knew how many times supernatural beings have taken a bodily form to lay with mortals. For example, the ancient Greeks called 'Gods' were nothing more than former angels of the rank of Lordships and Virtues. But it is easy how the ancients could confuse god-like beings for being actual Gods. They fell from the grace of lord baldy but never became demons and so fully retained all of their heavenly powers and abilities. As for your fear of going to hell for laying with hell's last beauty. Hell requires a new Lord, just like your region of the world."

"But...But I'm a Roman Catholic and," Oscar began speaking, pulling out a Saint Benedict medal from underneath his shirt, "that would be offending God."

"Aaah!" Menja screamed in horror and pain. She flew back toward the back of the R.V., where she hid underneath the bedsheets. She hissed in his direction, refusing to come out from underneath the bedsheets until he put the holy medal away.

"Oops, sorry about that. Let's find a place where we can call home first before we can start making babies, huh."

"Wherever it is, make sure it's far away from holy places and sacramentals. I can't function if I am near these things. And I don't need to remind you that we're in open competition with other breeding partners for dominion of the Earth."

"Open competition? You told me it was just to repopulate my region of the world. Mexico, region number two. Why did you lie to me?!"

"I didn't lie; I just withheld some information from you." Menja grinned sheepishly.

He parked his R.V. Motorhome beside an empty lot, right across a small park. He turned in his seat, stood up and walked over to Menja, who slid her head out from under the covers, only to slip back inside when she saw him coming to her. He reached for the bedcovers and yanked them aside. She let out a surprised squeal and teleported away in a self-imploding fire burst, then reappeared behind him and flicked his ear for fun.

The two of them kept this game of cat & mouse going up until Oscar used his saint Benedict medal and chain to restrain her. When the medal contacted her skin, it burned with a sharp sizzling sound. Oscar grabbed and threw her over his shoulder, and slapped her fat little ass twice for each cheek, and walked outside the Motorhome.

"Aaahh! Get this wretched thing off me, Oscar!" Menja screamed, crying out in pain.

"Only after you tell me the truth! You got it! No more lies!"

"Okay, okay! Just get this thing off me, please!"

Oscar looked around and sat her down on a park bench. He pulled his medal off from around her neck. Her skin was already burned, including the palms of her hands, when she tried pulling the medal off her. Her skin healed itself back in no time.

"I don't know for certain who's responsible for emptying both of our worlds. But it's not your master, God, yuck even saying his title leaves a bad taste in my mouth. He was unaffected by all of this. Heaven, like Hell, is empty with only him left behind. This being is equal in power to God. It was the one who did this. It seems like the universe went through a reset at this being's command, and it wants to start with a new batch of humans and non-humans. There is light and there's darkness, and everyone and everything in the light produces a shadow, Oscar. Everyone."

"So this is someone's idea of a game? God, hear my prayers, please help me."

"Hah! Don't hold your breath, Oscar. Old dumbass might not have been affected by this but even he can't fix this mess. Nyahahaha! GOD HAS FINALLY LOST! I only wish Lucifer was here to celebrate with me!" she laughed and cheered.

Oscar let out a tired sigh and leaned back on the bench's backrest. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes to try to process everything he finished learning. Menja pushed her long hair away from the side of her face and stood on the bench. She stood between his legs and cupped the sides of his face in her tiny hands. She opened her mouth slightly, revealing a dark green forked tongue.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

"Just helping you find peace for the time being."

Oscar wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her in closer. Their tongues became entangled with each other in a forbidden kiss. He ran his hands up and down her tiny back, stopping on top of her fat little ass to knead it.

**Corbel-Essonnes, Paris (France)**

Western Europe, Region 10

"Where exactly are we going, woman? And why do you have so many things inside of your mechanized mount?" Elred asked Roxane.

"To the presidential palace, Elysée Palace. It was the symbol of French leadership and power in the country. All those things you mentioned are supplies I gathered for my survival. I didn't know I would be pairing up with you." she answered him.

"It doesn't matter where you settle down at Roxane. The countries you call France, Belgium, and The Netherlands are your lands now. They are yours to do with as you please. Choose a place where you feel comfortable ruling. Prepare yourself for motherhood, and let's start breeding."

"If all these lands are mine. Then that makes me a Queen. An empress even!"

"There's no one else around to tell you that you're not. All I care about doing now is breeding and raising our region's numbers."

"Fucking? Is that the only thing on your mind right now!?"

"Fucking?" he said confusingly.

"It means to fornicate. Reproduce to produce children. That's what it means in my language."

"Yes, exactly! Let's not waste any more time then! Let's fuck!"

"Listen, I know your angry and sad and maybe even a little scared about what happened to your kind."

"I'm not scar--"

"But you can't allow it to cloud your mind and judgment right now! I'm sorry about what happened to your people but let's keep all conversations cordial. Can you tell me about the other human survivors? Why can't I just get on a ship or plane and meet them?"

"When I appeared in your world, I fell from the sky. I don't know why but I just did. When I began to make my way toward the country of Switzerland, I was repelled back by an invisible barrier. It appears there are invisible 'bubbles' keeping breeding pairs inside of their regions for the time being. Whoever is responsible for this doesn't want humans mating with each other. How else do you explain me? Why am I here instead of a human male? For the time being, we have to survive inside our regions. Perhaps the eyes in the sky want to see what will happen next."

"What do you mean for the time being?" she repeated. "When do you think those bubbles might lift?"

"Whose to say. Perhaps they'll never lift. Or perhaps after we have produced enough children, most of them have reached the age for marriage. We can establish diplomacy with rival regional leaders. Maybe then the bubbles will start to lift. We'll never know unless we try."

"It sounds like we've been thrown back into the medieval age of Europe with political marriages. Lords and Ladies. Kings and Queens dominate domestic businesses and foreign affairs. I never imagined myself ruling over anything larger than my own home. Now I have three empty countries to look after and build back up. And somehow, I'm supposed to fill this up with human and elf hybrids."

"Sun elves, dear. I'm not a common elf. I'm a sun elf, the cream of the crop of my species. You should be honored to mix blood with mine. Now, stop your mechanized mount for a moment and let me help you ease your mind and body."

Maybe it was how softly he said it. Or perhaps it was his soft expression and a soft smile that made Roxanne do it. But Roxane stopped her car and turned to him. Elred brushed his long luscious blonde hair behind his shoulder while staring back at his reflection in her rear-view mirror. He turned to her and smiled. Despite some facial differences from human men she was accustomed to seeing. Elred was very handsome despite being a pompous ass.